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Enough Of The Drama

Page 17

by Dotson, P.

  China and Rayna laughed as they followed Pam out onto the dance floor and joined Cassidy. Rayna stood in complete shock as she watched Cassidy pop her pussy like it was going out of style. Home girl had the nerve to look back at it as she made her ass bounce, making every girl and they mama jealous.

  “Cas, is getting it done,” Rayna laughed as she elbowed China.

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Oh this chick is trying to show me up,” Pam said as they all gathered in a circle around Cassidy and Freedom, who was doing all he could to keep up with Cassidy.

  “Damn right and I’m doin’ a damn good job of it,” Cassidy said as she wound her body in perfect sync with the beat of the music. She was drenched in sweat her back, her under arms and all, but she could care less that’s just how much fun she was having. Her hair was sweated out and started to curl.

  “Whatever,” Pam said, rolling her eyes.

  “Happy B day Cas,” Rayna said, giving her a hug.

  “Thanks boo,” Cassidy smiled. “Where’s Ciara? Wasn’t she coming?”

  Rayna cleared her throat as she looked at the trio, she was in the hot seat and all eyes were on her. “No, she didn’t come.”

  Cassidy shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well,” she said as she continued to dance. It was her birthday and right now she was feeling nice and for the moment she was over the drama.

  The rest of the night was going smoothly until Pam punched some young girl in the face. As a result they were all escorted out of the club by security. Other than that, they had a good time, leaving the family drama at home.

  Rayna was assigned the position as the new designated driver. She couldn’t help but to laugh at her three passengers. Cassidy was the most annoying of them all. The liquor had her talking non stop. China and Pam kept telling her to shut-up but home girl was in a world of her own.

  “I’m really in the mood for some dick,” Cassidy said, seductively winding her hips to the ‘ole skool jam My Body by LSG. “Turn that up, that’s my shit,” she said placing her arms in the air as she sang along with the lyrics, with Antoine fresh on her mind.

  “Some what?” Rayna laughed, as she shook her head. She figured Cassidy would have been passed out by now, but she was still in full swing.

  “How many times are you going to say that?” Pam snapped.

  “Oh, I said that already?” Cassidy said placing her arms at her side.

  “Ah, yeah,” Pam replied looking over at Cassidy with bucked eyes.

  “Cas you showed ya ass tonight,” Rayna said.

  “I know ‘cause I’m an Adams,” she said curling her lips, as she placed her hands on her hips and popped her coochie in her seat. Rayna could only laugh and shake her head.

  “I know that’s right sis,” China said turning around holding her hand in the air. Cassidy slapped her five.

  “Yeah, Cas is allowed to cut up on her birthday, but Pam you on the other hand, you should know better,” Rayna said, chuckling.

  “What?” Pam asked.

  “Punching that young girl.”

  Pam rolled her eyes. “I had to, she shouldn’t have tried to show me up.”

  “But you challenged her. You was all up in the girls face. I thought you was having seizures or something because you were shaking so damn hard,” China smirked.

  “And your point?” Pam asked.

  Cassidy, China and Rayna couldn’t help but to laugh. Pam was too hot for TV and felt she had done no wrong. The four girls managed to make it too Cassidy’s house safely, doing their best to tune Cassidy out. Both China and Rayna couldn’t help but to think that it would have been nice if Ciara came.

  Chapter 26

  Cassidy woke up with a pounding headache. “Ugh,” she frowned, as she palmed her forehead. She uncomfortably rolled over on her side and checked the time on the clock. It was a little past one o’ clock in the afternoon. “Mmmm,” she moaned as she swung her legs on the side of the bed.

  An uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as she made her way to the bathroom. A funny taste circulated her mouth, putting a frown on her face. She stretched before staggering into the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and groaned. All that money she spent on her hair had gone to waste.

  She relieved her bladder, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before heading downstairs. The smell of bacon filled her nostrils but immediately turned her stomach. She wondered who was in her house cooking. She tried to remember what exactly happened last night. Most of it was a blurr. She remembered going to the club and meeting some guy named Freedom.

