by Dotson, P.
Marcus turned around and boldly watched the sway of Rayna’s round and plump ass. His manhood immediately began to stand at attention. He always had a thing for Rayna, with her smooth, flawless milk chocolate skin, innocent brown bright eyes, and cute oval baby doll face. She had the body of a goddess with round perfect 36 C’s with more than enough ass to match.
“Marcus,” Ciara snapped hitting him in the arm, a pot of jealousy brewing in her heart, because of the lustful look in his eyes.
“What?” he said scratching his head.
“Can you stop starring at my friend’s ass and answer the damn question,” Ciara snapped.
“Repeat the question please.”
“Why didn’t you answer your cell phone today when I called you?” she asked in a softer tone gently stroking his arm. Things have been strained between them lately and she hoped like hell he wasn’t having second thoughts.
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t hear it,” he lied. He just wasn’t in the mood to deal with her. He had a lot of things going on and he didn’t want Ciara’s nagging to add to his stress.
Ciara simply sighed as she shook her head to keep her tears at bay. Marcus has become a completely different person. He was no longer caring and attentive to her needs like he used to be. She was pregnant with his child and needed him to be more considerate of her feelings. He stayed out all hours of the night without even so much as a phone call. He no longer invited her on his business trips, or asked her advice about any of his cases. Their relationship went from sixty to zero, and she just wanted the old Marcus back. The one she could sit up and talk to for hours about anything. The Marcus, who would shower her with gifts and profess just how much he loved her. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were.
He used to look at her with so much love and affection. He would call her to say I love you just because. But those were memories that she shared with him just months ago, before they moved in together, then everything changed.
They stood there in an awkward silence. Ciara thinking about what they once were while Marcus could only seem to think of Rayna’s thick thighs. Ciara did a threesome with one of her friends before, so he hoped she would agree to convince Rayna to engage in one as well.
“Hey baby,” he said grabbing her and wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her forehead and looked down at her with a sparkle in his eye.
“Yes, baby,” Ciara said returning the smile. A warm feeling took over her heart at just the simple gesture. She thought this may be a step towards a new beginning to get back where they used to be.
“You think you could set something up with you, me and your home girl Rayna?”
“What! Are you serious?’ Ciara asked taking a step back and removing herself from his embrace. It was no secret she engaged in a threesome with Marcus before, but for him to ask her such a question while she was riding on an emotional rollercoaster was a big mistake. She was all set and ready to please her man, but it was obvious that he wasn’t interested in her; he simply wanted to fuck Rayna. It hurt like hell that he no longer gave her that same look he was giving Rayna.
Marcus could see the pain in Ciara’s eyes and tried to shed some light on the situation. “Not now, but after the baby.”
“You son of a bitch,” she said slapping him hard in the face before spinning on her heels and heading upstairs.
He watched as she waddled up the steps. He held his cheek pissed that Ciara had the audacity to put her hands on him. He really didn’t see what the big deal was. It wasn’t like they hadn’t done it before. He dug in the pocket of his pants and pulled out his keys. He was going to find someone to release his stress.
Chapter 17
Ciara just put the finishing touches on the baby’s room. She decorated it in pink and white since she was having a girl. Unfortunately, she had the painstaking pleasure of doing it all by herself, with the exception of Rayna, because Marcus claimed he was too busy. It saddened Ciara to see what their relationship has become. She wondered if Marcus ever loved her at all or if he’d just gotten bored with his home life with Cassidy and used her as a scapegoat.
She sadly shook her head as she neatly put away baby clothes and maternity blankets. Her little bundle of joy most definitely wouldn’t have to want for anything. She might have went a little overboard while shopping, and a lot of the items she purchased were simply unnecessary, but shopping was the only way she could cope with the stress of her current situation. After finishing in the baby room she went downstairs and fixed herself cup of tea.
Knock! Knock!
“Who is that?” she wondered out loud. “Who is it?” she yelled.
“It’s China.”
“I don’t want any trouble China,” Ciara warned as she opened the door.
“Girl, ain’t nobody on that kind of time. I just wanted to stop in and check on you, to see how you are doing? We haven’t heard from you in awhile. Everybody is kind of worried.”
Ciara stood there allowing a few brief seconds to fly by before stepping aside so China could come in. Ciara took note of how good China looked. She gained her weight back, and let her hair grow. It hung loosely around her shoulders. There was no denying that her baby sister was looking good.
“You look nice,” Ciara nodded approving of how China fitted the seven jeans she wore. She looked good in her purple blazer and matching boots, with silver accessories to match.
“Thanks, I wish I could say the same about you,” China said taking note of the stress bags under Ciara’s eyes.
“China,” Ciara said rolling her eyes, moving past her and walking through the living room and into the kitchen.
“I’m not trying to be funny or anything but pregnant women usually have a glow about them. And right now I’m not seeing it. You look tired and worn out, is everything okay between you and Marcus. Hold up wait,” she said putting up her hand. “On second thought fuck his dumb ass, is everything alright with you?”
