SNOWBOUND WITH THE ALPHA WOLF: Werewolves of Montana Book 11

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SNOWBOUND WITH THE ALPHA WOLF: Werewolves of Montana Book 11 Page 13

by Bonnie Vanak

  And then she smelled a familiar fragrance of crisp snow and spices.

  Darcy glanced up to see him standing in the doorway. Wearing a warm mulberry sweater, jeans and hiking boots, he looked as miserable as she felt.


  He jammed his hands into his pockets. “I asked Aiden if I could remain another two days, and he said yes. I couldn’t leave. Not without you, Darcy. Not…”

  He stared at the carpet. Never had she seen him act this awkward, at this much a loss for words.

  She waited.

  “Not until I gave you the chance to forgive me or tell me to get the hell out of your life.” Adrian looked up from beneath his long, dark lashes. “Or kick me for being such an ass.”

  With extreme care, she set the letter down upon the comforter. “Why, Adrian? You’re intelligent. Sophisticated. You knew I was nothing like Lars, no matter that we were related. Did I assume you were the type to abandon those who cared about you because your parents did? No! Then why make those assumptions about me? You said you loved me.”

  “I do,” he said softly.

  “And yet you were willing to toss me aside because of my origins.” Familiar aching squeezed her chest. “Like everyone else in my life.”

  “I can’t justify what I did, Darcy. I can tell you why I did it. Not to rationalize my actions but so you’ll understand what I did was because of my responsibility as an alpha. There’s something that happened after you left me ten years ago that you need to know.” He leaned against the doorway, staring outside at the swirling snowstorm.

  Anger still bit her. Part of her didn’t want to know, wanted to storm out, tell him to do something anatomically impossible. But the part of her that loved him, that cherished the intimacy they’d shared, not only the physical closeness in bed but the closeness of spirit, knew she needed to give him a chance.

  Darcy inclined her head. “Go on.”

  “Lars wasn’t the only Lupine from the Dark Kingdom I encountered. After you left and I guided the fifteen Lupines to a new home and agreed to lead them, I found out Lars had cultivated an accomplice.” Adrian stared dully at the window. “Your uncle wanted to ensure my death if I survived the blizzard. He planted a spy amongst the other Lupines he’d kicked out of his pack, one of whom intended to find me if I still lived.”

  Not possible. Darcy shook her head. “I met every single one of those Lupines, screened them all. I have the capability, Adrian. They were homeless, starving and needing a strong leader. Not one of them was from the Dark Kingdom. Their magick was…drained.”

  His mouth flattened. “Except for Theo. She was sick when you brought me to the cave, remember? She wasn’t amongst those who warmed me in the snow. At least that’s what she wanted you to believe. She fooled you, Darcy. She fooled me as well.”

  Recalling the petite, fragile Lupine who had huddled in one section of the cave, she felt a pinch of horror. Theo had been too weak and in pain to undergo the rigorous mental probing Darcy performed on the others. There was no scent of evil about her. Darcy had taken for granted that Theo was evicted from Lars’s pack for simply being too delicate for the physical labor Lars demanded from his people.

  No frozen condemnation in his voice. It didn’t help still the guilt twisting inside her. Lifting her hands helplessly, she felt her guts kick. “I didn’t know. What happened? Did she try to kill you?”

  “No. Eventually she would have, had she caught me off guard. She attacked Clyde, the oldest of my fledging pack. Clyde, who I personally promised would be safe and wouldn’t ever come to harm.” Adrian turned and slammed a fist into the doorway, making it shake. “I vowed he’d be safe, Darcy. Made a blood vow. I took them through the snow to the new home you found for us, to the house where Clyde could live out his last days in peace and comfort. I took the pack hunting, except for Clyde and Theo, who were too frail to go outside. And I came home to find Theo shredding Clyde’s skin.”

  Darcy closed her eyes and began to shake.

  “Look at me,” he commanded.

  Opening her eyes, she locked her troubled gaze to his tormented one.

