Alpha Devotion: Paranormal Romance Collection

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Alpha Devotion: Paranormal Romance Collection Page 29

by Lola Gabriel

  “It was exactly the way Mother described it would be.”

  “You mean…?” Oryn gasped. “You met your True Mate?”

  “Yes, but I…”

  “Dax, what is it?”

  “It can’t be. You know I’m not the kind of guy who wants to settle down. Love and all that bullshit? No, Oryn. That’s not me.”

  “Dax, I hate to be the rational asshole here, but maybe this is the universe trying to tell you that it’s time to grow up.”

  “I called you because I thought you’d understand.”

  “I do, Dax!” Oryn defended. “Just calm down. I know you’re feeling overwhelmed by it, anyone would be in your position, but just remember that it’s a normal thing.”

  “But what if,” Dax stuttered, “what if something happens to her? I don’t want to lose the only thing that I never knew I wanted or needed.”

  “You know, I never thought I’d ever hear you say something like that, but it’s nice to finally hear it.”

  “Thanks.” Dax sighed and opened the door of his Lamborghini. “Do you think it’s a good idea to stay away from her?”

  “What do you think, Dax? Would you be able to?”

  “Sure,” he muttered as he climbed inside his car, but deep down inside, he knew that would be impossible.


  Becca lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling as the morning sun burrowed its way through the shutters of her bedroom window, setting the room alight in a golden hue. She had spent most of the night thinking of Dax, even though she had tried so hard not to.

  Ever since she had moved into her apartment five years ago, she had never fully closed the shutters. She had a fear of the dark, ever since she lived on the streets, knowing the horrors which happened in the absence of light. Becca knew she was safe in her apartment, but the fear still coursed through her subconsciously. It would always remain with her. It had been several hours—too many hours—since she had tried to force herself to go to sleep, but she couldn’t.

  As soon as she closed her eyes, Dax was all she could see.

  Why the hell can’t I stop thinking about this guy? What is wrong with me?

  This wasn’t normal at all for Becca. She wasn’t the kind of woman who simply fell in love this easily. She had kept her distance from men and from developing any feelings for them, but the way she felt about Dax, from the moment she had met him, was different. It was more intense than she had ever experienced, and it not only scared her; it made her feel unsettled.

  Becca didn’t want to get involved with a man like Dax. Despite his gorgeous good looks and the way he made her feel when he looked at her, she knew what he was: a playboy who had played the game so many times that he was a pro at it. He probably had so many notches on his bedpost that the entire bed would fall down with the gentlest touch.

  Becca threw the covers off her and slid out of bed, determined not to allow Dax to have any effect on her. She ate breakfast in silence, took a shower, and got ready for work.

  At the office, there was a strange vibe in the air, and when Becca saw the staff huddled around the bulletin board, a frown formed on her face.

  “What’s going on?” she asked one of the volunteers.

  “Mr. Veskovic’s assistant dropped this off. It’s about some kind of charity event,” the volunteer replied and pointed to the large poster pinned to the bulletin board.

  It was all the information regarding the charity event organized by Dax for his father, and it included the date, the venue, and the RSVP details. New Horizons was specifically mentioned as the sole beneficiary of the evening, along with their contact details as well.

  “Did you know about this?” one of the volunteers asked Becca.

  “Yes. It’s something that’s been in the works for a while,” she answered.

  “And you didn’t even tell us?”

  Becca wanted her staff and volunteers to learn about the event differently. “I was going to tell you all when everything was finalized. I didn’t think he’d have all the promotional flyers and posters ready today,” she muttered and turned to the group. “Okay, listen up everyone.”

  The volunteers and other employees, including Lucinda, who had appeared at the back of the group, quieted down and focused on Becca.

  “As you all already know, Mr. Veskovic is hosting his annual formal ball, and he is donating all the proceeds to our organization,” Becca announced.

