Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1)

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Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1) Page 4

by Jack Ellison

  Second and final mistake. Shoulda listened.

  I covered the distance to the pair in an instant. The big guy was slow to react, shifting his weight to face me. He moved like he was in water, adrenaline slowing down my perception of time.

  The smaller guy was quicker, and had reacted to my advance first, swinging a savage right hook at my jaw. I tensed my left arm, strong palm facing outwards, and stepped into the punch, deflecting his fist harmlessly past my head. I brought my right fist up to his jaw in an explosive uppercut, my massive biceps and ripped abdomen giving the punch awesome power, sending him flying backwards and landing with a crunch.

  An instant later I turned to face the big guy, his fists raised in a crude guard. He started to swing a couple of boxer’s punches at me, powerful swings that would do serious damage to the unprepared. I weaved under his first right jab, rising to send a left cross into his temple. He grunted and punched at me viciously with his left, bringing his fist hooking towards my temple. I rocked back on my feet, his fist missing my face by a few inches. His momentum took him slightly off balance.

  I stepped into his guard, pushing his over-extended right arm into his chest. At the same time I headbutted him brutally, square on his nose. It broke with an audible crack. I hooked my right leg behind his left, stepping past him and sending him the rest of the way to the floor. He landed heavily with a grunt of pain.

  Shoulda listened when I told you to fuck off.

  The whole exchange had taken a matter of seconds. I looked at the pair on the floor, slowly picking themselves up. I didn't expect any more trouble from these two. And their pride would most likely stop them from going crying to the cops, I thought. No, likely they’d calm down for a bit and find another bar. Then take it out on some unfortunate victim later on.

  I hope they run into another Axel. One who doesn’t let them stand back up. Fucking scum.

  I had been a nasty bastard in times in the past, but only to people who deserved it, who had threatened me or someone I was protecting, or had purposefully got in the way. I didn’t consider myself a hero, as I knew the only real way to stay safe was to avoid trouble if at all possible. But I hated lowlife, small time wannabe hard men who picked on people for no reason.

  My small audience were stunned into silence by my savage display of skill and power. In reality, there could have been four more of those guys and they’d all be writhing on the floor in pain.

  If there’s anything my time in the Rangers taught me, it’s how to fight.

  I surveyed the eyes fixated on me from around the bar. I had been in the army for a few years in my younger days. My strength, savagery, skill with weapons and fighting prowess had lead me into the Rangers. Which I’d deserted, after a period of spiralling self-destruction into corruption and illicit gambling rackets after the breakdown of my first and only marriage. The gambling rackets had mainly been taking bets on fights I was competing in. Sometimes illegal bare knuckle fights with the hardest men I could find. I always won.

  I turned to face Drake. I was stunned into silence to see him grinning broadly, his face lit up with a huge, beaming smile.

  “Sorry ‘bout that.” I said, after a second. “Just don’t like fools causing trouble where it ain’t needed. ‘Specially fools that gang up on a couple of old guys who ain’t causing no trouble.”

  Drake nodded, still grinning. “That’s alright.” He leant over the bar to tap me heavily on the shoulder, and then pointed a finger at the old guy. “Thing is,” his expression turned serious, “They’d picked on him ten years ago, they wouldn’t be walking outta here.”

  The old guy winked at me. “Navy SEAL.”

  “Rangers,” I replied, nodding. I took another measure of the old guy. He still carried the hint of muscle under his ageing frame. The two thugs would still have got more than they bargained for if I hadn’t stepped in.

  I took a seat two stools down from the old guy. A large whiskey appeared in front of me. “Drinks on the house today,” Drake said, his gruff demeanour returned.

  I raised the glass and took a grateful swig. Then I heard the door slam shut behind me, our uninvited guests leaving with their tails between their legs.

  “So.” The old guys had turned on their stools to look at me. “Rangers, huh? Bet you got some stories. Right?”

  Looks like I broke the ice.

