Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1)

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Big Hard Bodyguard (Dominant Protectors Book 1) Page 7

by Jack Ellison

  Amber and Jess had been making a show of being incredibly bored throughout the day, as they’d traipsed along behind Chloe. While Chloe had marvelled at the artwork, antiques, and various historic artefacts, they had spent most of their time plastered to their phones, flicking through pictures of their various exploits from the previous nights on Facebook and Instagram.

  They seemed to have a pathological need to show off their exploits online to all their friends, and had spent more time taking the perfect picture rather than actually enjoying the moment. It seemed a bit soulless to me, but I'd grown up before cellphones, the internet and even home PCs.

  At least Chloe seemed more down to earth, and enjoyed actually doing real stuff. Seeing her happy had re-ignited the fire within me, and I was struggling to repress it for a second time.


  Much to Amber and Jess’ annoyance I’d taken great pleasure in dragging them through various museums throughout the day. I’d genuinely enjoyed the exhibits, artwork, science and natural history. But I’d almost enjoyed their petulant boredom even more.

  I’d gotten fed up with the constant partying and drinking, and mindless shopping. I didn't find any of it meaningful. I especially didn’t like drunken rich guys of various nationalities thinking they even stood a chance. Some just expected me to jump into bed with them. They disgusted me.

  Jess and Amber had enjoyed that attention, and had both had a precession of one-night stands with various sleazy men. Much to Axel’s annoyance, as his flawless security perimeter had been breached. He would often sleep on an armchair outside of my room when Jess and Amber were “entertaining” in their respective suites.

  The guys mainly ignored Axel, as they only had one thing on their mind. Axel tolerated them, but watched them carefully. I doubted he would think twice about swatting them like flies if they even hinted at causing any sort of trouble. I’d half hoped that one of them would give him an excuse, the thought of him showing his strength and dominance making me incredibly hot.

  Unfortunately however, none of the guys were that stupid.

  I was getting ready to go out to the expensive restaurant I’d booked for the evening. Although I was getting ready for the restaurant, in my mind I was getting ready for Axel. I was getting ready to flaunt myself in front of him, and flirt with him, even if it was just for a few glorious moments.

  All three of us were getting ready in my room. Jess and Amber had seemingly forgotten the boring day I’d put them through and were chatting away about their various conquests and exploits from the previous week.

  I was half listening as I curled my hair, catching the end of a conversation.

  “...not very good. Didn’t know what he was doing. His dick was massive, though. So that sort of made up for it.” Jess was regaling Amber with sordid details her most recent encounter.

  “See, look!” I turned around to see Amber staring with fascination at Jess’ phone screen.

  “Chloe, you gotta see this!” she said, without turning her head.

  “No thanks.” I turned my head back to the mirror in front of me and carried on curling my hair.

  “You’re so frigid, you boring old lady,” Jess said. “I bet you got turned on by those statues earlier though, right!” She laughed at her own joke.

  “They were fucking boring though. The museums.” Amber chimed in. “There’s still quite a few shops I want to see. We coulda had a look around those.”

  If I have to traipse around another ridiculously expensive department store or boutique, I’m going to murder these two. And it won’t be quick. Or maybe I could persuade Axel to do it…?

  “Look, I’m sorry I had to drag your uncultured asses to see something interesting of actual historic value. I was wrong in thinking you might enjoy it,” I sighed, struggling to get my mind to think of anything other than Axel. Conversation with these two was effort at the best of times. I was starting to regret bringing them.

  “Well, it’s just not our thing,” Jess replied.

  I thought back to Axel’s advice. Just tell them to fuck off. I imagined his deep voice rumbling softly in my ear.

  Things were very simple when you were Axel Miller. I didn't think I’d get away with it, but damn was I tempted.

  “Oh, look at this,” Amber said. “The guy I met the other night, you know, the one with the Yacht.”

  “Oh yeah, Mr. Grabby,” Jess said, absently.

  “That’s the one. He’s having a party tomorrow on his Yacht. Says if we’re lucky he’ll take us wherever we want.”

  “You mean if you let him fuck you again, then he’ll take us wherever we want.” Jess said, sourly.

  I dreaded the thought of being stuck on Yacht for weeks on end with similar people to my friends. Not something I’d dream of doing. But being bunked up with Axel for a week, however…

  My knees felt weak at the thought of what we could get up to in a week together. Barely leaving the cabin.

  I don’t even know if he’s interested. No, better to approach him on my terms, here in the hotel. Or maybe in Prague.

  “I think I’ll give that a miss. You two go ahead though, if you want.”

  No wonder these two took so long to get ready. They spent most of their time drinking, arguing or chatting. Or staring at their fucking phones.

  I was nearly ready, while they were still applying their makeup, sitting their in their expensive underwear.