  A low grumble rose up as the volunteers spoke to one another with widened eyes.

  “It’s three months away, and they’re already advertising it?”

  “According to Dax…” Her voice trailed, and she shook her head, correcting herself. “Mr. Veskovic’s ball is a very exclusive event, by invitation only, so there will be no advertising. It is also only for our kind.”

  “Do we get invitations as well?”

  “I am seeing Mr. Veskovic again today, and I will ask him. We deserve to be there as well, since we’re doing the work,” Becca replied. “That’s about all I know at this stage. If you have any other questions about the event that is not explained on the poster, let me know, and I will discuss it with Mr. Veskovic this evening.”

  Becca turned on her heel and walked down the hallway to her office.

  “Becca,” Lucinda said, suddenly beside her.

  “What is it, Luce?”

  “You never told me how your meeting went yesterday. You rushed out of here so fast, I thought I saw a smoke trail behind you,” Lucinda said, following Becca to her office.

  “I had to go to the shelter. I didn’t realize that our meeting had taken up so much time.”

  “Is everything okay? You seem a bit…” Lucinda’s voice trailed as she tried to think of the right word, but Becca had a few words tumbling around in her mind.

  Distracted. Weird. Tense. Lost. Confused.

  “Tired,” Lucinda said eventually.

  “I look tired,” Becca said with a questioning tone. “Yeah. I guess I am.”

  “Have you been sleeping okay?” Lucinda studied her best friend for a moment.

  “I guess.”

  “Have you been having nightmares again?”

  “No, actually, I haven’t had one in a while,” Becca confessed with relief. “Those were the worst.”

  “Well, our nightmares are based on the horrors we experienced in our lives, and heaven knows you had plenty of that.”

  “Right,” Becca agreed.

  “Are you sure everything is okay?”

  “I think so.”

  Lucinda narrowed her eyes and nodded slowly. “I think I know what’s going on.”

  Becca’s heart stopped for a moment, and she turned towards Lucinda.

  “You read your file.”

  Oh, gods. The file. She had completely forgotten. “No, I didn’t. But I have thought about it. I will read it. I just want to finish this whole project with Veskovic.”

  “Okay,” Lucinda said with a satisfied nod. “What time is your meeting?”

  “After work. It’s the only time he has available, apparently. Heaven only knows what he does with his time.”

  “Well, he seems to be doing a great job with all the planning. The poster, the meetings. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”

  Becca nodded. “Let’s hope so.”

  By the time Becca was on her way home, her phone rang in her pocket, and she quickly fished it out. “Becca Dillon.”

  “Becca, how are you?” She’d recognize that smooth voice anywhere.

  “Mr. Veskovic, I mean Dax. It’s been a long day, so I am glad that it is finally over.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe I can make your day a little better,” Dax said.

  “And how do you plan on doing that?”

  “Come for a drink with me. It sounds like you need one.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I’ll have to pass.”

  “Why? Because you think I’ll take advantage of you?”

  “No. I just had a lon
g day. That’s all.”

  There were a few moments of silence on the other end of the line, and Becca wondered if Dax had ever been rejected in his life.

  “I can explain a few things to you,” he finally said.

  “About the ball?” she asked with a frown, parking her car in the parking garage.

  “About the things you’re feeling, Becca.”

  How did he know about those? “What are you talking about?”

  “I feel them, too, and I just wanted to talk about them. I am not sure if you know what happened when we met, but I’d like to tell you about it.”

  Becca opened her mouth to decline his invitation, but something inside her wouldn’t allow that. It was as if something willed her to meet him. Of course she wanted to know what the hell was happening to her, but she also wanted to stay as far away from Dax Veskovic as she possibly could.

  “Okay. Where would you like to meet?”

  “There’s a cocktail lounge in the West End. I’d be happy to send my car around to pick you up at your apartment.”

  “But you don’t know where I live,” Becca pointed out and climbed out of her car.

