The Canongate Burns

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The Canongate Burns Page 69

by Robert Burns

  1 James Murray of Broughton.

  2 Thomas Gordon of Balmagie, Tory candidate.

  3 John Bushby, sheriff clerk, Dumfries.

  4 William Bushby, John’s brother.

  5 Maitland Bushby, John’s son.

  6 David Maxwell of Cardoness, hit at in satire by Burns in the Galloway epigrams.

  7 Sir William Douglas & James Douglas. Newtown Douglas was later renamed Newton Stewart.

  8 John Gordon, of Kenmure.

  9 Walter Sloan Lawrie of Redcastle.

  10 George Stewart, Lord Garlies.

  11 Rev. James Muirhead, minister of Urr, near Castle Douglas.

  12 Rev. George Maxwell, minister at Buittle.

  13 The Earl of Selkirk’s family home, St Mary’s Isle, near Kirkcudbright.

  14 Richard Oswald, Auchincruive.

  15 Wallace’s edition records this as a reference to the Hannay family of Sorbie tower. Mackay states ‘D & J Anderson’. It was probably the Hannays, still an important Galloway family.

  16 William Copeland of Colieston.

  17 Quinton McAdam of Graigengillan.

  18 John Syme, distributor of Stamps, Dumfries – the poet’s friend.

  19 Colonel McKenzie of Cassencarry.

  20 Colonel Thomas Goldie of Goldielea.

  21 Patrick Heron, the Whig candidate.

  22 Major Basil Heron, brother of the Whig candidate.

  23 Sir Adam Ferguson of Kilkerran.

  24 Sir William Miller of Barskimming.

  25 Alexander Birtwhistle, Provost of Kirkcudbright.

  26 John Maxwell of Terraughty; George Maxwell of Carruchan; Wellwood Maxwell of the Grove.

  27 Captain Andrew McDoul of Logan, Rhins of Galloway.

  28 Major Blair of Dunskey near Portpatrick, Rhins of Galloway.

  29 The Tory candidate.

  30 Murray of Broughton.


  John Bushby’s Lamentation

  Tune: Babes o’ the Wood

  First printed in 1834 in Hogg and Motherwell, then Cunningham.

  ’Twas in the seventeen hunder year hundred

  O’ Christ and ninety-five,

  That year I was the waest man saddest

  Of ony man alive. — any

  5 On March, the three and twentieth morn,

  The sun raise clear and bright, rose

  But Oh, I was a waefu’ man woeful

  Ere toofa’ o’ the night. — nightfall

  Earl Galloway lang did rule this land long

  10 With equal right and fame,

  Fast knit in chaste and haly bands holy

  With Broughton’s noble name. —1

  Earl Galloway’s man o’ men was I,

  And chief o’ Broughton’s host:

  15 So twa blind beggars on a string, two

  The faithfu’ tyke will trust. — dog

  But now Earl Galloway’s sceptre’s broke,

  And Broughton’s wi’ the slain; with

  And I my ancient craft may try,

  20 Sen honestie is gane. — since, gone

  ’Twas on the bonie banks o’ Dee,

  Beside Kirkcudbright’s towers,

  The Stewart and the Murray there

  Did muster a’ their powers. —

  25 The Murray on the auld grey yad, old mare

  Wi’ wingèd spurs, did ride;2

  That auld grey yad, a’ Nidsdale rade, old mare all, rode

  He lifted by Nidside. alighted

  [An’ there had na been the Earl himsel, not

  30 O there had been nae play; no

  But Garlies was to London gane,3

  And sae the kye might stray. —] so, cattle

  And there was Balmaghie, I ween,4 pledge

  I’ th’ front rank he wad shine; would

  35 But Balmaghie had better been

  Drinkin Madeira wine. —

  And frae Glenkens cam to our aid5 from

  A Chief o’ doughty deed:

