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Alpha Devotion: Paranormal Romance Collection

Page 36

by Lola Gabriel

  “Stop it!” Becca’s voice sounded far away, but her presence was enough to shake Dax from his emotional stupor.

  “Oh, Dax. Why couldn’t you just love me, like I love you?” Mira laughed bitterly.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? You knew I didn’t want to be anything more than—”

  “More than what? Friends with benefits?” Mira demanded, looking at Becca, whose jaw was clenched. “Yeah, that’s right, princess. Dax and I used to fuck. A lot, too, before you came along. I was convinced that he loved me, but he was too selfish and self-centered to realize that I had feelings for him. I was planning on seducing him to marry me.”

  Dax glared at Mira, who had her sole focus on Becca, but as much as he wanted to move, he couldn’t. He was paralyzed by the guilt of his past.

  “You see, I wanted to be a princess, too, just like you,” Mira said. “Dochka knyazya.”

  Dax frowned at her words, noticing how the blood drained from Becca’s face.

  “How do you know those words?” she demanded.

  “It doesn’t even matter. After I kill you, the only princess around here will be me,” Mira said with a smirk.

  Dax let out a growl, as a warning to Mira, but when she gazed at him, bored and very unimpressed, he did the one thing that was completely natural to him. He transformed into a colossal magnificent dragon with blue scales which reflected even in the darkness. Mira was next, breaking the roof of the underground dungeon. Large pieces of concrete and cement fell down onto the ground beside them, and Dax backed away before jumping onto the crumbling ceiling, hoping that Mira would follow him.

  Thankfully, she did, and so began the final stretch of Dax’s pursuit to kill her. He knew that she would never do anything to harm him physically. Mentally was another story, not to mention emotionally. Mira’s love for him was real, albeit twisted and cruel.

  They were now in the large warehouse which had more than enough room for them to have their showdown, and it made Dax wonder how many other duels there had been inside those four walls. He emitted another throaty growl and spewed out a jet of ice from his throat. It hit Mira directly, and she dropped down onto the ground with a massive crash. If there was one thing Dax knew he could beat Mira with, it was water and ice. Mira’s smoke tricks didn’t work, as the water quickly made her plans evaporate into thin air.

  By the squint of Mira’s brown eyes, she was getting frustrated with him as he continued to spew ice at her, striking her every time, no matter how hard she tried to get away. She let out an ear-shattering roar and lunged towards Dax, but he was too fast for her, thriving on the power from Becca down below. Her strength seeped into him and made him even stronger than he was.

  The last strike of ice was the most powerful he had ever created, and when it left his own throat, he felt cold, rigid, and raw.

  The ice penetrated Mira’s skin, just below her large grey-brown wings, and blood seeped from the open cut. She roared in pain and threw herself at Dax one final time. He grabbed her by the throat, sunk his teeth into her flesh, and injected his ice-cold venom into her.

  A deafening screech came from Mira before she collapsed on the ground, causing the ground to crumble under them. The whole floor gave in, and Dax and Mira plummeted into the underground dungeon.

  Dax wasn’t sure exactly how long he was unconscious, but when he woke up in the rubble, a veil of dust still hanging in the air, he called out to Becca and Lucinda, his throat hoarse and dry. He was in his human form. Through the dust, he saw two figures come towards him and sighed a breath of relief. Becca scrambled over to him and put her arms around him, despite the fact that he was naked.

  “Are you okay? Did she hurt you?”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay?” Dax asked.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered and placed her hand against his cheek.

  Dax heard Lucinda clear her throat, and he stared at her. She flicked her wrist, making a strange movement with her hand, and a wisp of glittery dust floated towards Dax. The clothes he wore right before he had transformed magically covered his body, and only once he was fully clothed did Lucinda approach them.

  “Are you alright, Lucinda?”

  “Yeah, I just felt a little foggy, but I’m good,” Lucinda joked with a chuckle.

  “Is she…?” Becca’s voice trailed, not even completing her sentence, but Dax knew exactly what she wanted to ask.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but good.”

  “She wasn’t a good person, Becca,” Lucinda assured her. “She kidnapped you and almost killed you!”

  “Can we please get out of here?” Becca pleaded.

  “Of course,” Dax said, and he stood up from the rubble.

  Dax peeked over at Becca, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder while Lucinda drove them home, and a smile formed on his lips.

  “Are you going to tell her?” Lucinda asked quietly.

  “I guess I should, right?” He ran his fingers through Becca’s dark brown hair. “Not now. Let’s just get her home first.”

  “So, are you excited about your father’s charity ball?” Lucinda asked, and Dax knew it was just to lighten the mood.

  “Everything is in order, right?” he asked, and Lucinda nodded. “Yeah, it should be fun.”

  But his tone showed no indication that he was looking forward to it. After everything that happened, he wasn’t sure what to expect any longer.


  Becca smiled at Arlo as he raved on about the wonderful work her organization was doing, and she glanced down modestly at the untouched glass of champagne in her hand. She had not told anyone else about her pregnancy yet, especially not Arlo, as she did not wish to take any attention away from Arlo and his generosity. Besides, she was terrified over what he might have to say about it. She knew that he was an old-fashioned man with high morals and virtues, and she didn’t want him to think that Dax was as irresponsible as he had thought him to be all these years.