  “Or do I?”

  “You know, following people around is not only incredibly creepy, but also illegal,” Becca said.

  “I know, and I’m no lawbreaker.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that.”

  Dax chuckled on the other end of the line, and Becca smiled without even realizing it. When she noticed the smile in the reflection of her window, she straightened her shoulders. What the fuck is wrong with you?

  “So, what should I wear?” she said.

  “Anything you want. I’m sure you’ll look beautiful no matter what you’re wearing.”

  “I’m just going to pretend that was a compliment, with no hidden undertones of sarcasm,” Becca snipped.

  “Wow, you are feisty today,” he chuckled again. “I’ll have my car pick you up in an hour. Is that good with you?”

  “Sure,” she heard herself say in a much too excited tone.

  Luckily, the call disconnected as she stood in front of her apartment door, and she sighed. She didn’t put too much thought into what she was going to wear. A simple black mini dress would do fine, paired with a pair of deep purple heels. She ran her brush through her long brown hair, lightly applied a few strokes of makeup, and she was picked up by Dax’s car, a black Bentley, within the hour.

  The cocktail lounge was like something out of a movie, with luxurious seating, crystal chandeliers hanging overhead, and a quiet ambience that Becca had not experienced in this city before. Of course, she’d never been able to afford a place like this.

  Growing up the way she had, most people with Dax’s type of power and wealth merely looked down upon people like her. A feeling like she didn’t belong coursed through her body. She imagined every pair of eyes looking at her wondering why a girl like her was at a place like that. Maybe the other people were looking at her, but Becca knew it was most likely her own insecurities.

  Instead of allowing herself to feel intimidated, Becca straightened her shoulders and decided to fake her confidence.

  She walked along the plush carpets of the cocktail lounge and found the hostess, who eyed her with cool indifference. Becca slowly approached her and smiled.

  “Good evening. I’m meeting someone here,” she said. “Dax Veskovic.”

  “Mr. Veskovic, of course. This way, Miss Dillon. He is expecting you.”

  Becca followed the hostess to a private VIP section, which didn’t surprise her in the least. Veskovic had money, and clearly, he wasn’t afraid to use it to his advantage.

  Becca walked through the heavy velvet curtains, and her heart pounded in her chest as she saw Dax sitting at the small bar in the middle of the room. There was a large fish-tank covering the entire back wall, with beautifully colored fish gliding like mermaids in the water. The light from the tank accentuated Dax’s handsome face and features, and his eyes bore the same blue glow as before. Becca couldn’t explain it, but she felt drawn to him in a way she had never experienced.

  The corners of his mouth curled upward in the most seductive way, and her heart continued to pound against her ribs. His eyes were focused on her, staring directly into her soul, but she didn’t falter. She walked up to him and chewed on her bottom lip nervously as they looked intently at each other in silence for what was likely seconds, but it seemed like hours.

  He stood from his seat. “I don’t say this very often, to just anyone, but you are gorgeous.”

  “I find that rather hard to believe, Dax.” She sat down on the highchair next to Dax’s.

  The private bartender approached the counter, where she sat and smiled at her. “Good evening, Ms. Dillon. What can I get for you this evening?”

  “A double vodka, lime and no ice,” she answered smoothly, “and please, call me Becca.”

  The bartender nodded and turned to Dax.

  “My usual. Thank you, Bryan.”

  The bartender gave them their drinks and somehow disappeared from sight. Becca took a sip of her drink and turned to Dax.

  “So, tell me. What is this feeling all about?”

  Dax licked his lips and glanced at her for a moment, as if drinking in all of her. “It’s called alcohol.”

  Becca chuckled and shook her head. “You know exactly what I mean.”

  Don’t play dumb, asshole.

  Dax shifted in his seat and said, “My mother told me a story when I was a little boy. She kept on telling it to me and my brothers throughout the years, sort of reminding us about it.”

  “What story?”

