Body Heart Soul (Blind Vows #2)

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Body Heart Soul (Blind Vows #2) Page 14

by J. M. Witt

  “Got it. Thank you.” The doctor and nurse left the room and Des sat up some and turned to me. “Are you ok?”

  “Me? Yeah, I’m just…twins. Wow.”

  “O, if this is too much tell me now. I know you didn’t sign up for this, not yet, and now we’re having twins.”

  I jumped upright and sat down next to her. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just thought we’d have more time. This,” I fingered the ultrasound pic, “this is amazing, baby. Epic.” She smiled as tears filled her eyes. “I’m so overcome with love for you. You have no idea.” I kissed her and kept our foreheads together, “Are you ok with this?”

  She started sobbing and covered her face. Between broken breaths she confessed, “I want this more than you know. I gave up hope that it would happen, O. I’m so happy, but I’m terrified, too.”

  “Terrified? Why?”

  I tilted her face so I could fully see her. She was avoiding my eyes as she revealed another secret. “I’ve had three miscarriages, all with Saul.” She must’ve felt me tense, because she defended him, “It’s not what you think. It was nothing anyone did, the pregnancies just didn’t take. I’ve never made it into the second trimester. Now, it’s twins. I’m scared to death, O. I don’t know if I can go through this again.”

  Pulling her to me, I consoled her, “I’m so sorry. No matter what happens, Des, I’m here for you.”

  “Thank you. I’m here for you, too.” She wiped at her tears and echoed my thoughts. “Twins!”

  I wiped her tears as I said, “I probably should’ve told you twins run in the family.”

  Giggling, she retorted, “You should’ve reminded yourself when you decided to skip a condom. But, if they’re fraternal that means I released two eggs, maybe more, and it had nothing to do with your DNA.”


  “Calm down. Pretty sure there’s just two in there.” Her hand covered her belly and I in turn covered her hand.

  “I hope so. Twins is one thing, but triplets. Good God!”

  She looked reflective and whispered, “I think we should tell them it’s twins, but I’m worried about Lucy.”

  “Worried about Lucy? Why?”

  “Lucy confided in me that they’ve been trying with no luck. I feel like I’m rubbing it in her face.”

  “They’ve been trying? Heath just said they weren’t preventing it. I had no idea. I’m sure she’ll be supportive. It’s not in her nature to be jealous.”

  “It’s not about her nature, O. Heath is just going with the flow, but Lucy…Lucy wants a baby. It’s a really hard thing for a woman. We’re built to have babies and when it doesn’t happen…it’s just really hard.”

  I thought about what she said and began to understand. “I get it, I think. The doctor suggested we should wait to tell.”

  “I know, but I’m done with the secrets. I kept my previous pregnancies a secret from friends and family and I don’t want to do that this time. I’d rather have their support and well wishes. If that makes sense.”

  “Perfectly. How do you want to tell them?”

  “Let me think about it. I’m sure it’ll come to me. Right now I just want to go home.”

  “Babe, I’m not sure they’re discharging you today.”

  “Can’t you break me out of here?” I looked at her casted leg, and then pulled up my pants exposing my prosthetic and raised my brows at her. Laughing, “We’re quite the pair.”

  After more x-rays, the orthopedic gave Des a walking cast, but ordered her to take it easy and asked her to make an appointment for a couple weeks out to check the progress of her break. They discharged her late the next day. It was a process getting her up the stairs, but with Will’s help we managed just fine.

  “Where do you want to go babe, bedroom or couch?”

  “Bedroom. I think I could sleep for days.” Propping her up in bed, she removed the bulky walking cast leaving the bandage wrap on and slid under the covers. “Oh, my God. I never thought I’d be so happy to be back in this bed.”

  “Hmm.” She eyed me and grinned. “Don’t get any ideas. You need sleep.”

  Pouting, she asked, “Will you stay with me?” Her eyes were already growing heavy as I climbed in next to her. “Love you, O.” She yawned and closed her eyes.

