Love at Last Call

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Love at Last Call Page 22

by M. Ullrich

  Bellamy looked blankly at Berit before continuing. “Bitter Crush, Broken Heart martini, and a drink called Loneliness. Do you want to talk about it?” Bellamy’s voice was sarcastic and concerned.

  “The drink? It actually has egg white in it.”

  Bellamy glared at her.

  “No, I don’t want to talk about it,” Berit insisted.


  “There’s nothing left to talk about.”

  “Got it,” Bellamy said as she started to walk away.

  “I’m running home for a bit to check on Hugo.” Berit came up with the excuse out of nowhere. “He ate something he shouldn’t have and wasn’t himself this morning. I’ll be back before it gets busy.” Hugo was fine and Berit felt awful for lying, but she needed to get away from concerned eyes and all the details of the bar that reminded her of Lauren. The only problem was everything seemed to remind her of Lauren.

  “No need to worry,” Bellamy said confidently. “It’s Tuesday.” Tuesdays were their slowest night.

  Berit grabbed her keys and practically jogged to her Jeep. She didn’t head home. Instead, she drove straight to her safe haven, the river where she and Lauren had grown much closer. When Berit stepped out of her Jeep and felt the warm breeze touch her face, she was stricken by tears. Her safe haven had memories of Lauren, but it did not feel tainted the way her bar and bed did.

  The sun reflected off the water, sparkling hypnotically. She remembered the exact way Lauren looked at her that night, her soft, dark eyes caring despite their exhaustion. Berit knew Lauren was special the first moment she spotted her in her bar. She couldn’t explain it.

  She’d spent days trying to think of what to do next. She had Lauren’s last paycheck sitting on her desk at the Dollhouse, but she wasn’t sure whether Lauren would come to pick it up or if she’d prefer to have it mailed. Berit knew she should mail it, but she wanted to force Lauren to come to her again.

  She sighed deeply. Lauren’s home life would only get harder now that she was unemployed again. Lauren’s roommates would more than likely blame Lauren and mistreat her more than they already did. Berit even wondered if Lauren would get back together with Rebecca.

  Berit squinted against the sky as she tilted her head back. She filled her lungs with fresh air and the faint smell of murky water. Berit looked out across the river, watching small watercraft launch from a dock but not really seeing the details. If she loved Lauren, she had to make a decision to live with or without Lauren Daly for the rest of her life.

  * * *

  Berit rushed back into the bar in search of Lou. She needed sisterly advice because winning a woman back was so far outside Berit’s wheelhouse, it scared her. She ran into Dee in the stockroom. “Hey,” she said, slightly out of breath.

  “How’s Hugo? Bellamy told me he wasn’t feeling well.”

  “He’s good, really. Is Lou working the bar alone?”

  “I’ve been working it so far, but I had to run back here for a bottle of Chambord. We keep getting orders for the Broken Heart martini. It’s a hit.”

  “Of course it is,” Berit said with a wry laugh. “You’ll be okay if I steal Lou for a bit?” Berit already started on her way to the bar before Dee answered.

  “Yeah, go ahead. Lauren’s here, too.”

  Berit’s heart stuttered. She turned back to Dee with a million questions in her mind, but instead of asking, she rushed out to the bar to find the answers for herself. She spotted Lauren right away, standing at the end of the bar closest to the door, the same spot where she’d sat on the first night Berit met her. Lauren looked nervous, and everyone around her was invisible to Berit. All she saw was Lauren; all she wanted to see was Lauren. The anxiety of what was to come next paled in comparison to the happiness Berit felt.

  “Lauren…” Berit walked forward with purpose. She stood in front of Lauren and stared in awe at how beautiful she looked, even with a hint of sadness and apprehension. Lauren wasn’t fully comfortable. She tugged nervously on the hem of her red tank top, and Berit wanted to fix that. “How are you?”

  Lauren stayed silent, her face unreadable until she looked at the woman beside her. Berit didn’t recognize her until she smiled and spoke.

  “Hey, Berit.”

  “Ashleigh? What are you doing here? Do you know each other?”