  “The story of how she and my father met. My father’s family was in town, and his father, the then Dragon King, was meeting with the King of Mesopotamia. They had a daughter, Princess Kalia, whom they wanted my father to marry. Apparently, she was the most beautiful in the land, but I highly doubt it. My father was an adventurer, he loved transforming into a dragon and simply flying around the skies. He came into contact with another dragon, one with pale white scales and bright teal eyes. They perched on the top of a tall mountaintop and bonded.”


  “It’s a term we use to describe when we meet our True Mate. Someone we are destined to be with for the entirety of our lives.”

  “Like a soulmate or something?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “And it has to be a dragon?”

  “No, actually. It can be anyone. Dragon, human, wolf, fox, bear, vampire, or witch. Although the latter is very improbable.”


  “Witches are not shifters like the rest of us.”

  “Neither are vampires.”

  “They shift to their bat forms.”

  “Right.” Becca frowned. “So the white dragon was your mom?”

  “Yes, it was. My father never knew what she looked like, because she flew away before he could see her. A few days later, they were at the King of Mesopotamia’s castle, having a great feast, and in walks my mother. She was the cousin of Princess Kalia, and when my dad saw her, everything just changed. He knew within an instant that it was her. She was his, and he was hers.”

  “Did your mom ever describe the feeling?”

  Dax nodded. “My dad was supposed to marry someone my mother’s cousin. He seemed too aloof, to free-spirited for her. But it didn’t matter. The more she fought to stay away from him, the more she was drawn to him.”

  Becca’s lips parted slightly, and her chest started to tighten. Dax’s words struck a deep chord inside her—it was exactly the way she felt about him.

  “There was a sudden peace that filled both of them, like a wave crashing over them, consuming them. Like a fire that can’t be extinguished. Like an electrical current flowing inside them with no intention of stopping. You find yourself thinking of that person, even though you try to fight it. You keep wondering what she’s doing, and whether she is going as crazy as you are on the inside.”

  Becca noticed the shift of point of view when he spoke, clearly not talking about his parents anymore. Her attraction to him was so strong that she found herself leaning forward.

  “I felt all that the moment I saw you. It was like everything stopped, and there was just you and me. Nothing else. I’ve never felt like that.”

  “Neither have I,” she managed to say, her voice merely a whisper. “I’m not the luckiest when it comes to love and men. I always pick the wrong people.”

  “I don’t pick anyone,” he said to her. “I never have.”

  “Then we’re both in big trouble,” she whispered.

  Dax nodded, leaned in, and kissed her. Becca didn’t resist, not even for a moment, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he pulled her in. The taste of his mouth made her shiver in delight. She wanted more of him.

  Dax made a motion with his hand, and Becca watched as the servers and staff immediately vacated the room.

  His hands wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her onto his lap with ease. Dax pushed her dress up, revealing delicate lace panties, and the heat radiating through her skin against his set his body ablaze with fire and desire. Her hands unbuttoned his shirt, and she ran her fingertips along his perfectly toned torso.

  How the fuck was his body so perfect, she wondered, but she was swept away by the taste of his mouth, his lips against hers. The warmth of his touch, the smell of his skin… Everything about him pulled her in, and she willingly allowed it to.

  His fingers reached for the zipper at the back of her dress and slowly unzipped it all the way down. His touch was light yet filled with the heaviness of an eternity.

  As Dax lifted her off his lap, moving them to the large sofa in a darkened corner of the room, the passion and desire overcame Becca. Her fingernails sunk into the skin of his back as he pushed himself inside her. She never wanted to let him go, and deep down, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to, even if she tried. His breath warmed her neck, goosebumps ran across her entire body, and she took what was now hers, what she had been waiting for, for more than three thousand years.

  Him. Dax Veskovic.

  Becca allowed herself to be consumed by him, by the passion which pulsated through her body and the desire which bounded them for eternity.


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