Presley, Elvis
Princeton College
Proclamation of Neutrality (U.S.)
Protestant Reformation
public readings (Dickens)
Pufendorf, Samuel
quadrophonic sound
Quantrill, William C.
Quintal, Matthew
Raleigh, Walter
Randolph, Edmund
Reach, Alfred
record industry
Record Plant
Republic of China
Rhode Island
Richard I, king of England
Richard III, king of England
right of deposit
Rio Grande
Rising Sun Chair
Rittenhouse, David
Rivière Dubois (Wood River)
rock ‘n’ roll
Roman Catholic Church
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
Rosetta Stone
Royal Navy
“Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation” (G. Washington)
Ruth, Babe
Sacred Tooth Relic
St. Clair, Arthur
St. Joseph, Missouri
St. Louis
Sakra (king of devas)
Samuel, Reuben
Samuel, Zerelda James see James, Zerelda
San Ildefonso, treaty of
Saratoga (ship)
Satan Met a Lady (film)
Schindler, Anton
“School Copybook” (G. Washington)
Scientific American (magazine)
“Second School Copy Book” (G. Washington)
Second Treatise of Government (Locke)
Second Treaty Council of Greenville, Ohio
Selacetiya Mihintale
Seruvila Cetiya
Seven Year Itch, The (film)
Seward, Frederick W.
Seward, William H.
Seymour, Lady Mary
Shakespeare, William
Shawnee Indians
“She Loves You” (song)
Shepard, Alan B.
Sheridan, Philip
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Shigemitsu, Mamoru
Sibert, William L.
Sinatra, Frank
Sixties (the)
Sketches by Boz (Dickens)
Slidell, John
Smith, Alexander see Adams, John (Bounty mutineer)
Smith, Caleb B.
Smith, Gerrit
Smith, Herbert O’Dell
Smith, Lorraine
smoking stand
Snake River
Somavati Cetiya
sound(s), capturing and reproducing
Sousa, John Philip
South Carolina
South Pacific
Soviet Union
space, animals in
space flight
Spalding, Albert G.
Spanish-American War
Spanish Armada
speech processor
spinning jenny
Sputnik I
Sri Lanka
Staines, Sir Thomas
Stanton, Edwin McMasters
Starr, Ringo
Starrs, James E.
stick-and-ball games
Stilwell, Frank
Stone of Destiny see Stone of Scone Stone of Scone
“Stormfield” (home of M. Twain)
Strasberg, Anna
Strasberg, Lee
Stratton, Charles Sherwood (General Tom Thumb)
Struggles and Triumphs (Barnum)
Suddhodana, King
Sullivan, Ed
Sullivan, James
Sullivan, James E.
sun-centered universe
Sun Records
Susquehanna (flagship)
Sutherland, R. K.
Swem, Charles
Swigerr, John L., Jr.
Symphony no. 5 in C Minor (Beethoven)
Tagus (ship)
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens)
talking machine
Talleyrand-Perigord, Maurice de
Tarhe, Chief (“The Crane”)
Taylor, Zachary
Temple of Juno, sacred geese in
Temple of the Sacred Tooth
Tereshkova, Valentina
Texas Rangers
“That’s All Right” (song)
Theuringer, Michael Martin
Thielen, Bernard
Thomas, Mrs. William B.