  I grinned broadly, genuinely enjoying myself. “‘Course. I got tons of stories.” My expression darkened in feigned seriousness as I turned to face them. “If you think you can handle them.” I winked.

  Chapter Six


  I awoke early, slightly groggy. Jessica and Amber had ended up staying at my house the past few days. We figured there wasn’t much point in them going back home for one day, just to return here the next day. Plus, we were all having fun.

  We’d ended up getting through quite a few bottles of champagne, as we lounged around my Dad’s mansion, spending time by the pool, in the Jacuzzi and sauna, discussing the upcoming trip and if we’d all got everything we needed. I liked my luxuries and home comforts, but Amber, and especially Jessica, were on a whole different level entirely. They had both called their respective homes’ housekeepers and had their cases delivered to my house the first day they’d arrived. Even the small cases they’d brought for the 2 day stay had been the size of what a normal person would take for a week long vacation.

  I bet they didn’t even pack the cases themselves. Probably didn’t even choose or buy the clothes either…”

  I had to roll over twice to reach the edge of my bed, brushing my unkempt hair back so I could check the time.

  11am. I guess I should probably get up soon.

  I liked my sleep, and had gotten all to used to sleeping in since graduating from college. I wasn’t really looking forward to starting any sort of job, but knew my Dad wouldn’t let me get away with being a pampered, spoilt rich kid who didn’t do anything to contribute to society.

  I rolled over onto my back, sighing with pleasure at the warmth and comfort of my bed. I’d chosen a ridiculously large, ornate, four poster bed with engraved wood and embroidered curtains. It was beautiful, but looked a little out of place in the modern surroundings of the purpose-built mansion my Dad had commissioned after finally accepting how wealthy he was. Even still, his eyes had watered when he saw how much the bed had cost.

  I snuggled further into the covers and closed my eyes, my mind wandering.

  There’s probably enough room for two Axel Millers in this bed…

  My mind's eye visualised the curtains being drawn back on either side of me, two huge, muscled figures climbing onto the bed…

  I don’t know if I could handle two, though. I think one would be plenty enough.

  I smiled to myself and adjusted the fantasy in my mind, one of the imaginary Axels disappearing to leave me alone with the other.

  I imagined looking up at the figure kneeling on the bed beside me, skin taut over huge muscles, wearing nothing but some tight, revealing boxers. His big hand reaching down to brush my hair from my face, then running down my chest to gently squeeze one of my breasts. I grabbed my left breast with my hand, to accentuate the fantasy. Whereas my hand was barely large enough to give my breast a good squeeze, I guessed Axel’s was large enough to fit most of it in in one of his.

  I shuddered slightly at the thought, the fantasy deepening. In my mind I leant over, looking up at him, his handsome, scarred face looking down at my now naked chest. I imagined slowly pulling his boxers down, looking up at him. My mind visualised what would be under them, large and stiff…

  In my bed, i ran my hand down my stomach, under my panties…

  There was a loud knock on the door.

  Shit! Great timing.

  I’d just got into the fantasy only to be rudely snapped out of it. I hadn’t taken care of myself in a while now, and I was beginning to get more and more sexually frustrated as the days passed.

  I guess I’ll get some alone
time in the hotel.

  My thoughts still lingered on Axel, and his large hands…

  I remembered the knock at the door. “Come in!” I shouted, drawing back the curtain of my four poster bed.

  The door opened slowly and a head poked out from behind it. It was Jessica.

  “Wake up, you lazy bitch!” she half shouted, smiling. Jessica had always been an early riser, and bored easily. She had probably lost interest in attempting to wake Amber, who could sleep through anything.

  “I am awake! I’m just dozing,” I replied. “What’s up, anyway? You finished lezzing it up with Amber already?” I beamed at my own joke. Jessica blew me a kiss.

