Charge (Electric Series #1)

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Charge (Electric Series #1) Page 2

by E. L. Todd

  It wasn’t exactly what I fantasized about.

  Getting them to focus was the most challenging part. So I had to do the thing I hated most—I had to be a hardass. I gave them a pop quiz about the elements just to light a fire under them. Each and every one of them disliked me, but at least they would take me seriously.

  By the end of the day, I was already dreading the following one. It would take at least two weeks for these kids to get into the full swing of things, and the parents were already shoving themselves down my throat asking about field trips and the academic decathlon.

  I walked into the break room and ate the lunch I skipped earlier that day. I could go home, but I was too exhausted to do anything besides sit and eat my tuna salad sandwich and my sliced apples.

  Ms. Lane poured herself a cup of coffee before adding a packet of sugar. “Long day?”

  I wasn’t even sure if she was talking to me because her back was to me. But there was no one else in the room, so I had to be the person she was talking to. “You could say that.”

  She turned around and sat in the seat across from me, her coffee steaming toward her chin. She was my age, possibly a year older. “Principal Rosenthal tells me you’re from Teach For America.”

  “I am.”

  “Cool. Me too.”

  “Where was your program?”

  “In California.”

  “That’s great.” I stopped eating my sandwich because I didn’t want to have fish breath. “I’m glad I have a fellow alumni here. How long have you been at Bristol Academy?”

  “This is my third year.” She stirred her coffee before she blew the steam away. “I love it here. Great kids and great funding. We’re taking a trip to the museum next week.”

  “That’s great.” I hadn’t decided on the type of field trips we would be doing. First, I wanted to build a relationship with my students and figure out what they could handle.

  “I’m Natalie, by the way.” She shook my hand.

  “I’m Taylor.”

  “Let me know if you need anything. I’m always here to help.”

  “Thanks.” I’d probably have to take her up on that offer.

  “Are you new to New York?”

  “Yeah. I lived in Washington for college. Then I went to Tennessee for my master’s.”

  “You get around.”

  “So to speak.”

  “Maybe I can show you around sometime. I was born and raised here.”

  “Sure. That would be great.”

  She blew on her coffee again before she left the table. “Well, I should get going. I’ve got papers to grade.”


  She held her head high as she walked out. “What can I say? I’m a hardass.”


  By the end of the week, I got into the swing of things.

  It was all about accountability. I had to make good on my threats so the kids knew bad behavior wouldn’t slide, and I had to give them fun activities so they wouldn’t become restless with boredom. The combination of those two things brought stability to the classroom and facilitated learning.

  After the bell rang, Natalie walked into my classroom. She took one look around at the desks perfectly aligned with their rows and the absence of paper and gum. “Wow…your kids are actually clean.”

  “They aren’t allowed to leave unless everything is picked up.”

  “Good call. I didn’t learn that until my second year.”

  I packed all the assignments into a folder and shoved it into my bag. I’d probably be grading papers tonight while the TV played in the background. Maybe Sara would come over and paint her nails while she droned on about work.

  Misery loves company, right?

  “You have plans tonight?” Natalie asked.

  “Just a hot date with my assignments.”

  She chuckled. “I’m going out with some friends. You should come along.”

  Now that I was in a new city, I needed to make some new friends. I planned on being there a long time, and I couldn’t hang out with Sara all the time. I loved her to death—but sometimes, she drove me crazy. “I’d love that.”

  “Great. I have some hot guy friends, so I hope you’re single.”

  I grinned from ear to ear. “Single and ready to mingle.”

  “Perfect. Do you know where The Lion and The Snake is?”

  Was that a zoo?

  She answered the question I never asked. “It’s a bar near Fifth and Broadway.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll find it.”

  “Alright. See you at eight.” She walked out and swayed her hips in her loose skirt.

  “I look forward to it.”


  Despite the fact it was September, it was still warm in the city. I wore a long dress that nearly touched my feet. It was loose around the legs and the waist, and I wore a pink cardigan just in case it was chilly inside the bar.

  I found the place easily, thanks to Google, and walked inside. The second I entered, I realized I was underdressed. Actually, I was overdressed. Women wore dresses that were so short their asses nearly hung out. Heels that were five inches tall or more were on their feet, and I couldn’t look at them without wanting to topple over.

  I felt like a stick in the mud.

  Just when I decided to go back and change, Natalie spotted me. “Hey. You found it.”

  “Yeah, I did. Thanks to Google.”

  She held a glass of wine in her hand, and she wore a tight black dress that highlighted every curve of her toned body. It left nothing to the imagination because it was so skintight. She looked amazing in it. When she looked me up and down, she tried to keep the smile on her face. “You look cute.”

  I knew she didn’t mean that and was just trying to be nice. “I thought it would be casual.”

  “In New York, nothing is casual. You can’t even run to the store at two in the morning to grab a carton of milk without wearing makeup. And don’t even think about going to the gym in a t-shirt and shorts. You better have a bangin’ outfit.”

  “Thanks for the tip.”

  She linked her arm through mine. “You look beautiful in anything, so you’re good. Let’s get you a drink, and I’ll introduce you to everyone.”


