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Charlotte and the Starlet

Page 13

by Dave Warner

  'I didn't.'

  'You blew it?'

  'No, I didn't jump. I wanted to be with you.'

  Leila struggled to her feet. 'Tell me you're pulling my leg.'

  But she knew from Charlotte's look this was no joke. She became agitated. 'What on earth were you thinking?'

  'I guess that I wanted you to know that somebody was never going to desert you, no matter what.'

  Leila felt herself choking up. 'Okay. Let's not try and shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. Can you still make the JOES?'

  'Only if I win the point-to-point.'

  'You're going to win the point-to-point.'

  'Not possible. The rules state that if I had prior knowledge my mount was ill I have to give twenty-four hours notice. Yesterday I could take a replacement on the spot because I didn't know –'

  Leila cut in. 'So you can't use another mount. You don't need another mount. You got me.'

  'That's ridiculous. You're not strong enough.'

  'I will be with you riding me. Now come on. I need to get some energy into me. Hit me with a Mars Bar.'

  Charlotte smiled. 'You'll stop at nothing to get chocolate, won't you?'

  Chapter 16

  Miss Strudworth had been forced many times to inform parents that their children, those little apples of their eyes, just weren't good enough to make the JOES. Somehow, no matter how difficult, she always found the strength. But here today, with Charlotte's father, a man who had driven more than a thousand kilometres in an old station wagon, she was finding it extraordinarily difficult to come to the point.

  'Charlotte's been injured?' Tony Richards was trying to make sense of the woman's babbling.

  'No, but her horse was sick. And that ruled her out of the jumps and, oh, this is all my ...'

  She noticed his attention leave her and a broad smile spread over his face. 'Charlie!' he called.

  Strudworth turned around to see Charlotte trotting over on Leila.

  'Hi, Dad.' She gave him a big hug.

  'Miss me?'

  'Of course. But Miss Strudworth has looked after me.'

  Charlotte saw her father's look of disbelief. Strudworth's eyebrow shot up. Charlotte fired the quickest of winks to her. 'And this is Leila. She had a virus but she's all better.'

  'Leila's a horse?' Her dad looked slightly baffled.

  Leila felt Charlotte's dad's hand slide down her neck. Just like her dad would have been, strong and caring.

  The other riders were moving past. 'Charlotte, you had better get to the start line,' urged Miss Strudworth. 'I'll look after your father.'

  A short time later the riders had lined up in a paddock, facing the bush. It wasn't dissimilar to the Golden Buckle race, thought Charlotte. The course took the riders from the paddock out into the bush through a cross-country course, before rejoining the paddock for the run home. The finish line was by the bleachers, where a sizeable crowd sat ready and waiting. Charlotte was too far away to pick out individuals but she knew her dad was there and she hoped, although she would never have said this out loud, that Todd might be too.

  Further down the line, Emma sidled up to Lucinda and Rebecca.

  'If Charlotte wins today, one of us could miss out on the JOES.' She wasn't telling them anything they hadn't figured out for themselves.

  'We know.'

  'Good,' said Emma. 'Then let's make sure she doesn't win.'

  'Riders, ready!' commanded Strudworth.

  'Sure you're up to this?' asked Charlotte of Leila.

  Leila snorted. 'There's no limit to this little baby. You want soul, you get soul, you want action, you get ...'

  Before she could finish, the sound of Strudworth's whistle split the air and the horses sprang off. Charlotte spied an opening between Rebecca and Lucinda and sent Leila towards it, but Rebecca and Lucinda deliberately shifted in on their mounts and sandwiched her. Leila knuckled over, almost falling. It took Charlotte all her skill to keep her up.

  In the stands the crowd let out a collective gasp. Watching through binoculars, an angry Todd shouted it was deliberate. The man behind him, Charlotte's dad, muttered, 'Too right it was.'

  At ground level Miss Strudworth was thinking the same thing. And out on the course there would be many places where such tactics would go undetected. She really hoped Richards and her mount could stand up to the treatment.

  'Are you okay?' Charlotte called down to Leila as they entered the bush.

  'I'm more than okay, I'm angry,' replied Leila.

