The Day Will Come

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The Day Will Come Page 5

by Beryl Matthews

  Dan nodded. ‘Are they recruiting interpreters?’

  ‘Well, they will always be needed, and if the girl is fluent, then she could be valuable.’

  ‘See if you can find out. I’m curious. I know Grace declared French as another language when she joined us, but I found out last night that she also knows German.’

  ‘Does she? How good?’

  ‘Not very, according to her.’

  ‘Find out. That should be easy for you. You speak it like a native.’ He paused for a moment. ‘Is that what made you take that risky dash for the forest?’

  Dan’s jaw tightened before answering. ‘They were speaking quietly, but I heard enough to know they didn’t want to be bothered with prisoners. They couldn’t let us go, and when several of them began to line up in front of us with rifles, I told the men to run. Knowing the language got us out of a couple of tight spots as we made our way to the coast. Anyway, that’s in the past. We’ve got to prepare for what we are going to face now.’

  ‘That’s why I think you should find out how good Grace’s German is. If it isn’t fluent enough, then teach her. We all need to improve whatever skills we have. Never know when they might come in useful.’

  ‘I’ll do that.’ Dan stood up. ‘Let me know if you hear anything of interest.’

  When he walked into the office, Grace was already there.

  ‘Good morning, sir,’ she smiled. ‘Thank you for being so kind to my parents.’

  ‘It was my pleasure.’ He pulled a face when he saw the amount of envelopes she was busy opening. ‘That has piled up while we’ve been busy.’

  ‘We’ll soon get through it. That heap on your desk is for immediate attention.’

  They had been working steadily for about an hour, when he suddenly gave his instructions in German. For a moment, Grace was taken by surprise. She managed to quickly bring the unused language to mind, and answered – badly, she was sure. If he’d spoken to her in French she wouldn’t have had to struggle so hard.

  He continued in that way, while Grace answered hesitantly. It was soon apparent that he was very good.

  After a while, he said, ‘Your accent is terrible, Grace. We’ll have to do something about that.’

  The switch back to English made her sag with relief. ‘I know, sir. I wasn’t very good, and I haven’t used it for a long time. I can read it better than speak it. You are excellent, though. Where did you learn it?’

  ‘I lived in Germany for a few of years when I was twelve. I went to school there, and you pick things up easily at that age. My father was in the diplomatic service. He’s retired now and they live in Cornwall. We will set aside at least an hour each day when we will speak only in German.’

  Grace was puzzled. ‘May I ask why, sir?’

  ‘It could be useful to you in the future.’

  ‘When the Germans invade, you mean?’

  ‘Good Lord, no. The other way round, Grace.’

  ‘I see.’ She didn’t, but he was her boss, and if he wanted to speak German, then who was she to argue? She would have to get her reference books out again.

  She was busy typing when he interrupted her. ‘It’s coming up to ten o’clock. Why don’t you go and see if your friend has arrived?’

  ‘Oh, thank you. I didn’t realise it was that late.’ She stood up quickly. ‘I won’t be long, sir.’

  ‘Take all the time you need.’

  Helen was already waiting when Grace arrived. Her friend was wearing a navy blue suit with a crisp white blouse.

  ‘You do look smart,’ she said as she greeted her.

  ‘I thought I had better wear something simple. I’ve no idea what this is all about. I have been told to wait until someone comes for me.’

  ‘I hope you don’t have to wait as long as I did. Dad said you were seeing a Mr Graham. Is that right?’

  Helen nodded. ‘The letter didn’t say what he’s in charge of.’

  ‘Well, you are soon going to find out. Here’s your escort. Best of luck. I’ll see you tonight, if I’m not too late.’

  She watched until Helen had disappeared, and then hurried back to her office.

  ‘That was quick. Did you see her?’

  ‘Yes, but we didn’t have time to talk much because they came for her almost immediately. I thought all the offices were up here, but they went down the stairs.’

  ‘I expect they are using every available space. This place is getting crowded now.’ He smiled. ‘Put the kettle on. All this paperwork is making me thirsty.’

