Love at Last Call

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Love at Last Call Page 15

by M. Ullrich

  “You don’t need to use any more lines on me.”

  “It’s not a line.” Berit touched the tip of her nose to Lauren’s cheek. The delicate touch combined with Lauren’s breath against her lips sent a shiver up Berit’s spine. “Your lips, your smile, and your accent make your mouth like a forbidden fruit for me.”

  Lauren placed her hands high up on Berit’s chest before wrapping them around the back of her neck. She pressed their foreheads together. “Says the woman with the most lethal smile on the planet.”

  Berit leaned back and flashed that smile at Lauren. She tucked a strand of hair behind Lauren’s ear and said, “I have no expectations for tonight, except a lot of kissing starting now.” Berit framed Lauren’s face with her hands and kissed her slowly at first, allowing herself time to enjoy the supple, pillow-like texture of Lauren’s mouth. All the details she forbade herself from noticing earlier in the night were more delectable than she thought possible. Lauren’s upper lip fit perfectly between Berit’s.

  Lauren tugged the hem of Berit’s shirt until their hips and breasts met. She moaned as Berit traced her bottom lip with her tongue. “I need a couch or a bed or even a chair because I swear my knees are about to give out.”

  “Glad it’s not just me, then.” Berit ran her palms along Lauren’s sides and grabbed the belt loops of her jeans with her fingers. “Come on,” Berit said, bringing her to the bedroom. She turned on a small lamp on the nightstand, only to have Lauren turn it off again. Berit stared at her in the dark.

  “In case we…you know.” Lauren seemed so unsure of herself now.

  “Above all else, I want you to feel comfortable. But I’d also like to see you.”

  “What if you don’t like what you see?”

  Berit kissed Lauren deeply, hoping the passion she felt could help assuage Lauren’s insecurities. Berit knew she had no immediate cure, but hopefully they’d make small strides together. She stepped back to catch her breath and pulled her shirt over her head. “I’m not wearing a bra,” she said in a husky voice, her throat tight with desire. Berit took Lauren’s hand and placed it on her chest. “I want you to see me, like how I want to see you.”

  Lauren touched from Berit’s collarbone to the center of her chest, and brought her hand down to rest on her stomach. “I’m not perfect,” she whispered.

  “I think you and I have different ideas of perfection.” Berit kissed Lauren’s cheek and then her brow. She ran her fingers through Lauren’s hair, letting her nails scratch gently along Lauren’s scalp to help relax her. Berit sucked in a breath when Lauren’s hand descended her abdomen and grazed the top of her boxers. She hadn’t experienced that kind of sensitivity in a long time. It took her by surprise.

  “You’re already driving me crazy.” She laughed lightly. Berit reached out as Lauren stepped away, searching the dark. “Where are you?”

  Lauren turned the light on. “It occurred to me that I see these almost every day,” she said, reaching out for Berit’s arm. She traced along the lines of the tattoos, following waves and flower petals etched in muscle and sinew. “You probably have a few more I’ve yet to see.” Lauren looked down between their bodies. She reached out to touch a mermaid that swam along Berit’s ribs, her hair flowing along the curve of Berit’s breast. “Why a mermaid?”

  “I spent a lot of time at the shore with my family when I was younger. I was always in the ocean and frolicking in the waves, even when everyone else complained the water was too cold or rough.” Berit captured Lauren’s free hand and brought it to her lips. She kissed her palm. “Now the ocean scares me, so this is a permanent reminder that at one time I was fearless.”

  “You seem pretty fearless to me.”

  “I’m terrified of so much, but I’ve realized life is about what you do with your fear.” Berit gripped the bottom of Lauren’s T-shirt, her eyes never faltering from Lauren’s steady gaze. Berit noticed every small detail of Lauren’s face—a small mole next to her eye, the wrinkle of intensity between her eyebrows, and a faint scar at the center of her forehead. “You’re beautiful.” Lauren kissed Berit before she helped her take her shirt off. Berit was sure she’d never seen anything sexier than Lauren’s pert breasts encased in a burgundy lace bra. Her mouth hung open.

  Lauren covered herself with her arms. “Please don’t stare.”

