Surprise Under the Mistletoe

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Surprise Under the Mistletoe Page 2

by Rita Hestand

  "Well, I have snow chains on, anti-freeze, all is well, I think. We'll do our best to keep an eye out for the weather though." Mark assured her. "I got my heater and it's in working order to keep us from freezing up."

  "Nice suit." Her mother eyed him.

  "Thanks. I know how Trudy enjoys the Christmas holidays so I wanted to look sharp."

  Mark had thick black hair that hung toward his face, and a dark shadow on his cheek all the time like the boys all wore now. He was an impeccable dresser. He stood a half foot taller than Trudy, and was quite lean. He was muscled too, because he worked out regularly and played basketball in school. He'd gotten a basketball scholarship in fact to college. But when Trudy walked into the room with her red dress on, Mark's eyes bugged out. "Wow! You look sensational." He smiled at her.

  "Thanks. Mom bought me this dress last Christmas, but it's the first time I've worn it." She said shyly. "Do you really like it?"

  "It's beautiful on you. You look…older." He chuckled.

  Her mother stared at her now, "You look so lovely dear, and so grown up." Her mother nearly cried. "And your hair looks gorgeous up like that. I guess you were meant to be a hairdresser."

  The dress was long and sleek and had a beautiful slit up the side, and it accented all her curves.

  "I'm going to have the prettiest girl at the dance," Mark told her as he stood up and eyed the dress on her. It took his breath away.

  Trudy really was growing up.

  "So, how's the weather?" Trudy asked.

  "Wear something warm dear." Her mother told her, "Wear your best coat with the fur hood, and get your gloves, you'll need those tonight when you come home."

  After her mother saw to it she was properly outfitted for the weather Mark escorted her to the truck.

  When she slid inside he immediately turned on the heater. Then he glanced at her and leaned to kiss her on the lips. It was a long lingering kiss and when his head raised his eyes crinkled.

  "I missed you babe. I didn't want to do that in front of your mother, I know she gets emotional some times. But I had to kiss the prettiest girl…" He smiled into her dark shining eyes.

  She blushed. "Thanks, I'm glad you like my dress."

  "Like it, your beautiful Trudy. It's just, in that dress, I've realized how much you've grown up." He smiled. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone so gorgeous in my life. Everyone is going to be envious of you."

  "You're not so bad yourself." She elbowed him gently. "I haven't seen that suit on you."

  "I'll admit I bought it specially to wear tonight. I figured you'd look stunning and I wanted to compliment my girl. I was afraid your mother might not let you go, since the weather is supposed to turn bad." He remarked pulling out of the drive way. "Been hearing reports all afternoon. But like I told her I put snow chains on and checked my anti-freeze, got my heater in back in case we need it."

  "I know. She was worried about it, hence all the fuss she made about bundling up, you'd think I was two." She pushed her gloves into the seat.

  "At least she's concerned. I like that. Never complain about a mother who cares so much." Mark told her.

  "She worries about everything. I'm trying to talk her into getting out more, dating even." Trudy told him. "Take her mind off me a little. It's got to the point she frets about everything. I think it's really just a case of her needing to get a life. She's driving me nuts."

  "Really, well, she's certainly not too old dating and it might be just what she needs, too." Mark smiled. "And she's still a very stunning looking lady."

  "She's so afraid she'll seem untrue to daddy. I can't seem to convince her that daddy would have wanted her to enjoy life."

  "Well, it's been five years, hasn't it?" Mark thought about that a minute. Trudy was right, she did need to get out. What was going to happen when they got married. She'd be all alone and Trudy would worry about her all the time, then.

  "Yeah, I think she feels as though she has to mourn him for the rest of her life. Daddy would never have wanted that for her. He used to fret that she spent so much time making him comfortable." Trudy sighed. "But I know for a fact, Mr. Harvey is interested in her. And I think daddy would rather see her happy than sad and lonely."

  "Mr. Harvey over at the hardware store?" Mark's brow shot up.


