Bondage Mystery

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Bondage Mystery Page 20

by Powerone

  Jessie hated to let her go, but he couldn’t turn down those big green eyes. He let her and he returned to the bar to nurse his drink. There was still the rest of the night. She’d be back. He looked at her, jealous as she danced with the next man. Her ass swayed so sensuously as he imagined it was his cock that rubbed against her sex as they danced. His beeper vibrated in his pocket. Jessie jumped as he felt the rush of adrenalin hit his body. He took out his cell phone to dial the familiar number. “Yes,” he answered with hesitation. “I’ll be there in five minutes.” Shit, he hated his job at times like this. He got up and paid the bar bill. “Tell her I was called away on business.” He waited for a second as he talked to the bartender. “But don’t tell her where.” Even though she would leave soon, he still hoped for a chance. He got up and Carrie didn’t notice as he walked out into the cool air of the night. He got into his jeep to drive the short distance to the office.

  Carrie went back to the bar to find the bar stool next to her empty. She looked around, but Jessie wasn’t in sight. She called over the bartender. “Have you seen Jessie?”

  “He said he had to go to work.” He felt sorry for Jessie as another man filled the seat next to her. They all wanted to be with her.

  For the next two hours, Carrie endured the string of men that tried to take Jessie’s place at her side. She didn’t know why, but no one could do that. It wasn’t that she was so attracted to Jessie. She just didn’t want to start all over again. With Jessie it had already gone farther than she had wanted, but she didn’t want to be tempted again. By the fifth drink, her brain was already a bit foggy and Carrie was ready to quit and go home. It was a little past midnight. Her mother’s house was only a couple of miles away and the roads in Tybee Island were deserted at this hour during off-season. She normally wouldn’t drive if she was at home, but this place was deserted. Carrie was sure that she could drive all right to get to her mothers. She put her original twenty back in her purse and stood up to leave. She stood for a moment to get her balance.

  “You okay to drive?” The bartender saw her waver as she stood up. “Want me to try to get you a cab?” It would be tough to find a cab at this hour of the night when it was off-season.

  Carrie regained her balance as she picked up her purse. “Thanks, I’m only a mile or so away. I’ll be fine.” She fished for the keys to the rental car as she walked out of the bar and the cool air of the night quickly sobered her up. She pulled her coat on as she slid into her car, but didn’t notice the car across the street or the lone occupant that watched her.

  Jessie parked across from the bar, kitty corner so the car was out of direct view. The engine ran as he sipped his second cup of coffee. He was called into work when the regular staff called in sick. Jessie was always available even though he hated pulling himself away from Carrie. It still might not be too late if things went as he thought. He had been there for over a half an hour. It was a slow night with nothing to do. He spilled his coffee out the window when he saw the door open from the bar. Carrie came out and clutched her keys. He looked around the deserted streets. He saw the way she walked. She had a little too much alcohol. That would make it much easier as her reactions would be slower and she’d be unable to defend herself. His hand dropped to his cock to rub his hard member as he thought of what he would do to her once she was in his clutches. She would have to pay and what better way than with her body. It mattered little if she consented, he would take what he wanted. There would be little she could do about it. He put the car into gear as she pulled out. He only had a few miles to put his plan into action, but he knew the best spot, the most deserted spot where few would see what transpired.

  Carrie gunned the engine too much as she pulled out into the dark, deserted streets and the tires screeched. She went down the main street and took a left on the road along the coastline. It was deserted at night and the beaches were empty. She watched the center stripe as she drove and noticed that she veered slightly off course before she corrected her driving. She was glad she was almost home. “Shit!” The blue and red lights of the car behind her lit up the inside of her car. She looked at the center divider and noticed her car was a little too much over on the wrong side. She turned the wheel, almost too much as the right tires caught the gravel at the side of the road as she slowed down. The car was still behind her. Carrie turned off the engine as she waited for the officer. She took out some gum and shoved it in her mouth as she chewed quickly. She hoped to kill some of the smell of liquor on her breath. She couldn’t get another ticket, especially a DUI. She already had one point for speeding, a DUI would kill her insurance and her license and she needed her license. She didn’t want to have to count on someone else to drive her. Shit, shit, shit! She shouldn’t have driven. It was long minutes before she heard the police car door open and the crackle of voices on his radio broke up the quietness of the night. Carrie rolled down her window as the flashlight bounced off the glass. She looked over, blinded by the bright light that shined in her face. She wanted to protest, but she was scared of offending him.

  “License and registration Ma’am,” the Southern drawl was prominent in his husky voice as though he had practiced this a thousand times. He watched as she fumbled in her purse, finally finding her driver’s license and the rental agreement for the car in the glove box. She handed them to him without saying a word. This would be easier than he thought. He looked at them and then put them on the hood of the car with his clipboard. “I observed you driving erratically Ma’am. I suspect you’re driving while under the influence. You have a choice of blood, urine, or a breath test. If you consent to the breath test, I will administer it now. If you choose either blood or urine, I will take you to the local hospital for testing.” He waited for her response.