“Would you like some tea?” Ciara asked picking up her own cup of tea and taking sip. She really wasn’t in the mood to talk about her and Marcus’ problems especially not to China.
“Yeah, I’ll take some,” China said taking a seat. She turned her nose up, because the smell of cheese lingered heavily in the air, but she remained quiet.
“How’s life been treating you China?”
“Well, I can’t complain I have my health and strength that’s all that matters. Just trying to get my life back on track, that’s the main thing.”
“You can’t do that if you’re constantly hanging around trash.”
China rolled her eyes because she knew Ciara was referring to Nene. “Ciara whatever, you act like all of your friends are saints. Nene is not all bad,” China said shrugging her shoulders.
“Humph, that’s what you think,” Ciara said placing a cup of warm tea in front of China.
“Thanks,” China sighed. “Look I’m not even going to go there with you,” China said giving China a sideways glance.
“You know what China, why are you even here? I mean seriously,” Ciara asked feeling the sting of China’s underlying remark.
“I just wanted to stop by and say hi and to see how you were doing. And honestly Ci, you don’t look to good.”
“Well, for your information Marcus and I are doing just fine.”
“I didn’t ask about Marcus, I asked about you.”
“I’m fine China.”
“Okay,” China said lifting her hands in a truce. “You know I’m here if you need to talk. I just want to apologize for the way I’ve treated you the last couple of months and I bought the baby something. it’s out in the car. I’ll go out and get it, its nothing major just a couple of outfits.”
China came back inside the house with three bags full of clothes. Ciara could only shake her head and laugh. “I thought you said a couple of outfits.”
“Come on now, you know how I do. You know I have to spoil my nieces and nephews. Well, what is it that you
’re having?” China asked hoping she said a girl, because that what she heard through the grapevine from Rayna.
“A girl,” Ciara smiled rubbing her belly. “And you are right about that. You have Junior spoiled rotten and probably still do.”
“You know it,” China boasted. A slight pause surrounded them before China continued. “But on some real shit, I really wish that you and Cassidy would squash this shit. No man is worth losing your family over.”
Ciara nodded her head in agreement. “Do you think Cassidy has come to terms that she and Marcus are over with? Do you think that she is willing to accept that me and Marcus are together?”
“I can’t say all that, but you could give her a call and find out. We used to be so close and I just want to get that bond back.”
“Yeah, we were,” Ciara sighed missing their late night talks and girls night out. “I’ll give her a call one day.”
“Pinky promise,” China said holding out her pinky.
Ciara giggled and hooked her pinky in China’s. “I promise.”
“China girl, you really are looking good. Whatever you’re doing please keep it up. I don’t ever want to see you fall off like that again. I know I haven’t been the big sister that I should have, is there anyway you can find it in your heart to forgive me?”
Ciara felt kind of guilty. She felt when China needed her most, she was so wrapped up in Marcus that she basically turned her back on her little sis.
“Girl please, what I put myself through is no one’s fault but my own. So don’t even go and try to blame yourself.”
The two women embraced for what seemed like hours. China felt they were making progress. She just hoped Cassidy would be as understanding and put their past behind them. They continued to converse and make up for lost time.
Chapter 18
“Car Michael and Associates, how may I direct your call?”
“Yes, is Mr. Simmons available?”
“Actually I think Mr. Simmons is out of the office today. Would you like his voicemail?”
“Yes, please.”
“Okay thank you and have a nice day.”
Cassidy settled in nicely at her new job. It didn’t take her long to learn the ins and outs of her new position. She took the position of the dumb blonde that rudely tried to refuse her resume. It was an extra bonus that she was able to see Mr. Jackson almost everyday. They have definitely become closer in just the short time she’d been working there. He was a sweetheart, buying her flowers and candy. She was surprised to learn that he was younger than her. He was twenty-nine with a ten-year-old daughter. He owned a home located in Annapolis, MD and a nice town home in Easton in order to successfully manage both businesses and cut back on his traveling expenses.
She couldn’t deny that she was a bit intrigued by Antoine. Just his aurora, and the way he carried himself with so much confidence. Whenever he entered a room he made you aware of his presence, without saying anything he commanded your attention. That type of swag turned Cassidy on. Despite their obvious connection she was hesitant about making it more than a friendship. He asked her out plenty of times, and she always politely declined. Marcus was the only man she has ever known, she was too scared to venture out onto the love scene only to have her heart broken again. Her heart just couldn’t survive another heart-break.
It was almost one o’clock, so Cassidy decided to take her lunch break a little early. Her stomach has been talking to her all morning.
Just as she walked outside Cassidy bumped into Antoine who happened to be walking arm and arm with a very attractive woman. They were in deep conversation and seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Cassidy screwed her face and felt a twinge of jealousy rip through her heart.
“Cassidy, where are you off too?” Antoine asked.
“Lunch,” Cassidy said shortly, the intoxicating scent of his Guilty Gucci cologne was invading her nostrils. He was sharp in his three-piece suit. This man was too fine.
