Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World)

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Her Godfather: A Dark Romance (With FREE Bonus Book: Trapped In His World) Page 12

by Noir, Stella

  Anticipation pools inside of me. What if he is the man I have been waiting for? It is amazing how quickly I have forgotten his treatment of me yesterday in his office. The incident has been overshadowed by my attraction for him and how decently he behaved during lunch. Maybe he isn’t so bad, after all. Maybe our time together at his place will be much better than yesterday. He gives me a quick glance and smiles. I smile back and relax into my seat.

  He pulls into the underground parking lot of a massive apartment building. Coming around to my door, he opens it and helps me out. I smile, secretly pleased that he is being such a gentleman. “Thank you,” I say shyly, looking down at the ground. He places his fingertips beneath my chin and lifts my face up so that my gaze meets his.

  “It seems I will have to help you get over your timidity,” he says. Before I can respond he covers my lips with his own. I sigh at the pleasurable feel of his lips on mine once again. I didn’t realize how much I missed the feel of it until now. He deepens the kiss and gently pushes me back against his car. I melt into him. I realize that he is hiking my skirt up. I place my hand over his and pull my mouth from his, “What are you doing? We’re standing in a parking lot.”

  “No one else is here,” he replies.

  I look around anxiously, “Aren’t there security cameras?”

  His lips shape into a wicked grin, “We cannot be seen from this angle.” Well, it seems that he has thought of everything. I still feel uncomfortable doing this in a parking lot. I start to protest again, but I am silenced by another kiss. He resumes the process of lifting my skirt so that he can caress my thighs. I gasp when he slides his fingers inside of my panties. “Jason, stop,” I whisper. I worry that someone will pass and see us. He ignores me, flicking his thumb over my clitoris. I catch a sharp breath. Jason slides a finger inside of me, and I stifle a moan.

  “Does it feel good, Navia?” he asks against my lips.

  I nod. “It does. But can we go inside now?” I beg.

  “Not yet. I want you to come for me first.”

  “What? Here?” I let out another moan when he inserts another finger and pushes deeper. “Oh my God.” I begin to pant when he moves his fingers in a back and forth motion, caressing my sweet spot.

  “I love how responsive you are to my touch, Navia.” I respond with a whimper. His fingers move faster. His lips remain over mine, swallowing every breath I exhale and every moan I let out. His tongue pushes into the warmth of my mouth. I’m in disbelief that I am allowing Jason to do this to me outside. But I am enjoying every minute of it. All of my reservations about such a public display dissipate, and I start to move my hips against his hand. My inner muscles begin to tighten around his fingers. “That’s right, baby, come for me now.” Pleasure erupts inside of me like a volcano. My legs quiver and buckle beneath me. I would have hit the ground if not for Jason’s strong hands supporting me.

  “Wow, that was uh, incredible,” I squeak.

  He smirks. “I’m glad, time to go inside.” I follow him on shaky legs inside. We don’t wait very long for an elevator. When the doors slide shut, Jason pushes the very top button. Wow, he lives all the way on the top floor. My apartment building and neighborhood is a far cry from this one, and this elevator actually works. Jason is quiet. I glance over at him and he is studying me with his usual concentrated stare.

  I squirm under his gaze. “What?” I can’t help but ask.

  He shrugs, “I am merely admiring you, Navia. You have very exotic features. I love it.”

  I smile, happy that he actually finds me attractive. “I’m mixed, my mother is Cuban and my father is African American. I’m afraid I inherited my mother’s bountiful curves.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he utters softly.

  I gape at him. He thinks I’m beautiful. I don’t think any man has ever told me I am beautiful before. I will remember this moment for the rest of my life. My heart soars. He doesn’t mind that I am not model-thin, like the women I’m sure are his usual type. “Thank you,” I reply. The elevator stops and we step into a carpeted hallway. Jason opens the first door that I see. He steps aside and motions for me to go in. I step inside the most beautiful apartment I have ever set eyes on. Or should I say penthouse? The classic furniture seems as if it were expertly chosen and placed. I’m almost afraid to walk on the plush cream carpet. Who has such a light-colored carpet in their house? Well, billionaires I suppose. “You have a lovely home. Do you live in this big apartment all by yourself?” I ask.