  She knew she wouldn’t pass any of them. At least the breath test would be quick. Her mind raced to find a way out of this. “The breath test,” her voice broke as she said it. She started to get out of the car, but his voice stopped her.

  “Remain in the vehicle. Turn your head this way.” He shined the light in her face as he took the Breathalyzer from his belt. It already had a sterile mouthpiece. “Open your mouth.” His cock grew thick as her lips opened. He wished it was his cock that would go between those sweet lips. He put the mouthpiece between her wet, silky lips. “Blow until I tell you to stop.”

  It was surreal. The light shined in her face and Carrie was unable to see anything. Her mouth opened and suddenly found her lips latched around the mouthpiece. Everything turned sexual on her. Her mind was clouded by the alcohol, the arousal from the bar and now the cop that forced a strange device into her mouth and made her blow it. She blew into the device and her head grew dizzy as she did.

  There was a short, shrill burst of sound when the device registered its results. “That’s good.” But he didn’t take it out of her mouth. He enjoyed the way her lips curled around it so sexily. He gripped the device and began to push it in and out as he fucked her mouth with it. “It’ll take a minute for the final results.”

  Could he actually be doing that on purpose? She’d never taken a breath test before, but the cop moved the mouthpiece back and forth in her mouth. It was as though it was his cock and she was being forced to suck it. The light still blinded her and she was unable to see his face. She didn’t protest, resigned to the authority he had over her.

  He moved the mouthpiece around her lips before he took it out. He shined the light on it, his happy face hidden from her view by the bright light as he read it. “It’s .10 Ma’am. The legal limit is .08 in Georgia. You are under arrest for driving under the influence.” He read her rights, a barely audible murmur from her at each one. He finished. “Step out of the vehicle now Ma’am. I am going to take you to the station.” He opened the door and held it open as she stepped out of the vehicle. He shined the bright light on her legs as she tried to get out. Her short skirt hiked up high, so high he could see her panties. The beam of light moved up her thighs until it shone brig
htly on her panties. “Take your time Ma’am.” His cock throbbed as her naked legs parted as she tried clumsily to get out of the car.

  She was dead, the Breathalyzer sealed her fate. She was so involved in trying to figure a way out of this that she ignored the obvious sexual tone the way the mouthpiece played between her lips or the way the light from the flashlight boldly shined on her legs as she tried to get out of the car. Grace was no longer a factor with her skirt up high and her panties revealed. It was pitch black outside, unable to see the cop as her body turned around and was forced against her car.

  “Hands behind your back Ma’am.” He grabbed her wrists before she could protest, his handcuffs ready before she could react. He snapped the metal cuffs around her slim wrists and the loud clicking sound filled the silent air.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Carrie protested but found her hands pulled behind her back and put into cuffs. She felt the cold steel around her wrists and the pressure as they were tightened. She tried to pull her wrists apart, but the metal cut deep into her skin. She never felt as helpless as she did now. She was out in the middle of nowhere with her hands cuffed behind her back. And she still hadn’t seen the cop yet. What if he was a fake? What if he was going to rape me? She began to struggle, but his hands on her were too powerful.

  “I have to check you for weapons. Over to my car.” He led her easily to his car. Her bound hands left her little room to protest. He pushed her against the car. “Hold still now. It will be easier if you don’t fight.” He tugged on her wrists to show her the power he had over her. He pressed up against her as his hands went around her waist to check along the waistband of her skirt. He felt her suck in her stomach as he touched her. He pushed a bit of the sweater out of the way until his fingers touched her bare stomach and her body jumped by his intimate touch.

  A sexual shiver ran through her body when his hand touched her naked skin. His hands slipped under her sweater and moved up as Carrie held her breath and she waited for the touch. This wasn’t searching her body for weapons. He inspected her body and the sudden fear of what he was doing mixed with the shocking excitement that raced through her body. After all the sexual tension of the night, her body was primed.

  Each of his large hands cupped a bra-encased breast to squeeze the firm flesh beneath the thin fabric. “Nothing in there,” he said as if it were the most natural thing to feel up her tits. He took his hand from beneath her sweater and pushed down on the small of her back until he bent her over the hood of his car. Her ass pushed out as she bent over and he felt her tightened cheeks rub against his hard cock. He pushed one foot between her legs to push hard against one tender ankle and bang into the bone. “Spread your legs.” It was an order, not a request.

  She felt her nipples swell from his touch, ashamed at the way her body responded. She should protest, instead she found herself bent over as she shoved her ass out unceremoniously until she felt the unmistakable hard cock pushed between her cheeks. “OOOW!” She complained when his heavy shoes banged her ankle, but she still obeyed the lewd request to spread her legs like a wanton whore. She shivered in excitement when his hands crept down the front of her skirt to hike it up. His hands found their way beneath it to touch the front of her panties. She shoved her ass back harder and it met with an equal force by the cock behind her.

  He had her legs spread and her skirt hiked up with barely a burst of protest came from her. He cupped her sex with one large hand, as a finger found her slit and pushed in hard. Her legs spread wider as though she tried to accommodate his probing figure. He goosed her and as her body jerked and her ass slid along his cock as if she attempted to masturbate him. “Nothing there except wet panties.”

