A Vampire's Thirst_Gunner

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A Vampire's Thirst_Gunner Page 2

by Elaine Barris


  She and Preston wrote it down.

  “Thank you for hearing me out, Ms. Noskova. You won’t regret this.”

  “Mr. Batiste, should I find that you’ve intentionally misled The Directive...” She let her blue eyes transform to the yellow of her wolf. “...the punishment will be severe and immediate. You understand what I’m saying?”

  “I do. Death for us both.”

  “I assume that, as his legal counsel, you are in a position to enter into this agreement on his behalf?”

  “I am.”

  Waving her hand to the door in dismissal, she said, “Wait in the lobby until the deal is ready for your signature.”

  Chapter 3

  “Prisoner 84971!”

  Rolling his eyes, Gunner said, “You know my name, Karl.”

  The cell door swung open.

  “Come on.”

  Gunner scrunched his eyebrows together and asked, “No cuffs and chains this time?”

  “Don’t need ‘em.”

  Eyeing the guard with suspicion, he said, “Why not? That’s standard procedure.”

  “Just come on.” He lowered his voice. “Why act up on your last night in this place? Everybody knows you didn’t kill all those people. Seemed fishy to me ever since I first heard about it. I guess your lawyer finally caught the right ear.”

  “He did it? Blaine succeeded?”

  “Yeah, now, get your ass out here, so the rest of us can take a gander at that girlie magazine you’ve got.”

  Laughing at the fact that his surreptitious ways hadn’t gone unnoticed, he yanked it from hiding and tossed it to Karl.

  “Have at it!”

  Karl flipped through a few pages and whistled through his teeth, before stuffing it inside his jacket. He patted his chest where he’d placed it, as Gunner stepped out of the cell, and then he waited for the guard to lead him to wherever he was supposed to go.

  “Hey! What’s going on with him?” a prisoner shouted, as they walked away from the cell.

  Neither of the men responded to the criminal’s taunting.

  “Should’ve known!” another yelled, spitting at them through the bars. The saliva landed behind them. “Dirty pigs look after each other! They get special treatment! Even the mass murderers!”

  Resisting the urge to strangle the criminal who was throwing accusations at him, Gunner kept his focus forward, both in his mind and the direction of his feet.

  “He’s pissed because you’re the one who arrested him. Been trying to get us to put you in the cell with him,” Karl said. “Like we would’ve done that. He’s right about one thing, though. We did have you under protection in here.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. We all figured the truth would come out at some point.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Gotta consider all prisoners the same, at least to the common observer. Why do you think we kept you out of gen pop? It wasn’t because of what you were convicted of. There’s guys in here with worse raps than yours.”

  Ahead, Gunner saw Blaine through the window of the door behind which freedom awaited him.

  Turning to face Karl, Gunner stuck his hand out and said, “Appreciate it, Officer Landa.”

  Shaking it, Karl replied, “Don’t take this the wrong way. I mean, no offense, but I don’t want to see your face again.”

  “None taken. I feel the same.”

  Officer Landa nodded at the security camera, and after a loud buzz, the heavy steel door opened. Gunner walked through to Blaine, who wasn’t looking as happy as Gunner thought he should have been.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Rushing him to the exit, Blaine murmured, “Let’s get you home. We’ll talk on the way.”

  Chapter 4

  “You’re serious? I’ve only got a month to wrap up my investigation?” Gunner said, looking at him like he’d lost his mind.

  Nodding, Blaine answered, “Sorry, but that’s the deal.”

  “And you signed it?” Gunner yelled, running his fingers through his dark hair.

  “How else was I going to get you out? It wasn’t like Jana was giving me options to choose from.”

  “Let me look over the papers.”

  “They’re in the pouch in there,” he said, pointing towards his briefcase, which was on the front floorboard on the passenger side.

  Gunner took the documents out and scanned them for any loopholes that might allow him more time.

  “Dammit! I was in there for six months, Blaine. You know as well as I do that they covered their tracks and hid evidence while I was inside.”

  “My hope is that when the month is up, you’ll be able to show Jana and Magno enough proof to support your claim that The Directive is compromised, and they’ll allow you to continue.”

  “But they refused to give me any resources.”

  “Your work has to be clandestine, but I think once you show them what you find, the cavalry will ride in to clean up the situation.”


  “You won’t be alone, bud.”

  “Yeah? Who’s helping me?” Blaine smiled and shrugged with a tilt of his head. Gunner chuckled and said, “What’re you gonna do, litigate them to death? Slap them with a lawsuit?”

  Taking a 9 mm pistol out of his left boot, Blaine said, “I was thinking, covering your back like I did after we graduated from the academy and hit the street, before I went to law school.”

  Scrubbing his face with his hands, Gunner said, “How long ago was that? Eighty years?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Remember my shock when you showed me your wolf?”

  “Had to do it.”

  “Yeah, the perp would’ve gotten away if you hadn’t.”

  “Took him down and then brought a vamp to save you from bleeding out.”