  “Not until this afternoon,” Ashleigh said. “Lauren found me online and sent me a message. After a long introduction, she told me about the troubles you’ve had.”

  Lauren cleared her throat at Berit’s curious look. “I explained we have a mutual friend.” The use of the word “friend” hurt Berit. “I mentioned your name, and we got to talking a bit. I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped, but I had to do something. I was going crazy thinking your business was in jeopardy.”

  “We’re fine.” Berit looked at Ashleigh again. “Your dad’s been giving me a bit of a hard time, but I’ve handled him pretty well.”

  “You won’t have to worry about handling him at all. Why didn’t you get in touch with me earlier?”

  “Because,” Berit said with a shrug. She lacked a real answer, so she told the best version of the truth she could come up with. “You and I had grown so far apart, and I felt like maybe I should pay for my father’s mistakes. Why burden you with them?”

  Ashleigh grabbed Berit’s hand and smiled softly. “You’ve always been too kind for your own good. Just as you’ve dealt with your father, I’ve dealt with mine. My dad knew investing with your dad was a risk. Why should you be held responsible?”

  Berit shrugged and held Ashleigh’s hand more tightly.

  “That’s pretty much what I told him, too,” Ashleigh said. “I also threatened to not show up for the holidays if he didn’t stop.”

  “You do have quite the holiday celebration every year,” Berit said. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Lauren start to move toward the door. Berit panicked and dropped Ashleigh’s hand. “I’m sorry if this is rude. You just did so much for me, but I have to go after her.”

  “I knew this story had more to it. Go after your girl, but promise me something.”

  “I owe you at least a million promises.”

  “Promise me you’ll keep in touch.”

  Berit smiled softly at Ashleigh. “Definitely.” She looked at Lou, who’d been surprisingly quiet during the entire exchange. “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck.” Lou patted her shoulder and Berit was off.

  Berit stopped Lauren just as she opened the door. “We need to talk.”

  “I should really go.”

  Berit swallowed hard. “Please.” She started to walk backward toward her office the moment Lauren finally looked at her, more worried about Lauren bailing on her than bumping into a patron or full tray.

  Lauren began to explain the moment they stepped into Berit’s small office and the door shut. “I needed to do something to fix what I had done. You’ve helped me so much over the past couple of months, and my mistake wasn’t the last impression I wanted to make around here, or the memory I wanted to leave you with.” Lauren bounced from one foot to the other and picked at her nails nervously. She hid her eyes.

  Berit’s heart raced and broke at the finality in Lauren’s voice, the resignation and sadness. “Leave me with?” She stepped forward as Lauren retreated.

  “I’m sorry for everything,” Lauren said, wiping a tear from her cheek. “For treating you the way I did before I really knew you, for burdening you, and for hurting your business. I hope you can forgive me?” Lauren smiled sadly, her cheeks now wet with unleashed, heavy tears. “You’ve brought such happiness and ease to my life…” Her voice crackled, making it hard to speak.

  Berit closed the distance between herself and Lauren. She held Lauren’s face in her hands gently and waited a beat. She needed to know Lauren wanted this as much as she did. She leaned in slowly, tilting her head and bringing her lips to Lauren’s. Berit kissed Lauren deeply, nearly crying when Lauren gripped the bottom of
her shirt and pulled her closer.

  Lauren broke away and buried her face in Berit’s neck. Berit held Lauren and they swayed slightly, the rocking motion comforting.

  “I’m sorry,” Berit whispered into Lauren’s ear.

  Lauren pulled back and tilted her head. “For what?”

  “For acting the way I did and saying what I said.” Berit ran her fingertips over Lauren’s cheeks and down to her lips, needing to feel Lauren’s physical presence.

  “You were upset, and you warned me that you’re awful when you’re mad.”

  “I was and I did, but you didn’t deserve that. I should’ve never questioned us over something happening at work.” Berit grabbed Lauren’s hand and held it to her chest. “I’m going to work on how I act when I’m angry, because I don’t want that kind of behavior to be what you expect or accept from me.”

