His face turned to stone, his eyes turning to ice. “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”
Hope bubbled in my chest. I had wondered when I’d been alone at night thinking about him and what he was doing or when I’d drunk too much and was tempted to go banging on his door whether he was with someone else but I never had the balls to find out. Or maybe my heart hurt too much. Who knew?
Who was I kidding? Was that supposed to make me feel better or something?
I snorted as I continued to struggle with this stupid skirt. I swore that when I got home, I’d burn the blasted thing or at least take a pair of scissors to it.
Sebastian approached me, his hands grabbed my wrists taking them away from my skirt, pinning them at my sides. “I haven’t been with anyone.” He growled, lowly. “No-one since you, Victoria,”
“Good for you. Neither have I and you would have known that the moment you had your fingers down there. Now, unless you have a condom, we can’t go any further.”
His mouth dropped open in what could only be described as shock. “You’ve got to be shitting me, Victoria. Look at me.” He gestured down to his thick erection, still standing tall and out there. “I’ve got a boner I could plough a field with.”
“So you don’t have any condoms then?”
His jaw ticked, the action rippling against the side of his smooth as butter cheek. “No, I fucking well don’t. You know I don’t carry them on me. Stop messing around here, Victoria.”
Was he fucking serious?
I struggled to get my hands free of the manacles around my wrists. “There is no messing around, Sebastian.” I hissed. “I am not risking catching something from you because you tell me you’ve not been with anyone since me so, if you haven’t got a skin, then you’re not sticking it in...Simple.”
“You don’t believe me?” he asked quietly, his voice deathly cold.
I looked him in his blue eyes, seeing genuine hurt lying there even though he was trying his best to mask it. “No, I don’t. Now let me go.”
He stared into my eyes for what seemed like forever, making me wish I were somewhere else right now. He nodded eventually and stepped away. His hand went to his still very erect cock, holding it in place as his fingers circled the base. His action caused the skin to pull back a little revealing more of his man dribble. “Can’t we do something else?”
I chuckled, it sounding bitter to my ears. “No.” I managed to get my skirt back down over my hips and in place. I fixed my bra and shirt then looked up at him, seeing him standing there holding his cock, the flaps of his shirt parting for the big piece of meat. “No, we can’t. I’m not really in the mood now, anyway.”
His face was a picture as he stood there watching me with wide disbelieving eyes. “You can’t just leave me in this state, Victoria, what the hell am I supposed to do with this?.”
Oh yeah, I could do what I wanted.
I walked over to my coat that was still damp. I yanked it off the hanger and held it over my arm then I went to my locker and grabbed my bag. I walked to the door and looked over my shoulder at Sebastian as my hand fiddled with the lock. “I’ll be seeing you, Sebastian.”
His eyes widened, his hand came up and rested on the top of his head and his mouth that had dropped open now, opened and closed like a fish.
My eyes dropped down to his cock that was still angry. The red and purple colours had mixed together at the head to create a bruised look and a string of clear honey dribbled from the tip. His balls hung heavy between his legs, a deeper colour than usual. My eyes went further to his muscled thighs and legs that were smattered with light brown hair then to the trousers that remained around his ankles, stifling him from moving towards me.
A little smile curved my lips as I opened the door, letting in strangled cold air from the passage. Sebastian hissed and grabbed his heavy cock in his hand and turned away slightly. His pissed but astonished face warned me not to leave, his wide blue eyes pleaded with me, his cock obviously needed me.
“Bye.” I muttered as I closed the door with a click behind me.
Chapter Seven
Realisation was a bitch.
Sebastian’s mouth opened to call Victoria back but closed again. Damn it. He gritted his teeth and turned around, running his hands down his face. He couldn’t believe what she’d just done to him.
She’d left him standing here in the middle of her workplace where he was about to strike a deal worth a considerable amount of money, feeling like he was ready to bust. He looked down at his very painful and heavy erection that still stood proud and tall from between his legs. Not even the vision of Victoria leaving had deflated him, yet.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Sebastian ground out. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?”
Just the thought of needing to touch his raging hard-on even with his own hand made him cringe. He was that far gone, needing Victoria’s touch.
Taking a deep, cleansing breath, he shuffled over to the window that Victoria had stared out of when they first came into this whatever room it was. He hadn’t been paying much attention at the time; just saw that the room was a nice size.
It was still raining outside, the sky a mismatch of different shades of greys and whites. His mind went back to Victoria, as it did nearly everyday since the time she’d walked into his office that famous Friday, hiding behind Ralph.
Though still thoroughly pissed off with her at this particular moment, a smile breached his face at the memory of her in that ripped top which he was sure was supposed to be something to do with fashion and those jeans that showed off her abundant amount of rounded hips that gave him a boner the moment he clocked them. His eyes had been riveted to her breasts because she had plenty of those too but once those hideous orange sunglasses of hers were removed, he’d been sucked in by those hazel coloured eyes of hers.
