Seeds of Evil

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Seeds of Evil Page 38

by Robert Kitchen

  ‘Ah Walter welcome, we meet at last.’

  ‘Who are you, what do you want?’ Dane was close to gagging for he knew already the answer. The devil incarnate had possession of his family and therefore his soul. Realising that he had to take control of the situation he said. ‘I am very pleased to make your acquaintance at last Preacher.’

  ‘You see Elizabeth, did I not remark upon Walter’s astuteness,’ said Black positively preening.

  ‘May I ask what my family are doing here Mr., I’m sorry I only know you as Preacher?’ said Dane calmly. His instincts told him to show no fear.

  ‘Of course, how remiss of me. Allow me to introduce myself properly. My real name is Nathan Black but I have a suspicion that you know that already Walter. By the way I love the pseudonym Preacher. It was a moment of inspiration, the day I thought of it. I have always been a sucker for the theatrical. No matter, in answer to your question Walter, it was necessary to utilise your loved ones in order to get you here. I could hardly ring and say, hello Walter this is the Preacher speaking. How about a cosy chat?’

  ‘Of course not, that was a stupid question. Nevertheless I resent your involving my family in our little game. Release them now please and I shall be glad to play it out to it’s conclusion,’ said Dane.

  ‘I wish that I could comply with your wishes but I am not as brave as you Walter. I am sure that Elizabeth is a very reliable citizen and would keep her word if I asked her to remain silent but I am not willing to take the chance. No offence Elizabeth,’ he added, turning to look at the reporter’s terrified spouse.

  ‘I see your point Nathan and reluctantly concede. What exactly is it that you require?’ asked the newspaperman. Dane was fully composed, he was gambling that the madman posed no immediate threat to his family. The reporter’s professional conditioning had clicked in and a part of him was glad of the fact that the plan to capture the beast was actually working. With any luck the men at the house would overpower Black before he could inflict injury on his family or himself. Undue worry about the dilemma was a waste of time. Black held all the cards at present, so the best option was to humour the maniac. There was no telling what he would get up to if they antagonised him.

  ‘Frankly Walter I was very angry with you initially. Lending assistance to slime like Horan but I soon put that behind me. You are a professional and the murderer does have a profitable story to tell. After pondering on the situation I

  realised that your association with the terrorist scum would be to my advantage.’

  ‘I don’t follow Mr. Black,’ said Dane, looking somewhat bemused.

  ‘Call me Nathan please, after all that we have been through I feel like we are old friends.’

  ‘Okay, what do you mean Nathan?’ repeated the smaller man irritably.

  ‘Come now Walter, use that razor-like cunning. Don’t play the thick Mick please. You know very well that I am referring to Horan’s hiding place. You are aware of location of that piece of excrement’s lair. In order for us to remain good friends you will have to lead me to him.’

  ‘You know that I can’t do that Nathan. It would be totally unethical. I have given the man my word,’ replied Dane. To agree too readily may arouse Black’s suspicions.

  ‘Ah the journalist’s professional code of honour. I admire you for your integrity, I really do but I must point out that being a friend of mine has certain fringe benefits. For instance the families of my personal friends enjoy the prospect of a long pain free existence. Misguided loyalty to my enemies would needless to say render said privileges null and void. I hope that you fully comprehend what I am saying. Dane could see that he was treading on treacherous ground. He was on a tightrope balancing the safety of his loved ones against giving the game away by agreeing too easily to Black’s demand. He opted to demure for one last time. ‘Look Nathan, I hardly think it appropriate, discussing such business in front of my wife and child,’ he argued, changing tack. ‘Why don’t you and I go for a walk. You can tell me what you have in mind and perhaps we can come to an amicable arrangement. What do you say?’