Thuparama shrine, Anuradhapura
Thwaites, Ruben Gold
Thynne, Frances
Thynne, Thomas, first Viscount Weymouth
Thynne, Thomas, second Viscount Weymouth
Tin Pan Alley
Titov, Gherman
Toda of Idzu, Prince
Tokyo Bay
Tom Thumb see Stratton, Charles Sherwood (General Tom Thumb)
Tombstone (Burns)
Tombstone, Arizona
tooth of the Buddha
Tower of London
town ball
train robberies
Trask, George
Traynor, Pie
Treacher, Arthur
“Treaty Between the United States of America and the French Republic, April 30, 1803,”
Treaty of Greenville
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Treaty of Kanagawa
Treaty of Lausanne
Treaty of Neuilly
Treaty of St. Germain
Treaty of Sevres
Treaty of Trianon
Treaty of Versailles
Trial from “Pickwick,” The (Dickens)
Trotsky, Leon
truce flag ending World War I
Truman, Harry
Tubuai (island)
Tufts University
Tutankhamen, King
Twain, Mark see Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
Two Virgins (album)
Tyrone, earl of
Umezo, Yoshijiro
Union, preservation of
Union Army
Union Fire Department
University of Pennsylvania
Upper Louisiana Territory
Uraga, Japan
U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency
U.S. Army Ordnance Missile Command
U.S. Congress
U.S. Constitution
U.S. government gifts to Indian tribes and Indian lands
U.S. Military Academy, West Point
U.S. Navy Department
U.S. Navy School of Aviation Medicine
U.S. Sanitary Commission
U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama
U.S. War Department
USS Missouri
USS Vincennes
Vancouver, George
Vanderbilt, William
Vendovi (cannibal chief)
Vendovi’s head
Vergina, Greece
Victor Talking Machine Company
Vimaladharmasurya, King
Virginia Convention
Virginia Declaration of Rights
Virginia Plan
Viti Levu (
Viviani, Vincenzo
Von Eckhardt (German ambassador)
Von Tilzer, Albert
Von Tilzer, Harry
Von Tilzer, Jack
Voyage to the Moon, A (Cyrano dc Bergerac)
Wabozo (Snowshoe Hare; aka Mysterious One)
Wainwright, Jonathan M.
Waldegrave, Captain
Wallis, Samuel
Walter Reed Institute of Research
War of 1812
War Resolution documents
Ward, Henry A.
Warner, Jack
Washington, Augustine
Washington, D.C.
Washington, George
Washington, Lawrence
Washington, Mary Ball
Wayne, General Anthony
Wea Indians
wedding cake
Weems, Mason Locke
Weiss, Carl
Welles, Gideon
“Wellington’s Victory” (op. 91)
Wells Fargo
West (the)
West Indies
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Hall
White, Edward
White, Fred
White Swan, Chief
Whitehorse, Joseph
Whitney, Courtney
Wild West
Wilder, Billy
Wilkes, Charles
William, Warren
William I, king of Prussia
William III, king of England
William of Normandy
Williams, Esther
Williams, Harry
Williams, John
Williams, Marshall
Williams College
Wilson, Edith Boiling Gait
Wilson, James
Wilson, Woodrow
Winston, Harry
Winston, Ronald
Women’s Auxiliary Corps
Worcester, Massachusetts
World War I
World War II
“World Without Love, A” (song)
Worsley, Frances
Worsley, Robert
Worth, W. J.
Wright, George
Wright, Harry
Wyandot Indians
Yalta (agreement)
Yedo Bay
Yezaiman, Kayama
York Music Company
Yorktown, Virginia
Young, Edward
Young, George
Young, John
Young, Nicholas
Zimmermann, Arthur, telegram
Temple of the Tooth Relic, sacred relic casket containing the tooth of the Buddha: New York Buddhist Vihara; Princess Hemamala and Prince Danta: Ven. Dr. Kollupitiye Mahinde Nayaha Maha Thero of Kelani Raja Maha Vihara; Gold Larnax of King Philip II: Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture, Archaeological Receipts Fund, Athens; Magna Carta: Lincolnshire County Council at Lincoln Castle, Lincoln, England; coronation chair with the Stone of Scone, Stone of Scone: the Dean and Chapter of Westminster; Essex Ring: the Dean and Chapter of Westminster; Galileo’s middle finger in its casket: Institute and Museum of the History of Science, Florence; Galileo in prison, Galileo reading a book: New York Public Library; “Rules of Civility” page from one of Washington’s schoolboy copy-books: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; illustration of George Washington as a youth: from Child’s History of the United States by John Dawson Gilmary Shea, McMenamy, New York: 1872/New York Public Library; John Harrison’s fourth marine timekeeper: National Maritime Museum, London; page from the Virginia Declaration of Rights: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; George Mason portrait: Magazine of American History, published by A. S. Barnes &c Co., New York, 1877-1893, continued by Magazine of American History, published in Mount Vernon, New York/New York Public Library; Thomas Jefferson portrait: New York Public Library; Rising Sun Chair—full shot of the chair, Rising Sun Chair—detailed shot of the “rising sun” crest, “Signing of the Constitution” by Thomas P. Rossiter: Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia; Louisiana