A Vampire's Thirst_Gunner

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A Vampire's Thirst_Gunner Page 10

by Elaine Barris

  He laughed at the excuse she’d made to go on an expedition through the house, and she joined him.

  Just then, the doorbell rang, and Imogen said, “Call me later, Lee! I hope it goes well!”

  As she walked to the front door, through the windows, she saw a diminutive well-dressed young woman holding a briefcase. Aware of the danger, after the attack they’d recently experienced, she spoke through the crack when she got close enough.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Hello! My name is Reina, and I’m with The Directive. We’ve been notified that Gunner has found his Bloodmate. I take it, that’s you?”

  “Yes!” popped out of Imogen’s mouth, before she thought about her answer.

  “Perfect. I have some paperwork that you need to complete in order for us to log this wondrous event.”

  “Can this wait until later?”

  “Ma’am, as I stated, I am on orders from The Directive.”

  “I’m human. I’m not governed by them.”

  “If you would prefer to take this up with Magno Zara, I can have that arranged. But I warn you, he will be most displeased. Considering the precarious state of affairs surrounding your mate’s future, it would behoove you to ingratiate yourself to him however possible.”

  Not knowing what action to take, Imogen said, “Look, can you leave the papers in the mailbox, and I’ll fill them out after I’m done with a few things?”

  “You want me to make another trip to pick them up?”

  “No, I’ll drop them off. Promise. Just give me the address.”

  “This request is highly unusual.”

  “As is yours.” Imogen was starting to get irritated with the lady on the other side of the door. “I’ll have you know that my friend is currently en route to... to....” She paused, as she tried to remember the name of the official Lee said he was meeting with. “Ah! To see Jana.”

  “Of course.”

  Imogen could sense the eye roll from the sound of her tone.

  “Believe what you want. I’m not opening this door. Leave the documents, or don’t. Your choice. I was almost killed last night, and I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Oh, you, poor dear!” Reina said. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”

  Because it’s none of your business!

  “So, you understand my unwillingness to expose myself to possible harm.”

  “Yes, of course! I’m going to make an exception for you. And your name is...?”


  “I’ll place them in the mailbox, as you asked. Be sure to complete the forms and deliver them to this address...” She scribbled on the envelope. “...prior to nightfall today. Otherwise, I’ll lose my job. Promise me that you’ll do it?”

  “I promise.”

  Reina’s voice rose almost to hysterics, as she said, “This has to be our secret!”

  “Got it. I won’t tell anyone.”

  “Thank you!”

  Reina flipped around and went down the walkway towards the street.

  “Where’s the mailbox?” Imogen muttered, as she watched Reina turn at the tall shrub-lined sidewalk.

  Reina leaned around the bush and shouted, “It’s in there! See you later!”

  Thinking about her omelet going cold, Imogen went back to the kitchen, grabbed her plate and a fork, and sat at the bar. As she ate, she thought about Reina’s predicament with The Directive and that if she got fired, it would be completely her fault.

  After a sigh, she scarfed down the rest of her breakfast and then went back to the door. Opening it a bit, she peered out. A delivery truck rumbled by, but otherwise, the street seemed empty. Imogen took off at a jog towards where Reina had indicated she’d left the documents, and as she made a right at the end of the walkway, she ran into something solid.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, as the man grasped her by her arms.

  “Hello, Imogen. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Terrance. I’m with The Directive, and you’re coming with me.”

  “What? No! I said I’d complete the forms and take them to your office. I know it’s unusual, but I promise I will.”

  He laughed and then looked deeply into her eyes.

  “I can’t believe you were stupid enough to fall for that.”

  All of a sudden, the delivery truck she’d seen earlier rolled to a stop beside them. In that instant, her reality slapped her across her face, knocking her out cold.

  Chapter 24

  Upon waking, Gunner sat up. Not sensing Imogen’s heartbeat, he became filled with dread. He flashed through the house, screaming for her, but only silence answered him.