  “I’m sorry, but it’s the truth when I say I can’t help it.” Berit wrapped her arms around Lauren and held her close. She whispered in her ear. “Would it make you feel better if we took off your pants and got right under the covers?” Berit felt Lauren nod against her. She unbuttoned Lauren’s jeans and pushed them past her hips. Against temptation, Berit never looked at the newly exposed skin as Lauren crawled beneath her gray comforter.

  Lauren pulled the covers up and stretched out on her side facing Berit. She patted the mattress beside her. “I’m kinda lonely.”

  Berit slid between the covers and gently rolled Lauren onto her back. “Hi,” she said before kissing Lauren soundly. She gently spread Lauren’s legs and situated herself between them. Every point where their bare bodies made contact set Berit’s skin on fire. Her hips started a slow seduction of their own. She kissed Lauren’s jaw and tried to memorize her scent.

  Lauren let out a long, low moan when Berit palmed her breast. “Kiss me,” Lauren said, her voice straining.

  Berit dove in, filling Lauren’s mouth and meeting her growing passion head-on. They kissed the same, like they already knew one another and had done this a hundred times before. Berit whimpered as Lauren nibbled her bottom lip. She slid her hand beneath the lace of Lauren’s bra and rolled her hard nipple between her fingers. Lauren raised her hips off the mattress. Berit met the movement with her own hips, pushing forward to apply pressure to Lauren’s mound.

  “God,” Lauren said between heavy breaths. “This is happening so fast.”

  Berit pulled back. “Do you want me to stop? I don’t want to rush you.”

  Lauren pressed two fingers against Berit’s lips. “That is the opposite of what I want.” Lauren replaced her fingers with her lips, kissing Berit until she needed to breathe. “I just meant my body…I’m going to come really, really fast.”

  Berit smiled smugly. “The remedy for that is making you come more than once.” Berit kissed Lauren hard before pulling her bra off. Again, Berit was shocked into silence. Lauren’s nipples were dark and begging for attention. Her breasts were small, but their curve and soft skin were enticing. “I’m going to stare,” Berit said. She pulled back the covers to look at the rest of Lauren’s body. Her eyes barely made it past where Lauren’s thighs were pressed together. “You’re breathtaking. Are you really here?” Berit asked goofily, touching Lauren’s face all over.

  Lauren held Berit’s face in her hands and said, “Berit, I love your jokes.” Berit’s heart fluttered. “But what I’d love more is for you to touch me.” Lauren spread her legs wide in invitation.

  Berit followed Lauren’s demand immediately. It’s poor manners to leave a woman waiting. She slipped her hand beneath the waistband of Lauren’s panties to find Lauren’s clit pronounced and ready for attention. Berit circled it once with her middle finger before dipping into Lauren’s soaked entrance. Lauren’s whole body twitched at the sensation. She kissed Lauren’s lips, her neck, and her chest. She circled Lauren’s nipple with her tongue, mimicking the motion of her fingertip along Lauren’s most sensitive skin. Berit felt herself grow wetter with every small noise that escaped Lauren’s parted lips.

  “What do you like?” Berit said between the open-mouthed kisses she was leaving along Lauren’s breasts.

  “Two fingers.” Lauren moaned loudly as Berit entered her slowly with her middle and ring fingers. “Fuck. Like that. Now lick me.” Berit’s pussy clenched at the command.

  Berit kissed down Lauren’s abdomen, getting distracted by a wayward freckle that beckoned for her attention. She withdrew her fingers for a brief moment to strip Lauren of her panties, laughing when
Lauren voiced her dissatisfaction at the loss. She reentered Lauren a little more roughly, and Lauren’s brilliant smile told Berit she didn’t mind a little roughness during moments of passion.

  She settled between Lauren’s thighs and ran her tongue along the crease where thigh met hip. Lauren’s breathing grew more rapid. Berit twisted and curled her fingers slightly before teasing Lauren’s fleshy hood with the tip of her tongue. She sucked Lauren’s clit into her mouth, and her back bowed off the mattress.

  Lauren was gorgeous in her wild abandon. Berit didn’t stop her pleasurable ministrations, not when Lauren’s grip in her hair turned painful and especially not when Lauren begged her to never, ever stop what she was doing to her. Berit was awestricken by the woman writhing around her. For someone who assumed an average role in this world, Lauren was exceptional in every way.

