by Dotson, P.
“Marcus, you were rarely ever home anyway. Work was your family. I practically raised Little Marcus on my own.”
“Cassidy don’t give me that bullshit.”
“I’m not giving you anything Marcus but the truth. Besides Junior living in that house with you and Ciara isn’t healthy for him. You should have seen the look on his face earlier, and I refuse to jeopardize his well being just to accommodate you and your little power trip.”
“I’m not going to argue with you, just expect a phone call from my lawyer.”
“That’s fine. What judge in their right mind would grant you custody with those living arrangements? Just tell me this, is Junior supposed to call Ciara auntie or mommy?” Cassidy snapped. “Oh, yeah what’s her occupation again? Can you enlighten me on what type of dance she does?”
“Fuck you,” Marcus growled through the phone. He was pissed, yet surprised Cassidy came at him like that. He hung up the phone for the first time at a loss for words.
“That’s what the fuck he gets,” Cassidy chuckled to herself as she placed the phone back on the receiver.
“What you up here smiling about?” Pearl asked startling Cassidy.
“Mom can you announce yourself next time?” Cassidy said placing her hand to her chest.
“Oh, whose house is this? Oh that’s what I thought,” she replied without giving Cassidy a chance to respond. “Now what were you over there giggling about?”
“Marcus is threatening to take me to court.”
“And you think that is funny?”
“Mom I’m not even worried about Marcus right now,” Cassidy said with a wave of her hand. “If my baby wants to stay with me then so be it. Marcus is just going to have to get over it. He is going to have to learn that he can’t control everything.”
Pearl smiled on the inside, seeing a slight change in her daughter already. “ Personally I don’t know why you married his sorry ass anyway.”
“Mom,” Cassidy sighed.
“Well it’s the truth,” she huffed. “So I assume Junior is handling the situation with you and Marcus pretty good.”
“Yeah, actually he is handling it better than I expected. He and his father haven’t really established a relationship. Marcus is too busy telling Junior what he needs to do and how he should do it. He never takes the time out to bond with Lil Marcus. You know Little Marcus is really active, and his father makes an appearance every once in a blue moon. But that was probably a good thing, because Lil Marcus could score every point or made the winning goal or basket and his father would still find something negative to say,” Cassidy said shaking her head.
“Well that’s Marcus own fault. All he wants to do is work, work, work and work some more. I bet they get tired of seeing him down at that office. And how the hell he gon’ teach somebody how to play something if I remember correctly that nigga was a damn bench warmer. Couldn’t shoot a basketball farther than my ass,” Pearl snapped rolling her eyes.
Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “Mom I just want to say thank you.”
“For what?” Pearl asked with a confused look on her face.
“You know, just for giving me a boost and keeping it real with me. I know I’m still going to hit some rough patches along the way, but with Jesus on my side I know someway I’m going to make it. Like you said Marcus has moved on with his life now it’s time for me to move on with mine. If not for me, then at least for Junior.”
Pearl smiled. “That’s right baby, she said giving her daughter a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks mom. Where’s Junior?”
“Downstairs on the phone, I think it’s a girl,” she whispered.
“What!” Cassidy said raising an eyebrow. “Not my baby, he is too young to be worried about some girl.”
“Well your baby isn’t a baby anymore.”
Cassidy laughed and shook her head. “I’m going to go and be nosey and see just what my baby is up too.”
Pearl smiled. She understood her daughter endured a tough pill to swallow. She thought Cassidy handled the situation fairly well, because she knew if Joe ever tried to pull a stunt like that with her she would either be in jail for murder or attempted murder.
Chapter 13
Cassidy sipped her lemonade as she sat in the booth skimming through the classifieds. She got up early that morning, taking her mother’s advice to go job hunting. Her mother dropped Junior off at school, giving her time to dress and prepare her resume. She wore a Donna Karan skirt with an all white button up blouse and black knee high boots. She decided to keep her hair tame, by pulling it in a tight bun. She felt the bun gave her a more professional appearance.