  ‘Very well, Elizabeth, Melanie and I have become rather close over that last couple of hours. I am sure that neither would contemplate leaving without saying goodbye. You realise that such a slight would be taken as a personal insult Elizabeth. It would also be detrimental to Walter’s health,’ he added menacingly. ‘You do understand what I am saying Mrs. Dane?’ The woman nodded her head vigorously. ‘Good, it is imperative that we all understand each other. Now if you would be so kind as to hand over your mobile and car keys,’ requested Nathan, holding out his right hand palm upward. Elizabeth hesitantly complied with a sigh. ‘Thank-you dear,’ said Black. ‘Shall we Walter?’ he said, motioning with his head for Dane to exit the vehicle. Upon reaching Dane’s car Black stopped. ‘That’s far enough Walter,’ he shouted, in order to make himself heard above the storm’s cacophony. ‘Much as I would love to trust Elizabeth, I fear that her maternal instincts may cloud her better judgement. Furthermore I am growing weary of your time wasting tactics Walter. Let me explain to you exactly what is going to happen. You will take me to the house where that bastard is cowering or I shall gut your wife like a fish, here and now. You know that I will do it, don’t you Walter?’ The reporter swallowed unconsciously. I have no wish to harm any of you. I want you in a relaxed frame of mind as you watch Horan’s execution this evening. Do you hear what I am saying Walter?’ asked the killer calmly. A defeated Walter Dane replied affirmatively. ‘Your reward for aiding me with my endeavour is twofold. You shall become one of the most celebrated journalists of the century and you have my solemn promise upon the memory of Jason Leonard, that you and your family will depart from the scene unscathed.’

  ‘Why would you set us free Nathan? All three of us have seen your face; we would be able to assist the police in building a picture of you. Within hours every newspaper in the country will carry the likeness of the Preacher.’

  ‘Oh Walter, so little you know of me. I want you to record my life story. In recent months I have become the worst serial killer in Britain. The mutilations and murders carried out by me far surpass the comprehension of the common man. What I have perpetrated is beyond human decency or forgiveness. You know this to be true, you know the gravity of my crimes. Christ man you witnessed them first hand. For writing the autobiography of an infamous historical figure such as I, you may even be awarded the Pulitzer

  Prize. When Jason died, I lost my reason to live. My soul purpose for existing was to avenge his death. After Horan is gone that ambition will be realised. There will be nothing left to live for. I loved that boy with my heart and soul. When he walked out of my life, one half of me had ceased to exist and the news of his death completed my destruction. When I have laid his soul to rest with the extermination of Horan, my life is over. There will simply be nothing left to live for. On the other hand, if the bastard cheats me by dying from natural causes and goes to his death feeling that he has been granted absolution, then my mission will have failed miserably. That being the case I shall go on exterminating the vermin until they are all in hell. Not one of them shall remain, their families or their friends, none. Of course I have to be realistic, the task is mammoth even allowing for the incompetence of the bungling RUC. with their Keystone Cops approach. I shall eventually be caught but how many of the lice will I have dispatched by then? Which brings us back to your journalistic ethics. Are you Walter willing to have so much death on your conscience? Tell me Walter, are the lives of Elizabeth and Melanie worth less than that of a self confessed murderer? You know my methods Walter how I put heart and soul into my work. You would be left to grieve over the loss of the only people you have ever cared for. How long would you last with that torment eating at your conscience? Worse still every mother or child that I kill from today onward will be as much your responsibility as mine. Can you live with such guilt Walter? I do not believ
e that is possible.’ A cold chill tickled the reporter’s spine as the words of a madman shifted the weight of his guilt unto the little man’s shoulders. It was as if he was enveloped in a blanket of ice. The maniac was transferring the blame to him. His darling Elizabeth and precious child were his to save or discard like unwanted rag dolls. His fear was palpable. Never in his existence had he experienced dread like this. He was standing in the presence of unadulterated evil. What if things went awry? What if he was too clever for his would-be captors? But Dane knew there was no turning back, the lives of his dearest girls were in the hands of strangers. God please give them the strength to rid the world of this evil, he beseeched, in silent prayer. Dane was convinced that Black was the angel of death dispatched by Satan himself to destroy them. He was dragged back to reality by the maniac’s hateful voice, ‘Time is wasting Walter, what is it going to be? Can I count on your co-operation or do I cut pieces of your dear child until you do? Eventually you will do as I request. Why not save yourself the torment and myself the trouble.’

