by John Pilger
Tomahawk cruise missiles 133–4, 143, 148
Tonga 248
Tonkin, Derek 417, 437, 438, 444, 450, 471
Tornado aircraft, British 175, 176, 189–90
Townsend, Professor Peter: ‘Inner City Deprivation and Premature Deaths in Greater Manchester’ 28
Toxteth uprising (1982) 31, 32
Tracanelli, Margherita 321
trade unions:
and collaboration with Government 86
journalists’ 78
and the Labour Party 107, 111, 120
and the middle classes 116
miners’ 50–1, 54–5, 115
routing of 29
and Mrs Thatcher 433
Trades Union Congress (TUC) 108, 111
Training and Enterprise Councils 115
trials, reporting of 10, 446–8
Trident submarines 57, 58–60, 110, 120
Trumpington, Baroness 302
Truth Game, The (film) 86–7
Try Sutrisno 563 n13
Tudjman, Franjo, President of Croatia 214, 215, 216
Tuol Sleng extermination centre, Cambodia 455, 494
Turchin, Valentyn 371, 378
and the EC 179
and US bribes 178–9
and US PR firm 295
Turner, Michele 321
Tuscany, Italy 393, 394–5, 396–7
TV Guide: ‘Why American TV is So Vulnerable to Foreign Propaganda’ 187
Twining, Charles H., Jr 463, 493
Uch Kiman 448
UDT see Timorese Democratic Union
Uganda, effect of Gulf War on 174
UKUSA Treaty 532
UN see United Nations
Un-Americans, The (BBC TV series) 102
UNBRO see United Nations Border Relief Operation
UNDP see United Nations Development Programme
in Australia 524, 527
in Britain 28–9, 31–2, 46, 51–6, 110–11, 114, 150
in the United States 111–12, 335, 512
aid to Cambodia 403, 436
on Iraq 177
on Jordan 174–5
on Third World debt repayment 203, 211
Union of Communication Workers 120
unions see trade unions
UNITA (Angola) 226, 490
United Nations (UN):
American manipulation of 15, 16, 135, 136, 138, 148, 162, 177–83, 186, 188, 225–8, 486–8, 516–17
Australia and 531
British ‘Asylum’ Bill condemned by 36–7
British violation of Charter 186, 188
and Cambodia 226, 227, 403, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412–13, 415–16, 418, 419, 424, 426–7, 428, 429, 442, 443, 448, 452, 459–60, 461, 462–6, 468, 471, 475, 477, 481, 482–91, 492, 493–4, 534–5
and East Timor 241, 244, 249, 255–7, 258, 259, 267, 281, 295–6, 298, 299, 318, 322
and the linking of Eritrea and Ethiopia 516–17, 519
‘natural disasters’ as defined by 174
report on deaths among Palestinian children 509
Resolution 661 on sanctions 172–3
and West New Guinea 244
and the World Bank 175
see also UNICEF and the following entries
United Nations Border Relief Operation (UNBRO) 412, 459
United Nations Children’s Fund 484
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 471, 486
United Nations Fund for Population Activities Prize 285
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) 36–7, 460
United Nations Human Rights Commission 236, 292n, 299, 305, 315, 318, 322, 426
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) 465
United Press International (UPI) 72, 73
United States of America:
arms industry 129, 159, 163–4, 165, 180, 185, 188, 220, 223, 246–7, 254–5, 297–8, 299–300, 313, 318, 383
and Australia 531, 533–6
and Cambodia:
bombing 405, 406, 410, 439 and Hun Sen regime 473, 474 policy 409, 416, 439–40, 464, 471 and Prince Sihanouk 429, 430–1, 474 support for Khmer Rouge 226, 409–10, 411–12, 413–14, 431–2, 436–7, 451–3, 466
and China 426–7
civil rights in 343, 344, 381, 511–14
and death squads in El Salvador 73, 391
and Ethiopia 515–17, 519
and Europe 340
freedom in 343
German Jews in 334, 344
and the Gulf War 127, 128–30, 132, 133–4, 135, 138, 140–5, 147, 148, 151–4, 157–60, 165, 170–1, 177–83, 184, 185, 220, 226, 227, 382–3, 390–2
imperialistic aims of 88–93, 148–50, 161–2, 166, 168, 194, 228, 229, 337–8, 339, 341–2, 392
and Indonesia 245–7
and Indonesian occupation of East Timor 234, 235, 250–1, 252, 254–5, 256, 257, 294–5, 297–301, 313, 318
and ‘information imperialism’ 72–4, 88–9
intelligentsia 339, 341–5
and support for Israel 73, 138, 148–9, 165, 213, 227, 339–40, 508
and the Kurds 162–3, 165–9
murders and mugging in 332, 384
and nuclear weapons 57–8
invasion of Panama 15, 61, 65–6, 129, 193
Press 99–100; see also New York Times; Washington Post etc.