  “Berit, don’t stop, I’m so close,” Lauren growled. Berit’s head bobbed up and down as she sucked Lauren’s clit and fucked her furiously with her fingers. Lauren ran her hands through Berit’s hair and down to frame her face the best they could. Her hands felt small and feminine against Berit’s flexing jaw, and the action made Berit feel sexier than she ever had.

  Berit knew Lauren was on the brink of orgasm. Her inner walls had started to contract, and her legs were shaking, but Lauren refused to let go. She continuously chanted, “Not yet, not yet.”

  Berit licked a long, firm stroke along Lauren’s clit. “Let go, Lauren,” she said before latching on again. Instantly, Lauren bucked her hips off the bed as she shouted a stream of expletives combined with Berit’s name. Berit continued to taste Lauren after the final tremors of pleasure had subsided. She wasn’t ready to surrender the feel of Lauren’s silky skin against her tongue, but Lauren had other ideas. Berit found herself being tugged by her hair and guided up Lauren’s body.

  “You,” Lauren said as she kissed Berit. “You are fucking amazing. No wonder women throw themselves at you.” She kissed her again before Berit could respond. “But now it’s my turn.” Lauren grabbed the waistband of Berit’s boxers and said, “Take these off and then I want you up here.” She signaled to her mouth. Berit’s eyebrows rose, and she knew her face mirrored her excitement. For their first time, Lauren was confident and sure of what she wanted. Now Berit knew what Lauren had meant when she described herself as an active bottom.

  “Yes ma’am.” Berit moved at lightning speed to strip and position her soaked center over Lauren’s waiting mouth. “This is one of my favorite positions.” Berit’s mind went blank when Lauren’s hands caressed her thighs and ass. Her short nails felt divine scraping along her heated skin.

  “Mmm…mine, too. The view is incredible.” Lauren rubbed up Berit’s abdomen and squeezed her small breasts. “You have perfect tits,” Lauren said as she tugged at the small barbell running horizontally through Berit’s right nipple. “This is a nice surprise.”

  “Heightened sensitivity is the biggest perk.” Berit took in a long, steady breath. The anticipation was killing her, but feeling Lauren’s breath against her as she spoke was a delicious sensation on its own. Berit didn’t want any of it to end. The first touch of Lauren’s tongue to her waiting skin exploded behind Berit’s eyelids in vivid colors. “Holy shit, that’s good.”

  Berit moved round and round, assisting Lauren in reaching every millimeter of her skin. Every sensation radiated from her center, up to her chest, and back into her toes as she rose higher and higher toward mind-numbing pleasure. Lauren’s moan vibrated against Berit’s clit, and Berit felt the first pull of an orgasm. She gripped the headboard with a fierce hold and looked back at Lauren’s body.

  Lauren buried her right hand between her own thighs, working her clit feverishly. Berit could hear Lauren’s wet flesh being touched, which was the last bit of stimulus needed to send her into the most pleasurable oblivion.

  She made small noises as she held on to the headboard for dear life, not wanting to fall on Lauren or away from her pleasure-giving mouth. Berit pressed her forehead against the wall and tried to catch her breath. Her orgasm shook her with unexpected and powerful tremors when she felt Lauren gasp as her own orgasm hit. Berit felt Lauren giggle against her pussy before she smacked her bare ass.

  Berit fell to her side and turned off the lamp. She was taken with Lauren’s easy smile bathed in dim moonlight. Lauren wiped her mouth against the sheets before leaning in for a kiss. Berit kissed Lauren sweetly, wanting the last moment they both experienced before falling asleep to be one of tenderness instead of passion.

  Understanding washed over Berit. She’d known Lauren was different after the first time they met, and she always saw the potential of what they could be together. Now Lauren was finally seeing that as well.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Berit woke up to Hugo’s nose in her ear. The sun brightened her bedroom with early-morning energy. She buried her face into her pillow, and Hugo stood on her back with his front paws.

  “Okay, Hugo, I know it’s time for your walk. Give me a minute.” She turned onto her other side, and her heart sank. Lauren was gone. Berit sat up quickly, her floppy hair falling onto her face as she scanned the floor for Lauren’s clothing. Not one piece was left behind. She got up and went to the bathroom and then into the kitchen, not at all surprised to find both rooms empty. Berit pulled on the first pair of sweatpants she grabbed from her dresser and threw on the tank from the previous night. How had she missed Lauren’s escape?