  “Is something the matter, Becca?” Arlo asked, and Becca looked up at him. He and an acquaintance were both staring at her expectantly, and she realized she had completely spaced out and not heard a single word they had said.

  “Yes, Arlo. I am fine,” she said.

  “You have not even touched your champagne,” Arlo said.

  “You should try it,” Arlo’s acquaintance said.

  “I just need to check on something first,” she lied and lowered her glass “Would you excuse me for a moment?”


  Becca walked away as calmly as she could, but truth be told, she was freaking out a little bit. She was surrounded by the Immortal Elite, and they seemed so intimidating. Here she was, a simple young woman who didn’t have a lot of money, rubbing shoulders with the most important, wealthy, and influential Gifted in the whole world. She felt like she didn’t belong there, even though she wore a gorgeous peach dress which made her look like royalty. Deep down inside, she felt like an imposter, and it didn’t help that Dax was being so incredibly nice to her. In fact, it only made it worse.

  It had only been a short time since the whole ordeal with Mira, and even though she owed Dax her life, she couldn’t help but still feel that he wasn’t serious about being with her. He hadn’t wanted to leave her side since the rescue, but they hadn’t gotten a chance to talk too much. Becca had been tired and starving, making her weak, but she couldn’t miss the ball Arlo had planned especially for her organization.

  Despite Dax and Lucinda’s daring rescue and Dax nearly getting himself killed in the process—although he’d never admit it to her, despite what she had seen happen—she was still a little unsure.

  She wanted him in her life, as well as their child’s, but she was still afraid.

  Becca placed the glass of champagne on a nearby table as she passed it and made her way to the lobby. About halfway through the large ballroom, a strange feeling crept up her spine, and she turned around slowly, as if
compelled to do so.

  She saw Dax standing on the other end of the ballroom, and her heart pounded in her chest. A sudden calmness washed over her, and a smile crept onto her lips. Dax walked towards her from across the ballroom. Becca felt like everything moved in slow motion around her: the ballroom, the guests, the music all seemed to fade into the background, and there was only herself and Dax. He looked dashing in a black tuxedo, his blue eyes sparkling, focused intently on her. The sight of him took her breath away, and a flutter inside her stomach made her think that he had the same effect of love on their unborn child.

  It must be a girl.

  A smile formed on Dax’s lips as he approached her and glanced her over. “Hey.”

  “Hey, Dax.”

  “You look incredible,” he said breathlessly.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  He smiled brightly at her and shifted his weight uncomfortably. “I’m glad that you came. I hoped that you would.”

  “Well, your father’s doing this all for my organization, and it would be a complete kick in the teeth if I didn’t show up. I couldn’t do that to him,” she said quietly and looked around her. “The place looks beautiful. You did an amazing job. I love the colors and the tulips. They’re my favorite.”

  “I know. It’s all for you.”

  Becca turned to him and cocked her head. Stop looking at me like that.

  “Like what?”

  “You’re doing it again,” she sighed.

  “I know, but I can’t help it. The past month has been a little confusing for me, too, and I know that you’re still a little freaked out over what happened. I want to be with you, Becca, but I know you asked for time, so that is what I will give you. I’ll wait for a thousand years if that is how long it takes.”


  “There is just one thing that I want you to see,” he interjected.

  “And what is that?” she asked.

  “It’s at my apartment.”

  Becca chuckled and shook her head. “What a line.”

  “I know it sounds bad, but it really is.”

  “And you couldn’t bring it here?”


  “And you can’t just tell me what it is?”

  “No. It’s better that you see it yourself.”

  “Dax, I can’t just leave—”

  “Of course you can, my dear,” a voice said behind her. Becca glanced over her shoulder. Arlo stood beside them with a bright smile and winked at Dax before turning his attention to Becca. “Dax told me about everything, my dearest Becca.”

  “He did?” She stared at Dax in shock for a second, but the expression on Arlo’s face seemed to calm her down slightly.

  “Indeed he did.”

  “And how do you feel about everything?” she asked cautiously.

  “I could not be happier with the news,” Arlo answered proudly. “Truth be told, I did not think that Daxard would ever find his True Mate. Not out of lack of trying; it just seemed he was merely not interested in being tied down.”


  “Alright. I do not want to embarrass you any further,” Arlo said, turning to Becca and taking her hands. “Daxard is truly lucky and fortunate to have someone as wonderful as you in his life. Always remember that finding your True Mate is something magnificent and extraordinary. It happens once in a lifetime and lasts even longer. Your love will truly live on for all eternity.”

  “Thank you, Arlo,” Becca replied with a smile. She watched Arlo step away, giving them their privacy. She turned back to Dax and bit her bottom lip. “Your father seems to think that things are perfect between us, which leads me to believe that you didn’t tell him everything.”

