Seeds of Evil

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Seeds of Evil Page 1

by Robert Kitchen




  © Copyright 2004 Robert Kitchen.

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  Nathan Black sat transfixed, staring blankly at the television’s flickering screen. Through tear-

  laden eyes he was trying to compare between the two images confronting him. One was that of a smiling teenager, the other a proud young man in a military uniform. His fingers trembled as he focused on the Polaroid image balanced between the finger and thumb of a perfectly manicured hand. Wiping a tear from his cheek he slowly rose and with deliberation snuffed Trevor McDonald from view. Black was an emotional man with an unpredictable and sometimes violent temper. The sole issue of a wealthy family, he had always been accorded a generous benefit of the doubt when petulant outbursts had given cause for offence. Misdemeanours of a more destructive nature were swept neatly under the Persian rug with the aid of an eloquently endorsed cheque. His adoring father believed in sparing the rod and ignoring the consequences. Now in his mid thirties, Nathan tended to be more in control of his emotions, lapsing into a morose state of moodiness when things did not go to his liking. The faces being studied with such intensity belonged to one person, Jason T. Leonard, member of the Royal Engineers and ex-lover of Nathan Black; he was nineteen years of age. Like Nathan, Jason was tall, elegant and at a glance could have been taken for his brother. Unlike Jason, Nathan was a vain egotist whose covetous nature bordered on obsession. Tearfully Nathan pondered on their first meeting. One glance at the younger man and Nathan just had to have him. There was no doubt in his mind that he would achieve that aim. The boy had the same confident air as he at that age, the same poise. Nathan came to the conclusion that it would only be a matter of time before the boy’s defences were breached. How could Jason possibly deny the attraction, how could he resist? Their paths had crossed at a local cricket club where Black was a member. Jason was a school-friend of the team captain’s son. The man, having watched him play in a school match, invited the boy for a trial at the club. Jason was neither nervous nor overawed by the occasion. An astute judge of raw talent, the captain was duly impressed by the boy’s confident manner. Pace, line and length he considered a gift. One could teach an ordinary mortal any one perhaps, at a push, two of these attributes but to see all three in an adolescent was remarkable. Another team member had drawn Black’s attention to the new boy, pointing out their uncanny resemblance. Jason was just seventeen and in Nathan’s eyes the most desirable creature he had ever encountered. It was late afternoon before they were formally introduced. Nathan deemed it imprudent to declare an interest in the boy prematurely. He hated gossip and had no wish for their first meeting to appear contrived. Patiently he had waited for an opportune moment. It came in the form of Walter Howlett, wicket keeper and club busybody. The little man had the newcomer ensnared, introducing him to all and sundry. Howlett had taken three catches from Jason’s bowling and was basking in the success of his achievement. To his credit, he attributed his good fortune to the boy at his side, modestly pointing out that he owed it all to this handsome young whiz kid, a compliment that had the newcomer squirming. Black had been patient choosing the precise moment before moving across to where they were standing.

  ‘There you are Black old man,’ blustered Howlett. ‘How the devil are you?I say, let me introduce you to the new Freddie Trueman.’Once again the boy visibly cringed. ‘Honoured,’ enthused Black, ‘pretty impressive piece of bowling young man.’ Nathan Black smiled, firmly shaking the boy’s hand. ‘Young Leonard here delivers with venom.” chattered Howlett, with unguarded enthusiasm.

  ‘Sorry to butt in Walter but I was wondering if I could just steal Freddie for a while?’ interjected Nathan in mock apology, simultaneously tipping Jason a mischievous wink. ‘Sure, of course, well, but,’ spluttered Howlett, as Black ushered the young man away.

  ‘How can I help you sir?’ asked Jason. Nathan was more than a little surprised by the boy’s courteous manner.

  ‘Actually, you are in my debt young man. What is the expression the Americans use? Ah yes, you owe me one.’ Jason gave a puzzled look. ‘For rescuing you from that old fart Howlett,’ prompted Nathan.

  ‘Ah!’ exclaimed Jason, displaying a set of flawless, pristine teeth and bursting into rapturous laughter. His spontaneous appreciation of Black’s remark endeared Jason to the older man, cementing the attraction.

  ‘I’d like to call in that favour right away, that is if you don’t mind?’ requested Black. ‘At your service sir,’ agreed the boy. ‘How may I help?’

  ‘Would you mind awfully tossing a few balls at me?I’ve been suffering from a slight groin strain and am w
oefully short of match practice. Bowl a couple of overs at full pace, just to see how the injury stands up.” ‘Not at all sir,’ agreed the young man helpfully.

  ‘Oh, one other thing.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Stop calling me sir. My name is Nathan.”

