Seeds of Evil

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Seeds of Evil Page 26

by Robert Kitchen

  ‘What the fuck are you on? I don’t believe in fate or coincidences. This whole gig has got to be one big set up and Joe Cunt here is the pig in the middle. How far does this wee plot go back? That was a pretty convincin performance in Spain. I really thought yon greaser was tryin te kill ye. Ye must have had some laugh at my expense. Who else is in on the fuckin joke eh?’

  ‘If I could get a word in edgeways I’d explain that I never knew that ye existed before ye saved me life in Spain. Ye have to believe that or the operation is fucked before we start. Use yer head Billy, how could we possibly have staged an incident like yon? Fuck me if ye had arrived a split second later I was a dead man.’

  ‘Okay, just say ye have me convinced, although I’m not sayin that I am, how come out of all the people in the RA. they managed te choose you?. Explain that one to me.’

  ‘I can’t Billy, as I say it must be fate. Somebody up there is watchin over us. Ye saved me life Billy, we are fraternally bound. There’s no doubt that I owe ye me life and I always honour me debts. If there was a way I could have known that ye were involved with other camp I would have picked ye to be my partner. I trust ye with me life Billy cause in point of fact ye gave it back to me. I’m pleadin with ye te trust me on this one, for what it’s worth, they couldn’t have chosen a better team.’

  ‘That’s some pile of horse shite ye came away with there but I have te admit yon wee Spaniard had the look of murder on him when he tried te skewer ye,’ agreed Clements grudgingly. ‘One thing’s for sure I’ll feel a bit easier turnin me back on you rather than some other fenian fucker.’ Tullen laughed, as relief flooded through him. For the first time in days he felt safe. His laughter was full bodied and honest, verging on hysteria. Clements could not help himself, try as he might he could not control it, so affected by his companions mood that he burst into laughter as well. Tullen was right of course, an inseparable bond had been formed in Spain and both men realised with joy and commitment that they could rely upon each other implicitly. Clements drove on through Carrickfergus heading inland before pulling into the driveway of a cottage which stood back off the road. ‘This will be our billet for the duration Davy. Fuck it I know yer name’s not Davy. If we are gonna be partners I think we should start as we mean te go on,’ said Clements, offering his hand. Slowly Tullen accepted it and holding on firmly revealed his real identity. ‘Connor Tullen at your service, Con to me friends.’

  ‘Aye right,’ uttered Clements, nonchalantly refusing to admit that he genuinely sought the others friendship. A lifetime of bigotry is hard to discard in one moment of understanding. Despite his reservations he knew that a friendship had formed between them and who was he to argue with fate? ‘Okay, as the song goes you’d never get into our house we a fenian name like that, so prudence demands that ye stick te Davy, if yer gonna go knockin around my neck of the woods. As for me I’m not so keen te take on the mantle of alter boy just yet Con, no offence. If we stray into bandit territory ye can say me name is Simms, yeah Tommy Simms, that’s pretty cosmopolitan, agreed.’

  ‘Tommy’s all right, I suppose but ye know us mickeys can tell a prod from a mile off. Yer eyes are too close together.’

  ‘Fuck off,’ laughed Billy. ‘Tommy Simms has a kind of ring to it, a man wud have te be fuckin psychic te tell a man’s religion from than handle.’

  ‘Fair enough Tommy and I shall remain Davy,’ agreed Tullen. ‘This is some fuckin mess eh. Where do we begin te look for a homosexual nutter.’

  ‘First things first, let’s start with what facts we are certain of,’ Clements clenched his right hand and punched his left palm to stress his point. ‘One,’ he began bending the little finger of his right hand. ‘The guy is a queer. Two, we are ninety nine percent sure he is English. Three he is not fussy about his victims, any old Paddy will do Protestant or Catholic. Paddy is his pet name for us by the way. Four he has managed te gain access te some highly sensitive information. Five, he only kills the families of known players. Six, we are pretty certain that he works solo. Seven, the murders are always brutal, so he is stressing a point. Eight, the man is as mad as Charlie Man-son. Nine, he always uses the blood of his victims to write crazy messages on walls. And that’s about it, thank fuck I was running out of fingers.’ Connor took a few moments to consider what Billy had said before beginning with his input.

  ‘The first two attacks were sexually motivated. I mean he molested the boys, among other things, so why has he stopped with that shit. My bet is that he may, no, probably has a boyfriend here. If I am right, he gets charged up while he is doin the business and afterwards pays his lover a visit. It isn’t a fact I know but it does tie in with the end of the attacks on the boys. What do ye think?’ Clements nodded excitedly.

  ‘I think it’s as good a theory as any. So?’

  ‘If we can find a gay with an English partner who turns up horny on the night of the murders six to four on he is our man. Now to get back to what ye were sayin earlier about access to secret info. How the fuck did he manage to get his hands on it? Only two possible answers he’s either a cop or he knows one with a big mouth.’