  He fondled her with impunity now and he made no pretense of searching her. His only desire was to feel her up and inspect her as his cock jerked hard against her ass cheeks. And now he had found her secret, her panties were wet with her desire. She could do little to protest because her body betrayed her. She found her body standing back up, the back door of the cop car opened as the cop pushed Carrie in until she fell into the seat. She almost fell over as her hands in cuffs made it hard to balance. The door slammed shut. The front door opened and the interior light came on as the cop got into the car. He closed the door, but left the light on as he turned around.

  “Just relax. The station is only a mile away.” He turned around and smiled at Carrie.

  “JESSIE!” It suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks.

  “Sorry Carrie, but I’m entrusted to uphold the laws. And you were intoxicated. You shouldn’t have driven.”

  All of a sudden things had changed for the better. She felt the way he touched her, explored her body and manipulated her into position for a more intimate examination. He wanted more than to arrest her. And it’s not that she didn’t find the feeling that raced through her body pleasurable, in spite of being forced under duress. And then there were the handcuffs. It was the feeling of helplessness that raced through her body and the sexual rush between her legs as she lost all power to protest anything that was done to her body. “What are you going to do to me?” She was afraid of the answer.

  “Anything I want. If you cooperate, I’ll release you. Otherwise it could become very unpleasant for you.” The police station would be empty as no one would be in for another four hours. More than enough time to satisfy his lust on her.

  “Do I have a choice?” Carrie squirmed in the back seat as her short skirt rode high up to reveal her panties and her bound hands gave her little chance to rectify it. It’s not that her skirt would be on for long, she was sure that he’d have her stripped naked soon enough. Stripped naked while handcuffed as her juices ran down her thighs as she savored the erotic thoughts.

  Chapter 2

  Interrogation or Oral Inspection

  “You’ll do everything I want. One way or another. I don’t care which way, all of it will be pleasurable to me. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you receive the pleasure you deserve. You have a lovely body and I’ll enjoy pleasuring it.” The car pulled up behind the police station and the alley was deserted. Jessie got out of the car, opened up the back door and helped Carrie out of the car. They went in the back door. The lights suddenly blinded both of them as he marched her over to one of the interrogation rooms. They entered and he pushed her over to the large table that filled the center of the room.

  She looked at him, finally able to see him in the light. He looked just as she remembered, but now he had on a uniform, a large black belt that held a gun, mace, cuffs and other items. The uniform fit his body as if it were custom tailored. But nothing could hide the large cock outlined the front of his pants.

  “Yes, you will take care of that before morning. Many times.” His hand went down and stroked his cock and he made sure that she could see how big it was.

  Would he make me suck his cock? Of course he would, she already felt how he made her suck the mouthpiece as if it were a cock. She feared that. It’s not that she hadn’t sucked a cock before. But with the handcuffs on, she was afraid she wouldn‘t be able to control him or his cock. She’d always controlled the depths of the thrusts, but Jessie didn’t seem like the type of man that would allow her to do this. Would he choke it down my throat? “Are you going to take the cuffs off?”

  “I don’t think you really want me to. I think you like them on.” Jessie had seen other girls like this. Cuffed, they could let their bodies succumb to the lust, unable to prevent anything that was done to them. It gave them the reason to surrender to all of his perversions.

  She tugged on the cuffs and felt the cold steel dig into her tender wrists as it held her tight. At the same time, she felt the wetness between her legs. She knew she wouldn't have any choice in what he did to her body. She feared it, at the same time, she felt the unmistakable excitement.

  “Now why don’t you sit on the table here,” Jessie helped her as he sat her on the edge of the table. He stood between her legs and pushed between he
r legs until she spread them wide to accommodate him. He looked down as her skirt hiked up higher and higher. She had beautiful legs, firm thighs and Jessie was eager to get between them to savor the taste of her pussy. But first, she’d have to satisfy his lust as his balls ached to be relieved of his pent up lust. He looked down, her naked legs spread submissively and her skirt hiked up to reveal black panties. He noticed the unmistakable wetness on her panties. His hands slid up her legs and felt her trembling body beneath his touch. His fingers moved to the edge of her panties to touch the tender skin. He looked into her eyes as his fingers pressed hard into the tender flesh. She squirmed beneath his touch.

  His hands were strong on her legs as they moved on her naked flesh. Carrie squirmed as they edged towards her panty covered sex. She felt a rush of arousal, a dampness between her legs as his fingers crept so close to her sex. Carrie almost wished that he would touch her there instead of the teasing that he was doing now. He looked at her as his fingers hurt as they dug into the flesh of her legs, but it only added to the arousal she felt. The pain mixed quickly with the need to be stroked between her legs. Her ass squirmed on the desk and Carrie bit her lip to quell the moan that tried to escape from her lips.

  Jessie could smell the heat in her. She’d be very accommodating to him tonight, not that she had much of a choice. “Spread your legs wider for me Carrie,” Jessie looked into her eyes as he ordered her. He felt her legs move to spread wider and felt her muscles tighten when she spread them wide. He looked down as her panties pulled tightly over her sex, and he was able to make out her pronounced slit through the thin silk panties.


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