  “Hey,” Cassidy said as she entered her kitchen and sat down joining China, Pam and Rayna at the kitchen table. A pile of food was in the middle of the table, but Cassidy couldn’t bring herself to touch it.

  “You want anything Cas?” Rayna asked, sipping on a cup of coffee.

  “You cooked?” Cassidy asked.


  “No that’s okay.” Rayna frowned. “No, I didn’t mean it like that,” Cassidy laughed. “I just can’t eat right now,” she said placing her elbow on the table and palming her forehead.

  “I know the feeling,” China agreed. Her head was pounding. She took three Tylenols’ to dull her pain. “How can you even eat?” China asked looking over at Pam.

  “Cause I’m hungry,” Pam said, looking at China like she asked a crazy question.

  They all burst out laughing, and China simply shook her head. “Anyway, Ms. Cassidy I just can’t get over you last night. You were really feeling yourself, you showed ya ass last night.”

  “You know what the messed up part is? I don’t even remember half of the mess I did last night.”

  “What?” China joked, snapping her neck back. “If that’s the case you don’t need to drink like that anymore. You were doing everything under the sun, shaking that ass, popping ya’ pus, and dropping it like its hot. And girl on the way home, you would not shut up.” China said rolling her eyes at the memory.

  “I was not that bad,” Cassidy said smacking her lips.

  “Chick please, you just saying that because you don’t remember half the shit that you said or did. Talking about you want some dick.”

  “No I didn’t China. Did I really?” Cassidy asked with wide eyes.

  The look on Cassidy’s face was priceless. They all couldn’t help but to laugh.

  “Yes, you did,” China said laughing. “You were off the damn hook. Everybody talk about how sweet and innocent Miss. Cassidy is. Humph we all know a freak lingers behind that innocent façade of yours.”

  “Whatever,” Cassidy said still shaking her head in disbelief. The girls were still talking about how she was getting down at the club.

  After finally eating breakfast everyone said their final good byes and Cassidy went upstairs to take a much needed nap. She lay down on her bed and yawned. It finally dawned on her that Ciara wasn’t there. She didn’t want to admit it, but it kind of disappointed her that Ciara didn’t show up and attempt to celebrate her birthday with her.

  A few tears snuck past her eyelids and glided down her face. She thought she was over it, she kept telling herself that she didn’t care anymore but it was a blatant lie. The betrayal still hurt, as if it happened yesterday. She was moving on, trying to put it all behind her, but she was still holding onto that hurt.

  The singing of her cell phone rocked her out of her pity party. She quickly wiped her eyes as she checked the caller I.D. A small nervous smile appeared on her face as she slid her finger across the green line.


  “Hey,sexy. You enjoy your birthday?”

  His voice sent heat waves down her spine. She bit her bottom lip and pressed her legs together tightly before responding. “From what I remember yes I did.”

  “From what you remember, huh? So I guess you don’t remember calling me last night talking shit.”

  Cassidy’s eyes grew large like a deer stuck in head lights. “What?”


  “Well what did I say?”

  “I ain’t telling you if you don’t remember.”

  “Antoine,” Cassidy whined. “I cant’ stand being in suspense.”

  “Oh well get used to it. You shouldn’t be out here being fresh and grown. I bet you showed your little ass didn’t you?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “You dance with anybody?”

  “Yeah, just this one guy?”

  “Did he try to get with you?”

  Cassidy temporarily took the phone from her ear and looked at it before placing it back to her ear. “What is all this, twenty questions? What you jealous?”

  “Nah, just making casual conversation. Let me ask you something?”

  “Okay go ahead.”

  “For a million dollars would you date a guy that had a body like Rick Ross and a face like Flava Flav?”

  Cassidy burst out laughing. “What?”

  Antoine couldn’t hold back his own laughter. “Would you for a million dollars?”

  “Dayum, you can’t at least give me something? You could at least give me a pretty face and ugly body or nice body and ugly face.”

  “Nope, so would you?”

  Cassidy giggled as she contemplated the question. One million dollars did sound like a lot to her right now. “What would I have to do?”

