Until the Sun Sets

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Until the Sun Sets Page 5

by Tara Wyatt

  “Ew, no, not like yours,” she said, her tone light and teasing.

  “Hey! What’s wrong with my neck?” She was laughing too hard to speak, so he continued. “This is a perfectly good neck. I think you need to reevaluate your criteria.”

  “For men’s necks.”


  She let out another giggle and then stifled a yawn. “I’m getting sleepy.” She moved back down onto her side of the pillow wall. A wall part of him wanted to knock down so he could tell her, show her, that he was all of those things on her list. And yet, he knew he couldn’t.

  Fuck, why did he even want to? As Carly’s breathing grew slower and deeper on the other side of the pillows, he stared at the ceiling, trying to untangle it all. His response to her on the plane. Wanting to pretend they were a couple. Lying in a bed with her, hard and painfully aware of how much he wanted her.

  Something invisible had shifted inside him, like tectonic plates moving under the earth’s core. He wasn’t sure when the shift had started, but he couldn’t escape the feeling that he was headed for an unavoidable earthquake. All he could do was try not to hurt anyone when it happened.

  * * *

  After a group breakfast the next morning, everyone decided to head for the beach. According to Rose, there were “cuties with booties you wouldn’t believe down there,” solidifying Carly’s belief that Rose was A) hilarious; B) fun; and C) definitely an ass woman.

  She and Dean had headed back to their room to get their stuff and change into swimsuits, and as she’d tugged on her black-and-white striped bikini—her favorite—she’d paused, taking in her reflection in the mirror. Her snow-white skin stared back at her, and she wondered if it was too late to sneak off somewhere to get a spray tan. Good thing her bikini had those black stripes on it, otherwise she’d blend right in with the beach’s white sand.

  She made a goofy face at herself in the mirror, eyes crossed and lips curled back over her teeth. Then she adjusted her bikini top and cracked open the bathroom door. “You decent?” she called, not wanting to walk in on Dean naked. Not because she didn’t want to see him naked—just the idea had heat flushing over her skin—but because she didn’t want to make things awkward. Well, more awkward, anyway.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” he said. She stepped out of the bathroom to find him looking out the balcony doors, wearing a pair of red swim trunks and nothing else. His back—hairless, thank God—was broad and roped with lean muscle, tapering down to a trim waist. He turned from the doors, rubbing a hand absently over his abs. All six of them. The muscles in his arm flexed as he moved.

  Carly’s mouth went dry as she stared at the mouthwatering muscle in front of her. He was cut and strong everywhere—his arms, his pecs, his abs. And—oh, God, help her—he had that delicious V arrowing down over his hips and disappearing into his swim trunks. He had surprisingly little chest hair, with only a faint dusting of dark hair running from his belly button and down toward his . . .

  “Car? Hello?”

  She dragged her eyes back up to his, and at the cocky smirk on Dean’s face, she knew she’d been caught checking him out. She knew she should say something, but her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth, and her brain had drifted down somewhere toward her hoo-ha.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, making his pecs bounce a couple of times. His smile took on a goofy slant, his blue eyes sparkling with humor.

  A laugh burst out of her. “Don’t do that!” Although, truth be told, she was grateful that he had, because it reminded her that he of the chiseled chest was still just Dean. The Dean who liked cheesy eighties music, who could recite pretty much any Mel Brooks movie verbatim, who could fit half a hamburger in his mouth if he really tried.

  “Do what?” he asked, bouncing those chiseled pecs again in time with his words.

  “That!” She laughed harder, pointing at his chest.

  “What, this?” He did it again, and then he started laughing, too. His laughter was contagious, and she doubled over, wiping tears from her eyes. He’d managed to go from sexy to playful dork in about three seconds flat, and she had to admit that she was grateful. Drooling wasn’t a good look on anyone, including her.

  Dean picked up the beach tote holding all their stuff and slung it over his shoulder, heading for the door. He handed her one of the beach towels as he passed, close enough that she could feel the heat of his skin on hers. “Cute bikini,” he said, his voice a bit rougher than it had been just a minute ago.