  "That's interesting." Funny, he'd never noticed.

  "I told her too."

  "Good. Maybe they will get together."

  "I hope so." Trudy sighed and scooted close to Mark now. "She didn't have a clue."

  "Glad you got close, it's cold in here." He snuggled against her and put his arm around her.

  At the dance it didn't take them long to huddle with a bunch of friends and they walked around the school noting the huge Christmas tree, and all the decorations. A lot of the students helped and Mark seemed to really get a kick out of seeing things again. He'd gone to high school here too.

  The D.J. was really hip, he had all their favorite songs and a lot of Christmas songs too. When a slow dance came along, Mark grabbed Trudy into his arms and whirled her around on the floor. He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms again. Funny, although he'd always been respectful of Trudy, he knew that deep down, he was ready for a more permanent relationship with her. They got close and snuggled as did other couples and they talked and laughed together. Lights whirled around the room, and he snuck a kiss here and there.

  Then as the lights dimmed he took her to a secluded area to neck a bit. It was hard not to go further with her but he knew in his mind that not taking her now, meant keeping her in the long run. She was a very good girl and he was especially proud of her good morals.

  His parents even knew it was Trudy that kept them from going too far.

  His kisses were always so warm and inviting and after three years of dating, their relationship was blossoming into something realistic and more lasting. But tonight she'd worn a special dress, fixed her hair up and she was the belle of the ball. Her friends had gushed over her dress.

  He wanted to do everything to please her, to let her know how much he cared. He saw all the interested glances the guys gave her.

  But finally he brought her back to the Christmas tree and suddenly, he stared intently into her eyes, and dropped on one knee.

  Trudy was flabbergasted. She knew what he was doing but was so shocked that he did it now.

  "Trudy O'Bryan, our folks let us semi-date when you were fourteen. We've known each other all our lives. We were friends, play mates, and now…Trudy, will you be my bride."

  Her friends gathered around her and watched as he proposed and produced a stunning little black box.

  Trudy's hands shook as she took the little black box from him and opened it.

  There in the center was a beautiful diamond ring, a solitaire with sapphires surrounding it. She gasped. "My God, it's so beautiful. So me!" She cried and with tears and laughter, he slid it on her finger.

  "Yes!" She jumped into his arms and kissed him silly.

  Everyone laughed and clapped for them, it was such a joyous occasion and Trudy was shocked.

  They danced forever, and as the weather had warned it began to snow, heavily.

  Everyone gathered around the huge plate glass windows and stared out at the moonlit snowy night. It was coming in hard now and visibility had lessoned. Everyone was in awe of the beauty of it. It was perfect for the holidays, but Mark frowned. He knew things were about to get bad and he had better take her home. Only he so, didn't want to take her home yet. This night was special to them and he wanted more celebration.

  After a few more dances on the floor, he told her he'd better get her home. "We don't want your mother worrying."

  Trudy stared at him, her dark eyes sparkling into his. "Used to, I would say that. Now you do. I love you Mark Collins."

  "I know it, Trudy O'Bryan. And I'm so glad." He leaned to kiss her on the nose.

  Some of the kids were already starting to leave.

  He h
elped bundle her up and they made a mad dash for his truck. He was parked further out in the parking lot and offered to pick her up at the door, but she insisted on running with him, giggling all the way and holding her skirt up so it didn't get wet.

  As they got in the truck though, he had other things on his mind, like kissing her silly. He turned the heat up and took her coat off and nuzzled her cheek, her neck and her shoulder. His nose edged toward her cleavage and his kisses heated. "That dress makes me want to rip it off of you. I want to see you, touch you, kiss you." He whispered.

  She smiled, "You do?" She teased.

  "Can I?"

  She laughed.

  "I love it when you touch me Mark. But…I'm still glad you know when to stop. Sometimes I get a bit carried away…"

  "I know, and I like it when you do. But what I like most is when I hear that soft moan you make when I know you want to go further and I know I have to stop. I love how your eyes sparkle, and you moan in my ear so softly."