  She smiled at the disgusted expression on his face. ‘You’d rather be tramping through muddy fields?’

  ‘Definitely. We are going out tomorrow morning. I’ll pick you up from your home around 5 a.m. Wear flat shoes and the slacks again.’

  She stared at him, astonished. ‘Five in the morning?’

  ‘You can get up that early?’

  ‘Of course, but where are we going? I thought your inspection tour was over?’

  ‘This is personal. That’s why we have to go so early. You’ll enjoy it. Bring your office clothes to change into before we come back here.’

  There wasn’t time to reply because the phone rang. The major listened for a moment, and then left the office.

  What was he up to now? she thought. And if this trip was personal, why was he taking her with him? What a job! She never knew what was going to happen next.

  Grace couldn’t wait to see Helen, so she went straight to her friend’s house. ‘What happened?’ she asked, eagerly. ‘Did they offer you a job?’

  ‘Yes …’ Helen hesitated. ‘But I’ve been told I mustn’t talk about it. All I can say is that I’ll be working for a French section.’

  ‘Ah, I understand. I’m in the same situation. But did you accept the job?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’ Helen smiled broadly. ‘It should be interesting, and Grandmother is thrilled I’ll be using my French.’

  ‘I’ll bet she is,’ Grace laughed. ‘She’s thinking you’ll be looking after the French soldiers who came over after Dunkirk, and could find yourself a nice husband among them.’

  ‘She never gives up, does she? Anyway they asked me to volunteer for an organisation called FANY.’

  ‘What on earth is that?’

  ‘The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry.’

  ‘You’re going to be a nurse?’ Grace was horrified.

  ‘No. The name goes back to when it was formed years ago. The women used to help the wounded soldiers, and they went everywhere on horseback. Things have changed now, and they do all kinds of jobs.’

  Grace was highly amused. ‘I can just imagine you charging around on horseback. What’s the uniform like?’

  ‘Khaki, and much the same as the ATS. I don’t know where I’ll be stationed yet, but as soon as I get an address I shall expect a letter from you every week.’

  ‘I’ll write twice a week. I promise. Do you know when you’ll be going?’

  ‘They said within a week. We’ll have a party before I leave.’

  ‘Mum, I told you to stay in bed. I can get my own breakfast.’ Grace had moved around quietly in order not to disturb her parents, only to find her mother busy in the kitchen.

  ‘I was already awake, so I thought I’d get you something to eat before you leave. Don’t you know why Dan wants you ready so early?’

  ‘No.’ Grace sighed. ‘I probably won’t know until we get to wherever we’re going. He doesn’t explain until it’s necessary.’

  ‘Ah, well, it keeps thing interesting, doesn’t it? He doesn’t look like a man it would be easy to disobey.’

  Grace shook her head, and then sat down at the table. ‘You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble, Mum. Toast would have been enough.’

  ‘I managed to get some extra eggs from Gladys up the road. Her chickens have been laying well. You’ve got a long day ahead of you, so enjoy the scrambled eggs.’

  She did enjoy them, and by ten minutes to five she was watching from the front window,
knowing he would be right on time. The moment the car arrived, she picked up her bag and walked out before he had time to come up the path.

  ‘Good morning, sir,’ she said, brightly. ‘Looks as if it might be a dry day.’

  ‘Hoping to avoid any mud today, are you?’ He held the car door open for her, and then got in himself, wasting no time in getting underway.

  She was amused by his remark, and said, teasingly, ‘It could be my lucky day. Mum insisted on washing the clothes, and has pressed a lovely crease in the slacks.’

  He laughed softly. ‘I think I can guarantee that you won’t get in a mess today. Don’t be too disappointed, though, because I’ll almost certainly change that in a week or two.’

  ‘Are we going to be leaving this early for some time, then?’

  ‘Only two or three days a week. It depends how we both get on.’

  Dan fell silent then, and Grace knew that was all she was going to be told.

  The journey took nearly two hours, and Grace had no idea where they were as they drove onto a military site.