  “He was screaming in agony. Bleeding everywhere. She had this grin on her face as if she enjoyed every second. She told me she was Lars’s lover from the Dark Kingdom, and even if I destroyed her, others would take her place. “I killed her, but there was nothing I could do to save Clyde.” Adrian took a deep breath. “The other Lupines nearly fled. I could only keep them together by making a second vow, Darcy. I promised my people I would never again bring someone from the Dark Kingdom into the fold.”

  Fresh anguish tightened his face. Not the emotions of a Lupine riddled with anger at her but an alpha grieving the loss of an elder he’d promised to keep safe.

  “Don’t you see? I can’t break my vow to my people. Everything I am as an alpha to my people, all my leadership capabilities, rests in that sacred promise. I love you. But I will not take you back to my pack.”

  Darcy saw in him the ruthless alpha she’d known he’d become, but gone was the remote anger. All she heard and saw was resignation and weariness. She ran to him, laying a hand over his heart, the heart that felt so much hidden pain.

  “I didn’t know, Adrian. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Such an austere face, carved like stone. She’d seen him express cold anger and fierce passion. Never this sad bleakness, not even when he was dying in the snow, cruelly abandoned by the pack leader who should have cared for him.

  “I didn’t want you to feel responsible. I know your tender heart, Darcy. The fault was mine alone.”

  “I do love you,” she admitted, squeezing her fist into his shirt. “What the hell are we to do?”

  His voice grew husky. “My only option is to hand over leadership to my beta and abandon my people so we can be together.”

  Not possible. Not with his personality. Adrian would never leave his pack or hand them over to another, unless the situation were dire. “You were meant to rule, Adrian. You’re steel in a velvet glove, but your pack adores you.” They sat on the bed, Adrian’s arm around her waist, her head resting on his shoulder. “I knew it was too good to be true. A place where I could feel at home, with a male I loved.”

  A knock on the door jamb had them both raising their heads. Darius, Aiden’s beta, stood in the doorway.

  Darius sat on the window seat. “Aiden asked me to meet with you. We came up with an idea for how you can resolve this. Put it to a vote before your pack.”

  Standing and beginning to pace, Adrian frowned. “Let them vote on whether or not I should break my vow?”

  “Vote on Darcy as their new alpha female. Way we see it, she may have been born there, but it’s semantics. Darcy hasn’t lived there since when?” The beta cocked his head at her.

  “Since I turned sixteen,” she told him.

  “Her home is here on earth. She’s proven herself time and again. She proved herself to your people when she killed the Lupine who was the biggest threat. Her own uncle.” Darius gave Adrian a pointed look. “Why should she be condemned for her origins?”

  Adrian nodded. “I see. I will present the matter to my pack when we return and let them vote on accepting Darcy.”

  Irritated, she waved her hands. “Hello? Am I invisible? Big, tough males over there deciding my life for me?”

  Both males turned toward her, blinking in surprise.

  Suddenly Samantha appeared in the doorway, along with Nia. And Aiden. Darcy did a face palm. Their personal business was turning into the Mitchell Pack business.

  “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” she scolded Nia.

  “Oh pooh, I’m fine. The baby’s asleep, guarded by half a dozen grandmas who are fighting over the chance to watch over her.” Nia sat on the bed on her right, while Samantha sat on Darcy’s left. Aiden stood by the window near Darius.

  “Sam and I figured you could use some female support. These men can be stubborn, overbearing and overprotective,” Nia continued.

antha patted Darcy’s hand. “But we wouldn’t have it any other way. We’ve learned how to compromise. And so have they. Just as compromise is important to a pack.”

  “Aiden and I both know this, and we’ve struck a balance.” Nia cast a loving look at her mate. “It’s been a lot of work but worth it.”

  “It takes teamwork to run a pack,” Aiden rumbled. “I couldn’t do it without Darius and the others. The alpha rules, but you know how it is, Adrian. You need cooperation from the others and their support as well as their loyalty.” “So what we’re trying to say is that if you want Darcy as your mate and you want to have a formal mating ceremony here, we’d be happy to hold it here,” Aiden added. “Or if you wish to put it to a vote before your people first, we’ll still be happy to help.”

  Darcy frowned. “It’s your pack. You’re the alpha. Do you really want to put something this important, this critical to your life, to a vote?” she asked Adrian.