  Stroking her hair and her face gently, I sighed in relief. She was home, she was safe, and Saul was dead. Life could finally move forward. And she was pregnant, with twins. Holy shit! It was still surreal. We hadn’t told anyone we were expecting twins, but we had a plan to. Our life together was finally beginning, the way it should’ve from the start. But if that was the case, why was I so nervous something was going to wreck it? Maybe I’d just grown accustom to it, but I prayed with everything I had that our days of fear and hesitation were over.

  Des slept the night away while I got a few hours of shut-eye. Horrible foreboding wouldn’t let me be and I decided to take it out on my body at the gym. When I came back upstairs she was still sound asleep. I made my way to the bathroom and undressed. I turned the shower on, removed my prosthetic, and leaned against the shower wall.

  I let the water beat down on me once I sat on the shower bench, my hair falling into my eyes as the water dripped off the ends. I didn’t hear her enter the bathroom until the glass door of the shower slid open. She’d removed the wrap on her leg and my eyes took in the bruising that covered her calf. Her hands found and delicately ran over my shoulders and upper back.

  Emotion flooded me as I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face against her flat belly. My back was growing cold as her body blocked the stream of water, but I wasn’t about to move. I heard the squirt of shampoo and then her hands were in my hair. I nearly fell asleep as she massaged my scalp, washing my hair. She reached up and pulled down the detachable showerhead and rinsed the soap from my hair.

  When she was done, I leaned back against the wall and stared up at her. She smiled softly as she began washing her own long locks. I took advantage of every second and devoured her body, cementing it to my memory. Thoughts of her belly swelling enthralled me. I wondered, not really caring, how her body would change and prayed this pregnancy would be successful and easy on her.

  Des shifted on her feet and winced in pain. I gripped her hips and steadied her. “You shouldn’t be standing for so long. I don’t think this is what the doctor had in mind.”

  “I know, but I needed a shower and I couldn’t resist joining you.”

  I pulled her to my lap and held her close. “We should get you out of here. You need to rest.”

  Her stomach growled loudly as she chuckled, “I don’t know. I think rest needs to wait.” Smiling at me she said, “Your babies are hungry.”

  “Mmm. I have something else that’s hungry.” She wiggled her bum against my erection and kissed me.

  ~ Desiree ~

  ~ Chapter 25 ~

  The kiss soon became heated and my body began fighting with itself. I’d missed him terribly the week I was away from him, more than I wanted to admit to anyone. I’d wronged him terribly and while it seemed he’d forgiven me, I wasn’t sure I could forgive myself. His hands roamed, almost cautiously, over my back as I traced my fingers over the stubble on his jaw.

  So badly I wanted to give myself over to him in the shower, but part of me wasn’t in it. If O had taught me anything it was to be true to myself. Pulling back from his kiss, I placed my forehead on his and sighed before wrapping my arms around his neck.

  Muffled, I whispered, “I’m so sorry, O.”

  Shushing me, he assured me it was ok. “Baby, let’s not talk about this now. I agree that we need to talk, but I just got you back. We have all the time in the world.”

  I was grateful for the reprieve, but I also worried that not talking about it would grow and fester into something horrible between us. “Just promise me we’ll talk, soon.”

  “Promise.” My stomach grumbled again as he grinned at me.

  Climbing off his lap, I ended our would-be tryst, “C
ome on. We need food.”

  Stepping out of the shower, I swathed a towel around my body and hobbled to the side of the tub. The pain was increasing, letting me know it was time to take it easy. Drying my leg, I then wrapped it before putting the walking cast back on. After turning the water off, O sat on the chair outside the shower and did much the same task; drying his leg before putting his prosthetic back on.

  “We’re quite the pair.”

  He agreed with a wink and added, “The perfect pair.”

  After we got dressed we headed to the kitchen for some breakfast. He insisted I sit down while he cooked for me. I loved watching him do his thing and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face thinking of that first morning together—and the night before on the couch.

  “What are you smiling at?”