  He chuckles, “Thank you. I do live by myself.” Something flickers across his face. Was it a look of longing or regret? I can’t tell. The expression disappeared so fast. “Let’s not waste any more time, Navia. I’m sure you know why I brought you here.”

  “Uh, of course.” I wasn’t born yesterday. I know he bought me here to have sex. But are we just going to get right to it? I thought he would give me a tour of his home, or offer me a drink—something. He takes my handbag from my grip and throws it on the couch. He takes my hand and leads me down a passageway. We enter his bedroom. “So how long have you lived here?” I ask.

  He places a finger over my lips, “No talking, Navia. I want only silence and obedience from you.” I frown, but remain silent. He wants obedience? Memories of the way he spoke to Darla this morning flash across my mind. I hope he doesn’t think it OK for him to talk to me like that. He sits on the edge of the bed. “Undress for me, slowly.” I remain rooted to one spot. I am way too self-conscious to just strip in from of him. “I said undress, now,” he roars, causing me to jump.

  “I’m not going to stay if you talk to me like that, Jason.” I look at him expectantly, waiting for an apology. He cocks his head to the side, something feral flickers in his eyes. “I’m leaving.” I turn to exit his bedroom. Fingers wrap around my arm. I gasp when his grip tightens.

  “You are not going anywhere,” he hisses.

  Panic rises in my chest. “You are hurting my arm.” I stare up at him wide-eyed. Will he actually do something to hurt me? The threatening look in his eyes speaks volumes. He just might. What the hell have I gotten myself into? He pulls me against his chest and I instantly begin to push against him.

  He captures my hands and pins them behind me. “I like it when you fight, Navia.”

  “What? Let go of me. You’re sick,” I hiss. I wince and stop struggling when he squeezes my wrists. The more I fight, the tighter his grip becomes. “You’re really hurting me,” I whisper, my voice laced with consternation.

  “Don’t you like it?” he asks, his lips inches from mine.

  “No,” I reply.

  “I can make you like it, Navia.” I gawk at him. I want to ask how on earth he thinks he can make me like being hurt. He really is insane. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. He dumps me unceremoniously down and begins to pull at my clothes. I am now lying naked before him. “Since you find it so hard to obey me, I will just have to punish you.” What kind of punishment is he talking about? I watch him walk to his closet. Now would be the perfect time for me to make my escape. But something makes me stay. Perhaps curiosity, or perhaps a twisted part of me wants him to hurt me. He walks back to the bed carrying pieces of black rope. Is that a whip I see among the rope? Holy shit, I should have run. My breath quickens.

  “W-what are you going to do to me?” I ask. I struggle to get up but I am no match for his greater strength. Images of the dead bodies I always see on the Identification Discovery channel swirl around in my head. He could be a psychotic killer for all I know.

  He grabs my wrist and quickly ties the rope around it, effectively binding me to one of the bedposts. He goes to work on my other limbs. Soon I am standing before him with my hands and ankles tied on either side of the bottom bedposts. What kind of sick bondage fetish is he into?

  “Jason, please, I’m not into this kind of thing. Just let me go. I’ll go home and forget about this whole thing. I won’t tell anyone, I swear. Just please don’t hurt me,” I beg. My heart is pound
ing out of control. I pull at my restraints but there isn’t the least give in them.

  “Don’t worry, Navia, I will make you like this, I promise.” He begins to undress. I can’t help but admire his toned body and the impressive length of his cock jutting out. But my fear quickly returns. I don’t know what he is capable of. This is nothing like the first time in his office. I bite down a sob. Now I know what Chloe meant when she said he was strange, and no wonder why his privacy is so precious to him. He doesn’t want anyone to know how twisted he is. How many women has he done this to? I remember Darla. She seemed to like it; she was literally begging to be punished this morning. But I’m not her. I can’t do any of this. Does Chloe know about what he does? “Does Chloe know about this?” I ask. For some reason jealousy rears its ugly head. What is the matter with me? I practically fear for my life at the hands of this mad man, yet I’m envious at the mere thought that he has touched my best friend.

