Caldera 9: From The Ashes

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Caldera 9: From The Ashes Page 21

by Stallcup, Heath

  He dove low and rolled closer to the corner, peering past the edge before firing another volley. “Come out here and face me like a man!” he yelled.

  “Fuck you! Come in here and we’ll settle this right now!” More shots sprayed the wall, sending bits of debris over Hatcher. Then he heard something that his mind couldn’t quite identify. Not knowing what surprises might be in store, he quickly poked his head out then took cover again.

  Hatcher struggled to make sense of what he’d seen. What was different? He closed his eyes and tried to remember the front of the house. The tile roof, the thick adobe wall. The stucco exterior. The wrought iron gate.

  “The garage?” Hatcher’s eyes open and he stared at his feet as he tried to zero in on what was different. With a curse, he poked his head above the wall again to verify. The garage door was definitely open.

  As he sat at the base of the wall, waiting and praying that Buck safely got the drop on the shooter, he cursed himself for not being more observant and noticing the garage earlier. “I’m losing my edge.”

  He took a deep breath and yelled, “You ready to talk this out?” His reply was more shots into the wall. With a groan he mumbled, “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”

  “Congress?” Carol asked, her eyes wide. “What happened to them?”

  Higgins gave her a deadpan stare. “Your cure happened.” He stepped away from the acrylic walled cells and took a seat near a workstation. “When the politicians first arrived, we were safely locked away. Little did we know that one of the secret service had been scratched and infected.” Higgins smirked as he recounted the events. “Funny…it took him much longer to turn than the others. Perhaps he had a stronger resistance to the virus?”

  “You said it was the cure that did this, though.” Broussard stared at him, wishing the man could learn to get straight to the point.

  “Yes.” Higgins crossed his legs and gave them a wan smile. “Well, the secret service agents spread the virus, and while the president was immediately evacuated offshore, his staff and these unfortunate souls remained trapped here in this glorified cave.” Higgins sighed as he recounted the past. “We eventually got control again and purged the mountain of the infected.”

  “The cure?” Broussard asked again.

  “Yes, well, after a series of unfortunate events, we were left with limited power, and of course, no communications.” He glanced at Carol then back to Broussard. “But then word came that your treatment was in the works and being released. Still, it was decided that we should wait, so we did.”

  “And they were exposed once you opened the doors,” Carol said softly.

  Higgins nodded solemnly. “We were so excited to be able to breathe fresh air…to see the sun again.” He sighed deeply then glanced to Broussard. “First a few of the service men tested the waters, so to speak. The following days we went out in small groups with armed escorts.”

  “Were all of these people together when they were exposed?” Broussard asked.

  Higgins nodded. “They went out to stretch their legs and get some air and just…enjoy being outside. After they returned we noticed that they were even more unruly. They began to act paranoid.” He raised a brow as he stared at Broussard. “Then they began to exhibit violent outbursts.”

  “Eventually they reverted to this,” Carol finished for him.

  Higgins nodded. “And, since they are the last remaining semblance of governmental authority, the president would like them cured…of the cure.”

  Broussard raised a brow, slowly shaking his head. “We have only just discovered the, well… the problem with the cure.” He looked to Higgins. “We were hoping that you had perhaps broken ground on this.”

  Higgins smiled and shook his head as he came to his feet. “Our best and brightest were the first to fall after the initial outbreak.” He sighed as he admitted the truth. “Utilizing sports analogies, what remains of the CDC isn’t even the second stringers.” He gave a mocking smile. “In fact, we wouldn’t even seriously be considered bench warmers.” He turned and eyed Broussard hopefully. “I’m afraid that this will be left to you and your brilliance.”

  Carol glanced at Andre and watched as he slowly shook his head. “In that case, we may be in trouble. I have no idea how to combat this.”

  Higgins gave him a tight lipped smile then nodded over his shoulder. Four armed men streamed into the room, weapons at the ready. “That is truly unfortunate for you then.” He turned and flipped a switch, illuminating another set of acrylic cells. “Because this is the vice president and some of his staff; our government won’t react well to your failing them.”

  “That doesn’t change the facts,” Broussard stated, his fear and anger rising.

  “I suggest you try.” Higgins’ face turned to stone. “To be completely honest, the president doesn’t give two shits about those in congress. The vice, however, was his best friend and a silent business partner. He is of upmost importance to President Walters.”

  Broussard shook his head. “I’m not making myself clear, doctor. We have no idea how to even begin.” He glanced to Carol, who stiffened when an armed guard chambered his rifle.

