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Page 11

by Searls, Damion, Kippenberger, Susanne

  At some point he ended up in a shared apartment at Zippelhaus 3, across from the Speicherstadt warehouse district. Today the hundred-year-old office building with its magnificent art nouveau facade has been splendidly restored, and it houses “Kandinsky—Market Leading Merchandise,” but at the time it was a dilapidated repurposed industrial building housing nothing but art students. “It’s important for me to come into as much contact as I can with people who can take me somewhere with them, who can carry me away.... Human contacts in a limited space are advantageous, since I only need to go to the next room or the next floor and already the relationship or whatever I’m involved in takes another step forward.” The good thing about the Zippelhaus apartment, for him, was that everyone there was so different, doing something different: “painting, photography, writing, filmmaking. Everyone shares their technical knowledge with everyone else.”

  His best friend there was Jochen Krüger, or “Joey,” an art student from Bremerhaven. He was skeptical when Martin introduced himself, “with his red leather pants, red hair, and a red Coca-Cola can in front of his face.” Jochen was no groupie of the type Martin was already collecting: he had no interest in laying himself at Martin’s feet. He was a stubbornly independent artist, if anything rather aloof, with a dry, north-German sense of humor—just what Martin liked about him. He was one of the first artists whose work Martin showed.

  Martin brought to his Zippelhaus room a professional art cabinet with drawers for graphic work, all his colored pencils, and a Rolodex where he noted down, in neat, beautiful handwriting, the addresses of all the attractive women he met. And there were many, especially tall blondes. Almost every morning, when Joey was having breakfast in the common room, “another naked young woman came gamboling out of Martin’s room.”

  Life in the building took its easygoing course; everyone who lived there was tolerant. Noodle casserole was more or less the only thing Martin could cook, and he wasn’t into washing dishes or cleaning rooms. Once, lying hungover in bed, he himself was taken aback by the chaos and mess, “which had once again reached one of its most extreme states.” His room looked gruesome, our father reported after visiting him there. “And he pays 380 marks a month rent plus 50 for the telephone,” our mother wrote angrily. Visits from our uncle Erich, who was supposed to keep an eye on him and who gave him the money he needed to live and work, got Martin to straighten up the place and to draw “day and night” so that he would have something to show when Erich asked “So, what have you been doing?”

  The only real disruption in this idyllic student life came from without. The Schleyer kidnapping [3] had whipped the mood in Germany into a frenzy, and someone thought that a terrorist or terrorist-sympathizer was hidden in the house. “There was a raid,” Martin said years later in an interview. “They stormed whole buildings. They showed up at the door wearing bulletproof vests, knock knock knock, I go to the door thinking the mailman’s early today, you know, my sense of time, go to the door naked and open it and wham I’m up against the wall.” He was in shock—the idea of being locked up in prison, of no longer being his own master, was Martin’s greatest fear. So he behaved well, well enough not to cause any trouble with the police, in any case.

  He drew a lot in that apartment, very precise drawings with colored pencils, working all night long for months at a time. “A perfectionist,” Jochen Krüger called him—a worker. What did he draw? Himself (“I sit for portraits of myself—big freehand pencil drawings”), friends, and family. He made the wedding announcement for our sister Bettina, a double portrait of her and her husband Lars, and our father congratulated him on it: “You are definitely on the right path, not least because in everything you draw or paint you work out something that has to do with you.” His style was realistic. Krüger had no patience for such fussy things, but when he told Martin about an exhibition of Blinky Palermo’s in Bremerhaven, it was Martin’s turn to be dismissive: “Four chalk lines in the corner, OK, OK, that’s art?!”

  Soon, however, drawing was not enough for Martin: it took too much time and resulted in only one picture, when he wanted to be visible, to be seen, to be everywhere. So he started copying. “He couldn’t walk past a Xerox machine without sitting his naked ass on it,” Ina Barfuss and Thomas Wachweger wrote. The photocopier was a brand new technology at the time and a toy that artists loved to play with. He made hundreds of address labels that he stuck up everywhere, designed postage stamps, left behind lighters with sayings of his and Jochen Krüger’s in bars. He also took a lot of pictures with the new camera he had asked for as a present from the family, and one of his favorite occupations was to sit in a photo booth, alone or with other people, make funny faces, and have his picture taken. The medium fit well with his natural tempo: hundreds of pictures, just like that.