  ‘No it doesn’t make sense. You know how touchy the RUC. is about lettin the mainland peelers into the secrets of the black magic box,’ quipped Clements.

  ‘Ach maybe yer right, we have a couple of good leads te start with. Let’s hope he has a boyfriend. No offence Billy but if he does it’s near certain that the guy’s a prod. It stands te reason that an Englishman would be as inconspicuous as Yasser Arrafat at a Jewish wedding, if he were te set foot on our soil.’

  ‘I suppose yer right,’ agreed Billy gloomily.

  ‘Secondly, we have te find out how he got hold of his information. Could be he’s knockin off an RUC. man but that’s highly unlikely seein as how they’re all ugly bastards,’ chuckled Tullen. Clements grinned, appreciating the joke.

  ‘Very fuckin funny yer a regular Dave Alan.’ They juggled around with a few ideas and reminisced about Spain before calling it a night.

  Amateur detectives they may have been but for all that their assumptions were pretty much correct. Tullen’s theory about Black’s sexual needs was virtually bang on. Nathan had grown attached to the young barman who sated his needs without compliant. Indeed Black’s love-making was at it’s most intense after committing an atrocity. He had compelled the youth to keep their liaison a secret. It had been a fairly reasonable request that Giles was only too happy to agree with. The young barman adored him and would under no circumstances jeopardise his friend’s business or social standing. Gifts lavished upon the boy were treated as a bonus, never a precondition. Giles was hopelessly in love with his, as he liked to think of Black, English conquest. Discretion had been easy at the start of their liaison but it was becoming more and more difficult to shroud their union as his feelings for Nathan deepened. So strong was the emotion that he was bursting at the seams. Giles could not resist the temptation he simply had to share his news with his closest friends. One such acquaintance was Terry Aster, his real surname was Arthur but he preferred the sound of Aster. Coincidentally, as well as being a friend of Giles, Terry was also an Informant for the UDA. He had been on the lookout for an Englishman as requested by his superiors. An Englishman who travelled back and forth from the mainland and may possibly have formed a relationship. Aster listened intently as Giles preened over his latest affair with his upper class lover. Playing on the young barman’s ego he managed to cajole the nationality of his friend’s latest. How lucky the Brit. was to have picked such a wild Irish rose. Terry’s suspicions were aroused when Giles refused to put a name to his lover. ‘Oh no you don’t,’ cooed Giles. His identity is for me and me alone. I don’t want to share him with anyone.’ Aster detected agitation in his friend’s voice, he was virtually squirming. There was more to this English boyo than meets the eye. It may come to nothing, thought Terry but an English executive does fit the bill. Suspicions aro
used he came to a decision. It was too soon to jump to conclusions but the stranger did merit further scrutiny. Aster determined to delve much deeper and with any luck he would ascertain the foreigner’s identity. Little did he know it but Aster had came closer to ensnaring the Preacher than any other since Black’s first murder, more than a year ago. Satisfied with his decision and anxious not to arouse suspicion he dropped the subject. Slowly, slowly catch the monkey. Terry was extremely satisfied with his evening’s work, tomorrow was another day.