She stopped a couple of places and dropped off her resume, but she knew it would be hard to find a decent paying job without a college degree. Once she is able to get back into the flow of things she planned on going back to school.
“Do you mind if I join you?” A deep baritone voice asked interrupting her thoughts.
Cassidy looked up from her paper and the first thing she noticed were a set of pearly white teeth, staring back at her. He reminded her of the actor/singer Tyrese with his deep chocolate skin, high cheekbones, slanted eyes and sensual lips. Cassidy found herself getting lost in the warmth of his eyes and intoxicating smile.
As fine as he was she could immediately tell they were complete opposites. He was way too thugged out for her taste. He rocked baggy jeans, an oversized polo shirt, and fresh pair of butter Timberland boots donned his feet.
“Maybe some other time,” she politely declined.
“A beautiful lady like you shouldn’t be eating alone.”
Cassidy felt herself blush. A slight heat burned between her thighs, and she quickly pressed them together. “Actually I was just about to leave anyway.”
“Is there anyway I could possibly get your name and number? You’re a very attractive woman and I would hate to miss the opportunity of getting to know you.”
Cassidy was tempted. Despite his outer appearance there was something in his eyes that drew her to him, but she decided against it. She felt it was too soon for her to be out seeking other men already. “No, honestly I don’t think you’re my type. Sorry.”
“Why is that?” he asked with a smile, advertising his dimples.
His smile made her heart melt. She took in a few deep breaths and pulled herself together. “I just don’t get down with the street life. I’m not into thugs, no offense.”
He laughed. “None taken. What makes you think that anyway?”
“I don’t know, maybe your attire; your shirt, the baggy jeans, and the boots.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “So that’s it huh? My clothes tell you the whole story about me, I’m thugged out. That’s stereotypical, don’t you think?”
“Is it?”
“You don’t even know me or my occupation. From the way you’re dressed and sitting here daintily sipping your lemonade I could assume you’re stuck-up, yet classy. But you can’t always judge a book by its cover; you just might miss out on a good thing.”
“Okay,” she said with a smirk on her face. “What is it that you do?”
“Slide me your number and I’ll tell you.”
“Nice try, but no thanks.”
“Why, you have a man at home? I don’t see a rock on your finger,” he said inspecting her hand. “Besides he’s crazy if you let you come out of the house alone.”
Cassidy smiled. “Well, actually right now I’m kinda separated from my husband, and I’m not looking to get into a serious relationship right now.”
“That’s understandable,” he said nodding his head in understanding. “Well my name is Antoine,” he said extending his hand.
“Cassidy,” she said placing her hand in his. She was taken by surprise when he gently kissed the back of her hand. A tingle traveled down her spine as electric waves shot through her body from that simple gesture.
“It was a pleasure to meet you. I have a feeling we
will be running into each other. Until then you be sure to enjoy the rest of your day and keep me in your thoughts.”
“I will . . . I mean you enjoy the rest of your day too.”
She watched Antoine stroll out of the restaurant with a confident swagger. Cassidy grabbed her napkin off the table and wiped her face, she’d gotten hot all of a sudden.
Her phone began to ring and her thoughts were so consumed with Antoine that she didn’t even bother to look at the caller ID. “Hello,” she smiled still thinking about Antoine.
“Oh, so you don’t know me no more,” her best friend Pam, yelled into the phone nearly busting Cassidy’s ear drum.
Cassidy rolled her eyes toward the sky and shook her head. “What are you talking about? Every time I tried to call you it went straight to your voicemail.”
“Cassidy, I can smell that bullshit through the phone.”
“What? I’m being honest,” Cassidy chuckled.
“I’m mad at you Cas, I’ve been your ride or die since grade school and you just up and avoid me for the past two weeks. That just ain’t right.”
That statement made Cassidy feel guilty because Pam was right. They have been friends since grade school. You rarely saw one without the other. Pam was even her maid of honor when she and Marcus got married.