  He wanted to put himself out there and get himself known, by any means necessary. “Mr. Kippenberger, since you were kind enough to leave your card in each of the three garbage bags that you placed at the emergency exit of the garage between the dates of Friday 1/11 and Sunday 1/13, we are happily in a position to convey to you our heartfelt thanks for your filthy mess,” wrote the proprietors of a parking garage around the corner from Zippelhaus. “If it ever crosses your mind to leave your garbage bags in or in front of the garage again, we will pursue legal action against you.” Martin would later reprint the 1974 letter in one of his books.

  Warnings were always turning up: from the tax office, from the printer’s. Money was always tight; his bank account was constantly overdrawn. He looked for jobs and had a special talent for “finding jobs where he didn’t have to work himself to death,” as Jochen Krüger recalls. He painted three hundred windows for a health insurance company, licked envelopes, set up chairs, and signed up when the labor office needed “2 Men, strong” to load trucks for seven marks an hour. Once he got a job as a bookkeeper “even though he couldn’t even read his own bank statement,” Jochen Krüger said. “And he charmed the ladies so much that he wasn’t fired right away.” Our mother, from a safe distance, was especially impressed by this job and the fact that, as he reported, he washed, shaved, and shined his shoes for it every day. (“Next thing you know I’ll have to make him black satin sleeve protectors!”) Sometimes he said yes to two jobs at the same time, so he could call in sick to one and make twice as much money.

  Our mother wrote him long letters that were a mix of worrying, warnings, and declarations of love. They often got on his nerves. She reminded him to send a thank-you letter to his grandma (“if you don’t do it now you never will”) or to show up for his military service exam (even if he would never be called up, given the drug use in his past, he shouldn’t get on the authorities’ bad side). “Stop smoking,” she warned in a letter, and included a newspaper clipping (“Did you know that every year in West Germany approximately 20,000 legs—so-called ‘smoker’s legs’—have to be amputated as a result of excessive nicotine use?” or “Did you know that constant exposure to loud thumping music can lead to permanent hearing loss?”). “Please go to the oral vaccination between Jan. 21 and Jan. 26, you’re not vaccinated for anything.” “You’re a boundless egomaniac, darling, there’s no one else in the world besides you who is worth your notice, including your little mother, who has spoiled you for far too long,” and then underneath: “Kisses, kisses, your little mother.”

  She was always “terribly worried” about the “boy of my heart,” as she called him in her letters. “Or maybe I should say boy of my hurt?” she wrote once, when it was going particularly badly with his teeth and he needed to have several extracted. She was also, naturally, annoyed when he called her up in the middle of the night yet again, or brought a new girlfriend along every time he visited Essen. In his early Hamburg years, his visits brought her to despair—hanging around, sleeping late, suddenly disappearing and just as suddenly showing up again, “blind drunk for a change and getting on my last nerve.” It was a badly needed break for everyone whenever she gave him a trip to Berlin, �
��where he could stay with one of his countless girlfriends.” Afterward, at Christmas, he would be a friendly, happy kid again.


  Meanwhile, Martin had fallen in love, with a pretty, brash, strong, lively, and capricious woman named Inka Hocke: his first long-term relationship. According to Gil Funccius, Inka “was a calming influence”; she also “had a giant apartment she had lived in forever, while we were constantly moving.” “Prewar building 4th floor nice neighborhood,” as Martin summarized. They had met at a costume party at the art academy. Inka was there with her friend Meheret, an Ethiopian woman whom Martin married in 1975 so that she could stay in the country (they divorced two years later). He looked bold that night, in his leather pants, loden coat, cowboy boots, and henna-red hair. He was twenty-one, and she four years older. “Red curly hair—covered with freckles all over her body—ex-married—8 yr old daughter—good mother—part time model—not histerical—balanced + quiet—good counterpart-not pretensious, doesnt want to conquer the world” was the description he gave to friends in Berlin.

  Martin with Inka Hocke, ca. 1975

  © Kippenberger Family

  He didn’t have her address, but right after the party he asked all the neighbors where the woman with the red curly hair and the child lived. He showed up while she was ironing. They talked for hours and went on a walk, and “it was actually very thrilling.” It was his birthday that day, as she found out later. The next day a package came in the mail, with every sentence she had spoken written down on paper. She was won over.