  The moment they were out of the car, a sergeant marched up to them and saluted the major. ‘Good morning, Major Chester. Everything is ready for the young lady. Corporal Hunt is one of our best drivers. She’ll be in good hands.’

  Grace was looking from one man to the other. What was going on?

  Another soldier marched up and saluted smartly. ‘Corporal Hunt, sir.’

  Dan looked down at Grace. ‘Off you go. The corporal is going to teach you to drive. I’ll see you in about an hour.’

  She looked doubtfully at the enormous machines near them. ‘A tank?’

  ‘You can have a go at one of those later, but you’d better learn to drive a car first.’

  Dan had a perfectly straight face, but the other two soldiers were having great difficulty keeping their laughter at bay.

  ‘I see.’ She looked the major straight in the eyes. They were dancing with amusement. He was enjoying this. ‘And for the record, sir, can I ask what you will be doing?’

  ‘The sergeant is going to knock me into shape. Off you go.’

  As she walked away with the corporal, she whispered to the sergeant, ‘Good luck!’ and received a sly wink in reply.

  Now they were away from the others, the corporal was laughing openly. ‘Didn’t the major tell you he had arranged driving lessons for you?’

  ‘Not a word.’

  ‘Is he easy to work for?’

  ‘Oh, very. He’s a perfect gentleman. He gives the orders and I obey them. It works well.’

  They had reached a car, and the corporal held open the passenger door for her. There was still a broad smile on his face as he got in the driver’s side. ‘I’m going to take us to a practice ground, and then you can take over.’

  ‘Can Major Chester do this?’ she asked. ‘I’m not in the forces. These clothes are borrowed.’

  ‘We are both doing this in our own time, Miss …’ he glanced at her left hand.

  ‘Call me Grace.’

  ‘And I’m Bob. As I was saying, we are doing this to help the major. He is well known here – and respected. If he wants to get fit enough to return to active duty, then we’ll do what we can for him. It will also help him if you can drive.’

  They pulled up on some spare ground. ‘You sit in the driver’s seat now. I’ll run through the controls with you, and teach you to steer in a straight line first. We have plenty of space here.’

  ‘Hello, Steve,’ Dan said, when they found the MO waiting for them in the exercise hall. ‘Are you going to join me?’

  ‘No, I’m going to watch you don’t overdo it. If I tell you to stop – you stop. Is that understood?’

  ‘I’m sure Sergeant Dickins won’t allow me to work too hard in the beginning.’ Dan rolled up his sleeves, eager to get started.

  ‘I hear you brought a pretty girl with you.’

  ‘I see news still travels at the speed of light here. She’s my secretary, Steve! Let’s get started, Sergeant, and don’t take it too easy. I need to get fit – and quickly. I need this workout, because I’m never going to regain my full mobility by sitting at the damned desk they’ve given me.’

  ‘It must have some compensation, Dan. Like being given a lovely girl to work with,’ the MO stated.

  Dan glared at Steve. ‘She’s married, Doc – or was. Her husband was killed in France, and she’s still grieving for him. I’m sure she will never want anything to do with another man in uniform. This is no time to form relationships, or become too attached to someone.’

  ‘Ah, that’s sad. She’s so young.’

  ‘And there are far too many like her, and there are going to be many more before this mess is over. Go and sit in the corner, Steve. We’re wasting time.’

  For the next hour the sergeant took Dan at his word, and worked him until he was wreathed in sweat and gasping for breath.

  ‘Enough!’ Steve came over. ‘Damn you, Dan, I should have stopped you sooner. Let’s have a look at that leg.’

  After a thorough examination, Steve nodded. ‘You don’t appear to have done any damage, although that workout would have floored many men.’

  ‘He’s very strong, sir,’ the sergeant said with respect in his voice.

  ‘All right, Dan. Have a shower and change into uniform, and then we’ll have breakfast. I’ve ordered it to be served in my office. You must be hungry by now.’

  Dan stood under the spray of hot water, and closed his eyes. He was relieved. He had been able to do more than he’d thought possible. Because he had gone so long without proper medical attention, by the time he had reached England his leg was in a mess. It had been touch and go for a while, but it had healed. If he’d lost it, his army career would have been over, and that would have devastated him.