  Flexing his arms, with a spatula in one hand, he teased, “You call this nothing?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I egged him on. “Ehhh. I’ve seen better.”

  Dropping the spatula, he marched over to me and started tickling me, “You take that back.” My hands tried restraining his as I laughed and tried wriggling out of his arms. “You give?” He stopped his torture and looked in my eyes, asking what he already knew the answer to. “I’m the best you’ve ever seen. Admit it.”

  Shaking my head and trying to control my laughter, I confessed, “You’re the best I’ve ever had…in so many ways.”

  He stood up tall and beat his chest. “That’s what I thought!” The smell of burnt pancakes began to fill the air as he rushed back over to the stove. “Dammit.”

  Sighing, “I may need to retract my statement.” He held up the black pancake as I laughed, “I’m not eating that!”

  “Ehh, syrup fixes everything.”

  That peaked my interest as I pursed my lips at him, curiosity getting the better of me. “Syrup, huh? I’ve never tried syrup.” He caught my innuendo as I flashed my eyes to the bedroom.

  “Noted Mrs. Kerrigan. Lucky for you the bottle is nearly full.”

  I devoured more pancakes than I ever had before. Finally it seemed my appetite was making an appearance. Then the fatigue set in. I remembered the first trimester exhaustion well, but this time it was so much worse. It had to be because it was twins. Covering my yawn with my hand, O rubbed a hand on my thigh.

  “Babe, are you tired?”

  Resting my head on his shoulder, “Exhausted. I know I shouldn’t be, but…it takes a lot out of you.” He questioned what ‘it’ was and I replied, “Pregnancy, twins.”

  “Get some rest then. Listen to your body.” He stood and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Come on. Time for a nap!”

  He tucked me under the covers and lowered his mouth to mine for a slow, soft kiss. My eyes were already heavy as he stroked my face. Kissing my cheeks, nose and chin, I felt his weight leave the bed, but couldn’t even open my eyes to watch him leave the room. Hell, I think I was asleep before he made it to the bedroom door.

  When I woke, I realized I’d slept for a few hours. This was so unlike me. Rolling out of bed, I found O on the couch. Was he reading a book? I walked up behind him to see he was reading a pregnancy book and next to him was a pile of books, some about twins.

  He jumped when he heard my cast scuffing across the floor. Grinning, he admitted, “Busted.”

  “Where did you get these?” He pulled me down onto his lap, setting the book aside. I grabbed one and flipped it over to read the back cover.

  “I ran to the bookstore down the street while you were napping.” Looking at the books, he asked, “I hope that’s ok.”

  Smiling, “It’s totally ok. Did you learn anything you didn’t already know?”

  Snorting, he revealed, “I think the question should be ‘Is there anything I knew before reading it?’” We both laughed. “Seriously, this is so informative. I had no idea, and twins. It’s just unimaginable.”

  “Hmm. Well,” I set the book back down, “don’t mind me if I don’t get too invested yet. It’s just hard for me.”

  “I think I understand. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” We snuggled close as he asked, “Do you want to talk about it? You know you can always talk to me.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, “I know I should, but it happened so long ago…Some women can just brush it aside, but I’ve never been one of them. I’ll always wonder what they would’ve looked like, boy or girl, what they would’ve grown up to be. I don’t know...”

  “I think that’s perfectly fine.” He made it a point to set his eyes on mine. “You’ll be an amazing mom.”

  “Maybe, if it happens.”

  He wiped at the tear falling from my eye before I could. “It’ll happen. Have faith, baby.”

  O kissed me and this time it stirred the feelings of desire deep inside me like it normally did. He took his time like he was memorizing every curve of my lips. Holding his face I pulled him closer as waves of passion flooded me. His hand ran over my hip and down my thigh as I pressed my tender breasts closer to him.

  He lay me back on the couch and covered me with his body. “I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much.” His tongue caressed mine as I welcomed its invasion.

  Softly panting, I whispered, “I missed you, too.” We kissed a little while longer before I pleaded with him, “Take me to the bedroom, Odysseus.”