  Gunner smiled at the memory of the night he was turned.

  “Four bullets to the chest will do that. Did I ever thank you?”

  “You did, but you know me. I don’t mind hearing it again.”

  “And you rescued me one other time, so… my closest and oldest friend, you have my heartfelt gratitude.”

  “Don’t forget the perks I come with. I can go out during the day, whereas you can’t.”


  The rest of the drive was quiet, as they both contemplated their mission.

  When they arrived at Gunner’s house, the first thing he did after crossing the threshold of his estate was flash to his shower and let it rain the stench of the prison from his skin down the drain, as he pondered the predicament he was in. He was grateful to be free, but he was afraid there wouldn’t be enough hours in the few nights granted to him to resolve his case.

  As Gunner entered the room, running his fingers through his wet hair, Blaine stood and went to the bar.

  Lifting a decanter of brandy, he said, “Want a drink?”


  He poured for both of them and brought the tumblers over.

  After handing one to Gunner, he said, “Partners again, then?”

  Raising his glass into the air, he replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  They fell silent for a while, the only sound in the room, the clinking of the ice in their glasses as they drank.

  “Sorry about Reina, G.”

  “I’m not. How the hell could she think I was capable of such bloodletting? When have I ever shown signs of losing my composure?”


  Gunner quickly swallowed the liquor in his mouth.

  “Blaine, I was newly made then. That doesn’t count. Even The Directive gives allowances for a certain period of time.”

  Blaine tossed his drink back and stood to get another.

  Twisting around, he said, “I told you she wasn’t the one for you.”

  “Yeah, but I couldn’t see it until she packed up and ran as soon as I was accused. How’s that for loyalty?” He huffed a
laugh. “At least, now I know for sure I’m better off without her. I heard she shacked up with someone else a week after I was taken in.”

  “She’s an opportunist, just like I told you she was. I never did trust her.”

  “Enough about my failed love life. What’s our way forward?”

  “I brought your files from my lockbox.”

  “Then, let’s get down to business.”

  Hours later, the men sat back in their chairs, staring at the papers in front of them.

  “Don’t forget the clause that says that should you commit a real crime trying to redeem yourself, they’ll put you away for your entire sentence... or worse.”

  “Yeah, I read that. I’ll have to take precautions with my B&E.”

  “Or not do it at all.”

  “You mean, get someone else to do it?”


  “But we need a way into the local office,” Gunner said.

  “I have an idea.”

  “Human or supe?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “I guess not.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “Who is it?”

  Chapter 5

  Terrance double-clicked the file on his computer, opening it.

  “Seems sales are brisk, Serge,” he said, as he scanned the document.

  “Yes, indeed! Another million this month,” came his reply from the phone in the middle of the conference table.

  “Our moment to rise is getting closer. We’ll make our move against Magno soon and establish a new order, one in which we not only walk freely amongst humans, but we’ll also be their rulers.”

  “What a glorious night that will be!” a man across from him shouted.

  “Don’t forget your contribution to our mission, Judge,” Terrance said. “If not for you, the first chess piece wouldn’t have fallen.”

  “It was my pleasure to do my part and put Gunner away for you, Terrance.”

  “And you shall have your reward. Still, it’s a pity we have to sacrifice our own, some to endless suffering and others to the death. But they’re not the best of us, and their blood helps to cement our cause. Besides, the end will justify the means.”

  “Criminals and lowlifes, all of them. I’ve put them out of my mind completely,” said the woman at his side.

  “Spoken like a true queen,” Terrance replied, standing and looping his arm around her waist. “Until next time.”

  He nodded to those assembled and ended the call. The others rose and began making their way out, murmuring to each other about their future ascendancy and their roles in the next regime.

  After they left, she twirled in a circle, and the purple and gold material floated up and out around her long legs.

  “And my new dress? Do I look regal? Do you like it?”

  Grasping her flush to his body, he said, “All you need is a crown.”

  “How soon do you think that will happen?”

  “So impatient. These things take time.”

  “You’re not the one who had to share a bed with that regulator,” she said, as she shivered in revulsion.

  “Was it that bad, being fucked by another man?”

  “Of course, it was! I only want you to do those things to me.”

  Flipping her around for her back to lay against his chest, Terrance moved his mouth close to her ear, whispering, “Like what?”

  With his other hand, he hitched up her skirt and yanked her panties to the side.

  “Using me for your pleasure.”

  “Is that what I do?” The tips of his fingers skimmed over her pussy, and she jerked against him. “I don’t give back to you?”

  “Yes,” she moaned, starting to grind against his hardened length. “But you don’t ask me. You take what you want, and I love it!”

  “Did he try to romance you? Did he give you roses and champagne?”

  “Ah!” she cried, nodding, and he watched, as she tried to form words.

  After placing her foot on the table, she turned her head to look at him, and he saw the fire blazing in his eyes reflected in hers.