  Scrubbed clean and in full uniform again, he returned to the others. He smiled to himself when he saw Grace with them, looking smart and prim in her office clothes. He was beginning to realise that she was not the docile girl she presented to them. Her parents had helped to dispel that notion.

  ‘How did she get on, Corporal?’

  ‘Very well, sir. I think she will make a competent driver in no time at all.’

  He nodded, and asked Grace, ‘Did you enjoy learning to drive?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. ‘I can’t wait to have a go at a tank.’

  They all laughed, and she joined in. It felt good to laugh again. The pain was still there, of course, but she was beginning to live with it better. Brian would have wanted her to get on with her life.

  ‘This is Steve, Grace. He’s the medical officer here, and he’s arranged breakfast for us.’ He then turned to the two soldiers waiting to be dismissed. ‘Thank you, Sergeant and Corporal. We’ve appreciated your help this morning.’

  ‘Sir.’ Both men saluted smartly. ‘It’s been a pleasure.’

  ‘Thank you, Bob.’ Grace smiled. ‘I enjoyed the lesson.’

  He bowed slightly. ‘I look forward to the next one. Perhaps we’ll take you out on the road next time.’

  After a quick meal with Steve, they were on their way back to London, and as they drove along, Grace studied Dan. He appeared more relaxed after his exercise session with the sergeant. ‘It was kind of you to arrange driving lessons for me, sir.’ She smiled when he glanced at her. ‘I enjoyed it.’

  ‘It’s a skill worth having. You never know when it might come in useful. How did your friend get on with her interview?’ he asked, changing the subject.

  ‘All right, I think. She couldn’t say much about it. Everything is so secret these days, but she was able to tell me they wanted her for her fluent French, and she’s had to join the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry. I’ve never heard of the FANY before, sir. Have you?’

  ‘It’s a volunteer organisation. Been established quite some time, I believe.’

  Grace nodded. ‘She’ll be going away for training quite soon.’

miss her.’

  ‘Yes, I will. We’ve been friends since we were toddlers.’ Pushing the sad thought aside, Grace then settled down to watch how the major used the pedals while he was driving.

  Chapter Seven

  It was the middle of August now, and Dan was edgy. Convoys were being continually attacked, and air fields bombed. The pilots were being pushed to their limits, but when he had seen James two days ago, there hadn’t been the slightest doubt in his mind that they would beat the enemy air force. Every day they were fighting for their lives, and he was still stuck to this blasted desk!

  His sessions with the sergeant had gone well, and the fitter he became, the more he riled against the job he was now doing. According to the corporal, Grace was an excellent pupil. He had told Dan that she had a sharp mind, and was quick to learn. He seldom had to explain anything twice to her.

  He glanced across the office where she was busy working. What was going to happen to her when he returned to his regiment? That day was fast approaching, and the problem was beginning to play on his mind. George had his own staff, so there wasn’t an opportunity there, and he had been making discreet enquiries here at the War Office, but there didn’t appear to be any vacancies at the moment. He had told her at the start that the job with him probably wouldn’t last for long, of course, so he shouldn’t be worrying about it. But he was, and he now understood why James had been so protective towards her. She had suffered a great loss, but she had kept going with courage and determination, keeping her grief a private emotion. If only he could find some way to take her with him. She was a competent driver now, but he couldn’t declare that he needed a driver when he was doing everything to prove he was fit again for active service. He could run faster than Sergeant Dickins, and the man was like a hare. He was having a final training session tomorrow, and then a medical examination later in the week. They couldn’t declare him unfit for duty now. He was stronger than he had ever been. Grace was going to be given a driving test by one of the transport instructors. She had been taught by the best and at least he had been able to do something for her.

  It had been more than generous of them all to give of their free time like this, and to show his appreciation he was going to invite them to London for an evening at the Savoy Hotel. Grace, as well, of course. She had put up with a lot from him, and she had never complained.


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