“I’m s orry boo.”
“It’s okay I’ll forgive you this time. Just promise me that you won’t ever go this long without speaking to me no matter what. Life isn’t guaranteed and promised to no one.”
“Okay sistah sue.”
“Whatever,” Pam laughed. “Soooo, I heard about Ciara and Marcus how you holding up?”
“I’m doing better. I have my moments, but I just try not to think about it too much.”
“I hate to say this but I told you so and you know I did, right before you married his pretty ass.”
“Yes, you did Pam,” Cassidy said rolling her eyes. She had a feeling Pam was going to say some shit like that.
“I started to go over there and show my ass. You should have seen me with my jar of Vaseline, had my Jays and everything. Girl you know how I do.”
“Yes, unfortunately I do Pam, all too well.”
“But my girl China handled that nigga for me,” Pam said ignoring Cassidy’s comment. “You should have left his ass after that shit that went down in college.”
Cassidy frowned. “What shit?”
“You know what I’m talking about. You know all that shit that went down with that white girl, when she accused Marcus of rape.”
Cassidy rolled her eyes. “If I remember correctly he was never charged with anything. He said he had a one night stand with the girl and when she found out he was married that’s when she accused him of rape. You knew how white girls were back then. Besides, Marcus may be a lot of things, but a rapist is not one of them.”
“Yeah whatever,” Pam muttered.
“Who told you about me and Marcus anyway?” Cassidy asked attempting to change the subject.
“Channel Sixteen.”
“Mom Pearl, you know she know everybody business that’s why I call her channel sixteen. She knows all the news.”
“You know what, you are right about that one,” Cassidy laughed.
“Hey how about you roll to the club with me this weekend, since you’re a free agent now.”
“Girl please!” Cassidy said scrunching up her nose. “You know I don’t do the club scene. It’s too crowded, hot and sweaty.”
“Come on it will be fun. Me, you and China.”
“You and China together,” Cassidy shook her head no as if Pam could actually see her. “That’s definitely a wrap. Y’all two together spell trouble and you know it.”
Pam laughed because she always referred to China as her “mini me”. “But we behaved ourselves the last time we all went out together.”
“And Lord knows that was a miracle,” Cassidy chuckled. It seemed whenever China and Pam were together trouble was sure to follow.
“Come on Cas, it will be fun. I promise to be on my best behavior.”
“I’ll think about it,” Cassidy lied. The club scene was never really her thing, even when she was younger she didn’t go to the clubs often. She could count on her fingers how many times she’d been to a club in the last seven years.
“A’ight let me get back to work. And make sure you answer your phone next time chick. Bye boo love ya’ like a sista.”
“Bye, love you too.”
Cassidy laughed and dropped her phone in her purse. People always found it hard to believe she and Pam were actually friends. Cassidy has always been the shy type, and had a hard time talking to people, that is until Pam pulled her out of her shell. Pam has always been boastful and flamboyant. She was very opinionated and didn’t mind speaking her mind. She was considered raw and uncut. But they’ve been friends since elementary school and have made it work.
Cassidy finished her lunch, with Antoine on her mind the entire time. She just prayed he didn’t come back in there in fear she might do something she would regret. She just couldn’t shake the picture of his full lips out of her head. She just wanted a quick taste.
Whoa Cas, is it too soon to be thinking about another man? she asked herself.
“Oh, well,” she said shrugging her shoulders and standing up. “I won’t be seeing this man again anyway.” She grabbed her belongings and left the waiter a nice tip as she headed out and continued on her job search.
Chapter 14
“Let us stop the bullshit baaaaabey. Let me take you to that spot get you hot.” Ciara and Rayna sang along with the old school jam by Biggie and R. Kelly as they rode “through” looking for something to get into.
“This is my shit right here,” Rayna said turning it up. “Ride through Port Street, I’m a roll my window down so I can be seen,” Rayna laughed remembering her high school days when they used to do shit like this all the time.