  She got me a glass of whatever she was drinking then pulled me into the rear. There was a small table with a comfy sofa, and beside it was a dartboard. Two guys were playing a game while another sat on the couch with his beer in his hand.

  When I took a look around the bar, I realized why it had such an interesting name. Mounted lion heads were everywhere, and the walls had long cobras engraved into the marble. It was artistic chaos, but still really cool.

  Natalie pulled me onto the sofa. “Jared, this is my friend Taylor.”

  Jared finished drinking his beer before he turned to me. He had blond hair and green eyes, looking like someone that just returned from Ireland. He shook my hand with a firm grip. “Nice to meet you, Taylor.”

  “You too.” He was a good-looking guy, and I wondered if this was the man Natalie wanted to introduce me to.

  “Taylor is a teacher too.” Natalie tried to pull down her dress so the top of her thighs wouldn’t be revealed, but it was no use. “We work at the same school.”

  “Cool,” he said. “You’ve been there long?”

  “Actually, I just started. Natalie was nice enough to be my friend since I’m kind of a loner right now.”

  “A loner?” he asked.

  “I just moved to the city.” I should have explained that earlier so he wouldn’t assume I was a total loser.

  “A newbie?” He clanked his beer against mine. “Well, I’ll be your friend. Trust me, I have great references.”

  “He’s the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met.” One of the guys playing darts came around the couch and rolled up his long sleeves. “He’ll borrow five dollars from you and never give it back.”

  Jared rolled his eyes. “I didn’t realize you w
ere so hungry for five bucks.”

  “It’s the principle, man.” His blue eyes turned to me, and he shook my hand. “You’re the teacher, right?”


  “I’m Derek—Natalie’s brother.”

  “Oh…” I searched his face and didn’t see any similarities. “That’s cool.”

  “Yeah, she’s lucky to be related to a stud like me.” He flexed his arms.

  “A penny-pinching stud,” Jared teased.

  “I’m a penny pincher?” he asked incredulously. “You’re the one who won’t pay me back. If it’s only five dollars, why haven’t you opened that thick wallet of yours?”

  The third guy returned the darts to the board then introduced himself. “I’m Cam. And I’m sorry you have to listen to this bullshit. I want to say it’s rare, but it’s not.”

  I shook his hand then chuckled. “I teach high school. Believe me, this is nothing.”

  Natalie looked at Jared and Derek then turned to me, rolling her eyes so dramatically they might get stuck in the back of her skull. “Losers, right?”

  “You’re the one who hangs out with your brother,” Jared jabbed.

  Derek slapped his knee and laughed. “Good one, bro.” As soon as his laughter died down, he switched gears. “Now give me my money.”

  Cam leaned toward me and whispered in my ear. “This argument has been going on for two weeks…”

  “Wow. It looks like they need to find something else to fight about,” I said.

  “You’re telling me,” Cam said with a chuckle.

  I sipped my wine and listened to the argument continue. Natalie and her friends were nice, welcoming me into their group without asking too many questions. And it was nice to hang out with them rather than be interrogated.

  My eyes glanced around the bar and looked at the strange architecture. They didn’t have anything like this in Washington or Tennessee. The fact it was so odd made it beautiful. It seemed like I was in a different place, a different time.

  A man rounded the corner and came directly into my line of sight. Suddenly, the mounted lions and threatening cobras no longer seemed interesting. The black wallpaper became an obscure background, and the person who just walked into my life took the stage.

  I knew I was staring, but my body and mind had separated into two different entities. They no longer cross-referenced or worked together. My heart was beating painfully slow while my mind worked a million miles an hour.

  The deep blue eyes were startling. Speaking of distant lands and different times, they showed a past only told by the greatest storytellers. They were deeper than a gushing volcano full of lava, but they were softer than a rose petal. Blue eyes were common. I’d seen them a million times.

  But I’d never seen these.

  He wore an ordinary gray t-shirt, something he could have bought at any retail store. But his extraordinary body filled it out well, providing definition and depth from his powerful physique. The sleeves were tight from his bulging muscles, and his waist was thin with even thinner hips.

  His dark jeans hung low around the waist, enough to give him a noticeable V formation. Even without seeing his bare skin, it was clear he owned that chiseled form, the type of image only carved out of solid granite.

  My observations happened in a nanosecond, and once I processed the heat in my cheeks and felt my suddenly parched mouth, I understood the immediate effect this stranger had on me.

  His eyes turned my way once he entered the room, and instead of seeing the same look of desire on his face, I saw absolutely nothing. There was no change in feeling or mood. I was just another face in a sea of others.

  And I felt disappointed.

  Instead of walking past the group, he joined it, listening to his two friends bicker about the unpaid debt.

  “Stop being a pussy and just pay me,” Derek demanded. “Are you the kind of man who doesn’t pay his debts?”

  “Are you the kind of pussy who begs for money?” Jared countered.

  The man watched them argue back and forth.

  “Dude, just pay me,” Derek argued. “Then this stupid conversation will stop.”

  “Or you could just stop talking,” Jared countered. “And then the conversation will stop.”