  They had lost substantial ground in the incident but Leila was already making it up on the tail-enders. She continued to make good progress, leaping logs and hedges, scooting fast down narrow dirt tracks. Pretty soon Charlotte and Leila had passed the stragglers at the rear and joined the middle group. Leila was feeling confident until she saw the tell-tale shimmer up ahead.

  'Water! No way. I hate water, unless it's Perrier.'

  'Just imagine it's perfume.'

  Leila tried to pretend it was a big puddle of Tommy Girl. She jumped.

  Splat! Into muddy water. That sure wasn't Tommy Girl.

  Emma, Lucinda and Rebecca were right at the front of the pack. Emma looked back over her shoulder and yelled to the others that Leila and Charlotte were still there and making ground. Immediately The Evil Three slowed and spread themselves across the track.

  Charlotte and Leila were at top pace as they rounded a bend where the track narrowed. Suddenly Charlotte found three horses in front of her. There was no time to stop! Leila saw the danger too, and to avoid collision she scampered wide off the track, crashing through bush. Charlotte clung on for grim death. If Leila hit a rabbit hole here she would snap a leg. Leila was too angry to even think about that. She powered through the scrub and hooked back up onto the dirt track, further behind The Evil Three but intact. Once more she dug deep to pick up the gap.

  Realising the threat, Lucinda dropped back. It looked like direct action would be needed. As Charlotte moved alongside her she raised her riding crop and brought it down over Leila's nose. Hard.

  OWWW, that hurt. But Leila would not give up. Then she saw the crop raised again. Oh no! Wham!!! Down it came again, hard, right on her nose.

  Leila's eyes were starting to water but she was determined. She saw the riding crop head towards her again – this time Leila was ready. She grabbed it in her teeth and yanked hard. Lucinda had no chance. The power of the horse pulled her right out of the saddle. She sailed through the air towards a stinging nettle bush ...

  Charlotte concentrated on the drumming of Leila's hooves. She was focused on the remaining two horses up ahead. Any moment the bush would give way to paddock for the run home.

  Leila could almost taste victory. The rumps of the other two horses were not far away now and she was closing. But as they breached the bush and landed on grass, she felt Charlotte ease off.

  'What are you doing? I'm not tired, we can catch them,' she yelled.

  'Not yet,' replied Charlotte. 'This straight is longer than you think.'

  In the stands Mr Graham saw Leila losing ground and commented to Miss Strudworth that it looked like a race in two now.

  Miss Strudworth reluctantly agreed. It appeared Richards' horse had run out of puff. Not surprising considering how sick it had been. Looking over their shoulders at the receding Charlotte, Rebecca and Emma believed it too.

  'She's finished,' said Emma, matter-of-factly. 'Just you and me.' And with that she drove her horse forward. Rebecca went with her.

  Behind them Leila watched the others pull away. 'We gotta go!'

  'Not yet,' said Charlotte, with icy calm.

  'We'll be too late.'

  Charlotte reiterated more firmly. 'Not yet.' She knew that Leila would have to be nursed for one final effort.

  For you, Mum, she thought, as she reached down and rubbed the toy horse on her saddle.

  In the stands people were on their feet as Emma and Rebecca charged towards the finish line at least six lengths cle
ar of Charlotte. Tony Richards understood Charlotte's tactics – after all, he'd taught them to her – but now even he was worried she had left it too late.

  Charlotte calculated the distance to the line. She knew the breeze would be starting to work against the girls in front. 'Now,' she commanded Leila, pushing her with her hands and heels. Leila needed no further invitation. She switched on the turbo.

  His heart sinking, Todd watched Emma and Rebecca charging at the line, hardly a breath separating them. And then his eye caught Leila powering out of nowhere like a jaguar, picking them up with every stride.

  Rebecca and Emma literally heard the ground shake. They looked across and saw the looming shadow.

  'Come on, you lazy nag!' yelled Emma, thrashing her grey horse with her crop. But her horse was tired and not inclined to help her. Rebecca's was even more tired. Charlotte gathered them in a stride. Leila put her nose in front and won!