  ‘You really are one evil bastard,’ whispered Dane, his words barely audible above the torrent but Nathan understood every syllable. ‘Yes, yes Walter. Evil is such an archaic word I always think. In this context it is totally irrelevant. To admit to evil is to accept the concept of goodness which I most certainly do not, so save your insults Walter, they are wasted on me. Evil is in the mind of the beholder,’ he cackled. ‘Decision time, yes or no?’ Dane sensed Black’s agitation; he could push him no further. The time was right to agree to Black’s demands. The reporter was reasonably certain that the murderer was unsuspecting of what awaited him at the safe house. The man had lost all sense of reason and to delay him further could bring about disastrous results. Having said that, Walter was very aware that Nathan was no fool, he accepted the possibility that the killer may have smelt a rat. He knew also that the madman had no choice, if he wanted to lay his hands on the young soldier’s alleged killer. The plan must be allowed to run it’s course. ‘Okay, okay you win Nathan, I’ll tell you the address,’ he agreed, deflated. ‘I am trusting your word that you won’t harm my family and may the Lord forgive me for what I am about to do.’

  ‘I have told you Walter, I have no designs on harming them nor any other person who is uninvolved with the paramilitaries for that matter. I gave you a solemn promise and I intend to honour it.’

  ‘Where do you intend putting my family in the meantime? I hardly believe that you will

  simply let them go free, after you have the address.’

  ‘I do not intend putting them anywhere Walter. I cannot free any of you until the mission is complete. Unfortunately you and the good ladies will have to accompany me as far as the house at least.’

  ‘If you think that I am going to permit them to watch you mutilating Horan you are even more demented than I gave you credit for,’ shouted the journalist angrily.

  ‘No of course not Walter, what kind of barbarian do you take me for? The plan calls for them to remain outside in the vehicle. I have hired a van and fitted it out for this very purpose. I regret that it will be necessary to bind and gag them for the duration but under the circumstances I have no choice.’

  ‘And me, where do I fit into all this,’ asked Walter.

  ‘Two things,’ answered Nathan. ‘One,’ he continued, pointing to his index finger for emphasis, ‘You my dear friend are my entry permit. Two and more importantly, you shall observe, record and finally, report to the world of my ultimate achievement. I am giving you a ringside seat Walter. I want you to see for yourself how the bastard begs for mercy. I want you to savour the ambience first hand. Every detail must be recorded for posterity, exactly how it happens. That way you will give my story the authenticity that it deserves. Don’t you see Walter, the only way that you can do it, is to be there before, during and after the fact. Well how do you feel about my project? You must be very excited,’ babbled Black enthusiastically.

  ‘If you really want to know what I think Nathan. You are in need of professional help. It is not too late. Look why don’t you accompany me to the nearest police station. Give yourself up Nathan, please do not continue with this madness.’ His pleas fell on deaf ears. Black’s elation reverted to anger.

  ‘Shut up Walter before I lose my temper completely. You don’t want me to think that I have chosen the wrong man for the job. If that is the case then that would make you my enemy Walter. You know what affect that would have on the life expectancy of Elizabeth and Melanie,’ he snapped.

  ‘Okay Nathan, you can’t blame a man for trying. What do we do first?’ said Dane, his heart pounding. ‘That is much better Walter,’ smiled Black, his mood swinging one hundred and eighty degrees. ‘You my friend shall get into your car and drive. Drive carefully Walter, remember that the ladies are under my protection. Continue down the road for a bit until you come to an advertisement hoarding warning us against the dangers of nicotine. Approximately fifty yards beyond the poster is a small lane. Turn left into it. Carry on down the lane until you reach a white Ford Custom van. Pull up and park behind it. Elizabeth, Melanie and myself shall transfer into the van. You will then proceed in front of us to the terrorists hiding place. I do not have to warn you Walter to be certain that I have you in full view at all times. Once we have reached our destination, things will get a little tricky. Does the house stand alone Walter?’

  ‘Yes it is a detached dwelling. It was chosen especially for it’s seclusion, there are no other houses for miles,’ answered Dane.