  “She is very much oblivious to my extracurricular activities. I have never touched her.” I let out a relieved breath. I find that I am quite relieved. He produces a blindfold and moves to cover my eyes.

  “No, wait, I want to see what you’re doing.”

  “Now what fun will that be, Navia?” he drawls.

  I swallow hard as the world goes dark. Standing before him naked, tied and blindfolded leaves me feeling immensely vulnerable. I am at his mercy, his to do whatever he wants with my body. I’m terrified, but strangely turned on at the same time. He is silent. I don’t know what he is preparing to do. I cock my ear to listen to his movements. He comes up behind me and wraps his large hand around my neck. My breath hitches in my chest. Please don’t kill me. All he does is lean down to whisper in my ear, “Now your punishment for disobeying me begins. You can tell me when it is too much and I will stop.” He releases me and there is silence once again. I cry out as pain flashes across my bottom.

  “Ouch! What the hell are you doing?” I can’t believe he is whipping me. Why do I find it so… erogenous? He whips me again, hard. I moan, and my fingers clench. My nails dig into my palms when the leather connects to my skin once more, with more force than before. Tears spring in my eyes behind the blindfold.

  “Are you sorry for being disobedient, Navia?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry,” I whimper. “No more, that’s enough.”

  He whips me again, taking me by surprise. “Is that how you beg for something?”

  I quickly catch on, “No more, please.”

  “Good girl.” I feel his hand rubbing my bottom. “Are you all right?”

  “I-I think so.” My ass still stings and I am pretty sure my skin is red and welted.

  “Did you like that?” he asks softly, his breath caressing my neck.

  I shiver when he reaches around to palm my breasts. I choose to be honest, “I-I’m not entirely sure if I like it or not.” His hand abandons my breasts to caress my abdomen, inching lower. The feel of his palms against my skin is amazing. My head falls back to lean on his shoulder. His hand is between my thighs. He reaches the other up to release my hair from its bun. My hair tumbles down my shoulder in dark waves.

  “I’m ready to fuck you now, Navia. Are you ready?” His words send another involuntary shiver down my spine.

  “Untie me first, please,” I whisper. He growls. My request angers him. I remember what he said before. The only thing he wants from me is silence and obedience. He suddenly pushes me forward and the ropes pull against my wrist until my skin starts to burn. He grabs my hips and pushes into me without warning, wrenching a loud cry from my lips. My muscles grip him tightly and he lets out a groan. He stretches me over the limit, pounding into me over and over. I wish he would slow down. My mind is aware of the pain, but my body revels in the pleasure at the same time. The only things keeping me standing upright are the ropes binding me to the bedposts and Jason’s hands on my hip. I don’t know if I can take any more.

  “Jason, it’s too much,” I sob. He reaches around to remove the blindfold. I blink several times as light pierces through my retinas. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my head back and around to look at him. The position is painful on my neck, but he doesn’t let go.

  “It’s not. You can take it, Navia. I want you to take all of me.” I look into his eyes. The darkness that I see startles me. It’s as if he is a different person right now. He is almost animalistic, uncaring whether he hurts me or not. He finally releases my hair to grip my neck. His grip tightens, and I fear he will cut my breath off completely. I gasp for breath, tears spilling down my cheeks. I want it all to end, but I know I will miss the feel of him inside of me when it is over. The pressure inside of me releases, and my orgasm rips through me with an intensity almost too much for my body to handle. “Jason!” I cry out, startled at the greatness of my release. I have never experienced an orgasm so powerful.

  He roars his release, and I feel his body shudder. His grip around my neck loosens and I draw in a deep breath. I can’t stop the tears from running. My emotions overwhelm me and I let out a loud sob. It’s all too much. I hate him for the things he has done to me, but a part of me likes it. The ropes dig into my skin. I feel ashamed for allowing such brutality on my own body. I cry because of what I glimpsed in his eyes. He loves all of this. He loves to hurt women; he is depraved. I feel stupid for thinking that we could have a real relationship and for thinking that he actually liked me. He wouldn’t hurt me if he had any real feelings for me. I wail uncontrollably.