They held so many emotions deep in her depths, emotions that he should have been turned off from, emotions that did make his internal detector flare to life, alerting him to stay away from but he found he couldn’t. The more he looked into those hazel eyes, the more he wanted part of whatever she was, whatever she was hiding, whatever she was to become.
Sebastian wanted Victoria. Full stop no holes barred.
And he did have her.
He closed his eyes at the pain and anger that shot through his system at the thought that he did lose her, he lost her for six fucking months and all because of one vindictive bitch that couldn’t take the word no and be done with it.
His hands curled into fists as his erection began to deflate the moment he thought of the bitch Naomi that he had married, that he had dedicated his life to at one point. That bitch had taken away not only what he thought was love for her at the time, his trust of women and most importantly, a best friend that he would have laid his life on the line for and then the even worst thing she did, was take away his Victoria.
She was his. Victoria Jennings was Sebastian’s.
Okay, Sebastian admitted it. She wasn’t an object or possession but she made him feel like he finally had something that he could care for, something that gave him challenge and something that filled the blank void in his chest that Naomi had created. Or maybe now he looked closely at it, maybe that void was there all along and Naomi was just a temporary filling like they gave at the dentist, all for you to come back and have a permanent one filled some time later. Victoria was his permanent filling. That he was sure of.
It was a shame she didn’t believe it though, or would she? After all, he hadn’t opened up to her directly and told her exactly how he felt for real. Maybe if he would have, things would have been or might have been different.
But then when he thought about it, he wouldn’t believe it either after the way he had acted. It was repulsive of him and completely uncalled for of him to do what he did to Victoria but no-one understood why he did it or took the time to want to understand. All people did, was see that h
e’d hurt her intentionally allegedly...
He had his reasons, reasons that might be considered a tad bit odd and way out there but there were reasons. He was a man and sometimes in the world and the business world particularly, men stooped to some levels to get what they wanted. People be damned.
Jacob McKenzie wanted Victoria any which way he could have her and Sebastian knew that Jacob was not ashamed to go down other avenues to get what he wanted. Sebastian knew that if Jacob had dug deep enough, he’d have gotten Victoria without her even realising it. Not that she was easy but because Sebastian knew how slick Jacob could be and would be. They’d been friends for over twenty years after all. That’s why he had to do what he did.
He had to make sure that Jacob knew he’d already had Victoria and soiled her but the point was, there was no soiling because from that first time that they’d been intimate in his living room, the feeling inside him that had always been cold and shocking to touch begun to warm and it was all thanks to one woman, Victoria.
Yes, he’d been mesmerized with her on that Friday and had to have her but he thought at the time just like men did from time to time, he was thinking pure and simple with his cock rather than quite the mastermind of a brain he has. He thought she was a ship that would service him and pass by in the night. What he got, he wasn’t expecting.
So the moment he did have her on that Monday night, have the feel of her very nice mouth on him and those breasts in his face, he knew he had to make sure that the competition she’d attracted was dismissed entirely and the only way his brain at the time knew how to do that was to make Victoria sound like she’d been soiled by himself when in actual fact, she was as clean as a whistle and that’s how he wanted her to stay.
He just hadn’t banked on the fucker recording the conversation and giving it to Naomi.
Sebastian shook his head, feeling his hair coming loose from its confines at his neck. That was Victoria’s fault. Finally, he’d gotten her hands in his hair, he’d let go of the feeling of not wanting a woman to touch him especially after the one that did have permission, walked all over him or more like trampled.
Naomi was a thorn in his side then and an even bigger one now. The woman just didn’t understand the word no.
Sebastian looked down at his now flaccid cock and sighed. Did Victoria really not trust him with the truth that he hadn’t been with anyone in six months?
The truth was he hadn’t.
The moment he came into contact with a beautiful woman—and there were many garnering for his attention, his thoughts went straight to a particular blonde with bright, intriguing and mischievous hazel eyes. He would think about her face, those eyes, that smile that was abundantly naughty and saucy to those breasts that made him groan at the sight of, to her rounded tummy that was warm and cushiony, to those hips that were made for men’s hands and hips to be placed in between of then to those legs of hers that were shapely but roomy all at the same time.
His cock slowly began to rise at the thought of Victoria’s best attributes.
No, he couldn’t allow that to happen again. He had a residual dull ache in the base of his cock and in his balls as it was. He didn’t need it full on again. What he needed was to be buried to the hilt inside Victoria’s cavern. He knew once that happened, he’d be free of the pain she’d left him with.
He’d be home.
All he had to do was convince her. But how, that was easier said than done.
With a quick rub of his hands up and down his face, he gathered his trousers from around his ankles and tucked his cock away as he fiddled with his belt. Stuffing his shirt into the waist of his trousers, he dug through his pockets for his phone and cursed when he realised that he’d left it on the meeting room table.
A little smile curved his mouth at the thought of why he was distracted. He’d heard that famous voice from outside sooner than he’d expected.
As soon as he was once again looking somewhat decent even if his shirt and jacket was ruined, he left the room all to find the entryway empty. He walked back down the passage to the meeting room to see the Brewster brothers around the table with Ralph now in the room.