  “Yeah. And I’m hungry. Breakfast?” She approached the bed. “What’s got you so hot and bothered?” she asked, obviously noticing my flushed cheeks. She hesitated suddenly, raising a hand to her mouth. “Oh, did I… interrupt something?” Then she poked me and started laughing.

  “No!” I said, a little too indignantly. She’d probably already made up her own mind about what I was doing before she entered, and no doubt Amber would be told all about it later. “It’s just hot under these covers,” I lied.

  “What do you want to eat?” I asked immediately, changing the subject deftly. Jessica loved food. Especially expensive food.

  “Hmmm. Reckon your Dad’s housekeeper will knock us up some pancakes and bacon?”

  “Ok, good idea. I could use some strong coffee as well. All this champagne is catching up to me.” I rose from the bed, momentarily forgetting that I was only wearing my panties. I saw Jessica looking at my naked breasts. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen them before.” I walked past her, heading to the shower. “Meet you downstairs!” I shouted over my shoulder.

  A little while later I walked into the large kitchen to find Jessica at the breakfast bar, devouring some pancakes, with bacon and maple syrup.

  “Jeez, you couldn’t wait?” I said good naturedly. “Morning, Sue,” I said to my Dad’s housekeeper, who served as maid, chef, cleaner and general helper around the house. She lived here most of the time, and had her own suite at the end of the mansion.

  “Morning, love,” she replied in her strong British accent, turning to face me. “I’m afraid your hungry friend couldn’t wait for you to get down here. She said she was bloody starving, bless her.” Sue smiled in a motherly way at Jessica. “Yours will be ready in two minutes, dear. There’s coffee in the machine.” She waved a finger absently at the coffee machine, turning back to finish cooking the fresh pancakes. They smelled delicious.

  I grabbed a large cup of coffee, adding lots of cream and sugar, and joined Jessica at the bar. She had nearly finished her breakfast.

  “Calm down!” I said, poking her in the ribs. “You’ll give yourself indigestion!”

  She grinned at me, with a mouth full of bacon and pancakes.

  I doubt she’ll eat like this when Axel’s looking...

  “All set for later?” I continued, taking a large mouthful of coffee. I closed my eyes in pleasure at the rich, sweet taste of the strong brew Sue had made.

  “Yeah. We just need to get lazy bones out of bed,” Jessica said, her breakfast finished. There was barely a speck of food on her plate. “I’ll just tell her your bodyguard’s here, wearing nothing but a thong. She’ll be ready in no time!”

  Sue laughed, and turned her head to look over her shoulder at us. “Now, now girls! He isn’t a piece of meat, remember,” she said, gesturing to Jessica with a wooden spoon.

  “Well, from what Chloe tells us that’s exactly what he is,” Jessica replied, beaming like a child at her own joke. I heard Sue tut, but I thought I could see the edge of a smile on her face from where I was sitting.

  Sue came over to put a big plate of pancakes in front of me, with a bottle of maple syrup. She placed the cutlery neatly either side of the plate, and handed me a folded, brilliant white napkin. “Thanks, Sue.” I smiled gratefully at her. She had started working as a maid soon after my mother had passed away, and had looked after me when my Dad was at work from when I was very young. She still saw me and my friends as children, and would stop at nothing to see our needs met.

  “That’s OK, Chloe. Enjoy.”

  Jessica chatted at me absently while I ate my breakfast, not turning from her phone which she flicked at from time to time. I didn’t really listen to what she was saying, but it was something about what she wanted to do in Paris.

  Probably spend a whole bunch of her Dad’s money on stuff she doesn’t really need.

  I finished my breakfast soon after, almost as quickly as Jessica had devoured hers. “Right Jess. Shall we go and wake the lazy ass?” I said, turning to Jessica and draining the last of my coffee.

  She jumped up excitedly, running out of the kitchen. I followed quickly, chasing her up the stairs as she ran to the large bedroom she and Amber were sharing.