  In the stand the crowd was cheering. Loudest of all were Todd and Mr Richards as they both punched the air in triumph. Neither could have been more excited if he'd won himself. Even Miss Strudworth was jumping up and down and squealing like a schoolgirl.

  As Leila and Charlotte slowed down past the finish line Leila said, 'Don't you dare tell people we won by my nose.'

  Charlotte laughed and wheeled Leila around where they could bathe in the applause of the crowd. She patted Leila on the withers.

  'Hey, we did it.'

  Leila suddenly felt very, very, very tired.

  'I need a drink,' she mumbled, before flaking flat on her tummy.

  Chapter 17

  When the head honcho of the JOES announced 'Charlotte Richards' as one of those who had made it into the elite development squad, Leila's heart burst with pride. The rube had made it, no small thanks to Leila herself, of course. As she watched Charlotte's dad in the stands clapping his hands raw, she felt a pang of regret that her own mom wasn't there to see how well she'd done.

  Some of the girls who'd missed out on the JOES were in tears. Looked like acting wasn't the only rough game in town. A pity The Evil Three had all made it through as well. Charlotte might have their measure in the arena but there was a dance on tonight and that was a different ball game entirely. The kid was going to need all the help she could get.

  It was a marvellous, still night. Insects swarmed around the Tahitian torches that lined the driveway, leading up to a dance floor where Thornton girls in expensive evening wear shimmied with the boys of Milthorp, dressed in their finest formal wear. A tuxedoed band played on a large platform out the front of the main building. Miss Strudworth and Mr Graham circulated among their charges to make sure everyone behaved themselves.

  Spying Todd at the punch bowl, Rebecca flounced over in her designer frock and addressed him like an old friend.

  'Todd! Great to see you here.' His curious expression forced her to add, 'Rebecca. We met at Ashleigh Rablestone's christening.'

  Todd wondered what on earth she was on about. He said he only remembered being at Ashleigh's place for a pool party.

  'That's right. The christening was when Ashleigh drove her new four wheel drive into her swimming pool and we all took turns sunbathing on the roof.'

  Todd couldn't think of anything more moronic. He explained he'd already left before all that stupid stuff. Rebecca nodded like a bobbing dog on a car dashboard.

  'It was stupid, wasn't it? She should have sunk it in the deep end. Then her parents would have thought she'd just misplaced it.' She tutted and shook her head.

  By now Todd was wondering if Rebecca had recently been released from some mental institution. He smiled wanly and tried to escape her by circling around the other side of the punch but she clung on, asking him whether he thought fake tan was preferable to a solarium-acquired tan. Todd ignored her question and asked one of his own.

  'Is Charlotte Richards about?'

  Rebecca sighed, and shook her head.

  'Charlie? She's like, such a waste of space.' At which point her phone beeped. She checked its screen. TIMEZUP BUTT OUT appeared. She looked over to see Lucinda and Emma about twenty metres away, glaring at her. She turned back to Todd, fanning herself.

  'It's so-oo hot. I'm going to cool off down at the creek. Feel free to join me.' She laughed before slinking off.

  Todd felt a great wave of relief. Finally free of that ... thing! But when he looked up, another Thornton girl with perfect hair and wearing an expensive dress was heading his way. Except for Charlotte, these girls all looked like they'd been poured from the same mould. They talked the same, too. He sighed. Why wasn't she here?

  In the stables, Leila studied Charlotte with a thoughtful expression on her long face.

  'It's not that bad.'

  Charlotte flapped her arms in her hideous dress. With no make-up and her hair tangled and lifeless on her shoulders, she felt like an old bride dolly that had lain for years in a shed under a pile of dusty magazines.

  'I look ridiculous.'

  'Noooo,' neighed Leila, unconvincingly.

  Charlotte reminded Leila she had promised she wouldn't lie any more.

  'Okay, you look like a generic cereal box when the printer ink ran out,' confessed Leila.

  'Thank you.'

  'But this is where a girlfriend can help. Especially one who's spent half her life in the make-up trailer.'

  Charlotte was sceptical but Leila promised she could deliver.