  “Stupid man,” he said, as he smacked her pussy with his palm, before rubbing her clit hard and fast. “Did he give you orgasms?”


  “Unlike what happens when I touch you, he had to work for it, didn’t he?” Her response was a high wail. “Answer me!”


  “Good girl. Now you can come but… for me.”

  And once those words fell from his lips, she bucked her hips against his hand, and he sank his fangs into her neck, drinking her essence. As her cries lessened, he clicked his points back into his gums and licked her flesh to seal the puncture wounds.

  When he loosened his hold on her, she crumpled into a heap on the floor. Stuffing his fingers into his mouth, he licked her off them, as she wrapped her arms around his ankles and pressed kisses onto his shiny black leather boots.

  “Yes, Reina, you are truly the queen to be at my side. You’ll teach them all to worship me as much as you do.”

  Chapter 6

  “Please hold still,” Imogen pleaded, blowing stray hairs out of her face. “You’re making this harder than it should be. I promised your mommy you’d have pink nails, and it’s gonna happen one way or another.” A piteous cry erupted. “Now, that’s just mean. I’m not hurting you.”

  “Want some help, Immie?”

  “Thanks, Lee! If you could hold her still, I think I can get it done.”

  “She’s feisty for such a small thing!”

  “Tell me about it!” Imogen laughed. “You know what they say about Chihuahuas… tiny but mighty!”


  “She bit you?”

  “Nah, it’s just a scratch.” Lee emitted a low growl, and the dog stopped struggling. “Okay. I’ve got her. Go for it.”

  Holding the tiny paw in her hand as gently as she could, Imogen swiped each of her nails with the lacquer.

  “That’ll have to do. Keep her there for a few minutes for me, okay? It’s the quick-dry polish, so it shouldn’t take long.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let Ms. Garner know Trixie’s ready.”

  After placing the call, Imogen began wiping down the surfaces inside the van. Once they were disinfected, she swept the floor.

  “How about a drink?” Lee asked.

  “You buying?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “Then, it sounds like a plan!”

  “Cool. There’s a wine bar about five minutes from here.”

  “Let me see my baby!” Ms. Garner said, as she rushed to the window.

  “Just as soon as I ring you up!” Imogen said, leaning the broom against the sink.

  After the woman handed her a card, she swiped it through the machine.

  “Sign here, please, and thank you for choosing Pawsitively Perfect Pups Grooming!”

  Ms. Garner scribbled her name on the receipt, as Imogen handed the card back to her.

  Lee came over and waved Trixie’s paw at her, saying, “Hi, Mommy!”

  After a gasp, she squealed, “She looks beautiful!”

  “Aaaand…” Imogen said, as she nodded towards Trixie’s feet.

  “You did it!”


  Beside her, Lee coughed, and Imogen elbowed him in his side.


  “I’m going to take a bunch of pictures and send them to all of my friends! They’ll be calling you, too, once they find out you were able to get her to let you paint her nails! Nobody else could do it! You’re a miracle worker!”

  Imogen shrugged, as she said, “I try!”

  “I’m going to make sure you have lots of business, and I’ll be calling you again soon!”

  “Thanks so much, Ms. Garner. I really appreciate that.”

  With a smile on her face, Imogen wondered if she would follow through on what she’d said. So many of her clients had told
her the same thing, but as of yet, there hadn’t been a rush of new business to her mobile grooming salon.

  “Would you drive, Lee? I’m wiped out.”

  “Yeah, I’ll help put the supplies away, and then we’ll go.”

  Twenty minutes later, they were seated on a patio with an open bottle between them.

  “To PPP!” he said, lifting his glass.

  Imogen laughed, as she clinked hers to his.

  “It was great, hanging out with you today, Lee!” They took a drink, and she settled back into her chair. “Gotta say, I was shocked but excited when you called me this morning to pick you up. Why’d you wanna go to work with me?”

  Lee shrugged.

  “I didn’t have anything else to do, so why not? I’ve been curious about it for a while, but I didn’t want you to think I was checking up on you, because I’m not.”

  “Why would I think that?”

  “I don’t know. But after seeing how well you run your business singlehandedly… I don’t know how you do it. You have so many things to manage. And not just with the pets, but the owners, too.”

  “Yeah,” she said with a smile. “But I love it. I really do have to thank you.” He put his finger to his lips, but she ignored his gesture for her to be quiet. “You were the only one there for me when everything went down.”

  “Where else would I be, Immie?”

  “Yeah, but you didn’t have to.”

  “My dad left me more money than I know what to do with. When yours screwed you out of your inheritance, I couldn’t let your dream die.”


  “After everything you did to support him through his disease....”

  “I know.”

  “You should’ve fought your family on that.”

  “For what? They turned him against me in the end. It hurts, but it’ll get better. I know he wasn’t in his right mind when he signed those papers. It’s not worth it.”

  “Immie, I don’t mind supporting you. You know that, but it’s your birthright, just like my clan is mine.”

  “And neither of us is welcome by them.”


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