  She draped the towel over her shoulder and followed him out the door, their flip-flops smacking in unison against the hallway’s marble floor. As though it was completely natural, he took her hand, weaving their fingers together. She opened her mouth to remind him that there was no one around, but then decided, screw it.

  A little hand-holding had never killed anyone. As far as she knew.

  “Do you practice that in your bathroom mirror?” she asked.

  He glanced down at her and winked. “Nah. Just naturally talented.”

  They stepped out into the sunshine, and she slipped her sunglasses on. Everything around them was lush, alive, and vibrant. The willowy palms, arching gracefully into the sky, fronds rustling softly. Shrubs exploding with color, a riot of pinks, oranges, and yellows. The intensely blue sky, dotted with the tiniest, puffiest white clouds. The warm, humid air, heavy with the scents of freshly cut grass and tropical flowers.

  When they joined the main path, they took a right, heading for the beach. A swath of mangroves separated the beach from the rest of the resort. A pretty wood bridge arched through the lush vegetation, ending in the white sand of the beach. They crossed it, boards creaking softly beneath their feet as they were momentarily engulfed in the shade of the mangroves.

  Directly in front of them, close to the water, stood a large, elegant, raised gazebo. She nudged Dean. “I think that’s where the wedding’s going to be. I heard someone mention it at dinner last night.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Nice spot.” The wedding was to take place in a couple of days, at sunset, with the ceremony in the gazebo, followed by a catered twilight reception on the beach. Carly couldn’t imagine a more romantic setting for a wedding. A lump formed in her chest, and even though she didn’t really know Luke and Christie, she had a sudden burst of happiness for them. She’d always been this way when it came to weddings. The idea that two people could love each other so much that they would stand together in front of friends and family to say, “Yes. I choose you, now and forever. You are my person, no matter what,” always got to her.

  Probably because she wanted it so badly for herself. Wanted not just a boyfriend or a lover, but a partner, in every sense of the word.

  The beach itself was wide and open, all white sand, palm trees, wood and straw umbrellas for shade, and beach loungers. A cabana-like bar sat near the beach’s entrance, by the bridge, along with a beach volleyball court. The scents of salt and sunscreen hung in the air, and Carly took a deep breath, soaking it all up.

  Dean led them toward their group and then dumped their stuff onto an empty—and thankfully shaded—beach lounger. With his olive complexion, she knew Dean tanned easily, but her . . . not so much. She had two modes: ghost or lobster, and there was no in between. Her skin already felt warm, so she plunked down onto one of the loungers and fished her bottle of SPF sixty out of the beach bag and began applying it. Several others from their group were spread out on loungers, talking or reading. Luke and Ethan stood near the water’s edge, playing tag with the lapping waves.

  “You want a hand with that?” asked Dean, tipping his chin at the bottle of sunscreen in her now greasy hands. “I’d hate for you to get burned.”

  “Uh, sure,” she said, not sure at all. But before she could say anything else, he’d moved from his lounger to hers, straddling it to sit behind her. His thighs brushed against hers, and she’d been so focused on the feel of his legs around her, the heat of his body behind her, that she hadn’t even felt him take
the bottle from her.

  But he must’ve, because suddenly, his big hands were on her, gently rubbing the sunscreen into her shoulders, his hands big and warm. “You have really nice skin,” he said, his breath tickling her ear. Her nipples tightened in response, and she hoped her bikini top hid her body’s response to him.

  “I . . . um . . . thanks,” she said, the last word coming out on a sigh as he dipped his fingers underneath the straps of her bikini. He worked his hands lower, down her back, almost to her bikini bottoms, massaging her as he went. She held her breath, wanting him to touch her more. She shouldn’t want it, but she did. The tips of his fingers trailed just under the edge of her bikini bottoms, and she almost gasped. She clenched, suddenly aware of a hot, insistent throbbing in her clit.

  “You keep this up, I’m going to start wearing sunscreen to work,” she joked, trying to regain her footing. As though if she could make it funny, it wouldn’t matter so much that having Dean’s hands on her was turning her on. Big time.