“Do you mind if we join you?” He chuckled; Cassidy’s screw face said it all. She was jealous.
“Actually I do,” Cassidy replied, not hiding her attitude.
“Your eyes, they are so beautiful. Are they yours, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Cassidy stared at the young woman for a moment. She appeared to be no older than twenty-five. Cassidy hated to admit it but the young lady was beautiful, with mahogany skin, slanted eyes and high cheekbones. She could clearly see why Antoine was attracted to her, but the blonde wig she wore slightly took away from her beauty.
“Yes, they’re very much real,” Cassidy replied with a hint of an attitude
“They’re beautiful.”
“Thanks,” Cassidy said flatly. “Well it was nice chit chatting with you guys but I have to go. I have a few errands to run. Bye,” she said half waving before quickly walking away.
“Antoine, why didn’t you introduce us?” Marie said hitting his arm. “That is the Cassidy you’ve been telling me about right?”
“Ouch,” he said rubbing his arm. “And tell her what?”
“Don’t play dumb Antoine. Why didn’t you tell her I was your sister?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “She didn’t ask.” He was tired of playing the cat and mouse game with Cassidy. He wanted her in the worst way, but he wasn’t about to sit around and wait forever. “Come on big head I owe you lunch,” he said opening the door for her.
“Yes you do,” Marie agreed.
* * *
Cassidy sat in her car fuming. She was mad at herself for allowing Antoine see that she was jealous. He wasn’t her man so she really had no right to be mad. It wasn’t like he didn’t try to get the digits. She was the one playing the games, playing hard to get. She knew he was getting tired of waiting and she couldn’t blame him. She needed someone to talk to. She dialed Pam’s number and got her voicemail, so she tried China.
“Clay whatever,” Cassidy heard China yell over the phone.
Cassidy smiled. It was good to hear her sister laugh again. She was glad that China finally decided to get help for her addiction. “Just what is going on over there?” Cassidy joked fluffing her hair.
“Nothing,” China replied.
“Humph, it doesn’t sound like nothing to me.”
China smacked her lips. “Whatever. What you want anyway? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“On my lunch break.”
“So what’s up?”
“Nothing,” Cassidy lied.
“Come off the bullshit Cas, I can hear it in your voice.”
“Okay,” Cassidy sighed. “You remember that guy Antoine I was telling you about?”
“I think I like him.”
“Duh blinking eyes, and?”
Cassidy chuckled under her breath at China’s slick remark. “Well, I think he has a girlfriend now,” Cassidy pouted.
“Why do you think that?”
“I bumped into him and some female on my way out for lunch. They were all lovey dovey, walking arm in arm, all in each other’s face and shit.” Just the thought of Antoine being with another woman made her sick to her stomach. She just wished he’d been real with her and stop giving her the impression he was single if he wasn’t.
“Listen to you trying to cuss,” China laughed.
“Whatever,” Cassidy giggled.
“How do you even know for sure that’s his woman? She could be a close friend. What did he introduce her as?”
“Well, I didn’t really give him a chance to introduce her to me.”
“See there you go jumping to conclusions.”
“But you should have seen them together China,” Cassidy whined. “They were up there laughing and falling all over each other.”
“Are you exaggerating?”
“No,” Cassidy said jerking her neck back.
“Are you jealous? ‘Cause it sure sounds like it to me.”
Cassidy didn’t answer right away. She hated to admit th
at she may be a tad bit jealous. She sighed. “Okay maybe just a little.”
“Well, Cas go ahead and tell the man how you feel. You expect him to wait on you forever. I think he has done good waiting this long.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“No, I know I’m right.”
“I’m just scared China. I don’t want to put myself out there only to be hurt again.”
“Cas, I understand how you feel, trust me I do. But are you going to make every nigga pay for what that one bad nigga did? I haven’t met ole boy but from what you say about him, he sounds decent.”
“Oh my goodness China, he really is,” Cassidy smiled.
“Well, what the hell are you waiting for then? I’m not telling you to go buck wild and jump the nigga bones, but at least give it a try. I just don’t want you sitting around wondering what might have been. I always think its better to love then to never have loved at all.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Once again I know I’m right. You can’t deny that you are feeling him. Matter of fact I bet your smiling right now.”
Cassidy chuckled. “Whatever, no I’m not,” she lied.
“Hmmmm, humph. Anyway stop being so damn jealous and jumping to conclusions. Just tell him what’s on your mind. Don’t rush into anything though, just take it slow.”
“Yeah, when the timing is right I will talk to him.” She shook her head from side to side. She couldn’t believe she was taking advice from China. She thought about Ciara for a brief moment. She couldn’t deny that she missed her sister, but the betrayal was too great.
“That’s my girl, just don’t wait too long.”
“I won’t thanks mama.”
“No problem.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
“Oh, China.”
“You know I’m proud of you, right?”
“Yeah, I’m proud of me too. I’m just thankful to have so much love and support. A lot of people out there battling an addiction have to do it alone. And uh have you talked to Ciara lately?’