  Lauren nodded. “I guess we both have a few things to work on now that we’re back together,” she said with a smile.

  Berit dropped Lauren’s hand and frowned deeply.

  “Oh. I—I thought…” Lauren started to retreat again. “I guess I assumed because of the kissing…”

  Berit grabbed the belt loops on Lauren’s jeans and held her in place. “Your assumption isn’t wrong. I just didn’t know that at any point we weren’t together.”

  “But I messed with the bar, and you thought we had made a mistake.”

  “I blew up and I wanted to apologize, but I’m too stubborn and was waiting for you to come to me first.”

  Lauren looked stunned. “What?”

  “It’s the truth. I was ashamed of how I acted and unsure of what to say. I didn’t think I should be the one to call first. I figured it’d be easier if I waited until you were ready to talk. And then today, I knew I had to fix things as soon as possible because I’m going crazy without you. I couldn’t take it anymore. I need you back in my life every day. I love you, Lauren Daly.”

  “I’m scared,” Lauren said, her voice so quiet it barely reached Berit’s ears.


  “Because I love you, too, in a way I’ve never felt before.”

  “I think that’s a good thing. If you’ve never felt this before, it means we have something new. Something that’ll be great as long as we stop assuming and stop being stubborn idiots,” Berit said with a thumb pointed toward herself. “I think we’re in for a wonderful future together.”

  Lauren wrapped her arms around Berit’s neck and kissed her fiercely. The taste of Lauren’s love was divine enough to wash away every ounce of pain.

  Lauren pulled back breathlessly, her eyes now shining with happy tears. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  Berit tucked a strand of Lauren’s chestnut hair behind her ear and took a moment to admire the soft skin there. “You told me no.” She held Lauren tighter as she laughed loudly. “You were yourself from the moment I met you, and that’s rare. You are rare.” Berit kissed Lauren chastely before asking, “What did I do to deserve you?”

  Lauren ran her hands over the bristly hair on the back of Berit’s head and pulled her face close. “You wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  They kissed, and Berit lifted her up and spun her in a circle. The small office was filled with laughter and the gleeful sounds made by two women in love. Lauren’s feet touched the ground as Berit’s heart soared toward the sky. Her future, her forever had been put back into place. But for now, for this very moment, Berit knew what had to happen.

  She grabbed Lauren’s hand and said, “It’s time to get back to work.”


  Lauren checked over the list in her hand again because so many options had already been crossed off. Thankfully, her favorite remained. “I still think we should go with the raspberry one.” She ran the tip of her index finger around the rim of her empty highball glass and eyed Berit, who stood with her hip cocked against the bar. Lauren felt her heart speed up.

  Over the past two and a half years Lauren couldn’t believe the way her life had changed. She still worked nights at the Dollhouse so she could spend them with Berit, but she’d also secured a paralegal position in a female-owned and operated firm. The firm dealt mostly with women who couldn’t afford legal help or were uncomfortable with male representation. Lauren felt like her career was making a difference, and that happiness bled into every other aspect of her life.

  “I’m afraid it’ll be too sweet.” Berit tasted her drink again. Lauren watched the way Berit sealed her lips around the cool glass, and marveled at how beautiful she was. She had cut her hair shorter, styling it into a more controlled coif each day, and Lauren found the change striking and mature. “It’s one thing for a sweet drink to be a dessert beverage or served during cocktail hour, but it shouldn’t be available throughout the night.”

  Someone from the long table cleared his throat. Lauren’s brother, Jack, raised his hand. “I don’t think the cucumber one is a winner.”

  Lauren crossed it off the list. “Okay, so we’re left with the raspberry mojito, the mandarin gin and tonic, and your strange spin on a Manhattan.”

  “It’s a great spin,” Berit said with a smirk.

  “Not everyone likes curry.”

  “Then those people can order a different drink.”

  Lauren shot Berit an unamused look.

  “Fine,” Berit said. “What about the gin and tonic?”

  Lauren scrunched up her nose and shook her head. “Not everyone likes gin.”

  Berit looked at Lauren with a soft expression and head tilt. “You’ve wanted the raspberry mojito this whole time, haven’t you?”