  She hooked Hugo into his harness and trudged downstairs and out to the street for their morning walk. On gorgeous mornings like these, Berit usually soaked up the sunshine and lost herself to the tunes the neighborhood birds performed. But this morning felt different. She felt sad, but more importantly, disappointed. She was looking forward to waking up with Lauren and spending the morning together, but Lauren clearly didn’t want the same thing, and Berit didn’t know what Lauren was thinking.

  “What do you think?” Berit said to Hugo as he circled a tree, tangling his leash along the way. “Maybe she had plans and couldn’t stay, or maybe she’s not a morning person and wanted to save me from her grumpy side.” Hugo looked over his shoulder and tilted his head at Berit. “You’re right, I’m probably way grumpier in the morning.” They walked another couple blocks before turning around and heading back to Berit’s apartment. Berit released Hugo’s leash and let him lead her up the stairs. She walked into her kitchen and started a pot of coffee. “Hugo.” She called him back into the room. He stared at her with an open-mouthed smile and panted. “Do you think she regrets last night?”

  Hugo closed his mouth and whined a bit. He shook his head at her and ran up to stand on his hind legs with his front paws on her thighs. She scratched behind his ears and thought about her night with Lauren. The sex and the connection they shared had been fantastic. How could Lauren regret any of it? Berit grabbed her phone from the bedroom and felt another bit of her heart ache when she didn’t see any messages or calls waiting for her.

  By the time she prepared her coffee and a small breakfast, as well as a meal for Hugo, she had convinced herself to resist messaging Lauren. She couldn’t read her mind or assume what she needed. Berit would wait to talk to her, face-to-face like an adult. They both had work later and they’d have to address this thing eventually. Berit tossed Hugo a small piece of toast with peanut butter. He enjoyed the morsel much more than his own breakfast.

  “Do you want to go to the park today?” The P-word was almost as recognizable as the W-word. Hugo started his dance of excitement and ran to the door. A day out in the fresh air would be good for both of them. Berit changed into a more appropriate outfit before heading out with her dog. She’d consider what the hell she was going to say to Lauren while giving her favorite companion the attention he deserved.

  Berit arrived at the Dollhouse a little earlier than usual, citing the need to do inventory, while knowing she needed to see Lauren. She felt nervous and checked her phone continuously, worrying Lauren would ca
ll out if she was trying to avoid Berit. She took a deep breath in preparation. Berit had worked through every scenario in her head and felt ready for confrontation. Lauren wouldn’t get away with disappearing. The back door to the bar opened and closed, and Berit waited eagerly to see who’d walk past her office door. If it was Lou, her plans would be compromised. Berit couldn’t wait to see who the slow footsteps belonged to and she called out, “Hey.” Lauren peeked around the doorframe shyly. Berit released a relieved sigh.

  “Hi.” Lauren fidgeted with the shoulder strap of her purse. She was dressed in all black, and Berit’s heart stuttered as she took her in.

  “You were gone this morning,” Berit said, cutting to the chase before her physical reaction could overshadow her emotional turmoil.

  Lauren’s shoulders slumped. She tossed her purse onto Berit’s desk. “I wasn’t sure of the proper protocol.”

  Berit searched Lauren’s tone for sarcasm or mockery, but Lauren was serious. “What protocol?”

  Lauren leaned against Berit’s desk with her hip. Berit stood in front of her. “Morning-after protocol. I’ve never woke up in someone’s bed after a—you know, one-night thing or fling or whatever. I didn’t know what to do, so I just left. It seemed like the safest choice.” Berit tried to quell her growing frustration, but she was getting mad. “I came to you last night, clearly ready for whatever might happen, but I just didn’t think it all the way through. I’m sorry if that’s not what you usually do.”

  Berit rubbed at the center of her chest. She had never shied away from her playgirl reputation, but hearing how Lauren still saw her as a hit-and-run hurt. She was shocked to feel her throat tighten and eyes sting. When was the last time a woman made her cry?

  “Yeah, you’re right. I usually make sure they’re gone before I go to sleep. I guess we both did something we’re not used to last night. Time for work.” Berit grabbed her clipboard and stormed out of her office. She waited until she was surrounded by unopened cases of liquor to breathe.


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