  “Navia?” He stares at me with a mixture of confusion and horror. For the first time, he looks helpless. It seems like he has no idea what to do. He wasn’t expecting such a reaction from me.

  “I want to go home,” I whine like an injured child. He swallows hard and quickly unties me. I collapse as soon as I am free, and he scoops me up before I hit the floor. He holds me in his arms. I’m confused by his sudden gentleness.

  “Navia, did I hurt you that much? I’m sorry.” He wipes the tears from my cheeks. I pull my head away, not wanting him to touch me, yet reveling in the comfort of being in his arms. This is what I wanted from the beginning: the gentle, caring Jason. Where the hell has he been?

  “Take me home,” I demand.

  “No,” he states.

  Outraged, I push at his chest, “Excuse me? What do you mean ‘no’? Let me go, I can damn well take myself home.” I hiccup as a result of my crying. I can just imagine how horrible I look right now, all red eyes and blotchy skin. My anger increases when Jason refuses to let me go.

  “I won’t let you go until you forgive me.”

  “Why do you even care if I forgive you? You obviously have no feelings for me,” I hiss. “I’m just someone you can carry out your sick fantasies on.”

  He finally releases me and I spring off his lap to retrieve my clothes. As I dress, I notice that he paces the room and runs his fingers through his hair intermittently. He spins around to pin me with brooding eyes. “I’m not going to just let you go, Navia. I told you, I do like you.”

  “Then why do you hurt me?”

  “It’s complicated. I just… I don’t know why I like that kind of thing.” I glare at him. He damn well knows. He just refuses to tell me, the bastard. But I can’t ignore the tug on my heartstrings due to his tortured expression. The big, strong man who is always in control now looks lost and tortured. “Navia, I have never felt so bad about hurting a woman as I do now. You’re different.” I stare at him and him at me. We hold each other’s gaze for a good two minutes. I let out a breath. I can’t leave. I have been sucked back in. He says he has feelings for me. Hope flickers inside of me. Maybe with a little work I can help him to change.

  “OK, so where do we go from here?”

  A smile spreads across his face. “Dinner?”

  “That sounds lovely, but I would still prefer to just go home this afternoon. That is, if you are giving me the rest of the afternoon off.”

  He looks like he is about to protest, and I hold my breath. I wait
for him to start barking orders as usual. “Sure, I will take you home.”

  I beam. He is already making progress. Maybe this can work after all.

  Chapter Six

  “This is where you live?” Jason is horrified when he pulls up to my apartment building. “My God, Navia, this place doesn’t look safe. You can’t stay here.”

  “We can’t all be billionaires and live in a penthouse in upstate New York. Besides, I have been living here for a whole year without incident.” I turn to him, “Thanks for the lift.”

  “I will walk you to your apartment.”

  My eyebrows shoot up, “Are you sure you want to leave this car parked out here in this neighborhood?”

  He smirks, “I’ll risk it.” He walks with me up to the fifth floor. I stop in front of my door. “Well, this is me.”

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “Oh, uh, sure,” I open the door. “Please, come in.” I walk in and dump my purse on the coffee table. “Would you like something to drink?”

  He glances at his watch, “No thanks. I have to get going in a few minutes. I just wanted to make sure you reached inside safely.” His eyes roam around the apartment. “This place looks like it will crumble at any minute.”

  “It’s what I can afford. I don’t have a steady job, remember?” I am reminded that I only have three more days to work for Jason. I suspect I will be seeing more of him after.

  “I can find you a much better apartment, in a safer neighborhood.”

  “Thanks, but no, I would never be able to afford rent for anywhere better.”

  “You wouldn’t be the one paying the rent,” he states softly.

  I shake my head vigorously, “Oh no. I will not be your kept woman.”

  He lets out a snort, “Kept woman? You do remember that we are in the twenty-first century? It wouldn’t be a big deal, Navia. At least you would be safer and I would have peace of mind.”


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