  I was barely listening to a word they said because I was still occupied with the stranger just a few feet away from me. Now, I could smell his cologne. It was masculine and musty. But was it cologne at all? Or just his natural scent? If so, I liked it.

  He opened his wallet and pulled out two twenty-dollar bills. “Here. The debt has been settled, and the feud is over.” He shoved a twenty into each of their chests before he grabbed his beer from the table. “Let’s move on.”

  Derek grabbed the twenty then shoved it into his pocket. “Works for me.”

  “I’m going to buy a pretty girl a drink tonight.” Jared shoved the bill into the front pocket of his shirt.

  “You still won’t get laid.” Abruptly, the man turned to me and extended his large hand.

  I’d never done this before in my life, but I examined his hand. I eyed his dry knuckles, his thick fingers, and measured the size of his palm in comparison to mine. It was the first time I was attracted to something so mundane.

  He waited for me to take his hand, still hanging in midair.

  I placed my hand in his but didn’t shake it. I just let our hands touch. My middle finger touched the top of his wrist, and I could feel his distant pulse. It was beating slowly, calm and confident—just like the man himself.

  His eyes were on mine the entire time, absorbing every feature and reaction. He still hadn’t spoken a word to me, his face doing all the talking.

  I finally shook his hand and felt mortified. I was clumsy and awestruck. He didn’t need to know me to understand what my reaction meant. Everything about him affected me, and I was embarrassed how obvious that was. “I’m Taylor.”


  It was the strangest name I’d ever heard, but somehow, it suited him. “Natalie brought me.”

  “Good. Her only job is to bring cute girls.” He pulled his hand away but still didn’t give me anything other than his stoic expression. He was ice-cold but still warm to the touch.

  I didn’t react to his words because I wouldn’t allow myself to.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I get you a drink?”

  I was still holding my glass of wine, which was nearly full. “I’m okay. But thank you.”

  Without saying another word, he walked away and left his friends behind. He didn’t explain where he was going, and the rest of the group didn’t think his behavior was odd.

  Natalie came back to my side. “You want an easy and hot lay? He’s your man.”

  “What?” Did everyone know how hard up I was?

  “Volt. I told you I would introduce you to a hot guy. Well, there he is.”

  “He wants to be set up?” I tried to keep the hope out of my voice. He was dark and dangerous, clearly someone I should steer clear of. I doubted a man like that would need help finding a date, but sometimes miracles happened.

  “No,” she said with a laugh. “He just sleeps with everyone.”

  Chapter Two


  The soft sheets were tangled around my waist, hugging me with smoothness. Diana’s leg was wrapped around my thigh, her warm skin matching the same temperature as mine. Laura lay on the other side, her sculpted back against my bicep. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but it was time to get up.

  Sunlight filtered through my open window and penetrated my bedroom. I didn’t draw the curtains shut the night before so the apartment was several degrees warmer than I would prefer.

  Diana stirred when I did then cuddled into my side. “Morning…”

  “Morning, baby.”

  She pressed her face against mine, rubbing her lips against my scruff before she placed a soft kiss against my mouth. Her hand rubbed my chest gently, feeling every line and groove.

aura woke up next and turned my way, her tits pressed against my arm. She kissed my shoulder then licked it in a playful way. Her long hair brushed against me as she moved, and the strands were just as soft as her skin. Her hand slowly traveled down my chest until she reached my waist under the sheets. She wrapped her small fingers around my thick shaft and pumped up and down.

  I wasn’t sure what time we went to sleep last night, but it was probably early in the morning. My body was wiped out, and I wasn’t eager to thrust and pump like I did last night.

  But my dick disagreed.

  Laura moved down to my waist and started licking my balls, pumping my cock as she sucked my delicate skin into her mouth and massaged it with her inner cheek. Then Diana placed my long shaft into her mouth and gave me slow strokes, pushing me to the back of her throat just before her gag reflex was initiated.

  I shoved another pillow under my head so I could watch everything they were doing with a perfect view. I dug each hand into their hair and gripped it tightly, moaning from deep in the back of my throat.


  Diana and Laura left, and I walked to a nearby coffee shop to get a hot cup of joe. The girls used all my coffee beans, so I was out of fuel. It was nearly three in the afternoon so it was late for coffee, but I couldn’t start my day without it.

  After I walked a few blocks and navigated around people like they were cattle, I came to the entrance of the shop. But I stopped when I saw something peculiar right in front of me.

  The woman I met last night was standing in the center of the sidewalk holding out an enormous map of New York. Her brown hair was flying with the breeze, and she kept turning the map upside down as she tried to decipher it.

  What was she doing?

  She wore denim shorts, sandals, and a white t-shirt with a giraffe on it. Like last night, she wore clothes I didn’t see women wear. I was used to short dresses and miniskirts. This woman was dressed like a schoolteacher, classy and casual at the same time. A man bumped into her as he passed, and she was nearly put off-balance because of it.

  Instead of talking to her, I continued to study her, unable to take my eyes off her. I thought she was pretty, like I thought of most women, but I also thought she was strange—awkward. When we met last night, she didn’t say much, and she did a lot of staring. If she was anything like Natalie’s other friends, she was obsessive and clingy.


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