  ‘Only if you stop calling me Freddie,’ parried Jason?’

  ‘Agreed,’ replied the older man, placing his arm around the boy’s shoulders and guiding him to the nets. ‘Freddie Trueman, he’s a comedian isn’t he?’ quipped Jason.

  After their initial meeting the pair became virtually inseparable. Jason although giving an impression of self-assurance, appeared bashful, almost uncomfortable in the company of females, a trait that had not escaped Black’s attention. Slowly he gained the young man’s confidence and eventually, when the time was right, seduced him. It had happened after a party in Nathan’s apartment. Jason was uncertain at first, unsure of his sexuality but it was an undeniable fact that he idolised his new companion. For the first time in his life he felt like an adult. He showed his feelings for Nathan expansively and in public, usually to the embarrassment of the older man. Months passed, seeing Jason scraping through his O-level examinations but by the skin of his teeth. He argued with his father incessantly, making his mother miserable, until one evening she had had enough..

  ‘Cricket, cricket, cricket,’ she exploded, ‘that’s all you bloody think about, well I am telling you young man—’You sound just like Brian Clough when you say that,’ chuckled Jason, interrupting her tirade

  ‘Don’t you get shirty with me. It’s time you started acting your age. This time next year you will be eligible to vote. God help the country if it is left up to the likes of you to select a government.’ Jason was used to his mother’s nagging but this time there was something different about her. Her chastisement was vindictive. She

  was saying things with such venom. Why did his old man just stand there?Why did he not say something, do something, anything to defuse the situation? On most occasions, when things were getting out of hand, Samuel Leonard could be relied upon to come to his son’s aid. Not this time though, he was just standing there nodding his head, like some unreliable shop mannequin that the window dresser could not be bothered to repair, agreeing with everything she said. Jason looked at his father, seeing him in a new light. God you really are a spineless old bugger, he thought.

  ‘For goodness sake give it a rest ma. You’re making my head, ache. Anyway my vote won’t make a great deal of difference as we do not have a candidate for The Monster Raving Loony Party in this neck of the woods,’ laughed Jason, attempting to lighten the mood.

  ‘That’s right laugh it up my boy. Oh yes you know it all now, Mr. Clever Clogs, Well let me tell you something you don’t know. One of these days you are going to come down to earth with an awful bump. You are going to wake up some morning to find that life has passed you by. I know it’s a cliché but a very true one. It is a long hard road out there and if you don’t have the right stuff you are going to starve trying to walk it.’

  ‘God ma what does that all mean? Look is this going to take much longer? I promised a few friends that I would go to the pictures with them,’ he pleaded, flashing his mother one of his usually winning smiles.

  ‘That isn’t going to work this time my boy.’ He hated it when she called him, my boy. You are going to sit right where you are and listen to a few hard facts of life, in answer to your first question. What I was trying to say is, you are going to require all the ammunition you can muster, just to obtain employment. A few mediocre O-level results will not even procure an invitation to an interview. Like it or not, you are going to have to stay at school son.’

  ‘Sorry ma but that has to be the end to this conversation. You know how hard I struggled to achieve those, mediocre results,’ he retorted, annoyed at his mother’s choice of words. The jovial expression had disappeared to be replaced with one of indignation. ‘It is you that has to face reality ma, I’m no academic. My days of slogging through endlessly boring textbooks are well and truly over.’

  ‘How can you say that? Your father and I have worked hard all our lives to give you the opportunity to succeed in yours. You have the qualifications to carry on. All you need is the application. Can’t you see the window of opportunity is wide open for you to be whatever you choose to be? Don’t act like a bloody fool, grasp it.’ She was shouting now, all attempts at retaining control irretrievably discarded.

  ‘Bollocks,’ screamed Jason, that is when his father hit him, a long, sweeping, open-handed slap, which brought about a deathly silence. The sound of the crack seemed to echo around the small room, rebounding to deal the perpetrator a more punishing blow. Shocked by his, usually passive father’s, aggression, Jason gave his mother a forlorn look before slowly turning to face him.

  ‘Fuck you,’ he uttered defiantly, slowly turned and left the house. Samuel Leonard was devastated. He had never in his entire life, so much as raised his voice to another living person. He was disgusted by his personal lack of control and stunned by the language mouthed by his most prized possession. For a few moments he stood motionless, staring at the door, aware that his relationship with Jason could never be the same. Devastated, he buried his face in his hands and wept. Deep wrecking sobs which tore at every fibre of his soul, forcing his wife Doris to rush to his side. She took him in her arms rocking gently from side to side, as she had done when comforting her distressed son in his infancy.