  She nodded emphatically.

  “I just don’t know if it’s sophisticated enough. I feel like this drink should be a show-stopper.”

  “Berit, I’m going to give you a little piece of advice, even though I know you haven’t exactly trusted your old man over the years.” Berit’s father clapped his hand onto his daughter’s shoulder. “When your woman wants something you can give her so easily, don’t fight it. Let her have whatever she wants. Especially for her wedding.”

  “But it’s my wedding, too,” Berit said with a playful pout.

  Lauren’s heart warmed at their exchange now that the bond between Berit and her father had been repaired. “He has been married for a while, Berit. You may want to listen to him.”

  “Jeffrey is a lucky man and a smart one, too. He knows when to listen to me.” Florence took another sip of her mojito.

  Berit and Lauren wanted a special cocktail they picked out or concocted together to be served at their wedding reception, and they’d decided to use their families as taste testers.

  “I agree with Lauren,” Florence said. “The raspberry mojito will be perfect. The mandarin was a little acidic for my taste.”

  “And gin makes Simon angry,” Olivia Daly said, adding her two cents into the conversation. Her English accent was much more pronounced than Lauren’s ever was, and it added a whimsical quality to her every word. “Giving that man gin is a recipe for disaster.”

  Simon Daly stood at the back of the bar, chatting with Berit’s youngest brother, Matt. Lauren never thought she’d get her family on the same continent again, never mind combining them with the Matthews clan. “I guess that settles—”

  “Doesn’t your maid of honor get a say?” Those who didn’t know Amber would think she was truly angry from the scowl on her face. Amber looked between Berit and Lauren before taking a deep breath and holding it dramatically. “I’m on Lauren’s side here.”

  “Shocker,” Berit said under her breath, adding an eye roll for good measure.

  “Yes,” Lauren cheered, pumping her fist in celebration. She wrapped her arms around Berit’s waist and gave her a squeeze. She stood slightly on her toes to whisper in Berit’s ear. “I win.”

  “Since you picked our wedding drink, I get to name it.”

  “It better be PG rated and not mention anything about panties.”

  “Well, there g
o my first two ideas. How about Kiss Me Daly?”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Lauren pulled Berit forward and placed a smoldering kiss on her lips.

  Berit’s eyes were dazed when she pulled back. “And hopefully that happens every time I order one.”


  “Kiss Me Daly; that’s what I’d like to name the drink,” Berit said with a smug smile. Lauren felt her heart flutter, much like it had every day since she and Berit declared their love to one another.

  “Aww,” Amber said, her voice deep and mocking as she started to walk away from the sugary-sweet couple. “I can’t believe I’m paying a snobby babysitter way too much money just to watch you two be gross.”

  “We had to sit through your wedding,” Lauren said, sticking her tongue out at Amber only to have Amber stick hers out in return. She turned back to her fiancée with a big smile. “I love it, and the drink, and you.” Lauren gave Berit a quick peck.

  She looked around the room at their family and close friends. The entire staff of the Dollhouse was there, including new hires and veterans like Dee, Monica, and Bellamy—who stood with her girlfriend of almost two years, Rosa. They were the most shocking couple to come out of the Dollhouse yet. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” Lauren smoothed her fingertip over the crisp collar of Berit’s black dress shirt.

  “I’m ready to dance and party with everyone I love, and I’m definitely ready to start my forever with you.”

  Lauren fell into Berit, who cradled her softly. “How is it that you’re still so sweet?” Lauren could hear Berit’s smile and closed her eyes when she placed a gentle kiss to her temple.

  JJ walked into the bar with his cell phone in hand and a disgruntled look on his boyish face. “Bart the fart is still stuck at work and sends his apologies but assures me everyone in the office knows he’s off-limits for the next four days.”

  “Why four days?” Lauren asked Berit.

  “He’ll need the time to recuperate, trust me.”

  Jeffrey tapped a fork against his glass to get everyone’s attention, and he asked them to take their seats. Lauren noticed her brother, Jack, switched places so he could sit beside Lou.


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