  “What do you think?”

  “No, I’m sorry I couldn’t do it. Unless I’ve fallen on hard times I just couldn’t,” Cassidy said frowning her face as she thought about Flava Flav. “Okay my turn. For a million dollars would you date a chick that had a body like . . . Kim K and a face like Wesley Snipes.”

  “What the hell?” Antoine said, laughing with a frown creasing his forehead. “Dayum, I don’t know,” Antoine said laughing. “Yeah, I probably would. If it’s just for one night, she don’t call me and I definitely won’t call her. I’ll just collect my money and bounce.”

  Cassidy burst out laughing. “You wrong for that.”

  “Hey, I’m just keeping it real.”

  “So, I was thinking, you would you like to come over for a night cap?”

  Antoine didn’t answer right away. It was obvious the chemistry was still there. The awkward scene that occurred the night they went out when Cassidy abruptly ended their kiss and slammed the door in his face, didn’t seem to put a strain on their friendship. But he didn’t want to get his hopes up about Cassidy only to be let down again.

  Cassidy could sense Antoine’s hesitation. “Boy, just come on over here. I’m sorry about what happened when we went out. I was just a little nervous.”

  “A’ight,” Antoine finally relented. “Just don’t do that shit again. Does eight sound good?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Cassidy smiled, as butterflies swarmed her stomach. “Let me give you my address.”

  “I still have it saved in my GPS.”

  “No, that was my parent’s house.”

  “Oh so we keeping secret’s now. What am I going to find out next, that you’re really a man?”


  “Cas, don’t play.”

  Cassidy laughed as she told him her address. “Don’t be late,” she said before hanging up.

  * * *

  Sweat smothered Cassidy’s under arms as she placed the top back over the rice. She glanced at the clock over the stove and took off her apron. It was a little after seven, she was sweaty and her ass was begging to be washed. She sashayed upstairs bouncing to her own beat. She threw her hair into a messy bun that sat directly on top of her head. Undressed then hopped in the shower.

  The warm water tickled her senses, stirring her out of her drowsy mood. She was still feeling the affects of her night out, but she wasn’t about to let that stop her from seeing Antoine. She smiled as she thought about him, butterflies danced around in her stomach and her heart began to flutter. That man had her gone after just one kiss.

  As hard as she tried, Cassidy couldn’t find anything to do with her hair, besides she didn’t have the time to properly style it Antoine would be there any minute. She shrugged her shoulders as she placed it back in a messy bun, sitting directly on top of her head. She threw on a pair of black leggings, a white I love New York t-shirt and a pair of sandals. After putting on a layer of lip gloss she heard her door bell ring.

  “He’s here,” Cassidy mumbled to herself, her palms getting sweaty. She quickly checked her appearance in the mirror, doing a double take of her booty in the mirror. It was sitting up just right, thanks to her sixty day squat challenge. “Dayum, only I could make a simple outfit like this look good,” she said curling her lips up and smiling at her reflection.

  The ringing of the door bell rocked her out of her daydream, and she quickly turned around and headed down stairs. She stopped in front of the door, inhaled deep and exhaled slowly. She smoothed out her shirt and opened the door. A smile claimed her face, as Antoine stood outside the door with a bottle of what appeared to be champagne and two wine glasses. He was dressed down as well in a pair of dark grey sweat pants, black t shirt and a pair of all black Timberland boots. A black and white NY hat covered his bald head.

  “Hey handsome,” Cassidy smiled as she stood back and allowed him to enter.

  “What’s up?” he said bending down, giving her a kiss on the cheek before stepping into the house.

  “Let me take those for you?” Cassidy said taking the champagne, and glasses out of his hand. “What did you bring?” Cassidy laughed when she read the label. “Oh I see you got jokes,” she laughed holding up the bottle of apple cider.

  “I don’t want any problems tonight,” Antoine laughed his eyes trained on Cassidy’s ass, as she walked him into the living room. He could feel the girth in between his thighs jump.