  He looked straight at her. “I do not. I love you. I will do whatever it takes to keep you in my life, Darcy. That’s the promise I first made to myself when you saved me in the snow.”

  Stunned, she watched this proud, big alpha drop down to one knee before her.

  “I am willing to sacrifice everything dear to me for you. Because you, not the pack, are most dear to me. I love you.”

  Sighs of “aww” from the women. Wide, knowing grins from the men.

  “Yeah, he’s hooked,” Darius quipped.

  “Welcome to the fold of males who are smitten,” Aiden added.

  Ignoring all of them, she put her hand into Adrian’s outstretched one. He truly did love her. Not merely pretty words professed on paper but a real, deep love she’d longed to find all her life.

  Wordlessly, she stared at him. And then Adrian looked at the others. “Privacy, please?”

  “Just as it was getting good. I love seeing a man down on his knees before a woman, mouthing words of apology,” Samantha quipped.

  Darius grinned. “And I love seeing a woman down on her knees before a man, mouthing his”—”

  Samantha clapped a hand over Darius’s mouth. “Watch it, my love, or we’ll owe the baby’s college fund more money than we can afford.”

  The four Lupines left the room. Aiden shut the door behind them.

  Thoughts spun in her head like a whirlwind as she studied the proud alpha, still down on one knee before her.

  He loved her. Truly loved her. And she loved him, heaven help her. Oh, this was going to be a turbulent, crazy relationship.

  She wouldn’t have it any other way. A home with Adrian, a real home where kids played in the yard and banged the screen door and people fought but didn’t turn their noses up at her for personal choices or leave her because she refused to do as they wanted.

  Jumping off the bed, she stood up. “Adrian. Get up.”

  “Why, my darling?”

  Wham! Darcy punched his chest. “So I can do that. You are an ass. A complete, alpha, arrogant ass.”

  “Yes, I am.” He looked hopeful. “Am I a forgiven ass?”

  “Maybe.” She considered. “You’ll have to make up for it by cooking me a gourmet dinner. My favorite stir fry with white rice and peppers and chicken.”

  “Deal. I’ll even throw in curry.” He gave an exaggerated sigh. “It will offend my sensibilities as a Lupine alpha, but for you, I will do it.”

  She punched him again, and he laughed and then swept her into his arms.

  Adrian kissed her, showering her with kiss after kiss. “I am so sorry, my love. So sorry. I allowed my prejudices and the past to blind me.”

  “To my beauty and my talent.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, dragging him down for another kiss. “You’ll have to spend time making it up to me.”

  Stopping in mid-kiss, he gazed down at her. Uncertainty flickered in his dark gaze. “For how long?”

  Her mouth creased into a smile. “I dunno. One hundred and twenty years maybe, if we’re lucky to live that long. Or longer.”

  They kissed, long and hard. When Adrian let her go, he looked dangerous as his gaze became brilliant with passion. His jaw was clenched tight as if it were made of stone.

  “I have to get inside you. Now,” he said thickly.

  Darcy felt wet and aching, swollen with need as she shed her clothing and Adrian pulled off his sweater. Shivering with anticipation, she kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was hard, steely muscle as he kissed her back in a desperation equaling her own.

  Adrian reached down, skimming the soft flesh of her thigh. She cried out in shock as he delved between her wet folds. He slid a long finger back and forth, creating more dampness. She opened her thighs wide, feeling vulnerable and shaky with need. Then he backed her up against the wall.

  His hands cupped her naked breasts, thumbing the hardening nipples. Adrian took one into his mouth, his tongue flicking over the cresting bud. As he suckled her, she threw back her head on a moan.

  He dropped his hand to the zipper on his jeans, the rasping of metal mingling with his panting breath.

  His palms were warm and calloused as he cupped her bare bottom, lifted her against the cold, hard wall. She felt the thickness of his cock push at her wet, swollen center. Shocked by the unaccustomed pressure of him stretching her, Darcy whimpered. Adrian grunted, adjusted himself and began working himself inside her.

  With a determined relentlessness, he thrust, penetrating her fully.

