Samhain's Kiss

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Samhain's Kiss Page 6

by Amber Kell

"I hope not," Therebes muttered.


  "Because I stupidly agreed to be your opponent."

  Randy nodded. "That was stupid of you." For a panic-filled minute, he couldn't figure out if it was him or the king who spoke. Randy wondered if they'd meld into one person if they didn't separate soon. What kind of person would he become if he absorbed the personality of a dead fae king?

  They arrived in the throne room to find a lot more people milling about. A cleared spot in the middle told Randy where the main event would happen. Therebes approached the queen with a low bow. She stood by her throne wearing a black gown.

  "Did you wear black after you murdered me?" Randy asked.

  "You are a delusional human who will get what you deserve," the queen snapped.

  "I've found few people really get what they deserve."

  Randy tried to relax and give total control to the king, as he didn't want to be the reason they were both destroyed. He wondered if King Drein could be killed twice.

  "The contest is to first blood," the queen said. "Although I'd love to have it to the death, upon reflection, I can't kill Randall until I've talked to his lover. We have a treaty with the vampires and killing him without a representative could start a war."

  There was a muttering of dissension in the crowd, but no one dared speak too loudly in case the queen heard them. Randy let out a soft breath of relief. If nothing else, he'd get to see Sasha one more time before he was sent to his death.

  "Have faith."

  "Therebes, you have chosen swords for the contest. Randall, there are several to choose from on the wall. Take your pick. We will end this farce and go tell your mate of your death sentence."

  Randy watched as his hand chose a steel sword with the picture of a griffin stamped on the blade.

  "My favorite blade." Randy heard the satisfaction in the king's voice.

  "Face each other."

  Randy couldn't help but think how similar this was to the bonding ceremony of the fae minutes before.

  "The fae celebrate life and death in many of the same ways. Now empty your mind, so I can concentrate."

  Randy tried to clear his mind, a difficult thing to do while weaving and slicing with a sword in his hand. He couldn't help but notice Therebes wasn't really giving it his all. The king's thoughts reflected Randy's suspicions.

  Dodging a half-hearted stab, Randy sliced Therebes's arm with a tidy cut.

  "Call," Therebes said, holding up the wound.

  "Call!" the queen shrieked. "You can't call! He barely cut you!"

  "It's first blood, and he won." Therebes's tone indicated the queen was crazy for doubting him.

  "I believe that necklace is mine." Randy held out his hand.

  The queen took a quick look around and ran. She came to a sudden halt when her guards surrounded her.

  "You wouldn't be thinking of running off without giving me my prize now would you, my dear?" Randy asked.

  With swords at her back and throat, the queen grudgingly handed over her necklace.

  Throwing the necklace to the ground, Randy smashed it with his heel. A loud explosion rocked the throne room, and the queen fell to the ground screaming.

  Sasha watched as a shadowy form floated up from the shards before solidifying into the shape of a man, a familiar man, completely in the flesh instead of the silvery shape of before.

  Randy jerked back as the king's spirit flew out of his chest and straight into the new body. With a gasp, the king's body began to breathe. Rolling back his shoulders, the man straightened with a smile.

  "For murdering me and keeping me in the in-between, I sentence you to death, but unlike your treatment of me, I will leave your soul, as well as your consort's, in the hands of the gods."

  He grabbed one of the soldier's swords and separated the queen's head from her shoulders. The onlookers watched as her head rolled across the floor.

  Randy's stomach churned at the sight of the decapitated queen. He just knew nightmares from this day would follow him for many nights to come.

  He met the king's eyes, shockingly the same color as his own. "You did it, Your Highness."

  A tender expression filled the king's eyes. "No, we did it. I never would've made it back without you, grandchild." The king walked over to the queen's body and removed something from her dress. Walking back to Randy, he opened his hand. A small gold daisy pin lay on his palm.

  "This is a pin of calling. If you are ever in need, prick yourself with the pin, think of me, and I will send help."

  Randy took the pin and attached it to his shirt. "Thanks."