  Jason, at a loss as to what his next course of action should be, moved in with Nathan Black. The older man could not believe his good fortune. He was besotted with the boy and providence had presented him with the one gift that he coveted above all others. As the days passed they became more in tune. So much so that Jason was able to shop for Nathan, choosing the perfect ensemble with a dedication that only a loved one could accomplish. He had a knack of selecting clothes that enhanced Nathan’s sixfoot plus frame. His piercing blue eyes were complimented by textures and shades, which enhanced their brilliance. They idled away the weekends totally engrossed, seeking no distraction other than their mutual company.

  Honeymoon’s joy is fleeting and endures only until the first argument cracks its veneer. Outside influences creep in to widen the rift but life usually tends to find a happy medium between passion and necessity. Nathan and Jason were no exception to the rule. Jason was after all a boy, albeit a mature one. He required what every teenager desires, friends of his own age. Leave to go clubbing and independence to make mistakes. Errors are more pronounced when your partner considers himself perfect. Furthermore,

  Nathan would countenance no debate. Jason was a novice and totally inexperienced therefor, in Black’s view, his opinion was so much hot air. Their tiffs became heated and more prolonged but usually ended with Jason apologising, rightly or wrongly. Finally Jason let his partner know, in no uncertain terms, that he was in danger of withering. If he were not permitted to go out alone his sanity would be put at risk. Nathan reluctantly agreed, after all, were not the strongest relationships built on trust? Jason needed, his space, as he put it. He required stimulation by friends of his own age occasionally. He wanted to choose for himself instead of always being told what to do, demanded the right to ignore Nathan’s guidance whenever he presumed the older man’s judgement to be suspect. The boy was becoming a man.

  Nathan recounted their last evening together. In his mind’s eye he relived every terrible second of the ordeal. He had taken especial care with the preparation of the pasta. It was his lover’s favourite dish and he had prepared it with tenderness reserved only for the boy. Jason had arrived home late, sauntering in without a care in the world, to be confronted by a seething Nathan who was futilely trying to salvage the ruined meal. ‘Where have you been?’ demanded his partner.

  ‘Sorry Nat, I was over at John’s place, his old man…’ Nathan ex
ploded like an agitated bull, cutting him off mid-sentence, affording Jason no room to manoeuvre. Instead the boy was treated to a verbal salvo. ‘Fuck John,’ shouted Nathan, ‘you should have called. I left the office early to purchase the ingredients for that mess in the saucepan.’

  ‘Sorry I didn’t think,’ shrugged Jason.

  ‘That’s your trouble boy, you don’t think. Do you?’

  ‘Give it a rest Nat, you’re beginning to sound like my mother.’ Black hated it when Jason called him Nat, it showed a certain lack of respect and this exacerbated the problem. ‘You ungrateful little… ‘

  ‘Little what Nat, toy boy? Or am I a rent boy? Come on Nathan, why don’t you tell me what you really think of me. How about it, why don’t we just get stripped and I can give you a quick blow job, is that what you want?’ Nathan was stunned.

  ‘How dare you?’ he growled, his voice barely audible. ‘I took you into my home, found you a job, clothed you, fed you and above all else, gave you love.’

  ‘Love, that’s a laugh. You don’t know the meaning of the word. Sex is what you gave me, a quick grope when the spirit moved you. As for the clothes and the job, how can you have the audacity to cast those things up to me? You got more than your money’s worth. Do you think I’m blind? I can see how you preen when those old queen friends of yours are drooling over me. Why don’t you invite them round, we can have a party?’ Nathan was across the room in two strides, pinning Jason against the door. ‘Don’t say another word, or I may lose control,’ he snarled. ‘I would never want to hurt you but if I begin, I do not think that I will be able to stop myself from inflicting serious damage,’ Dismissing Jason with an exasperated shove, he donned his jacket and left. The boy was frightened and terribly ashamed. There had been no reason to attack Nathan, to utter such hurtful remarks; remarks that he knew were impossible to retract. The words had just slipped out. Who was he trying to kid? It had been on the cards for some time. Nathan was a great guy but it was time to face facts. They were behaving like an old married couple, at least Nat was. All the fun had simply vanished. Jason was confused. At first they had been good together. People used to remark how he and Nathan looked so happy. They were for a time; he had to admit that much but lately his friend had become jealous, no possessive. It seemed to Jason, all that Nat wanted to do was sit indoors watching videos. Trying to persuade him to come down to the cricket club had become a major hassle. The young man’s mind was in one hell of a conflict. To complicate matters, Jason could not understand why his thoughts kept turning to Judy. Strange as it may seem, he found her attractive in an odd sort of way.


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