  From then on he was always there.

  He got along wonderfully with Inka’s daughter, Mimi—“they were on the same level” and they played cards and squabbled with each other. The three of them “made a family.” They painted Easter eggs, cooked noodles, played Battleship. He liked that Inka made him get a haircut or take a bath; outside he was wild and crazy Kippi with a big mouth, but in private he could feel sorry for himself “and he would be pitied and taken into someone’s arms. He could be a little boy.” He could be childishly jealous as an artist, too: he couldn’t stand it when someone else was more successful than he was. “He was always proving himself, always going full throttle,” Inka says. When they went out, he would introduce her as “my girlfriend who has absolutely no interest in art.”

  When she told him that she didn’t like his long red hair and mentioned that she liked the actor Helmut Berger, “he turned himself into Helmut Berger within two days. He was changing all the time anyway, and always looked different.” He had an antique mirror behind the door in his Zippelhaus apartment, he wrote in a letter, “something I inherited, and what I see in it changes all the time and every now and then gets quite seriously on my nerves.” At night he told Inka bedtime stories; during the break he went to Zandvoort with her, to show her where we had spent our school holidays; he took her to Marl to meet our father and told her that our mother had been so strict with him that she had often pinched him on the arm. When they were apart, he wrote her “moving, very loving letters.” They often went for a drive in the country on weekends, “with daughter + kit + caboodle + ex-husband + holding hands,” as he wrote to a friend. Even if their day trips weren’t quite as idyllic as he made them out to be, Inka’s home was a safe place for him. “As soon as he went out, it was a different world.”

  And that world was his stage. One time he went to a concert in the Market Hall with Ina Barfuss and Thomas Wachweger: a father, mother, and two sons were playing “terrible music. They acted like they were satirizing someone but they were the joke. Then Martin jumped onto the stage, danced the boogie-woogie (with the mother as well), and saved the night. The whole audience, three hundred people, went wild.” When the musicians handed out autographed photographs afterward, Martin naturally signed his name too.

  He was with Inka for three years, although they never officially lived together. “I go back and forth from my place to hers,” he wrote to friends, “usually I work at my place and sleep there.” Inka gave him the key to her apartment only when he was going to Florence and already knew that he was moving on. Inka said she had already known as much: “Martin’s a wanderer.” To console her, he gave her a trip to New York as a farewell present.

  He himself took a major trip in 1974, to Mexico. When he died, he still had the souvenirs in his possession: sugar packets and moist towelettes from the plane, tomato-can labels with pretty girls on them, stickers showing Mexican women in folkloric costumes, a big pile of postcards, a thick plastic plaque that he must have pried loose from the airplane (“Please. Lock. Door.”), and pages on local foods and drinks torn out of his guidebook: “The Mexican eating customs are a mix of pre-Columbian and Spanish traditions. The cuisine is full of flavor and dishes that are very spicy are called ‘hot’ even if they are served cold....” “Don’t throw this away” is not only written on one of his early works from Berlin (a silkscreen print, called “colander prints” in German, that he made with a kitchen colander—“It can still be used for noodle casseroles,” he added), it was clearly one of his life mottos.

  He booked the trip at a student travel agency, the cheapest possible. But in Mexico City, “the trip’s home base and starting point for side trips,” he lived as he so often would later: “comfortably. Work space, bedroom, private bath, maid who cooks meals, straightens up, and does the laundry.” He did it by borrowing money from Ralph Drochner, a friend from Essen who happened to be in Mexico at the time. He never paid it back, and Ralph was left with nothing by the end of Martin’s trip.

  In terms of art, Martin found the trip disappointing. “Historical museums are the only thing interesting here. Modern art hasn’t really arrived yet. They crown the one modern artist they have like a king over and over again: Diego Rivera, who painted the struggling masses, liberation, and social issues in large format. The content may be right but the style is like Nazi sculptures.” Despite speaking no Spanish, he got by, cracking jokes, making faces, and dancing: “Everyone likes that.” Whenever anyone grumbled about his taking their photograph, he grumbled back at them in German for as long as he needed to until they stopped.