  They went still for a moment. Darcy trembled, struck mute, feeling impaled by male hardness and strength. He nuzzled her neck, murmuring soothing reassurances.

  She could do nothing but wrap her arms around his neck and writhe against him in an attempt to draw even closer. Adrian shoved into her, hard, fast and urgent. Darcy lifted her legs and locked her trembling thighs around his pumping hips.

  Grunting, he thrust higher and deeper. She moaned as his thick penis pushed into her with relentless urgency. Her back slammed against the wall, erotic pleasure building where they were intimately joined. The whisper of a climax danced outside of reach. Sobbing, she dug her nails into the thick muscles of his shoulders. Needing this, needing his closeness, feeling the bonding of their flesh.

  This was what she’d waited for her entire life.

  Adrian muttered as he adjusted his position. His hand dropped down, touching her at where they were joined. She exploded into a violent, screaming orgasm.

  He threw back his head, the veins and cords on his neck straining. With a loud shout of her name, he released himself into her. For a moment they clung to each other, the sound of their ragged breaths echoing in the still room. Adrian dropped his head on her shoulder, kissed her neck as he slowly pulled out.

  Dazed by sensual pleasure, she slid down the wall as he feathered light kisses over her cheeks and jaw.

  He led her to the bed.

  “And now,” he murmured, “we take it slow.”

  His lean body had the strength of a predatory animal. Darcy watched in hungry silence as Adrian undressed. Muscles rippled beneath the tanned skin of his flat belly. His legs were long and dusted with dark hair.

  His penis stood erect once more. She placed her hands on his firm chest, feeling the steady and slow beat of an immortal heart.

  She’d had sex with a few partners. Always something felt lacking. Not with Adrian.

  Emotion overwhelmed her as she placed her mouth on his collarbone. Adrian cupped her chin, lifted it to his face.

  “You are so beautiful.” His voice was husky as they lay down.

  His skin was hot to the touch as she stroked his broad shoulders and neck. She kissed his flat belly, feeling him quiver beneath her mouth. Then he kissed his way down her torso. She felt him smile against her stomach. Then he flicked his tongue around her belly button. Darcy cried out with pleasure as his hand reached between her thighs.

  They explored each other’s bodies, taking their time, discovering pleasure points and laughing with abandon.
r />   Adrian’s gaze was dark fire as he mounted her. He held himself up on his hands as he settled between her opened legs.

  “Love me, Adrian,” she told him. “Pretend nothing can ever separate us.”

  He pushed into her. The thickness of him filled her completely. She closed her eyes and tilted her hips up as he began to thrust.

  His deep chest slid over her, the silky hairs from his legs whispered against her as she wrapped her limbs around his. They were entwined together like snakes.

  Darcy fisted her hands into his hair and kissed him hard. He moaned into her mouth and thrust harder and faster, the pleasure pushing her higher. She arched beneath him and cried out his name as she let go.

  Rigid muscles locked as he stiffened above her and shouted her name. She felt the wet warmth of semen.

  She touched his cheek as he rolled off, and he buried his damp face into her shoulder.

  A knock came at the door. Adrian pulled the sheet over her breasts, keeping his arm protectively around her waist. “Come in,” he called out in a strong voice.

  Aiden stood in the doorway, grinning. “Guess you two made up. Good job.”

  “How’s the big daddy?” she teased.

  “Proud as hell. She’s gorgeous, like her mama.”

  His gaze clouded. “That’s not why I came here. Someone called the ranch, Adrian. They tried to get through on your cell phone.”

  Adrian frowned. “It’s charging. Battery’s dead. I left them your ranch number as an emergency contact. Who called?”

  “One member of your pack. Said someone named Peggy needs you.”

  Darcy’s stomach fell. It could only be bad news. “Is she okay?”

  Aiden’s jaw tightened. “She’s dying.”


  They made it back to Florida on the next available flight. Adrian’s beta waited for them in the company car. He sped away, relaying the information to them.

  Peggy had grown worse, weaker by the moment since they’d left.

  “It’s a miracle she’s still alive,” he told them. “I think she’s waiting for you, Adrian. She sleeps mostly, and when she wakes up, she asks for you and Darcy.”


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