  In case that WORTH should wanted be,

  40 O’ Kenmure we had need. —

  And by our banners march’d Muirhead,

  And Buittle was na slack,6 not

  Whase haly Priest-hoods nane could stain, whose holy, none

  For wha can dye the BLACK. — who

  45 And there, sae grave, Squire Cardoness,7 so

  Look’d on till a’ was done:

  Sae, in the tower o’ Cardoness so

  A howlet sits at noon. — owl

  And there led I the Bushby clan;

  50 My gamesome billie WILL,8 friend

  And my son Maitland, wise as brave,9

  My footsteps follow’d still. —

  The DOUGLAS and the HERON’S name

  We set nought to their score:

  55 The DOUGLAS and the HERON’S name

  Had felt our might before. —10

  But DOUGLASSES o’ weight had we,11

  The pair o’ lusty lairds,

  For building cot-houses sae fam’d, so

  60 And christening kail-yards. — kitchen-gardens

  And there Redcastle drew the sword12

  That ne’er was stain’d wi’ gore;

  Save on a wand’rer, lame and blind,

  65 To drive him frae his door. — from

  And last cam creepin Collieston,13 came

  Was mair in fear than wrath: more

  Ae KNAVE was constant in his mind — one

  To keep that KNAVE frae scathe. — from harm

  In this, the third Heron Ballad, Burns places the lament in the mouth of John Bushby, one of the leading supporters of the Tory candidate Thomas Gordon of Balmagie. Bushby was the former manager of the Dumfries branch of the defunct Douglas, Heron and Co. Bank. In the middle of this piece, Burns places the blame for the fall of the bank on the Bushby family and by implication, their family connections among Galloway’s powerful aristocracy. He was Sheriff Clerk to the county of Dumfries when Burns knew him. We have included ll. 29–32, given in brackets above, missed by Kinsley but printed by Mackay. It was probably circulated as a broadside, like the other ballads.

  1 The Earl’s daughter, Lady Euphemia Stewart, wed Murray of Broughton’s son Alexander.

  2 An allusion to the winged spur crest of the Johnstone family, given that Murray had eloped with a lady of that family.

  3 George Stewart, Lord Garlies.

  4 The Tory candidate.

  5 Gordon of Kenmure Castle. Burns visited the Gordons during his first Galloway tour in 1793.

  6 Rev. James Muirhead, of Urr, near Castle Douglas, and Rev. George Maxwell, of Buittle.

  7 David Maxwell of Cardoness.

  8 William Bushby, John’s brother.

  9 James Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, was a Whig and friend of Burns.

  10 This is a potent allusion to the failure of the Douglas and Heron Bank in 1773, placing the blame firmly at the door of the Galloway Tory families, particularly the Bushby clan.

  11 Sir William Douglas and Sir James Douglas.

  12 Walter Sloan Lawrie.

  13 William Copeland of Collieston.


  Buy Braw Troggin:

  An Excellent New Song

  Tune: Buy Broom Besoms

  First printed as an anonymous broadside, 1796.

  Wha will buy my Troggin, who, misc. items sold by vagrants


  Broken trade o’ BROUGHTON,1

  A’ in high repair. all


  5 Buy braw Troggin, fine

  Frae the banks o’ DEE! from

  Wha want Troggin, who

  Let them come to me.

  Here’s a noble Earl’s

  10 Fame and high renown,

  For an auld sang — old song

  It’s thought the Gudes were stown.2 goods, stolen

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here’s the Worth o’ BROUGHTON,

  In a needle’s e’e: eye

  15 Her
e’s a reputation

  Tint by BALMAGHIE.3 lost

  Buy braw Troggin &c.


  Might a Prince adorn,

  Frae the Downs o’ Tinwald, from

  20 — So was never worn.