  He pulled away and stared into her dark eyes, "It gets harder and harder to be good with you. Especially in that dress."

  "I have to admit, tonight I've felt like a real woman more than I ever have. And I want you to know, I feel the same as you, but…someday we'll be glad we were sensible." She smiled with a twinkle in her eyes.

  "You're right, but…sometimes…like tonight, I want to show you exactly how much I care about you…."

  She glanced down at the ring. "This is so gorgeous. I never expected this tonight. I figured it would be at least another year before this happened."

  "Why not, it's Christmas, and I've got the most beautiful girl in the world, and she loves me. I want to celebrate our love."

  "Oh Mark, you say the sweetest things." She sighed when he nudged her dress down so his lips could cover her dark nipples. She felt herself go to putty in his arms. The things it did to her. Tonight was definitely one of those sometimes.

  His kisses turned passionate and he laid her down in the seat and leaned over her. She didn't mind, she totally trusted him not to go too far. She allowed him freedom over her breasts and down to her waist, but that was as far as they could or would take it. Still, nights like this one were so special and she yearned to know what some of her friends already did know. But when she started dating Mark her mother had insisted she would not put her on the pill, because she believed it gave her a license to have sex. So Trudy and Mark had been careful not to stretch their luck. Neither of them wanted an unexpected pregnancy. But even Trudy had to admit, she'd love to make love with Mark. Mainly because she really loved him.

  But their necking had usually been quite controlled. All by Mark the last year. "You're so beautiful Trudy. I can hardly wait until the day I can truly make you mine. I so love you," He whispered in her ear as his lips surrounded a dark nipple. His tongue shot out to lave her there, and the feelings that evoked nearly had her coming undone. He had perfected the art of kissing, and as he made love to her breasts, she moaned softly urging him on as her own hand went inside his shirt.

  "I love you too…." She sighed catching her breath as his lips manipulated the nipple against his swirling tongue. "Oh…Mark…" She gasped at his eagerness. "I want you too. But…we have to think of the future and we both have to finish school…"

  He raised up, straightened her dress, kissed her on the nose and smiled. "Don't remind me, not tonight, this is a special night for us. I need to love you…But hey, I've got a present for you."

  "A present, but, I haven't even bought yours yet." She cried. "And besides, this ring, is more than enough."

  "Not for my girl it isn't."

  He presented her with another gift.

  She saw the pretty package and smiled. "You're too good to me."

  "Trudy, you're more than just my girl. You're going to be my wife. I want you to have nice things. Don't worry I can afford it. Working in Jackson and Thorn's law office I get paid well, and I live in a dorm. I have little expense, and this is one time in our lives when I don't have responsibilities yet. Let me give you things that I want you to have. It isn't to expound on my riches, I earned this money, myself. And I want the love of my life to be happy and have nice things."

  She looked up at him and a tear fell on her cheek. "You're too good to me."

  "Well go on, open it." He chuckled and kissed her on the nose.

  She unwrapped the gift and opened the box and inside was a beautiful gold necklace with small diamonds all around a heart. She gasped.

  "Oh Mark, it's beautiful." She cried. She took it out and asked him to put it on her. The necklace had a tiny chain that sparkled against her and he smiled. "Now that compliments your dress. It's just right, not gaudy, but delicate and sweet, like you."

  She swallowed and then stared at the ring again, then back at him, grabbing him around the neck she kissed him wildly on the lips.

  "I know we have to wait until I get out of college, but sometimes…I don't want to. Sometimes I dream about us driving into Fairbanks and getting married and not telling anyone, so we could really be together. Just think about it, we could be secretly married."

  "Mark!" She gasped and looked into his serious eyes. "I know how you feel, I feel the same. I really do. But…our parents would have a fit if they knew."

  "I know, and I'm not good at keeping secrets. I'm surprised I kept this secret so long. So, do you really like it?" He asked, hugging her tightly.