He handed his ruined jacket to his most trusted man ever, Ralph and avoided the knowing smirk on the bastard’s face.
“That was some show.” Conrad commented from the other side of the table.
Sebastian pulled out a chair and dropped down into it, folding his leg over his knee as he relaxed back against the stiffness of the leather underneath him.
“I didn’t think it would happen exactly like that but,” Sebastian lolled his head back and fourth, “it could have gone worse.”
Benjamin snorted and reached over to pour some coffees. Sebastian’s nose wrinkled at the drink. He much preferred tea. “She could have ripped your balls off. I believe Victoria is capable of that.”
The man had no idea.
A smirk danced on his face at the thought of Victoria doing something with his balls. This particular moment, he wouldn’t mind at all whatever she wanted to do with them. Just the thought of her hands or mouth anywhere near him started a little tingling at the base of his balls, warming them back up again.
“So....” Conrad hinted. “Want to tell us what’s gone on between you and the ever colourful Victoria?”
“No, it’s none of your business.” Sebastian answered immediately and it wasn’t any of their businesses even though he’d known the Brewster brothers for going on ten years or was it longer?
No-one, including Victoria needed to know that though.
“Oh come on.” Conrad slapped his hands down on the black ash table; his hands were the size of plates. In fact, his frame was so big he barely fit into the chair he was sitting in. “I know something happened all those months ago when we spoke but I didn’t think it was as big as I’ve just seen, so spill.”
“Like I said,” Sebastian reiterated, a slight edge coating his voice. His face hardened as he stared at the twins across from him, eying them. “It’s none of your business. What goes on between me and Victoria is again, none of your business. I’m here to renew the contract and talk money, nothing more.”
Conrad and Benjamin looked at each other then back at Sebastian, looking like they really wanted to comment further, perhaps dig deeper but backed off eventually as if knowing they wouldn’t get anything more out of Sebastian.
“So?” Ralph said quietly from his position in the driving seat. “What happened with Victoria then?”
Sebastian sighed as he sat back in the soft leather seat of his Land Rover sipping a lime and water. “Uh...this and that,” There wasn’t any need to elaborate on the fact that she’d allowed him to drink from the furry cup and then dropped him on his backside like a bad habit just before he was going to blow his load. A load that had Victoria’s name and face written all over it.
Ralph’s black orbs were penetrative as they glared lasers at him in the rear view mirror. The silence in the car became deafening until Sebastian gave up because he knew the big man could last out the silent intimidating stare for eternity. Even Sebastian didn’t have that much patience.
“Okay, okay, okay. Will you stop with the devil glare?”
“Only if you spill,”
Sebastian rolled his eyes and wished like hell he could literally but it didn’t seem to be happening now. Come to think of it, every time he’d actually taken his hand to his member, he’d gotten little or no relief whatsoever. It was like his cock had barred him from orgasming to his full extent because it wanted Victoria instead.
“Well, we talked somewhat for a short time. She’s extremely piqued with me as you can imagine over what I did that day and I can understand that. I shouldn’t have done it, Ralph.” He admitted quietly. His pride was taking a severe nosedive at the moment. “I shouldn’t have allowed Naomi to go that far and I shouldn’t have just sat there and watch Victoria’s heart be broken and let the best thing that ever happened to me just walk out the
door. I’m a bad man and I realise that now.”
Ralph quickly pulled the car over, bumping it up onto the curb and flicked the ignition off before turning in his seat to actually view Sebastian for the first time in a long time, man to man.
“What?” Sebastian fidgeted uncomfortably, feeling like a small child having been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“Damn you, Sebastian.” Ralph shook his head in exasperation. “Why did you not tell her this? Why did you let her walk out? Why has it taken you six months, six months of grumbling and moaning and showing off before you’ve done this?”
Sebastian shrugged and finished off the last of his drink. He sat the glass aside in one of the cup holders and licked his lips. “Well, I would have told her exactly how I felt but the bitch did it to me again.”
Ralph frowned. “What do you mean did it to you again?”
He waved a hand around the confined space. “You know me, Ralph I’m not very good with words and the only way I know how to express myself is with what every woman wants and that’s what I’ve got between my legs. “ he rubbed his suddenly sweaty palms up and down his legs, feeling the tenseness underneath them. “So we got intimate, we got hot, we got so fucking hot that I thought I’d blow before I even got inside her. Then just as we were about to have a serious make up sex session, she did to me exactly what I effectively done to her.” he shook his head with disbelief yet felt like Victoria’s actions were warranted somehow. “She slammed on her brakes, turned around and walked out the door leaving me standing there with my trousers around my ankles and a hard on I could have poked someone’s eye out with.”
Ralph was quiet for a long time; the only sound in the vicinity of the car was their breathing. Finally the big man spoke. “You deserved it; can you really blame her, Sebastian? I’m the one who took her home that day, remember? And I know that not only did you allow the best thing that ever happened to you to walk away, you broke her heart as well.” He sighed and looked Sebastian straight in the eye. “Now you know what it feels like to be the fucking punch line.”
Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife Page 6