  Jessica opened the door and ran to Amber’s bed, jumping on it without hesitation. She started shaking Amber, who appeared to be still deeply asleep. I thought I could hear a murmured “Get the fuck off of me!” coming from beneath the duvet.

  I giggled with girlish delight and jumped on the bed, pulling back the duvet. “Time to get up!” I said, poking her in the face. “You need to make yourself look pretty for when our ride gets here!” I thought this would put some sense into her.

  Amber deftly pushed Jessica off of her, throwing her onto her back and slapping her in the face. “Bitch!” she said, sounding genuinely annoyed for a second. “I was dreaming about pancakes.” Me and Jessica both burst out laughing.


  I was awake early as usual. The alarm clock next to my bed showed 6.30am, the green lights blinking in the gloom. My military conditioning to awake early had never really faded, and I could never really sleep in past 7am.

  I had ensured everything was ready the day before, so I had nothing to prepare on the day the trip started. Two night’s previous I’d broken my three whiskey rule, figuring I was unlikely to get into trouble as I’d already had my share for the day, from the two foolish thugs. Plus, I need a couple extra to chill out. And the drinks were free.

  I’d awoken as clear-headed as ever, the adrenaline from the fight seeming to neutralize the three extra whiskies I’d had. Anyhow, it wasn’t nearly enough for me to get drunk. I had a the constitution of an Ox, and a staggering tolerance for alcohol.

  Figured that out when my wife left. Couldn’t seem to get real drunk. Damn if I didn’t try enough times, though.

  I’d stopped hitting the bottle when I realised it would be a shitload cheaper to just talk to someone about it.

  After ensuring my gear was all ready and double-checking the limo was ready to go, I’d taken a walk down to a payphone to call my contact in Paris. Jean-Jacques, was what he liked to be called. Had no idea if it was his real name. Didn’t care, either. Jean, as I called him to his annoyance, had ensured I had access to a few guns when I got to Paris. He’d told me he would leave a key in a locker at the airport gym, which would then open a safety deposit box near the hotel we were staying at. After ensuring the girls were safely checked in and having a look round the hotel, that would be my first destination.

  A solid and reliable .357 snub nosed revolver, six shooter; and surprisingly easy to conceal for a gun that could pop heads. And a Glock 19, reduced size and weight making it a perfect backup weapon. And enough ammo to take down two full crews of knuckle heads.

  We just gotta get there in one piece.

  I’d have a gun in the limo, which I’d leave in the glove compartment. I’d told the guy I was hiring from, and he’d looked at me blankly until I handed him a fifty. Then he smiled and nodded at me.

  It was the flight I was worried about. But the chances of being jumped on there were slim; no room to fight, nowhere to escape to with a hostage. Plus there would be an armed air marshal on board, maybe two. I just had to have a look at my fellow passengers and mark any I thought were suspicious. Any trouble happened o
n the plane, it would be one-on-one. And the tight confines would work in my favour, I knew my huge strength and speed would be unmatchable. I would win.

  No, there wasn’t much to worry about until the night we got to the hotel. And I’d be armed, and twice as fucking deadly. My gut feeling told me that if anything, we would be watched for a while before anything happened anyway, that it would probably be between the first and second destination. Or possibly later. I started to feel much better now the day of the flight had come.

  Anything that ain’t done now, ain’t worth worrying about now. Just gotta get on with it. Keeping her safe. Oh, and her friends. But I bet they ain’t anywhere near as hot.

  Chapter Seven


  Later that day I grabbed my clothes and gear in my tattered bag, double checking the chamber in my revolver. Fully loaded. I had a combat knife hidden in my pants, too. Sheathed, of course. Didn’t want any accidents happening. I left my apartment, double locking the door in the process, and headed for the store where I’d hired the limo. Or where Chloe’s Dad had hired it, to be more precise. I’d made sure there was a couple of very expensive bottles of champagne in the fridge. Again, all courtesy of the girl’s father.


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