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here’s its Stuff and Lynin,

  Cardoness’s Head;4

  Fine for a Soger, soldier

  A’ the wale o’ lead. boast/choice

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  25 Here’s a little Wadset — mortgage

  Buittle’s scrap o’ TRUTH,5

  Pawn’d in a gin-shop,

  Quenching haly drouth. holy thirst

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here’s Armorial Bearings,

  30 Frae the Manse o’ Urr: from

  The crest, an auld crab-apple, old

  Rotten at the core.6

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here is Satan’s Picture,

  Like a bizzard-gled, buzzard kite

  35 Pouncing poor Redcastle,7

  Sprawlin like a tade. toad

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here’s the Font where Douglas

  Stane and mortar names; stone

  Lately used at Caily,8

  40 Christening Murray’s crimes.

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Here’s the Worth and Wisdom

  Collieston can boast;9

  By a thievish Midge

  They had been nearly lost.

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  45 Here is Murray’s Fragments

  O’ the Ten Commands;

  Gifted by BLACK JOCK10

  — To get them aff his hands. off

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Saw ye e’er sic Troggin? such

  50 If to buy ye’re slack, slow

  HORNIE’S turnin Chapman, the Devil

  He’ll buy a’ the Pack! all

  Buy braw Troggin &c.

  Buy braw Troggin, fine

  Frae the banks o’ DEE! from

  55 Wha want Troggin, who

  Let them come to me.

  For introduction, see notes to the first and second Heron ballads. During the 1796 election Patrick Heron’s opponent was the son of the Earl of Galloway, Montgomery Stewart. This propaganda song was composed sometime in May or early June, 1796. One of Burns’s last radical works, it is further evidence of his anonymous, underground support for the Opposition cause until his death. It displays remarkable brevity without losing its pointed satirical effect, employing the image of a trogger to reduce the Tory candidate to that of a travelling packman, or hawker, peddling election promises like worthless goods. One of its many satirical barbs alludes to the Earl of Galloway’s role (l. 12) in selling out the Scottish parliament in 1707, while the Laird of Cardoness, David Maxwell is the straw man of the Tory show. The Rev George Maxwell, of Buittle (l. 26) is castigated as a gin addict and the Rev. James Muirhead (l. 30) of Urr, near Castle Douglas, a sour faced crab-apple. These palpable hits were, probably developed from gossip circulating among radicals within Galloway. It was probably with an eye to the Heron Ballads that Burns told Maria Riddell in June 1796, ‘… if I must write, let it be Sedition, or Blasphemy’ (Letter 697). A broadsheet was printed in 1796, probably by Burns himself. A copy of the broadsheet was sold in 1939 and now exists in the Spoor Library, Lot 107. It is further proof of his radical involvement on behalf of the Whig Opposition. This Heron Ballad was first included in the canon by Cunningham, 1834.

  1 James Murray of Broughton.

  2 Earl of Galloway. An allusion to the loss of the Scottish parliament in 1707.

  3 The Tory candidate, Gordon of Balmaghie.

  4 David Maxwell of Cardoness.

  5 Rev. George Maxwell of Buittle.

  6 Rev. James Muirhead of Urr, near Castle Douglas.

  7 Walter Sloan Lawrie of Redcastle.

  8 Cally House at Gatehouse of Fleet. This is an allusion to plunders of war.

  9 William Copeland of Collieston.

  10 John Bushby.

  A Man’s a Man for a’ That

  Published anonymously in The Glasgow Magazine, August, 1795.

  Tune: – For a’ That, and a’ That.

  Is there, for honest Poverty

  That hings his head, an’ a’ that; hangs

  The coward-slave, we pass him by,

  We dare be poor for a’ that!

  5 For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

  Our toils obscure, an’ a’ that,

  The rank is but the guinea’s stamp,

  The Man ’s the gowd for a’ that. gold

  What though on hamely fare we dine, homely foods

  10 Wear hoddin grey, an’ a’ that? coarse woollen cloth

  Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine, give

  A Man’s a Man for a’ that.

  For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

  Their tinsel show, an’ a’ that;

  15 The honest man, tho’ e’er sae poor, so

  Is king o’ men for a’ that.