  In December 1975, Martin moved in with Gil Funccius, his old friend from Release. Gil and her boyfriend, Tony Petersen, lived on Feldbrunnenstrasse, and a third roommate had just moved out. “The apartment is totally art nouveau (window, furniture, doors), parquet floors, 15-foot ceilings. One giant room 400 sqft & one 190 sqft. The big one will be my studio, the small one my bedroom.” Just because he moved so often doesn’t mean that he didn’t care about where he lived: he always wanted it nice. “Kippi always hustled the best room,” Gil says.

  The situation went well, even if Gil’s boyfriend didn’t always like it. There were no big arguments: “Kippi was always very bossy, but since he could also be so adorable people forgave him.” They would sit in the kitchen all afternoon long and talk for hours. “She gave me a boost and I gave her a boost,” Martin wrote later.

  Gil says, “Kippi brought people home, I brought people home, Tony brought people home.” As was common in shared apartments, the doors were always open. Even while Martin was in the bathtub there would be guests around, drinking and talking with him and each other. If a door wasn’t open, Martin just opened it, and if he found two people in bed together, all the better—Martin especially liked starting a conversation in those circumstances. At night it was time to tour the bars: the favorites were the Ganz or the Marktstube, the Madhouse for dancing, and by midnight at the latest, Hamburg’s red-light district, the Reeperbahn. “We lived what life had to offer,” Gil later said. “People lived without being settled.” It was a time of not yet being grown up, of playing, of experimenting. Everything wasn’t so serious, including art. Gil remembers it as a happy time.

  In the big apartment in the old building on Feldbrunnen-strasse, Martin worked on his pictures, was photographed, and offered, as he put it, “the simplest ideas an
d my face as a model for record covers.” He was an ideal model for Gil because “he always knew exactly what I wanted,” she said; he was delighted to act out in front of the camera, striking the most varied poses. Here Martin did for the first time what he had been groping toward in our house in Essen-Frillendorf, and what he would later elevate to an official policy at Kippenberger’s Office in Berlin: he turned his home into an exhibition space, an art space. Two shows took place there, both in 1977: Chimerical Pictures, with Ina Barfuss, Hajo Bötel, Anna Oppermann, Thomas Wachweger, and Jochen Krüger, and then al Vostro servizio (At Your Service), with Achim Duchow and Krüger again. They were two big parties; “Kippi invited everybody,” Gil Funccius later said, “and I invited everybody, too.” The drinks weren’t free, though—Martin sold them. “He was always very practical about such things.”

  Striking Poses, Feldbrunnenstrasse, Hamburg

  © Gil Funccius

  Hamburg was the right city at the right time for Martin, in the view of Gisela Stelly-Augstein, wife of the founding editor of Der Spiegel and a filmmaker and author herself. It was a port city, a “transit city”: “Something really got started for him there. He was seeking something, and he found it, and then he really put it into practice in Berlin.” She and Martin met each other near the end of his time in Hamburg. She remembers him at their first meeting as like an angel, with his long blond hair, but the occasion was earthly enough: the opening of a trendy new restaurant. Martin had come with his friend Peter Preller, an interior designer from Pöseldorf and Martin’s first patron. “He arranged for a steady income for Martin,” according to Martin’s friend Hanno Huth.

  Preller, as introverted as Martin was extroverted, was also dyslexic (as Martin was happy to learn), and Martin, this strange, loose, and spontaneous being, made an enormous impression on him. Martin was up for anything, stood outside of dogmas and norms, provoked people, and was always at the center of wherever he was. When it all got to be too much for Preller, he simply retreated for a time. Martin was no less fascinated by this successful man who took him to restaurants he could never have afforded, introduced him to people like Rudolf Augstein and Jil Sander at teas served by butlers, had a dressing room of his own filled with the finest shoes and shirts. Gisela Stelly-Augstein thinks that the relationship between the gay aesthete and his father also fascinated Martin. Preller’s father worked in timber, and Preller had a dust allergy, so he had an asthma attack whenever he came near his father. “This psychodrama moved him deeply.” Martin called their relationship a “dust complex” in Through Puberty to Success which was dedicated to his own father: “For Papa (mother complex), from whom I inherited my father complex.”


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