  “Oh yeah? You gonna start wearing this bikini to work, too?” He toyed with one of the straps, the backs of his knuckles dragging over her skin.

  “I’d probably get better tips.”

  “True. But I’d probably end up punching some dude for staring at you, so you’d have to use all those tips to bail me out.”

  She smiled and tipped her head forward. It should feel weird to flirt with him like this. They were friends and co-workers, and weren’t actually dating. And maybe if they’d been in a familiar setting, it would’ve felt weird. But everything about this was new, and it only felt . . . good. Right.

  Too bad it was all make believe. And she knew better than to catch feelings for Dean. Knew better than to jeopardize their friendship just because his hands felt amazing on her, and he made her laugh, and was a pretty great guy. None of that changed the fact that he wasn’t relationship material. He was like the faux leather of relationship material. Looked good from far away, but once you inspected it closely, you could tell it wasn’t meant to last, that it would only be temporary. Not like the real thing.

  And she wanted the real thing.

  Her back was covered now, sunscreen fully applied, but he didn’t take his hands away, continuing his leisurely massage. “Mike and Ashley are watching us,” he whispered, his lips grazing the shell of her ear. She opened her eyes—when had she closed them?—and found he was right. From about ten feet away, Mike and Ashley were watching them, their faces unreadable thanks to their sunglasses. Not just watching. Staring.

  Dean’s mouth brushed against her neck, sending a delicious shiver down her spine. “Let’s give them something to watch, since they seem to be expecting a show.”

  “What?” The word came out high and breathless, and it was her last coherent thought before his hands settled on her hips, and he trailed hot, gentle kisses from the base of her neck up toward her ear. Electricity jolted through her body, and she let her head fall to the side, giving him better access. Unable to help it, she let out a tiny moan, because, holy shit, his mouth felt good on her.

  He moaned against her skin and with a firm grip on her hips, pulled her back against him, the skin of his chest warm against her bare back. Her toes curled into the sand as he continued his unhurried path up and then back down her neck.

  “You taste good,” he whispered against her skin, and she felt as though everything inside her was alive and pulsing, heat and lust spiking her blood pressure. It wasn’t supposed to feel like this with him. They were just friends. It wasn’t real. And yet she knew she was wet, her inner muscles clenching as his teeth scraped over her earlobe.

  Apparently, arousal made her stupid, because she opened her mouth, feeding the flames instead of dousing them like a woman with two working brain cells would’ve done. “Don’t stop. God, that feels good.”

  He slid a hand up from her hip and into her hair, tugging lightly as he exposed the other side of her neck. Sparks danced across her scalp and her eyes drifted closed as he brushed his lips over her skin, dropping slow, hot kisses on her neck. Her insides felt like a kaleidoscope, bright colors all swirling together, contracting and expanding in a gorgeous, dizzying rhythm. She moved against him, unable to hold still, and she felt his cock, thick and hard, pressed against the small of her back. Her stomach bottomed out. Oh, God. This was in serious danger of spiraling out of control. Time to pump the breaks.

  She looked up, trying to regain her focus with Dean’s talented mouth still on her. “They’re . . .” Her voice came out rusty, and she licked her lips and then swallowed. “They’re gone. Not watching anymore.”

  “Huh?” He lifted his head from her neck and slid his hand from her hair. “Oh. Right. Yeah.” For a moment, neither of them spoke or moved. His heart beat against her back, and she was relieved to find that hers wasn’t the only pulse that had picked up. He cleared his throat. “Sorry about the, uh, the . . .” He cleared his throat again.

  “No, it’s okay, it happens. Well, I assume it happens, but I don’t actually have a . . . Or I’m not saying that guys always . . .” Her words tumbled out, one after the other, in an awkward rush. “Really, I’m flattered.”

  He laughed, a low, husky sound. “You should be.”

  “Maybe you should go jump in the ocean.” She moved to scoot off the chair, but his hands tightened on her hips. Fresh heat sizzled over her skin.

  “I, uh, need a minute here.”

  “You need me to be your boner shield?” she asked. She turned and glanced over her shoulder, her eyes meeting his. He shot her a crooked smile, his eyes bright.