  I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a sleek, navy blue dress with a revealing neckline. A dainty, silver necklace with a blue sapphire pendant hung down just above my cleavage. I had decided against wearing a bra. The outline of my breasts showed clearly through the dress.

  My curled hair cascaded in big locks down my shoulders. I was wearing sapphire blue earrings that matched the colour of my dress and necklace.

  Jess had gotten up to refill her champagne glass. “Fucking hell, Chloe. You look stunning.” She was gaping at me, unashamed. “Looking to finally get laid tonight, are you?”

  “No, I don’t fuck random sleazy guys I meet without knowing their names,” I retorted drolly. “Just get ready so we can go and eat. I’m starving!”

  I left the girls to get ready and left the room. At least with them taking so long I had a while to try and spend some time with Axel.

  I found him pacing near the entrance, obviously as frustrated as me with the tardiness. I was amazed to see him wearing a suit, plain black with an immaculate bleached white shirt. Bright, silver cufflinks sparkled at his huge wrists. He was wearing a plain, skinny black tie.

  He looked fucking hot.

  “Hey.” I smiled at him, brushing my hair over my right shoulder.

  He stopped his pacing and turned to face me. I imagined I could see a light is in his eyes, as his gaze wandered down my body for a wonderful moment. I noticed his eyes at my chest, and squeezed my arms together slightly, stretching them out in feigned boredom. His eyes widened.

  “Hey, Chlo’.” His eyes returned to mine, and paused for a brief moment. “You look nice.”

  I giggled. “You sure know how to compliment a gal!”

  “It’s one of my charms,” he retorted. “Are the two slowcoaches ready yet, doll? Or are we in for a long wait again?”

  “They’ll be ready soon. If not, you can dine with me instead.” I winked at him. “Where did you get the suit? You look…handsome.”

  “Oh this.” He looked down at his suit as if it was some strange fashion he’d never known of before today. “I hired it. Guy on the front desk said I wouldn’t get in the restaurant otherwise.”

  It was true, bodyguard or no, he wouldn’t get past security.

  Well, he could get in easily. But not by walking past them.


  I was blown away at how beautiful Chloe looked. I wasn’t often stunned into silence, but seeing her approach in her flowing blue dress, curled hair and understated makeup had nearly knocked me over. The dress wasn’t too tight, but showed off curves in
all the right places.

  Guess I’ll have to try my best to keep my eyes off her, if I’m trying to keep her safe.

  It wouldn’t be an easy task.

  We chatted idly for a while as we waited for the other girls. Chloe stood uncomfortably close to me, gazing up at me and touching my arm on occasion. I was on edge, and all I wanted to do was to turn towards her and pick her up in my strong arms, kiss her passionately and carry her back to her room...

  I was looking down at Chloe and remembered that she was still talking to me. I made an effort to listen, trying to keep my gaze on her face. I kept failing.

  “...his yacht. They’ll probably go with him I think. They can't resist the urge of a week long party.” She sighed. “The thought of being stuck on a yacht for a week or more with those two is unbearable. So, I think I’ll still head to Prague. That’s still cool, right?”

  I shrugged. “Whatever you want, Chlo.”

  She smiled back, our eyes locked for a second. Our reverie was interrupted by the sound of high heels clicking on marble floor.

  “Hope we’re not interrupting you two love birds,” Jess said, wearing a short, tight dress and ridiculous wedges. Amber was dressed in a similar fashion, heels instead of wedges, dress a bit longer but showing a little more cleavage than was required.

  They both looked like strippers on a night out.

  I stood up to my full height and crossed my arms, trying not to crease my white shirt.

  “Right then.” I looked at the three in turn. “Let’s go,” I commanded none to gently, opening the door to let them through. All three giggled as they left the suite.

  I got a wonderful but brief view of Chloe’s ass, big pert buttocks showing through her dress.

  Damn. That’s just made my day.

  Chapter Ten


  We arrived at the restaurant about five minutes later. We didn’t have far to go; both hotel and restaurant were in the exclusive part of the city.

  I struggled to concentrate on keeping an eye out for danger with Chloe sitting next to me in the car, chatting away. Although it pained me I had to ignore her, I knew I had to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

  As we left the hotel I had caught a brief glimpse of a few shady figures in a black, nondescript saloon parked on the side of the road near the hotel. I had a feeling in my gut that something wasn’t right, that they were watching. Their car didn’t follow us, however.

  I managed to get past the security on the door of the restaurant, surprised to find one of the bouncers was bigger than me. He was fucking huge, around 6’ 8”, dark-skinned and mean looking.

  I wasn’t scared of him at all. I knew I would be much quicker than him, that his huge frame would be difficult to manoeuvre in a close fight.

  As we entered the restaurant we were ushered straight through, and taken to a table at the back of the restaurant, one of few on a raised platform. It was almost in a closed off booth, but the walls didn’t extend all the way around the table. It would be easy to keep an eye on the girls. I relaxed a little.