  The Thirst rose, slamming into him with a vengeance, showing him that his suffering prior to finding Imogen was merely a precursor to its real power. His fangs dropped, and his eyes flashed with fire, as the mania, the early stages of which he had felt before, sought to envelope his mind. He dropped to his hands and knees, only able to crawl to the kitchen, where he kept his blood stores.

  Finally reaching it, he slid it open and grabbed the bags, guzzling them down one after the other. Once he’d depleted his entire reserve, he looked around at the floor that was littered with plastic.

  Gunner saw Imogen’s purple phone on the counter, and after a few failed attempts to stand, he made it to his feet and righted himself. He took the device in his hands, grateful that she hadn’t password protected it. Scrolling through her contacts, he found Lee’s number and selected it to call him.

  Lee answered, “Hey, Immie! Sorry I forgot to call, but—”

  “No, Lee, it’s me!”


  “Imogen’s gone! Uuuuugh!” he cried, as he tried to fight the pain.

  “Wait. What do you mean, gone?”

  “Lee, she’s been taken!”

  “By whom?

  “I don’t know! I need your help!”

  “We’re on our way.”

  Through a frantic struggle to speak again, he shouted, “Bring blood! Lots of it!”

  “I’ll have to get Blaine to do that.”

  “Do it! And hurry!”

  Shuddering like a drug addict suffering from withdrawals, Gunner dropped to the floor, while his body seized, lurching and arching his back into what should have been an impossible contortion, as he screamed in agony. When the convulsion released him, he sank onto the marble and curled himself inward, grasping his knees tightly to his chest.

  More powerful than his vampire strength, the Thirst caused him to shoot up, his arms flinging out to the sides. Filled with desperation and the knowledge that he couldn’t fight what was happening, he gave himself over to it, as visions ran through his mind of Imogen begging him to save her. Then someone slit her veins open, like what had been done to the woman he was unable to help at the warehouse.

  A male voice in the distance yelled, “Holy shit! We need an exorcist!”

  Hurried footsteps approached where he lay in a puddle of his own bloody vomit.

  Another man said, “I’m going to hold him down. Get the blood into him. Don’t stop until he’s back to himself.”

  Hearing them, Gunner hissed, as he leaped up and flashed to the body nearest him. He sank his fangs in, tearing into the flesh, crimson flowing over his tongue, while three sets of hands grasped him.

  “Gunner!” He recognized the voice of a male shifter he knew but couldn’t name. “Stop! We have the packs!”

  “Get the fuck off of him!” a female screeched.

  Gunner laughed at her attempt to stop him, as he pressed deeper into the muscle, shaking his head to tear the hole wider.

  Massive amounts of blood flowed down his throat, as he ripped into veins, arteries, and capillaries. He lifted his head, fangs elongated, emitting another hiss before striking again, but rather than open flesh, his pointed teeth met plastic, as he was wrestled to the ground.

  “Are you okay, Lee? Say something!”

  “Uuuhhhh… stop shaking me.”

’re going to be fine. You’re almost healed. Motherfucker!”

  As Gunner came to himself, he figured that the expletive was aimed at him.

  The empty bag was drawn away, and he said, “I’m sorry.”

  Another was brought to his mouth, and he drank deeply.

  “Someone, contact Jana,” said Blaine, whose voice Gunner recognized through the red haze. “She may want to contain him until we locate Imogen. I’ve never seen anything this raw from a vampire. Not even the younglings.”

  “No,” Lee replied, and Piper huffed her disapproval. “I get what he’s going through. Look, he’s already drunk how many bags? All around us is a sea of empty ones.”

  “Lee!” Piper shouted.

  “He tried to fight it! Just like me! Do you know how many candy bars I ate every single day? I was buying them by the case! I practically cleaned out the entire butcher shop each time I went in there after work! I don’t care how stupid I sound, talking about what I had to do to keep from placing my claim on you, Piper! But it got too hard! When I ran into you that time, I couldn’t stop what was intended, and I’m not sorry about it. So, no, I’m not bringing The Directive down on him for something he can’t control. End of story. Not happening.”