“It’s too damn cold for all that,” Ciara laughed. “Besides I’m pretty sure ain’t nobody out in this weather,” Ciara said as they styled and profiled in Marcus’ truck.
“Awe chick please, tell a crack head that when a monkey riding his damn back.”
“Shut-up,” Ciara laughed, shaking her head at her friend. “What the hell are you doing?” Ciara shrieked once she noticed Rayna was about to spark up a blunt. “If Marcus found out we were smoking trees in his truck he would kick my ass. Besides I’m with child so if I can’t have none you can’t either.”
Rayna smacked her lips and rolled her eyes as she placed her blunt back in her purse. “Is that Marcus’ baby?”
Ciara jerked her neck back as if she’d been punched in the throat. “Yes, it’s his baby why would you ask me some shit like that?”
“I’m just asking no need to get all sensitive and shit.”
“Whatever chick, it’s time for me to head home anyway. I’ve been out all day and my baby should be home by now.”
“Damn, you ain’t no fun anymore. You really are playing the hell out of this wifey role.” Rayna felt slighted, it seemed ever since she’s been with Marcus she rarely had time for her anymore.
“Of course this is my full-time position now. Marcus is my nigga now.”
Rayna got quiet for a second as she looked at Ciara sideways. She hated to ask, but she was dying to know. “Um . . . you don’t feel some kind of way about stealing your sister’s husband? I mean shacking up where they once lived, and you about to have his baby and shit. Do you and Marcus sleep in the same bed that he and Cassidy used to sleep in?”
“See ,why you even have to go there Rayna, damn.” Hearing her dirty laundry made her feel some type of way. She just wished everyone would leave the Cassidy and Marcus story in the past, because that’s where it belonged. She and Marcus are the present and soon to be the future. “You can’t help who you fall in love with Rayna.”
“Okay whatever.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”r />
“Okay, honestly admit it; you’ve always been jealous of Cassidy. Why? I don’t know. You know what Ciara that’s real fucked up too because Cassidy is good peoples and the type of person that would give you her last.”
“Are you finished?” she snapped. She wasn’t in the mood to be preached to.
“Hey you asked,” Rayna said shrugging her shoulders. “I’m your friend and I’m just keeping it real wit you. Don’t get mad because it’s not what you wanted to hear,” Rayna said popping her gum and turning the radio up.
Ciara remained silent the remainder of the ride back to Rayna’s house. Rayna hit a sore spot, because everything she said was absolutely true. Cassidy is truly one of the kindest and sweetest people you would ever want to meet. She could recount plenty of times she had to call on Cassidy and she would come running no matter what it was. Cassidy had always been like that even as a child.
Ciara just couldn’t help the jealousy she harbored towards her older sister. It just seemed as though Cassidy always had it easier in life. She was an honor roll student, very athletic, keeping her name in the newspaper. Cassidy always seemed to stay in the spotlight. It was always Cassidy has pretty hair, and pretty eyes. Just Cassidy, Cassidy, Cassidy.
Maybe she was being selfish but she felt her time in the spotlight was long overdue. It was her time to shine and have all the finer things in life. She’d been fucked over in life, she wanted to be able to live comfortably, rock designer labels and push a Benz. Just for once she wanted to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about herself. It was time for her to be somebody’s number one, and she planned to do everything in her power to keep it that way.
* * *
Ciara stepped into her empty home and went straight to the living room. The living arrangements between she and Marcus haven’t gone as smoothly as she’d hoped, but she prayed things would get better. Marcus was still a little upset about Junior wanting to stay with Cassidy. She could understand where Junior was coming from and she tried to explain this to Marcus but he was just too stubborn and bullheaded to listen.
“Where is his black ass at anyway?” she asked herself checking the time on her watch. It was a little past seven and she hadn’t heard from him all day. She searched her purse for her cell phone, and dialed his number, it went straight to voicemail. She looked at her phone funny before putting it down.