  He stepped forward, pleading. “You don’t understand; we are not—”

  “No, Dr. Broussard,” Higgins stated coldly. “It’s you who doesn’t understand.” He motioned to the secondary acrylic cells. “These people are of the upmost importance. You may feel free to use the others for testing.” He chuckled as he stood and began to pace slowly. “That is, after all, the only reason they’ve been allowed to continue breathing. But the vice and his people? They are the goal.”

  “I’m telling you, we don’t know how to help them.”

  Higgins sighed as he slowly shook his head. “Then I’m afraid you know more than you should, and we have no use for you. And you know what we do with guests we have no use for.”

  “Are you threatening us?” Carol demanded.

  Higgins turned cold eyes to her. “Simply stating facts, my dear.” He looked back to Broussard. “You will cure the vice president and his people or you will be terminated with extreme prejudice.”

  Simon struggled with the rifle, ejecting the magazine and shoving a fresh one into the magwell. He braced the butt of the stock against his midsection and pulled the charging handle, chambering the weapon.

  He could feel the sweat pouring off of him as he propped the rifle back on the window sill and he tucked it against his good shoulder. “Come on, you bastard. Stick your head up one more time.”

  “That won’t be happening,” Buck stated firmly. “Stop! Put the rifle down and turn around very slowly.”

  Simon froze, his hand slipping away from the trigger. “Easy now, buddy. I’m just trying to protect what’s mine.”

  “So am I.” Buck stepped out of the dining room and into the living room. He could see the back of the shooter’s head and had a clear line of sight even with the couch between them. “Put it down and step away from the window.”

  Simon let the rifle drop to the carpet and held his hand out. “I can’t raise the other arm. It was wounded a few days ago and still hurts like hell.”

  “Maybe you should try being nicer to potential neighbors,” Buck replied dryly. “Now step away and turn around.”

  Simon stepped away from the fallen rifle and slowly turned around.

  “Son of a…it’s you.” Buck thrust the pistol out more firmly, fighting the urge to pull the trigger. “How the hell did you survive?”

  Simon cocked his head and squinted at the young man standing before him. “I know you, don’t I?” He stepped closer and leaned forward, staring at the man’s face. “Yeah. You were the one who was there when I got bit.”

  “Tell me…how did you survive? You were bit by a Zulu.”

  Simon chuckled, still holding his hand up. “Yeah, the Rager bit me. And yeah, I turned.” He did his best shrug with his wounded arm in a sling. “I went through the whole deal. The pounding headaches, the anger, the…
” He glanced away then turned back to the young man. “The cannibalism.”

  Buck’s face twisted. “You’re a fucking monster.”

  Simon nodded slowly. “I was. I can’t deny that.” He looked up at Buck and shook his head. “But something happened. I’m not that man anymore.”

  “Bullshit,” Buck growled. “You were just shooting at us. But I’m supposed to believe that you’ve changed?”

  Simon’s face hardened. “I didn’t hit any of you, did I?” He nodded toward the rifle. “That’s an AR10. It has a Leupold scope. It’s a flat shooter out to about two hundred yards.” He raised a brow at the young man. “You really think I couldn’t have plugged both of you fuckers before you even knew what hit you?” He shook his head and gave him a tight lipped smile. “I just wanted to scare you away.”

  “To protect what’s yours, right?” Buck held his pistol tighter and stepped towards Simon. “You deserve this.”

  Hatcher patted his pockets, searching for a spare magazine. “Always be prepared, I say,” he mocked himself as he came up empty. He huffed and sat back glaring at the pistol in anger. “Maybe if he gets close enough I can throw it at him.”

  The shot that fired sounded muffled. Hatcher knew that it had to have come from inside the house. He swallowed hard and slowly rose to his full height. He peered over the wall, expecting to see Buck in the window, waving at him.

  “Come on you little shit,” Hatcher mumbled. “Show yourself…” He felt his mouth go dry as the house remained silent. Hatcher felt his stomach drop and his hands began to shake as he stepped towards the corner of the wall. “Come on, Buck….”

  He stared at the pockmarked house with the shattered windows and willed Buck to appear. To be okay. To show up with a huge shit-eating grin on his face.

  Hatcher stumbled as he rounded the corner, uncaring that he was open to the sniper. He choked on the air as he filled his lungs. “Buck!”

  About the Author

  Heath Stallcup was born in Salinas, California and relocated to Tupelo, Oklahoma in his tween years. He joined the US Navy and was stationed in Charleston, SC and Bangor, WA shortly after junior college. After his second tour he attended East Central University where he obtained BS degrees in Biology and Chemistry. He then served ten years with the State of Oklahoma as a Compliance and Enforcement Officer while moonlighting nights and weekends with his local Sheriff's Office. He still lives in the small township of Tupelo, Oklahoma with his wife. He steals time to write between household duties, going to ballgames, being a grandfather and the pet of numerous animals that have taken over his home. Visit him at or for news of his upcoming releases.