  Opening his eyes, Gunner saw Lee wrapped in Piper’s arms, as blood spurted from the gaping wounds he’d inflicted on him, and he pictured himself sitting at Lee’s side with his mouth open, while it landed on his tongue like a fountain.

  “No,” he groaned at the vision, as he regained himself, rejecting what the Thirst was doing to him. His eyes were pinned on Lee’s neck, as it healed completely. “Imogen. Save her. Where?”

  “For now, drink,” Blaine said, his eyebrows drawn together in worry. “Regardless of Lee’s concerns, I have to make a call to Jana. She must be made aware of your condition.”

  “Oh, I told her about Gunner and Immie,” Lee said, scratching the wound. “Healing itches like crazy.”

  “Then, she needs to know that Imogen has been taken. This will seriously affect our investigation. We can forget about you or Piper going back to the office. I had suspected you’d been compromised, but now I’m sure of it.”

  “Blaine, you’re not accusin’ me, are you?” Piper asked, holding onto Lee tighter.

  “Not at all. This points squarely at personnel in charge of District 7 of The Directive.”

  Lee said, “Who is that?”

  “Ask Jana,” Gunner groaned.

  Chapter 25

  Jana stood in the clearing with the rest of Lee’s clan surrounding her.

  “Lee, your true alpha, has found his mate!” she announced.

  “Great,” said a guy in the group. “How much lower is this pack going to sink?”

  “And I met her today,” she continued. “Piper is a leopard shifter and a very strong one at that. I tested her myself.”

  “We’re wolves!” shouted several in the gathering. “He ain’t comin’ here and bringin’ some cat!”

  Lifting her face to the sky, Jana roared, releasing her beast’s voice without the need to shift. One by one, those standing fell to their hands and knees, trembling at the mighty and deadly sound.

  As her howl echoed into the night, she let her gaze fall on each of their faces, her lips curled into a sneer. The tension in the air dissipated, and she looked upon the pack.

  “You are a lowly clan,” she stated, as she strode back and forth in a line, “daring to expel your honorable alpha!”

  “He ain’t right!” someone shouted.

  Jana’s head jerked in the direction of the person who’d said that, as others mumbled their agreement.

  “Come here, you, who would malign your leader.”

  “Why?” the guy ventured with a snicker.

  “NOW!” she thundered, and waves rippled in the air at her demand.

  He rose, stumbling over his feet, as he looked back at the bunch of men who had been at his side. Righting himself, he threw a glance over his shoulder and shrugged.

  When he reached her, he said, “Yeah?”

  Quicker than he could react, she struck him in the chest with the flat of her hand. He flew through the air and landed in the middle of the group who had been cheering his comments.

  “I’m going to say this once! You will accept your alpha, or you will leave these grounds! There is no room here for those who refuse to support him. You have 48 hours. Anyone who remains will either stand beside him or die. Am I clear?”

  Heads nodded, and hushed whispers began in the throng.

  A young woman stood and raised her hand.

  “Yes?” Jana said, motioning at her to speak.

  “Ma’am, can I stay? I never thought it was right, what they did to Lee. He won the battle against twelve other contenders, and he’s a fun guy to be around. I wanna follow him. He has my allegiance.”

  A man spat on the ground in her direction.

  “Care to take him on, then?” Jana inquired with an arch of her brow to him. “I can have that arranged tonight.” He closed his mouth. “That’s what I thought. You’re nothing but words about something you have no understanding of. This pack would be better off without you and your bigotry. Get your stuff and leave.”

  “My family’s been on these lands for over a hundred years!” he yelled.

  Her voice coming out as a growl, Jana said, “And your place on it is now forfeited!” She flung her arm out, pointing. “Go, before your life is as well!”