  The king walked over to the wall where the swords hung, took a scabbard off a hook, and handed it over to Randy. "Keep the sword, too. Consider it a small gift for the service you've done. The Unseelie throne will always be in your debt." He gave Randy a surprisingly friendly smile. "Let the weapon remind you that you are stronger than you know."

  Randy slid the sword into the scabbard; he'd polish it later. Clumsily fastening the belt around his hips, he turned to Vallin and Rael. "I guess you won't need to watch me anymore."

  The king shook his head. "Nonsense. After their bonding, I am sending them back to watch over you. You are still a valuable asset. I will keep to my ex-wife's original agreement, even though she made it with betrayal in her heart."

  "Okay," Randy agreed. Exhaustion dragged at him. He didn't want to argue; he wanted to snuggle up with his vampire and take a nap. "Do you think I can get back to the earthly plane?"

  "I'll do you one better. I'll return you to a portal close to home with Therebes as your guide. That is if your wound isn't too great?" he asked the guard.

  The soldier smiled. "I think I can make it. In fact, I believe it is already healed."

  "Good, then you can escort my dear descendant home. I can honestly say after all we've been through together he's my new favorite."

  Randy bowed to the king and fervently hoped they'd never meet again. He had enough to deal with without becoming the favorite of a king.

  As if reading his mind, Therebes took Randy by the arm and led him to a corner of the throne room.

  "This portal can only be used by royal decree and only goes out, never in. It's to prevent enemies from having direct access to the monarch. Close your eyes and think of nothing."

  "No problem. I've become a master at that."

  Randy closed his eye and let the portal take him away.

  Chapter Six

  They re-entered the earthly plane on a street Randy didn't recognize. Unfortunately, he did recognize the vampire staring at him with unbridled glee.

  "Ooh, someone brought me an early birthday present." Ustin gave him a maniacal smile. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to send your head to my brother so he doesn't forget what you look like."

  Randy stared at the vampire who yesterday would've caused a tsunami of fear to sweep over his body. Today, however, he didn't even cause a ripple.

  Therebes stepped forward, but Randy pulled him back.

  "No, he's mine."

  Randy walked towards the vamp. "Do you know in the past few days I've been possessed, imprisoned, and ordered put to death? I've had enough. Enough of intimidation, enough of alpha assholes trying to tell me what to do, and now I've had enough of you."

  Randy stopped in front of the vampire. Ustin had done nothing but bring Sasha misery and threaten to kill those Randy loved. With a cool dispassion that he thought would bring a glow of pride to the fae king, Randy pulled out his sword and stabbed it through the vampire's heart in one clean motion. With a surprised gasp, Ustin fell to the ground.

  Anger swamped Randy over the anxiety this one vampire has caused. For a moment he thought his hands felt hot, but the sensation vanished. He shrugged it off. It was probably only residual sensation from his possession.

  "Nice stabbing, love."

  "Sasha!" Spinning around, Randy found his vampire, along with two werekin, standing in the alley behind him. Dropping his sword, Randy
ran over and jumped into his lover's arms. Wrapping his arms and legs around the vampire, he held on tight. To feel Sasha's hard muscled body against him brought everything good back into his world. "I missed you so much."

  Sasha wrapped his arms around Randy and held him up. "My sun, I thought I'd lost you."

  Randy heard the joy in his vampire's voice and realized how much his absence had shaken his normally implacable lover.

  "You'll never lose me, Sasha. I'm like that sticky gum you can't scrape off the bottom of your shoe, no matter how hard you try."

  Sasha's body shook beneath him as the vampire laughed. "You are more like the sun my life rotates around. A bright and beautiful star who brings light and warmth into my life."

  Randy lifted his head from where he had it buried in Sasha's neck. "That's sweet."

  Kissy noises had him turning to see Dustin and Lewis standing off to the side. Lewis's lips were pursed making the noises.

  "Don't make me sic my warrior on you," Sasha said. "Take care of the body. I'm going to take my man home and find out what he's been up to."