  “Please. And don’t say boner.” He rested his forehead against her shoulder, and she both heard and felt him take a couple of deep breaths. “Kris Bryant. Bryce Harper. Clayton Kershaw. Andrew McCutcheon.”

  “Are you reciting National League MVPs?”

  “Uh-huh. Buster Posey. Ryan Braun. Albert Pujols.”

  “You missed Joey Votto. How come I shouldn’t say boner?”

  “Because we’re not in high school.”

  “So, what should I call it?” She glanced over her shoulder, but Dean’s eyes were closed as he silently prayed to the boner-relieving baseball gods. The sudden urge to tease him overtook her, maybe because she felt somewhat discombobulated by what had just happened between them, and she needed to go back to the way things were before he’d put his mouth on her skin and tilted her world. “How about ‘blue steel’?” His mouth twitched, but he was still focused on deflating the situation in his swim trunks. “No? Hmm. What about ‘the purple hammer?’”

  He cracked an eye open, and she could see the smile he was fighting back. “That’s at least ten times worse than boner.”

  “Oh! How about the ‘raging salmon?’”

  He broke and let out a laugh, and the last of the sexual tension seemed to dissipate. “You’re a weirdo.”

  “I know.” She smiled, relieved to be back on familiar ground. “How’s the raging salmon situation?”

  He flashed her a smile. “All clear. Swam back upstream.”

  It was her turn to laugh. She’d been about to make another boner joke—the world could always use more boner jokes—when a man wearing a blue polo shirt emblazoned with the resort’s logo and a pair of white shorts approached. He held a ball in one hand.

  “Volleyball, my friends?”

  Chapter Five

  “Christie! Do you want to play?” Luke called to his fiancée, who was currently sitting in the shade of one the massive wood and straw umbrellas, flipping through a magazine. He tossed the volleyball once in the air, catching it one-handed.

  “Are you kidding me? Knowing my luck, I’d take a volleyball right to the face only days before the wedding. I am not walking down the aisle with a black eye or a busted nose. Pass.”

  Dean chuckled, eyeing the people who’d gathered around the net to play. He, Carly, Matt, and Ellie stood on one side, while Luke and Ethan stood on the other.

  “We could just play three-
on-three,” suggested Ellie, pushing her sunglasses back up her nose.

  “We’ll play.”

  Dean swung his head around to see Dr. Mike and Ashley approaching. Ashley looked less than thrilled at joining in, but Mike led the way, stalking through the sand, his eyes fixed on Dean.

  Well, wasn’t that interesting? Maybe the good doctor was having second thoughts about giving up Carly. With a smirk, Dean let him stare, glad that he and Carly had seen this charade through. Mike deserved to see what he’d walked away from, the moron.

  The teams retreated to their courts, and Dean elbowed Carly on the way. “Dr. Mike’s jealous.”

  “What?” She glanced over her shoulder. “He is not.”

  “Is too. He’s been shooting daggers at me ever since he came over here. Watch. I bet he tries to take my head off.”

  “That’s not his style.”

  He shrugged, shooting her a “we’ll see” look. The sand was warm beneath his feet, the sun still climbing into the sky. From a nearby beach lounger, Christie’s grandma Rose waved, watching the players with interest. She wore a hot pink skirted bathing suit and sipped a fruit-adorned drink with an umbrella in it, her eyes bouncing back and forth between Dean, Luke, Matt, and Mike, none of whom were wearing shirts.

  Mike served the ball over the net, a hard overhand drive aimed right at Dean’s head. He managed to back up just enough to get his hands under it, bumping it up to the front of the net. Matt jumped to tip it over, but Luke jumped at the same time, blocking the ball and stuffing it down.

  Dean shot Carly a “see?” look, and she tipped her head, unable to deny the way Mike had sent the ball screaming at him.

  Ashley served the next volley, a much friendlier underhand lob. Carly dove, sand kicking up behind her, bumping the ball up. Ellie jumped and spiked the ball over the net and into the sand at Luke’s feet, tying the game. Luke bent to pick up the ball as Dean wiped at the sweat starting to dot his brow.


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