  “Where are we supposed to live?” others cried, as she looked down her nose at them.

  “Guess you’ll have to find a clan that will accept traitors.”


  In a flurry, Jana rattled off a series of last names.

  “Those of you I’ve listed have chosen your fealty by either your words or actions. And for your disloyalty, you are hereby banished.”

  Wails went up into the night, and one man strode from the meadow to stand directly in front of her.

  “We will never accept him!” he shouted.

  Her face as serene as the breeze around her, she asked, “Why not?”

  “He’s not a man!”

  “Correct. He’s your alpha.”

  “That should’ve been my place! I wasn’t my best when we fought for alpha status, but it didn’t matter in the end. I took it from him as easily as I did his lunch money in school! I beat him bloody back then all the time. I am the true leader of this pack!”

  “What you did was force your young leader to leave those he’s committed to for the benefit of the clan. He chose to go, rather than risk a civil war that would’ve decimated your ranks. A wise decision in my thoughts. You think yourself a leader? No, you stripped him of his station, but you’re nothing more than a usurper.” Leaning forward, into his face, she bared her teeth and said, “Would you like to know what I would’ve done with you had it been me in his stead?”

  He blanched, backing up a step.

  Walking forward to be eye to eye with him, she went on, “You have no place in this clan or any other. You’re unwilling to accept shifters different from you, even as we are hunted in some areas for sport because we aren’t human!” Tilting her head to the side, she pierced him with her gaze in scrutiny. “Who do you think you are, to assume his role? What lofty ascent have you made to claim the position most high?”

  “None,” said the girl who’d spoken earlier. “Things have taken a terrible turn since Darren’s been in control. He wants money to take care of us in addition to our normal household bills. I just gave birth to triplets, and my family can’t afford it. We haven’t had running water since Lee left. I couldn’t use our midwives to help me through my delivery, either, because he kept them from coming when I needed them.”

  “Did the babies live?” Jana asked.

  Nodding, she said, “Thank the moon, they survived, and I’m still here to care for them.”

  “Extortion!” Then to the rest, she said, “Anyone who can confirm this accusation or has anoth
er complaint to make against him, raise your hand.”

  She watched, as members of the pack looked to each other. One arm went into the air... and then another... and another.

  “Take him to the lockup,” Jana ordered.

  Several ran over and grabbed a hold of him.

  “You can’t do this!” he shouted at them. “I am your alpha!”

  “You’re nothing but a criminal,” Jana said, as she slashed his face with her claws, flaying his flesh into strips. “Remain silent or suffer the harsher treatment I believe you deserve!”

  They took Darren away, as he struggled, yelling and asserting his station, until one of the men knocked him out with a fist to his jaw. He slumped in their grasp, and they held him up, as they went deeper into the woods.

  “Now that that’s out of the way,” Jana said, her voice softening to those who remained. “Are there any valid objections to Lee being your alpha?”

  “No,” a man said. “He isn’t what they think, but even if he was, I don’t care. What does it matter? I just want a strong leader who has our best interest in mind, and that’s who Lee is. I think that under his leadership, those of our clan who left when he did will return, and we’ll be better for it.”

  “I agree,” she said with a nod. “And his mate will be a mighty beta at his side.”

  “When will he be back?” someone else asked.

  “He’s been on extremely sensitive Directive business and will return once his mission has been completed. I’m merely here to assert his station and care for the clan until he’s done.”

  Whispers went through the throng at their alpha being involved with the esteemed leaders and what a high standing he would bring to their pack because of it. The mumblings of excitement that had begun within the crowd upon Darren’s overthrow grew, until they were chanting Lee’s name and throwing their fists into the air in victory.

  Jana’s cellphone rang. She withdrew it from her jacket and held a finger up for silence.

  “Noskova,” she said.

  “Jana, it’s Blaine. I have an emergency situation.”

  “What is it? How’s the investigation?”


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