  "Like it? It's the most gorgeous thing I've ever been given. The necklace…the ring…"

  She sat in his lap now, as they kissed for long lingering moments, steaming up the cab of the truck.

  He knew the ring would weaken her resolve and he knew he'd have to be the strong one again, but tonight was so special to them both.

  He pulled her jacket over her and his hands were busy with touching her breasts, and heated kisses. As his lips caressed her nipple she squirmed.

  "Oh Mark…I so want to…"

  "I know honey…so do I. You know we've dated for three years now. And I want to get married." He was losing it. This night was so special, would it hurt if they made love just once? He was debating just how good he could be under the circumstances.

  "I can't believe you asked me…" She whispered, feeling the love between them and wanting more of his touches.

  "Why is that so surprising. You know I love you endlessly. We've talked about our future many times. I just decided it was time to make it official." He told her with a smile. "It's been three years, and we are so perfect for each other. The only regret I have is that I can't make you mine right now. Will your Mom be upset?"

  "I don't know. At this point I don't care. This is something I want. I love you Mark I have for a long time now. I just can't believe you did this…now! I thought it would be at least another year or two."

  "I couldn't wait that long to show you how much I care. We are so good together. And I don't want some guy coming along and sweeping you off your feet. I wanted to make it official. You're my girl and everyone going to know it now. God…Trudy, I want you so bad…"

  She blushed. "Oh Mark," She wailed sadly. "So do I."

  He dipped his head to taste the sweet nub of her nipple. She gasped with such pleasure.

  "You have no idea what that does to me…" She whispered.

  "Yes I do. It does the same to me, too, honey. It's so darned hard to be patient. I can't wait until the day I can lay in bed with you and wake up and make love. I want to look at you half the day, naked in my arms. I want to hear you moan with pleasure. I know we have to be good, but I have to tell you every now and then so you realize how hard it is to be good. It sure doesn't come easy, especially right now!"

  "D-did you tell your folks about the ring?"

  "Yes, I did." He pulled himself together a bit and pulled her dress to respectability.

  "And…what did they say?"

  "Dad said congratulations, he knew it was coming, mom was a bit skeptical, but I told her firmly you were the one for me an
d that I was going to make sure of it. They both know how much I love you. It will take them time to get adjusted I guess, but that's their problem." Mark laughed. "Not ours."

  "I didn't dream you'd ask me so soon." She cried staring at her finger now with real tears in her eyes. She looked up into his eyes now, staring with tears in her eyes. "Why is being good, so hard?"

  "Because what we feel about each other is real."

  She leaned against the glass of his door.

  "Do your parents not like me?" She asked seriously.

  "They love you. They just think you are very young and that I have a lot of schooling left to finish." He smiled looking at her hand too. "They are afraid we'll do something stupid."

  "Do you think making love is stupid?" She asked, her brows raising.

  "Not between two people who know they love each other, it isn't. That's why it's so damned hard. You're not going to believe this, but I even bought condoms for tonight, just in case we decided…."

  "Kiss me Mark…" She cried.

  And he didn't need any more invitations. His kisses were arousing and the truck was steaming now, the only sound was their soft moans and panting for breath.

  "That's one of the reasons we haven't made love yet. We are doing everything they ask of us. They have to be happy for us. We're very good. This is so special a night. I don't want it to end. But…even though we have to wait a while…this makes it all worth waiting for." She cried.

  He came up for air and stared into her face, "You are worth waiting for Trudy. But baby, tonight is hard."

  "I know. I feel the same…"

  "Exactly. At least now your mother can be sure of my intentions."

  "That's true." She giggled.

  "I love you so, Trudy…" He cried and kissed her again, this time his kisses heating her. He took a nipple between his teeth and held it gently, then sent his tongue over the tips and she nearly came up out of the seat. The beautiful feeling assailing her lit her insides like fire now and the wanting just got harder.

  "Oh Mark," she pulled his face up to stared into his eyes. "Tell me again, why we can't."

  "I'm really tired of telling you we can't…" He panted. "I want you too Trudy, tonight. It's still early."


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