  I took the girls to their table, which gave me a chance to look at the diners on the nearby tables as I approached the platform.

  One table had a middle aged couple, drinking champagne and staring lovingly at each other. They didn’t even notice us approach. Another table was empty, but had a gold-embossed “Reserved” placard on it.

  The last table had what looked like an American family seated around it, chatting noisily and sharing from large plates of expensive food arrayed haphazardly on the table. There were about eight of them, chatting away happily. A lady who I guessed was the mother, seated at the centre of the table, caught my gaze and smiled at me warmly. I nodded back.

  No trouble, here then. Yet. Depends on who’s going to turn up on table number four.

  I left the girls to their table, with Chloe gazing longingly at me as I turned to walk away. I’d decided that it would be better if I kept a low profile. On the left of the restaurant as we entered was a long, ornate bar which stretched halfway down the building. I walked through the restaurant, surveying the patrons seated on the less glamourous, yet still expensive looking tables on the main dining floor. None struck me as dangerous. The only threat here was from rich, pretentious men who though they were entitled to any woman they chose.

  I saw quite a few that I’d like to punch.

  Fucking pricks.

  I took a seat at the far end of the bar, turning my seat to face Chloe and the girls at their table. My back was against the wall. I put my feet on the footrest of the stool in front of me. It was surprisingly comfortable. I’d waited in much worse places for much longer, that was for sure.

  My solitude was cut short as a smartly dressed and very professional barman approached me quietly. “What would you like, sir?” he asked me, with just a hint of a French accent.

  “I’ll take a whiskey on the… with ice.” I paused to survey the vast array of whiskey that was lined up behind the barman. “A nice one. Not too expensive, not too cheap.”

  “Ah American, yes?” The barman said, looking surprised. “I thought you were English. You look like a… like a big James Bond! No?” He smiled at me before turning to select a bottle of whiskey from the selection behind him.

  “Thanks. I guess.” I didn’t really know if it was a compliment, or just a bit of French humour.

  A large whiskey was placed in front of me in a fancy tumbler. “Here you go, sir.” The barman left me to my drink as he went to attend to a middle aged guy who’d taken a seat further down the bar.

  I leant back against the wall, taking a large gulp of whiskey. I grunted in pleasure at the taste, and the gentle burn as it went down.

  Nothing remotely interesting happened for the next half hour. I nursed my whiskey, knowing I might have to stretch two or three drinks out over the evening. I kept a nonchalant pose, trying to stay still and fade into the background.

  I wasn’t paid much attention, apart from the wistful looks sent my way by a few older women sat on a table nearby. I ignored them.

  I tried not to look at Chloe too often, her beauty standing out in the middle of her two friends. She looked she was enjoying herself immensely. Even her friends seemed to have loosened up, and they were chatting away, joking and laughing.

  A short while later I ordered my second whiskey. As I did so, I saw a group of young men enter the restaurant. They walked toward the raised platform at the back of the restaurant, looking snottily down at the various diners seated at the lower tables as they did so.

  There were five of them, and they all looked sleazy and arrogant. They were dressed in a similar fashion, tight shirts or t shirts, most with skinny jeans and huge watches on their wrists. Two were wearing sunglasses.

  One had an all too revealing V neck t shirt. I shuddered inwardly.

  Guess that’s what passes for fashion, these days. Money just can’t buy you class.

  All five of them ogled the three girls as they approached their table. Jess smiled back. Amber pouted. Chloe looked pissed off.

  I sensed trouble. These guys had noticed the three young and pretty girls, and would probably harass them given half a chance. Jess and Amber would likely give them more than half a chance, I suspected.

  The five douches took seats around the table. Mr. V Neck sat in the middle, looking like he might be the ring leader. He didn’t take his large, gold framed sunglass off. I disliked him even more.

  I didn’t think they were any danger. I could take them all down in a matter of seconds, before anyone even knew what had hit them.

  But I didn’t want any of them going near Chloe. She was mine.

  I had given into the second resurgence of my libido. It had risen like a runaway train and there was no chance of repressing it again. My desire for Chloe was burgeoning, and after days of questioning myself, I was now damn sure she wanted me too.

  Any of those guys so much as touches her, they’ll be going home in a fuc
king ambulance.

  Nothing happened for a while; the guys seeming to lose interest in anything other than the expensive drinks that they had rudely ordered. I felt sorry for the young waitress serving them. She looked flushed at what were likely a few lewd comments from the guys, though I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  As the drinks continued to flow, their brash voices raised in volume as they tried to speak over each other. The middle aged couple decided to leave, their meals finished.

  The American family looked like they were getting pissed off at the noise. They were being a little loud themselves, but were respectful and weren’t disturbing anyone else.


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