  Randy turned his head to introduce Therebes, but the fae had vanished into the night. As he didn't feel the fae's presence, he figured his escort had returned to the king.

  Sasha easily carried Randy down the street until he started feeling silly. "Um, you can put me down now."

  "If you insist." After a short passionate kiss, Sasha released his grip and allowed Randy to unwrap his legs and slide down Sasha's body. He held out his arm for Randy to take. For a few blocks, they walked down the street like any dating couple. Randy didn't know what time it was, but it couldn't have been too late. There were still quite a few pedestrians on the streets. A woman and her boyfriend sneered at them as they approached. Sasha bared his fangs.

  The woman screamed and dragged her boyfriend off.

  Randy scolded his lover. "You didn't have to do that."

  "Sure I did. She disapproved of me, and I disapproved of her. I consider it a draw."

  Randy threw back his head and laughed.

  After the stress of the fae world, he needed this. A bit of time with the love of his life made everything better. "Hey, how did you know where to find me?"

  "I didn't. We were hunting Ustin. I wanted to have him taken care of before you returned. Instead, I witnessed you stabbing him. How did you learn to handle a sword like that and where have you been?"

  On the way home, Randy told of his exploits to his avid audience of one.

  "You are truly a resilient man. I don't think I've ever been prouder of you than I am now, except maybe when you skewered my brother. That was fun, too."

  Randy shook his head. "I should feel bad about killing him. I mean, I'm supposed to be concentrating on saving lives, but I really don't have any regret."

  Sasha shook his head. "Think of all the lives you've saved by killing him. My brother couldn't be redeemed. There wasn't a kinder, gentler vampire waiting to come out. He has always been evil." Sasha squeezed the hand Randy had rested on his arm. "You did humanity a favor, perfect for a man looking to save lives. By the way, I rearranged the memories of the hospital staff and your teachers. They will think you were there the entire time."

  He knew he should reprimand his lover for changing everyone's memories, but he didn't have it in him. The joy rushing through him at being back where he belonged was too great.

  As they walked, Randy's sword sheath brushed against his arm, calling his attention to its light weight. "Damn, I forgot my sword!"

  He didn't want to lose the weapon after everything he'd gone through to get it. Randy planned to hang it on his wall and never wield it again.

  "The werekin will retrieve it."

  Randy nodded. Guilt struck him. "I stabbed Dustin. Is he all right?"

  "He already forgave you, but you can talk to him later if you'd like. He knows it was the king and not you."

  "Good." That was one less thing to worry about.

  Before he knew it, they were walking through the side door that led to the hallway by their room.

  Sasha waited to speak again until they'd walked inside their room and locked the door behind them.

  Randy gave a soft noise of surprise as Sasha spun him around. "Tell me one thing?"


  "Why didn't you tell me what was going on? Why didn't you trust me?"

  "It wasn't a matter of trust, Sasha. The king said he'd kill you if you stood in the way. You think I don't know you would've tried to stop me?"

  Sasha gripped his arms. "Of course I would've tried to stop you. You almost died. Nothing is more important to me than you."

  "Then you know how I feel." Randy wasn't going to apologize. Taking a slow breath, he opened his mind and let Sasha see everything he'd gone through, to search his memories. "He had control. I wasn't about to let him harm you. The fae backed me up. I was fine."

  "I could've lost you." Sasha pulled Randy close. "I won't tolerate you putting yourself in danger again."

  Randy almost objected out of reflex, then he realized something. "I don't want to be in danger again either, but I learned something about myself."

  Sasha leaned back to look into Randy's eyes. "What did you learn, my sweet?"

  "I learned I am the right mate for a kickass vampire."

  Sasha threw his head back and laughed. "I'm glad you finally realize your place is at my side."

  Randy stepped closer until they touched from chest to thigh. The heat in Sasha's eyes told him of his effect on his mate. "I'm ready for my collar now."

  Sasha smiled. "I'll arrange the ceremony."


  A crease formed in Sasha's brow. "What do you mean no?"