  Ye see yon birkie ca’d a lord, fellow called

  Wha struts, an’ stares, an’ a’ that,

  Tho’ hundreds worship at his word,

  20 He’s but a coof for a’ that. fool/lout

  For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

  His ribband, star, an’ a’ that,

  The man o’ independent mind,

  He looks an’ laughs at a’ that.

  25 A Prince can mak a belted knight,

  A marquis, duke, an’ a’ that!

  But an honest man’s aboon his might — above

  Guid faith, he mauna fa’ that! good, must not be like

  For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

  30 Their dignities, an’ a’ that,

  The pith o’ Sense an’ pride o’ Worth

  Are higher rank than a’ that.

  Then let us pray that come it may,

  As come it will for a’ that,

  35 That Sense and Worth o’er a’ the earth

  Shall bear the gree an’ a’ that. win the day

  For a’ that, an’ a’ that,

  It’s comin yet for a’ that,

  That Man to Man the warld o’er world

  40 Shall brithers be for a’ that. brothers

  The first version of A Man’s a Man, printed anonymously during the poet’s life, differs textually from the final version given above. Rather than containing five, it has only four stanzas, beginning with what became the second:

  What tho’ on hamely fare we dine,

  Wear hodden grey, and a’ that:

  Gie fools their silk, and knaves their wine,

  A man’s a man for a’ that.

  For a’ that, and a’ that,

  Their tinsel shew, and a’ that;

  An honest man, tho’ ne’er sae poor,

  Is Chief o’ men for a’ that.

  It was this early version, printed in the Glasgow Magazine, August 1795 that was copied by the radical Belfast-based The Northern Star, 19th–22nd October, 1795. A more sinister publication occurred just prior to the poet’s death, when the first Glasgow version re-appeared in the pro-government London Oracle, 2nd June 1796, but this time, disturbingly, with Burns’s name as author. Professor Werkmeister remarks on this: ‘Considering the character of the poem, one doubts even so that Burns had authorized it over his signature. The poem was copied by The Star on June 3.’ (Robert Burns and the London Daily Press, Modern Philology 1966, p. 329). There can be little doubt that the governmental spy network would have taken notice of the song and judged it as seditious. While there is no mention that the song was published under his name in surviving letters, it is certain to have caused some considerable anxiety for Burns, given his Excise post. That his employers took no action against him, or enquired formally into the matter, is perplexing. With hindsight, it may be that the poet’s illness was well known to his Excise superiors and the Commissioners in Edinburgh that they chose not to
take action against him. Either way, Burns not only feared imprisonment, being pursued for the debt owed for his Dumfries Volunteers uniform, but must have known about this named publication which could have had him arrested at any moment from 2nd June, 1796 onward and charged with sedition.

  Another, hitherto undocumented version was printed in 1798 by Professor Peter Urbani, Edinburgh. It too begins with what became the second stanza. Its second stanza is the one Burns eventually reworked to become the final version’s first stanza:

  Wha wad for honest poverty,

  Hang down their heads an’ a’ that?

  The coward slave we pass him by

  And dare be poor for a’ that.

  For a’ that and a’ that,

  Their purse-proud looks and a’ that,

  In ragged coats ye’ll often find

  The noblest hearts for a’ that.

  Kinsley mentions a 1793 songbook edited by Peter Urbani, but not the more important 1798 publication containing version two of A Man’s A Man. Henley and Henderson are dismissive of variant lines in another version they found, published by Brash and Reid (1801) in Glasgow which is similar to the 1798 text, mentioning ‘purse-proud looks’. They refer to the ‘absurd version of this half stanza, apparently the invention of the ingenious Reid’ (Vol. 3, p. 490) unaware that it occurs in the 1798 Urbani version and they display their ignorance of Burns’s letters, where the phrase ‘purse-proud’ occurs several times. Their commentary is mixed with obvious political loathing and they appear unaware that the song had been re-drafted several times by Burns. The second version has five stanzas, not the four of the first edition.


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