  Grunting, he climbed off of me and the couch, pulling me to my feet. Without objection, he swooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. Setting me on the bed, he fiddled with his phone and put some music on. Once he was standing in front of me again, he pulled me back to my feet and cupped the back of my neck, before kissing along my jaw.

  The goosebumps and tremors were running over me as I smiled and then bit my lip, trying to make myself stand still and enjoy the attention he was lavishing on me. Slowly, his hands moved down my body and under the hem of my shirt. His eyes looked to mine asking for permission and I raised my arms as consent.

  Fingering the satin of my bra, he bent to kiss the swells of my breasts. Pulling one free, he pulled my nipple into his mouth and I cried out in pleasure and pain. He released it immediately as I objected.

  “Don’t stop, they’re just sensitive.” Moaning, he freed the other and bathed it with his tongue. My panties were soaked as I tried pushing his head lower. “O, I need you.” I don’t think I’d ever felt so wanton in my life.

  Sitting me back down, he removed my walking cast as I fully removed my bra. His hands ran under the backs of my thighs and up to cup my ass. Lifting my hips, he pulled the shorts and panties from my body in one fluid motion. Then his hand dipped between my legs and I leaned my head back further as my hips lifted into his hand.

  ~ Odysseus ~

  ~ Chapter 26 ~

  Her anticipation of my touch was one of the hottest things. Her body nearly trembling as it sought out more of my touch. I pressed her hips back down to the bed as she moaned. I stood and removed my own clothing as she watched intently. Naked before her, only the bandage on my arm, she held her arms out to me like she was welcoming me home.

  With my good leg between her thighs, I ran my hand up and down her leg as she wrapped it around my waist. Her hand reached out and stroked me. Sucking in my breath, my hips bucked as I fucked her hand. I couldn’t avoid her any longer. Bruising her lips, I took possession of her mouth, claiming what was mine.

  Sucking and pulling on her lips, I didn’t stop until she cried out, “O, please take me.”

  I pinned her hands above her head as I watched her will give away in an indescribable way. It’d only happened a few times since we’d been together and I don’t remember anything like it ever happening with anyone else. Her eyes would roll back and when they reopened this glaze covered them. Her body became pliable and open to anything I gave it. She described it as almost like she was having an out of body experience and it was addicting to partake in.

  My fingers found her dripping
and open for me, right before I touched my head against her and slid in. The gasp and moan that escaped her mouth traveled through me like hot chocolate on a cold day. I buried myself in her as our fingers twisted together above her head. I pumped in and out of her for several minutes, but her orgasm surprised us both when it claimed her.

  “O!” Like a crazed woman she screamed at me, pleading, “Don’t stop. Odysseus!” Releasing her hands, her fingers dug into my shoulders as her hips stiffened against mine. I slowed my pace, knowing she’d be sensitive, but she encouraged me on. “No, don’t stop. Give me all of you. Please, I need all of you.”

  Her hands gripped my ass as I pushed into her even harder. She began moaning again, “Are you close, again?” Eyes closed, she simply nodded. Arching up, I growled out, “Touch yourself.”

  Without hesitation, she licked two fingers and she began circling her clit. “O.” She was whimpering as I dropped my head to suck on her tits.

  “Tell me when, Des!”

  She increased her speed and soon panted, “Now, O. NOW!”

  I spilled into her, my body giving out as our sweat slick bodies clung to each other. Her cries filled my ears and then I realized they were real cries. Jerking my head up, I cupped her face, “Des, baby, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  She just shook her head, “I can’t lose you, O. I almost lost you…”

  “Hey…shh. I’m not going anywhere.” I rolled to my side as she took her rightful spot on my chest. Shawn Hook’s Sound Of Your Heart was playing as I held her close, assuring her she wasn’t going to lose me. “Des, my feelings for you aren’t fickle, they’re life-altering. I’m in this until God takes me home and even then, I’ll fight the angels or the Devil himself to get back to you.”


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