  “It’s hard to explain. My father has been an optimist for a very long time, and a firm believer in happily ever afters, despite how unrealistic they can be. He believes that things are meant to be, and everything happens for a reason.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “To a certain extent. I believe my father asked me to take control of this project not only because he had a feeling about you, but also to get me involved with a different group of people. I was drowning in my own pool of wealth, and I think I needed a reality check about what’s important in life.”

  Becca replied, “I’m glad you’re open to change.”

  “Yeah, I was a real jackass,” he said apologetically, digging his hands into the front pockets of his perfectly tailored pants.

  “Maybe your father also approached me because he knew that I didn’t want to associate with people like you,” she shrugged. “Being poor and often homeless, I saw how people like you—no offense—looked down on people like me, and I hated it. I hated being judged for being poor, rather than being judged on the kind of person I was. It felt so unfair to me. I was tugging on the short end of the stick, and I didn’t know how to change my situation.”

  “But you did.”

  “I did.” She smiled proudly. Dax’s blue eyes glowed ever so slightly, pulling her in once again, and her defenses crumbled easier than she had thought they would. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?” he asked.

  “I’ll go with you, but we have to come right back, okay?”

  “Okay, but can I dance with you first?”

  Becca raised an apprehensive eyebrow at him and asked, “You dance?” She scoffed before he could respond and shook her head. “Of course you dance.”

  Dax grinned and held his hand out to her. “Of course I do.”

  “It really shouldn’t surprise me,” she muttered, placing her hand in his. He led her to the center of the dancefloor, where a few couples were already dancing.

  Becca slipped into Dax’s arms, and they swayed slowly to the rhythm of the song playing in the background. She narrowed her eyes when she recognized the song from the cocktail lounge private room. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she looked up at Dax.

  “That song seems to follow me everywhere I go,” she whispered, trying to calm her racing heart, finding herself lost in Dax’s eyes.

  As he led her across the floor, she felt as light as a feather, despite the massive weight on her shoulders.

  “Dax, can I ask you something?” she whispered.

  “Can it wait?”

  No, not really.

  She felt his nervousness as he inhaled deeply. “What is it?”

  “Did you think I was beautiful in my dragon form?”

  Dax twirled her around before a smile formed on his lips. “As corny and predictable as this may sound, you took my icy breath away.”

  Becca chuckled and placed her hand on his chest. “You’re right, that was pretty corny.”

  “Becca, let me tell you something,” he started, and she gazed at him expectantly. “You might not think much of yourself, or that you’re not good enough to be with someone like me—your words, not mine—but that’s not true. You keep shoving yourself into a box, despite your disdain for people who do the same to you. Rich or poor, powerful or not, we’re all the same on the inside. We all bleed the same, and we all feel the same.”

  Becca was unable to respond and simply stared at him. His words rang true with her, and she realized how wrong she had been, convincing herself that she was not worthy of being with someone like him. She had never considered herself good enough to find a man who could save her the way Dax had, and who was brave enough to lay his life on the line for her. She did not dream of a prince on a white horse to rescue her from her life—she had to rescue herself, convinced that her prince had lost his way. She did not have the dreams women had of true love and a perfect life. She only lived to survive, which was not living at all.

  Never had she imagined that her prince would be an actual prince, driving a black Lamborghini and giving her the one thing she had craved her entire life: retribution from herself.

  “Thank you for making me realize it,” she said quietly.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, bringing her hand up to his l
ips and kissing her knuckles.

  Oh, my gods. Whatever it is you want to show me, I’m ready.

  “Are you sure?” he murmured.


  Dax smiled and lowered her hand from his lips. “Good.”

  The drive to Dax’s apartment was quiet, but Becca appreciated the silence. She knew Dax was giving her a chance to gather her thoughts, and she tried her best to keep them to herself. She noticed the occasional smirk on his face when she accidentally allowed a few thoughts to slip his way, and she wished she was able to control them better.

  She wondered what Dax’s apartment looked like, as she had not been there at all. She could only imagine it would be the ultimate bachelor pad, with expensive couches and furniture which cost more than what she had made in a lifetime. She scolded herself. She had to stop thinking of Dax as a materialistic person. There was so much more to him than what met the eye, and she had to constantly remind herself of this. Dax was a good man, and she knew that deep down. He just needed to prove it to her.

  Dax parked his car in the parking garage, climbed out, and opened the passenger door for Becca. She climbed out and followed him to the elevator. They stepped inside, and when the doors closed, Dax pressed the button which had the engraving PH on and stepped back.

  “Penthouse?” Becca asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders modestly. Neither one said another word.

  The doors opened when they reached the top floor, and they stepped out. Dax led the way, with Becca following closely behind him, the small train of her dress gently gliding behind her.

  Dax opened the door and motioned for her to enter before him. She gave him a nod and stepped inside. Dax flicked the switch against the wall, and Becca glanced around her with a frown. It was nothing like she imagined it would be. The couches were large and comfortable, and the fire in the fireplace made the whole space warm and welcoming. Becca was most attracted to the glass windows, which had the same kind of shutters she had in her own apartment. It covered all the large windows, as well as the glass doors leading out to the balcony.


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