  ‘Excellent Walter, I could not have chosen better myself. Is the hedge or surrounding wall high enough to conceal a van?’ Dane nodded affirmation. ‘Very good, the van will come to rest at the furthest corner from the house. You shall park behind it and wait until I get into the rear. Then we simply proceed up the driveway to the front entrance. Hopefully I can get to the side of the door undetected. Remember Walter, if you try to warn him or even give the merest hint of a warning, I shall be down the road and gone. You know the dire consequences if I can get to the van before I am apprehended.’

  ‘I understand perfectly Nathan. I give you my word that Horan will receive no warning from me,’ Dane told him sadly.

  Everything was exactly as the reporter had described. There was a thick blackthorn hedge obscuring the house from the road. He flashed his hazard indicator once and slowed before

  approaching the hedge. Black overtook and came to a halt at the corner as planned. With adrenaline pumping and threatening to explode his pounding heart, the reporter followed suit. Ignoring the journalist Black proceeded to the rear of the van opened the door and entered. Spending what seemed to Dane an eternity in the rear of the vehicle the murderer was stretching Dane’s nerves to breaking point. Fear washed over the little man and beads of sweat broke upon his brow. Oh dear lord, what if the bastard was murdering his family? He sat glued to the seat caught in two minds. If he were to rush out, try to overpower the maniac, could he possibly succeed? No, he told himself, the risk is too great and besides the man was at least eight inches taller, one hundred pounds heavier, ten years younger and infinitely more athletic. Even with the element of surprise he could not hope to better Black. In Dane’s eyes the man was a giant. But what if the bastard was inside the van murdering his loved ones, defiling or hacking them to pieces? Dane could stand the suspense no longer, he rushed from the car running headlong into Black who was in the process of exiting the van. Nathan was slightly winded, surprised at the reporter’s sudden appearance. Dane was equally taken aback. As Black teetered attempting to regain his breath Dane toyed with the idea of attacking his tormentor. He hesitated an instant too long and the moment was gone.

  ‘What in the name of the devil are you playing at Walter?’ growled Black, holding his diaphragm. He was first to gain composure.

  ‘Nothing,’ replied Dane sheepishly. ‘I just wanted to see my family, to comfort them before becomin
g a pawn in your game of death.’

  ‘That’s really rather good Walter, very poetic, Game of Death, he quoted, ‘I like it, it shows style. Perhaps you can entitle the book, Game Of Death. Well no time to lose, let’s be on our way,’ ordered Nathan.

  ‘Not so fast Nathan, I am going nowhere until I have given my family a few words of encouragement. I believe you owe me this favour, after all I have kept my end of the bargain.’

  ‘I’m afraid it’s not possible Walter, we simply don’t have the time.’

  ‘Make time Nathan. Either I get to see my family or all bets are off,’ argued the journalist defiantly.

  ‘Goodness Walter, I am impressed. I knew that I had chosen wisely when I selected you. Such tenacity, such resolve. How can I refuse you?’

  ‘I shall adhere to your wish, partially. You may see them but there shall be no conversation until you come to free them later, agreed.’

  ‘Okay, have it your way,’ said Dane resignedly. Black stepped away from the transit allowing the reporter to gaze into it’s murky interior. With trepidation he awkwardly climbed into the gloom. They were lying at the front of the compartment. Two inert bundles. Filled with panic he strode forward. Fearing the worst he knelt beside the smaller of the two. Hesitantly he leaned over the unmoving shape and gently pulled at it’s shoulder. Startled his daughter cowered away from his grasp. ‘Easy darling it’s me daddy.’ She was trussed up like a sack of rags packaged by some uncaring worker. Masking tape covered her mouth and obscured her beautiful face but she was alive. Dane heaved a sigh of relief. Elated he cast his eyes at his wife’s form. She nodded, her eyes smiling encouragement. He could just decipher the familiar grin in the rapidly fading light. ‘I’ll be back for both of you in a wee while,’ he assured them. Dane thought he saw his darling wife wink before Black bundled him unceremoniously from the van. ‘I am hurt Walter. You did not believe me. What could I possibly have to gain from hurting those two innocent females? What kind of animal do you think you are dealing with? You are turning out to be a major disappointment Walter. Oh well we can’t all be perfect I suppose,’ he chided, as if speaking to a child. ‘Come on then, it’s party time.’


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