  “Have a seat. I’m going to go put this on some ice,” she laughed as she rolled her eyes. “Are you hungry?”

  “Hell yeah! What you cook?”

  “Just some baked chicken, rice, macaroni and cheese, and some broccoli.”

  “A’ight hook me up.”

  “There’s the remote on the table if you want to watch something on TV.”

  “A’ight,” he said picking it up and flipping through the channels. “Nothing really stood out to him, so he left it on the animal planet and got comfortable. He looked around admiring the décor of the living room. It was decorated in black and white, with black leather furniture and a white rug. He was surprised Cassidy didn’t act funny about her rug and didn’t make him take his shoes off.

  Cassidy came out with a stand and placed it front of Antoine. He couldn’t control his urge to cop a feel so he reached out and smacked her ass, amused by the way it jiggled.

  Cassidy looked back at him and smacked her lips. “A’ight don’t get yourself into something ya’ ass can’t get you out of.”

  “Just go get my plate. A nigga is starving.”

  “Whatever,” Cassidy said shaking her head as she disappeared back into the kitchen. She couldn’t believe he touched her ass, and she wasn’t offended. She fanned herself, but not from the heat suffocating the kitchen. “Okay Cas, get it together,” she said perking up her breast. She grabbed Antoine’s plate and headed back to the living room.

  Antoine didn’t waste anytime digging into his plate. As soon as Cassidy sat it down in front of him he said his grace and dove right in. Cassidy sat down beside him with a small plate in hand. He looked at her sideways with a smirk on his face.

  “What?” Cassidy asked shrugging her shoulders.

  “That’s all you gone eat?” Antoine asked looking at the lonely chicken leg, and spoonful of macaroni and cheese that decorated her plate.

  “Yeah, I’m not that hungry. Get out my business,” she said, rolling her eyes and snaking her neck as she took a bite of her chicken.

  “Yeah whatever,” he said as he continued to eat.

  They sat and chucked it up like they usually did at work, and the incident that happened on their first dat
e was forgotten. After eating dinner, Antoine getting seconds they decided to play cards.

  Cassidy sat there with her card in her hand. They were sitting on her living room floor playing speed. Antione already beat her four games to none. All she needed was for him to throw down a three or a five. Antoine sucked his teeth and took a sip of his Corona. This was his first time playing, Cassidy had to teach him how to play and he caught on quick.

  “What you sitting there like that for?” Antoine asked as he looked over the four cards he held in his hand.

  “I’m waiting on you,” Cassidy said shrugging her shoulders.

  “Oh, so you stuck?” Antoine grinned. He gave her a sly grin as he threw all four of his cards down. “Speed,” he bent over and whispered in her ear.

  His lips touching her ear distracted her from being mad. Heat traveled through her body touching her most intimate spot. She cleared her throat and pressed her legs together.

  “Whatever,” she blushed, as she picked up the deck of cards.

  Antoine checked his watch it was going on quarter after eleven. He yawned and stretched, not really ready for the night to end, but it was getting late. He stood up, and then helped Cassidy stand to her feet. He smacked her ass again and kissed her on the forehead.

  “A’ight, think I’m going to go ahead and go.”

  Cassidy felt her heart drop to her stomach. She was enjoying his company and wasn’t ready for him to leave. “Okay,” she whispered, as she looked up at him.

  Instantly their eyes locked, and the sexual tension that circled the air silenced them. Antoine held his reserve about making the first move, leaving it up to Cassidy. Cassidy took the initiative as she invaded his personal space. She grabbed the bottom of his t shirt and stood on her tippy toes. Antoine moaned as he wrapped his arms around her waist, meeting her halfway.

  Their lips briefly touched before parting, allowing their tongues to engage in an intimate tongue war. Cassidy ran her hands over Antoine’s smooth bald head as she pressed her body close to his. She could feel the hardness of his manhood poking at her belly. She gripped him tighter, as her pussy jumped in appreciation of his package. Antoine allowed a few moans to escape his throat as he cupped a handful of Cassidy’s ass. He slowly grinded his hips, making his man hood poke out even further.


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