  "I don't want a big ceremony. I want you to give it to me now."

  "That's not how it is done," Sasha protested.

  "I don't care how it's done. I almost died without your mark around my neck. I'm ready for you to claim me. If you want to have a formal event later for everyone, we can, but I want my collar now."

  "You're a pushy little sub, aren't you?" Sasha kissed Randy's cheek.

  Randy stepped back. "I don't think I am."

  "You don't think you're a sub?"

  Randy shook his head. "No. I think I'm your sub, but I'm done being submissive to everyone else. I will sit beside you in the club or I won't go. If someone asks me a question, I will respond to it, and if I want to go on a helicopter for part of my residency training, I will."

  Inside, Randy shook a little, but he wasn't backing down. He was done being pushed into doing things he didn't want to do.

  Sasha cupped Randy's face. "According to the fae, you are the descendant of a king. If anyone gives me any crap, I'll tell them royals don't kneel except during coronation."

  Sasha wrapped an arm around Randy and yanked him closer until their chests met.

  "You don't object?"

  "You're here, alive, and safe. It would take a lot of effort for me to care about anything other than having you naked beneath me."

  "That, I can do."

  With kisses, licks and nibbles, the men undressed each other. Instead of the frenzied lovemaking Randy had expected, they took things slow, with Sasha setting the pace.

  "Who did you drink from while I was gone?" That thought had bothered Randy more than once while he dealt with the fae. What did his lover do while he was gone?

  "No one. I was waiting for you."


  Sasha kissed Randy, derailing his thoughts for a moment. "I bite you so often not because I'm hungry, but because I can't resist you."

  Randy's mouth dropped open, and Sasha suppressed his laughter. His love was adorable. Joy pulsed through Sasha at seeing his mate alive and stronger than ever before. Although Randy had appealed to him before and Sasha knew he'd have happily bonded with his human, this new, stronger version excited him like never before.

  When Randy had slaughtered Ustin in the alley, Sasha had felt thrilled. To see his gentle human go warrio
r on him gave Sasha a new appreciation of the power beneath the lean body.

  The smooth skin revealed as each piece of clothing was stripped away inflamed Sasha further. Randy's disappearance had scared him more than anything before in his life. If Randy hadn't returned by the end of the month, Sasha would've had to drink from someone else, and his stomach had roiled at the thought. Even the idea of plunging his fangs into someone other than his sun made him feel dirty and unfaithful.

  Caressing Randy's cheek, he looked into his lover's eyes. "I have known a lot of people in my life, but I've never loved anyone as I love you."

  He smiled as Randy blinked back moisture in his eyes.

  "Are you ready for your collar?"

  Randy nodded. Sasha suspected his love couldn't speak through the knot of tears in his throat.

  Sasha gave Randy a quick hard kiss before turning around and walking to the dresser. Pulling the drawer open, he reached in and retrieved the velvet box delivered from the jeweler a few weeks ago.

  With the flat box in his hands, he walked back to his lover.

  "I know even as a medical student you can't walk around with a locked chain around your throat or even something that looks vaguely like a collar." He met Randy's gold-ringed eyes. "I want you to be proud of our relationship, and I want you to always be reminded that I'm proud of you." With that, Sasha opened the box and revealed the necklace he'd had made.

  "Oh, Sasha, it's beautiful. Put it on me."

  Sasha reached into the jewel box and lifted out the gold necklace. From the thick gold chain dangled a gold pendant with the Rod of Asclepius stamped on the surface.

  Tossing aside the box, Sasha attached the clasp behind Randy's neck.

  Randy lifted it up, turned it over and laughed. "You couldn't resist, could you? If lost call Sasha? It even has your number."

  "I also had the chain enchanted with a protection charm so you can't be harmed, but nothing is unbreakable."

  "I'll be fine, Sasha. You have people following me, an enchanted necklace on my neck, and I'm marked more than a werekin mate. I know for a fact there are at least five people on the hospital staff who aren't really staff. Don't think I didn't recognize Liam the other day. Delivery driver, my ass."


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