  'A little foundation to start.' She put her snout into her feedbag and emerged with a tube in her teeth. 'I took a stroll through the Ladies Restrooms during the presentation speeches.' She passed it to Charlotte, together with a small hand mirror. 'Now, a little on the back of your hand, then blend.'

  Charlotte did as she was told. Next Leila dipped her tail into a small tub of blusher.

  'Just a hint,' she explained, before slapping her tail lightly across Charlotte's cheeks. She reached back into the feedbag again and dropped a small tube of lip-gloss into Charlotte's hand. Charlotte applied the pale pink gloss. Leila checked her out like a doctor looking for skin cancer.

  'Perfect.' But her lip curled as she studied Charlotte's hair. 'Now, that birds' nest. There's a big tube on the bench. Put a dollop on your hands, turn your head upside down and rub it through your hair.'

  Charlotte did as she was told and was surprised to find her hair was now much thicker and even curly! She was thrilled.

  'Is this what they call gel?'

  'I guess. It's what the vet uses for internal examinations.'

  Charlotte managed to avoid throwing up. But only just.

  Unfortunately, there was still the sack she was wearing. Before she could utter a word, however, Leila had seized it in her mouth and began ripping. It scared the daylights out of Charlotte.

  'What do you think you're doing?!'

  Leila spat out material. 'Keep still.' She ripped again and again.

  Charlotte couldn't see what was happening and was frightened to look.

  'Do you know what you're doing?'

  'Does Stella McCartney?'

  Charlotte had no idea who she might be. Leila was talking at her again.

  'Now listen up. It's a jungle out there. Those girls will try and tear you to shreds.'

  Another rip, another spit. 'You have to use wit, not muscle. Got it?'

  Charlotte shrugged. Leila finished and appraised her work.

  'How do I look?' asked Charlotte anxiously.

  'Good as possible with two legs missing,' replied Leila, using her tail to dust off a mirror hanging on the wall.

  Charlotte gasped at her reflection. Was it really her? She couldn't believe she could look so hot.

  'Told you,' said Leila smugly. 'Now go get 'em.'

  Emma was having no more success with Todd than Rebecca had. Assessing early on in their conver-sation that Todd was the serious type, she was now trying to impress him with her political nous, explaining how she believed world peace could be achieved if only everybody could be made to watch Charm
ed three times a day. She noticed his mouth drop open.

  'Wow,' he gasped.

  Good, she'd finally got through. Emma was so rapt in herself she hadn't realised that Todd's eye line was straying over her shoulder to where Charlotte stood at the stable entrance.

  'Exactly. It's amazing. I'm amazing,' announced Emma. And then she realised Todd was no longer standing in front of her.

  Charlotte could barely breathe. Her feet seemed planted in concrete. Todd Greycroft was advancing towards her. I'm not ready for this, she was thinking. But the next thing she was lunging to meet him. Leila had nudged her into the yard proper. Todd broke into a handsome smile.


  Todd was suddenly yanked back by a determined Emma.

  'So world peace would be easy if people just weren't so selfish.' She glared at Charlotte. Emma herself was then suddenly pulled away and Lucinda stood in her place preening.

  'I couldn't agree more. Hi, Todd. I'm Lucinda.'

  'Nice to meet you.'

  Todd shook her hand and turned right back to Charlotte, leaving Lucinda stunned. He started over again.

  'That was a great ride today.'

  'You were there?' Charlotte hadn't seen him, though she had looked hard.

  'I had to go back to Milthorp to get ready. I tell you, it was almost like you were talking to your horse.'

  Charlotte was surprised to find herself at ease talking with him.

  'More like she was talking to me.'

  Behind them Emma and Lucinda were equally outraged.

  'That little nobody!' seethed Emma.

  'Who does she think she is! Boy, is she going to get her just desserts,' hissed Lucinda, heaping ice-cream and custard into a bowl.

  'How's the ankle?' Charlotte asked.

  Todd grinned. 'Good for dancing.'

  Carrying the bowl heaped with custard, jelly and icecream like it was a bomb, Lucinda zeroed in fast on Charlotte. She pretended to trip, tossing the dessert all over Charlotte.

  'Oh, Charlotte! I'm so sorry,' she gushed, with not an ounce of sincerity. 'I slipped.'


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