Purchase Treaty—cover of French exchange copy, signature page: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; page from a Lewis and Clark journal: American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia; Beethoven’s ear trumpets: Beethoven House, Bonn, Germany; Beethoven playing piano: from History of the Nineteenth Century, Year by Year by Edwin Emerson, Jr., P. F. Collier, 1902/New York Public Library; Harrison’s Peace Pipes—the Shawnee peace pipe: Kansas City Museum, Kansas City, Missouri; William Henry Harrison portrait: U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Painting/New York Public Library; John Adams’s pigtail, countryside of Pitcairn Island: National Maritime Museum, London; Doubleday Ball: National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Cooperstown, N.Y; nineteenth-century baseball field: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C./New York Public Library; Abner Doubleday: New York Public Library; Vendovi face illustration: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; Najera’s sword: Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles; page from Dickens’s prompt-copy of A Christmas Carol: New York Public Library, New York, N. Y.; Dickens’s final farewell reading: Illustrated London News and Sketch, Ltd.; delivery of the president’s letter, document conveying the “Five Full Powers in Blank” to Matthew C. Perry granted by President Millard Fillmore, photo of the first American flag raised in Japan: U.S. Naval Academy Museum, Annapolis; first page of the Emancipation Proclamation: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; “Emancipation” scene: from the collection of Connie and James Malone/photo by Jim Strong; Tom Thumb’s wedding cake: Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, New York, February 28, 1863; Tom Thumb, Lavinia, Commodore Nutt, and Minnie Warren greeting guests at the wedding while standing on a piano: Chris Coenen; Thomas Edison’s illustration of the original phonograph that he instructed one of his technicians to build, original tinfoil phonograph: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Edison National Historic Site; house in which Jesse James was killed, Jesse James in death with his stickpin in his cravat: Jesse James Home, St. Joseph, Missouri; Ulysses S. Grant’s face: Ulysses S. Grant Association, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Ulysses S. Grant’s smoking stand: U. S. Grant Home State Historic Site, Galena, Illinois; Jumbo—nineteenth century: Barnum, Bailey, and Hutchinson; Jumbo at Tufts University: Tufts University Archives; Freud’s couch: Freud Museum, London; Sigmund Freud—face: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; Hoof of Fire Horse Number Twelve: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; original lyric sheet of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”: National Baseball Hall of Fame Library and Archive, Cooperstown, N.Y.; Jack Norworth: American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, New York, New York; Mark Twain’s orchestrelle, Mark Twain—face: Mark Twain Museum, Hannibal, Missouri; Zimmermann telegram: National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C.; Fourteen Points—shorthand page: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; truce flag that ended World War I pinned to its accompanying letter to Clemenceau: Woodrow Wilson House, Washington, D.C.; Wyatt Earp’s Drawing of the O.K. Corral Gunfight: Autry Museum of Western Heritage, Los Angeles; Maltese Falcon: Maltese Falcon © 1996 Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved. The Maltese Falcon statue is from the collection of Dr. Gary Milan; Field Marshal Montgomery outside his caravan greeting other officers: The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London/photo by Sgt. Morris; caravan camouflaged and guarded by French troops: The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London/photo by Sgt. Palmer; Japanese delegation before the table on board the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945, General MacArthur signing the surrender instrument: U.S. Army Signal Corps; ENIAC: University of Pennsylvania Archives; Marilyn Monroe’s Billowing Dress from The Seven Year Itch: Archive Photos, New York, N. Y; Elvis image—purple Cadillac: used by permission, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.; Able the Space Monkey—preflight, Able the Space Monkey—postflight: U.S. Army photos; Odyssey— liftoff of Apollo 13, recovery of Odyssey, command module (Odyssey) being set down on the USS Iwo Jima: NASA/Johnson
Space Center, Houston; gun that killed John Lennon: New York City Police Department.
Jumbo's Hide, Elvis's Ride, and the Tooth of Buddha Page 45