and Roosevelt’s ‘new deals’ 99–100
and Somalia 220–2, 223–5, 228
unemployment and poverty 111–12, 335
and United Nations see United Nations, American manipulation of
and Vietnam 212, 226, 392, 409, 416, 436, 442, 443, 455, 473; see also Vietnam War
and the World Bank 175, 204
and the division of Yugoslavia 213, 216–17
UNTAC see United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
UPI see United Press International
Urbanak, Zdener 64
US News and World Report 178
Vallez, Teresita 500
Valli, Gianfranco 393–4
Valued Added Tax (VAT) 117, 119
Vane Tempest Colliery, Durham 46, 47, 53
VAT see Value Added Tax
Vergara, Camilo Jose 513
Vestey, Lord 542
Vickery, Michael 474
Victoria, Queen 328, 536
Vietnam (see also Vietnam War):
American policy and 91, 212, 226, 392, 409, 413, 416, 436, 442, 443, 455, 472
Britain and 66, 455
and Cambodia 66, 405, 409, 416, 418, 435–6, 439, 440, 441–3, 449, 451–2, 455, 465, 476, 487–8, 490, 493
Vietnam Project’s Limb Centre 469, 478
Vietnam Trading Corporation 471
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation 146–7, 409, 469n, 480
Vietnam War:
American bombing and civilian casualties 91, 132–3, 141–2, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 391–2
American imperialism and 90–1
use of chemicals in 144, 286, 338, 390
and Disney’s ‘Victory Field’ tableau 389, 391, 392
and the Gulf of Tonkin incident 13, 351, 352
and the Gulf War 133, 147, 157–8
Hollywood’s treatment of 89–90
jargon and euphemisms in 132, 133, 134
and Kennedy’s assassination 347, 351
media coverage of 73, 126
myths about 90–1, 126, 147, 156–7, 337–8, 341, 389
Operation Arc Light 132
Operation Ranch Hand (Hades) 390
and the Pentagon Papers 158, 183
and soldiers ‘missing in action’ 383
veterans from 146, 477–8, see
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation
Vietnamese women killed in 390
Vorontsov, Yuli 181
Waite, Terry 100
Waldegrave, William 45, 118, 419, 445
nbsp; Waldheim, Kurt 255, 256
Waldron, Karl 152
Walesa, Lech 67
Walker, Brian 457
Wall Street Journal 200
Wallace, George, Governor of Alabama 514
Walsh, Pat 321
Walters, Patrick 316
Walton, Doug 49
Wanandi, Marcus 315
media and 125–7, 130–1, 172
see Falklands War; Gulf War; Vietnam War; World Wars
Warby, Maria 51
Warby, Patrick 51
War Game, The (TV) 8
War on Want (British agency) 518
Warren, Chief Justice Earl 351–2
Warren Commission 346, 347, 348, 349, 351
Washingtonian magazine 348
Washington Post 57, 143, 236, 297, 348, 350, 389–90, 441
Washington Quarterly 452
water industry, British 66
see also Thames Water
Watergate affair 352
Waterhouse, Rosie 184, 434
Wattez, Edouard 486
Watts, David 305
Wave Hill, Australia 542
Weir, Fred 198
Weiss, Robert 389
WE177 bombs 58
West, Nigel see Allason, Rupert
West New Guinea: and the UN 244
West Timor 240, 242, 252, 271
White, Colonel Richard ‘Snake’ 140
Whitehead, Ian 415
Whitlam, Gough 530–1
and Aboriginal land rights 248, 541, 542, 543
and East Timor 243, 244, 247–9, 257, 268, 269, 288, 311
sacked by Sir John Kerr 532, 536, 543
Whitty, Larry 110
WHO see World Health Organisation
Wicker, Tom 383
Wilenski, Peter 427
Wilkins, J. L. 305
Willesee, Don 269
Williams, Bill 49, 55
Willis, Norman 111
Wilson, Harold 435
Windlesham, Lord 434
Winer, Jonathan 409
Wisconsin, USS 148
Wisnumurti, Nugroho 295–6
witchhunting: in Labour Party 102–6, 109
British miners’ wives 56
in Eritrea 516
and Vietnam War 390
Woodside-Burmah Company 258
Woodward, Justice A. E.:
Commission 542–3
Woolcott, Richard 251–2, 253, 258, 264–5, 294
Woollacott, Martin 166
World Bank:
Cambodia and 486
loan to China 181
1991 Conference 74, 205, 207–8, 209–12
and East Timor ‘family planning programme’ 284–5
loans to Iran before Gulf War 180
and the Philippines 69–70, 203–6
and the undermining of Third World economies 195, 203–4, 208–9, 211, 345
and US bribes of UN members 179, 180, 181
and US manipulation 175, 204
and Vietnam 392
and the Yugoslavian economy 217
World Conference on Human Rights (1993) 294
World Council of Churches: on the plight of the Aborigines 541
World Development Movement 203
World Health Organisation (WHO) 412, 473
World in Action (Granada TV) 6, 7, 18, 85
World Wars:
First 125
Australian troops and 529, 531
triage 40
Australia abandoned in 530
Australian/Japanese campaigns 237–8, 243, 244, 283–4, 530
Croatia and 214
50th anniversary of 91
and Japan 140, see also above
and Leningrad 373, 374
and Yugoslavia 214
see also Nazi Party
W79 nuclear artillery shells 57
Wyatt, Woodrow 84–5, 86, 87, 355
Yeats, W. B.: ‘The Cat and the Moon’ 402
Yeltsin, Boris 13, 113, 115, 195, 197–200, 218
effect of Gulf War on 174
votes against UN Resolution 678 177–8, 181, 182
workers expelled from Saudi Arabia 182, 183
Yeo, Tim 25, 26
Yirrkala people 542
Yorkshire Television 85
Young, Hugo 354
youth unemployment (in Britain) 28–9, 31–2
in pit villages 52–3
youth training schemes 52–3
Yugoslavia 213
in Second World War 214
US economic warfare against 216–17
western policy for division of 213, 214, 215–16
Yun Yat 458
Z Magazine 17
Zaire 36, 113, 425
US bribe for Security Council vote 181–2
Zambia: opposition to US 182
Zapruder, Abraham: film of Kennedy assassination 349
Zenawi, Meles 515, 519
Zimbabwe, US coercion of 182
Zimmerman, William 215
Zionism 339, 510
Zorkin, Valery 199
I would like to express my appreciation to Frances Coady, who took up the idea for this book and shaped it and published it with such care and enthusiasm. While there are those like Frances publishing books, the threat to free information – one of the themes explored in these pages – faces formidable opposition.
I wish also to thank the following people who, in one way or another, have given me help and encouragement: Ron Beard, David Bowman, Mike Broderick, Carmel Budiardjo, Kevin Christanus, John Cody, Sue Crouch, Rachel Cugnoni, Gillian Curtis, Ana de Juan, Paul Donovan, Peter Dyer, Phyllis Few, John Garrett, Martha Gellhorn, Sue Griffin, Michelle Hartree, Tony Hewett, Barbara Hyik, Deborah Inman, Roger James, Jan Joyce, Ben Kiernan, Arnie Kohen, Jacqueline Korn, Stephen McEntee, Helen Martin, Bobby Muller, Chris Mullin, David Munro, Sue Nellis, Lorraine Nelson, Colin Nicholson, Carlos Otero, Donal Park, Sam Pilger, Zoë Pilger, Steve Platt, Chris Ramsey, Geoffrey Robertson, Chris Roffey, John Ross, Gil Scrine, Frances Shipsey, Bernie Simons, Val Simpson, Paul Vickers, Sarah Westcott, Sarah Wherry, Tracy Whitehouse.
I would like to add my special, loving thanks to Jane Hill, to whom this book is dedicated (with David Munro) and whose care for these pages, and for the author, made this work possible.
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Epub ISBN: 9781407086378
Version 1.0
First published in Vintage 1992
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This collection copyright © John Pilger 1994
The right of John Pilger to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988
This revised edition first published by Vintage, 1994
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ISBN 9780099387213
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