  Also by Heath Stallcup

  My stories so far:

  The Monster Squad Series

  The first saga:

  * * *

  Humanity has spent its time enjoying a peace that can only be had through blissful ignorance. For centuries, stories of things that go “bump” in the night have been passed down and shared. When creatures of the night proved to be real, the best of America’s military came together to form an elite band of rapid response teams. Their mission: to keep the civilian populace safe from those threats and hide all evidence of their existence.

  This time, they face the largest threat ever to rise against mankind as it prepares its own twisted Apocalypse. The only thing standing in its way is the Monster Squad. Man and monster will fight side by side in an epic battle to the death to try to defeat an evil so great, it could only have been created by The second saga:

  * * *

  * * *

  An ancient evil is awakened by a naïve pawn. Planned centuries in advance by fallen angels, the reign of Lilith is put into motion. With a legion of demons at her command, she plans to enact her revenge upon the world’s largest religious group before thrusting herself center stage and taking her seat upon the throne as Queen of the World.

  With threats coming at them from every angle, the Monster Squad turns to an ex-member to form a new team—a team made up of the most unlikely warriors to hunt down and face the Demon Queen.

  However, when it comes time to remove the Queen in this grand game of chess, will they be able to sacrifice their own game pieces to do it?

  Caldera the Series

  * * *

  For years, the biggest threat Yellowstone was thought to offer was in the form of its semi-dormant super volcano. Little did anyone realize the threat was real and slowly working its way to the surface, but not in the form of magma. Lying deep within the bowels of the earth itself, an ancient virus waited.

  Recently credited with wiping out the Neanderthals, the virus is released within the park and quickly spreads. A desperate plea for assistance reaches the military, but are they coming to help those battling for their lives or to wipe out every living thing in an effort to prevent a second mass extinction? Can humanity survive the raging cannibals that erupt from within?

  Whispers Trilogy

  * * *

  How does a sheriff’s department from a small North Texas community stop a brutal murderer who is already dead and buried?

  When grave robbers disturb the tomb of Sheriff James ‘Two Guns’ Tolbert searching for Old West relics, a vengeful spirit is unleashed, hell bent for blood. Over a hundred years in the making, a vengeful spirit hunts for its killers. If those responsible couldn't be made to pay, then their progeny would.

  Even when aided by a Texas Ranger and UCLA Paranormal Investigators, can modern-day law enforcement stop a spirit destined to fulfill an oath made in death? An oath fueled by passion from a love cut down before time?

  Forneus Corson

  * * *

  Nothing comes easy and nothing is ever truly free. When Steve Wilson stumbles upon the best-kept secret of history’s most successful writers, he can’t help but take advantage of it. Little did he know it would come back to haunt him in ways he’d never have dreamt… even in his worst nightmares.

  With his life turned upside down, his name discredited, his friends persecuted, the authorities chasing him for something he didn’t do, Steve finds himself on the run with nothing but his wits and his best friend by his side. When a man finds himself hitting rock bottom, he thinks there’s little else he can do but go up… unless he’s facing an evil willing to dig the hole deeper. An evil in the business of pitting men against odds so great, they risk losing their very souls in the attempt to escape…

  Mind Trip

  * * *

  These are just some of the dark and twisted ideas that have run through the mind of Heath Stallcup over the years. Join him in a journey to the darker side of short story fiction. Mobsters intent on ruling the world reveals that sometimes you just can’t go home. The release of a zombie virus and the ramifications of trying to hide it. Sometimes reality isn’t what you think it is. Those noises in the attic may not be rats…Dwelling on the past can be introspective but refusing to let go will skew your reality. You know you are about to die. You want nothing more than to protect your loved ones. In a fever induced delirium you lead the threat away from those you care most about.

  Hunter Trilogy

  Check this YA Zombie thriller from JJ Beal.

  Lions & Tigers & Zombies, Oh My!

  * * *

  The cold war has heated up again. This time the battle will be fought in every street of America.

  Trapped in a major city, hours from their small town country home, a team of young girls find themselves cut off from everyone they know and left to fend for themselves as the world spins out of control.

  With nothing but their wits, their softball equipment and their friendship to hold them together, they face incredible odds as they fight their way across the state. Physical, emotional and psychological challenges meet them at every turn as they struggle to find the family they can’t be sure survived. How much more can they endure before reaching the breaking point?

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