  After departing from Giles’ flat, Aster decided that his first priority would be to follow his pal for a day or two. By doing so he would catch a glimpse and if he was lucky, discover the identity of the mysterious lover. On other occasions he passed on duff information only to be shit upon from a great height. He was aware of the gravity of this operation; therefore he was reluctant to disclose his findings until he was absolutely certain of his facts. Perhaps the boy had fabricated his new friend. He may be boasting and the mystery man could be a figment of a fertile imagination. As it turned out, the informer did not have long to wait. Whilst sipping a drink in the bar the following evening, he noticed a change in Giles’ demeanour. The boy was positively glowing. There was a spring in his step, which was not apparent the previous night. He noticed how the barman kept scrutinising his watch every few minutes. He had an air of expectancy. Aster concluded correctly that Giles had been in contact with the mystery man. He hoped that they had arranged a meeting for that very evening. Terry slipped away from the bar a short while before Giles was due to finish his shift. Positioning himself in a darkened doorway he settled to wait for the barman to exit from the bar. He smiled as Giles looked neither left nor right but rushed headlong into the street and made off in a hurry down the road. Taking care to conceal himself from the other’s view Terry set off, maintaining fifty yards between himself and his friend. Bingo, the boy had deviated from his usual route home opting instead to turn left into one of the numerous, poorly illuminated side streets. Terry rushed to the corner and passed the intersection glancing down the street as he did so and was elated to see Giles entering a parked car. In that instant he noticed that the vehicle was occupied by another man but the distance and poor lighting barred him from forming a definite picture of the driver’s features. Nathan smiled, leaned closer to the Giles and gently caressed his inner thigh. Lightly he brushed his lips across the boy’s eyelids before covering his mouth with a lingering kiss. He could not be certain but he thought that there was a furtive movement in the shadows. With care he positioned himself so as to peer over his lover’s shoulder. Gradually his eyes adjusted to the light and yes there was a person observing the car. Tenderly he guided the boy’s head toward his lap. He did not want the other to know that they were being watched. For a moment he closed his eyes savouring the moment as the barman’s moist mouth enveloped him. Giles always knew exactly how to please him. Black’s knowledge of human nature told him that the watcher’s curiosity would draw him closer to ascertain precisely what Giles was doing. He bet that such a person could not resist the voyeur’s craving for a glimpse of the erotic. He was not disappointed. Aster drew closer to the car but had more sinister reasons for doing so. He had gambled that the pair in the car would be so embroiled in passion that they would not notice him at all. There was no way to catch a good look at the occupant’s face but he satisfied himself with noting the vehicle number-plate. Having achieved what he had set out to do, Aster grinned and beat a hasty retreat. Unfortunately for him his departure was too hurried. Black suspicions were confirmed when the stranger’s retreating steps became strides then a loping run. Beside himself with rage he grabbed the boys head forcing it up and down on his penis seeking quick release. Giles mistaking his roughness for passion applied himself more vigorously to the task. Finally the murderer lurched clutching the young man’s head firmly as he exploded into his receptive mouth. Fighting for composure he tenderly drew the boy’s face up to meet his own.

  ‘Giles darling,’ he cooed, ‘You do that so well. You have been a good boy haven’t you?’

  ‘Whatever do you mean Nick?’ he answered warily.

  ‘Do you remember our pact to keep our little dalliance secret?’ prodded Black

  ‘Yes of course love, why? What’s wrong?’

  ‘Oh I don’t know. You seem a little rattled by the question, like a schoolboy whose been caught at some mischief. Come now Giles, I’m sure it’s tempting to confide in a close friend, I know it is on my part. A relationship such as ours should be heralded from the rooftops not hidden like some sordid affair. There are nights when I lie awake thinking of you almost bursting to run to the phone and tell all my friends how lucky I am. Come Giles darling, we must have no secrets between us. Love is constructed upon a foundation of trust. I can sense it, you did confide in someone didn’t you, please tell me,’ he uttered soothingly.

  ‘Oh Nick darling,’ replied Giles. ‘You are so very clever, you can read me like a book. I couldn’t help myself, I had to boast about my handsome English lover just a teeny bit. You do understand don’t you? Tell me you forgive me and I promise never to be bad again,’ pleaded Giles flashing his most disarming smile.’I should be really angry with you but what good would it do either of us,’ chuckled Black. ‘And what did you tell your friends about me my little stool pigeon?’

  ‘Only that I have found the most wonderful person in the universe. How a day doesn’t go by when you are out of my thoughts. That I am bursting with pride to have something as thrilling and unbelievably fulfilling in my life. And that I adore the ground you walk upon,’ whispered the young barman as he stared lovingly into the eyes of hell.

  ‘God but you paint such a glowing picture of me. What other little snippets did you divulge, my name perhaps?’

  ‘Lord no, that would have been betraying the trust you placed in me. That is our special secret. I don’t want to share any part of you with anyone and that includes your name. I would never break a promise like that and it hurts me that you even thought that I ever would,’ snapped Giles, genuine hurt written upon his face. ‘Forgive me my pet, I did not mean to hurt you. You are priceless and I suppose you wont share your friends names with me,’ he teased.

  ‘Please stop your teasing Nick. I only told one person and he is a lifelong pal. As the movie stars say we really are just good friends. His name is Terry, Terry Aster.

  ‘How absolutely marvellous, I simply have to meet someone who bears such a charming name.’

  ‘It’s not his real name actually. His surname is Arthur but he preferred Aster so that is what he goes by.’

  ‘Intriguing, it’s about time that I met some of your friends but one at a time please.’

  ‘Oh that’s wonderful, I am so pleased. At last I get the chance to show you off. I’ll take you round to meet him first thing in the morning,’ enthused Giles.

  ‘Why wait until tomorrow? There’s no time like the present. I feel like a party. Let’s go to his place right away. Perhaps we could have a threesome,’ teased Black.

  ‘No fucking way. I’ll tear his balls off I’ll…’

  ‘Easy my little wildcat, I’m only teasing. Who would want to choose cotton when he could be wearing silk,’ purred the Englishman.’

  ‘I hate it when you tease, I get frightened,’ pouted his lover. ‘Let’s forget Terry for tonight. We can go back to your place and I’ll show you heaven,’ he whispered stroking Nathan’s thigh.’


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