by Palomino, Honey

  “You already have, sweetheart.” My heart fluttered in my chest as I leaned into him. “But there is one other thing you can do for me. As long as you promise to do your best to avoid hitting your head while you do it.”


  Turns out, it was easy as pie.

  The Outlaws had suspected they were being followed for weeks. Their clubhouse was impenetrable, but suspicious things had been happening at club member's homes. So River believed the members were being followed to their homes and other places in town they were doing business. Thinking someone might try to break into one of their houses to plant something or to hurt one of them or their family members, they wanted to prevent something like that from happening before anyone got hurt.

  My job would be to watch and follow club members and see if anyone else was following them.

  Hilariously, it was like a dream come true. It was so odd, but River, and Colby - who joined us in our meeting later - had insisted over and over that I was the perfect person for the job. Nobody would ever think I would have anything to do with the club and I could blend into the scenery like I was camouflaged.

  I wasn't sure if I should be offended by them saying I was virtually invisible or take it as a compliment. I choose to believe it was a good thing, instead of dwelling on it.

  The only instructions they gave me were to not follow either of them under any circumstances. They were very adamant about that, insisting that if they were being followed, they would know it and would handle it themselves. It was the rest of the club they were worried about.

  That took the wind out of my sails a little, but I was still intrigued. So, I agreed.

  They weren't sure if it was a rival gang or the cops that were following them, but they promised me that I would never be in danger. I would just discretely watch the comings and goings of the members of the club, and see if anyone else was as interested in them as well. If I saw something, or someone, I would simply take some pictures with the digital camera they gave me and return the pictures to the two of them at a safe distance. I was to tell nobody what I was doing, and if someone got suspicious, I was to explain that I was trying my hand at photography and leave. The club members would know I was following them, and if I needed some protection, they were to look out for me at all costs.

  I had been doing this for years, so I knew it would come naturally to me. And being able to spend time with River was a bonus. I was surprisingly not apprehensive about it at all, in fact, I was excited to have something fun to do.

  After our meeting at the shop that night, River and Colby had left together, citing club business and leaving me alone with my thoughts. They had given me instructions to start tomorrow night, and on the days I didn't have any appointments, I would work during the day. They wanted to make sure it didn't interfere with my new business, which was thoughtful of them. The three of us had exchanged cell phone numbers to keep in touch.

  When they mentioned compensation, I refused. I already had two hundred dollar bills tacked to my fridge at home, and I didn't want any more of their money. I was trying to let go of the opinion that River thought I was hooker. I still didn't understand why he would do such a thing as leave me money like that, but I was dropping it. Colby had overpaid for his shave, and that was easy to chalk up to a large tip, but the thing with River still rubbed me the wrong way. The last thing I wanted was to take money from him.

  “I'll do it for free. Just give me permission to write about it if anything interesting happens.”

  “Well, maybe, as long as you put one of those 'this is a work of fiction' disclaimers if you ever publish it.”

  “I don't publish anything. It's all strictly for my own writing entertainment.”

  I blushed when I remembered the night I had first followed River, the view I had outside of his bedroom window. They both looked at each other and chuckled knowingly.

  “Uh huh. Writing for entertainment. Whatever you wanna call it, Dixie. You let us know if you decide you want some cash for helping us out, but either way, we sure appreciate it, darlin'.” Colby left with those parting words, leaving River and I staring at each other awkwardly again.

  “I'll meet you outside, boss,” he said to River as he left.

  “How's your head?” River asked, staring gently into my eyes.

  “It's okay. Thanks. How's yours?” I smiled at him, embarrassed that I had hurt him this time in my clumsiness.

  “I'm fine. Seems you just might be contagious. Maybe we both need to wear helmets around each other?” His laughter echoed through the room, filling the space between us with warmth.

  “I hope not!” I replied, laughing along with him.

  He was simply irresistible and it took all of my power not to lock the door, throw him on the couch and devour him all night long.

  As if reading my mind, he closed the distance between us and kissed me gently, pulling back slowly and caressing my cheek again.

  “I have to go. I wish I didn't. Let's talk tomorrow night, okay?”


  “Thank you,” he said seriously, his gaze lingering on my face before he walked away and closed the door, leaving the bells jingling in his wake.


  After another sleepless night, I started my morning with the strongest coffee I could swallow. I was exhausted, and my mind had been racing all night with thoughts of how I could best help River and Colby. I didn't know why, but I had such a strong urge to stay on their good side, now that they had come to me for help.

  I had every reason to be mad at them, but after last night, I was beginning to think perhaps I had just misunderstood somehow. I had decided to give River the benefit of the doubt and move on. When he looked at me with those damned sexy eyes and caressed my cheek like a long lost lover, it made it a whole lot easier to let go of any anger I had towards him.

  Sure, I could talk to him and ask him about the money and the two blondes, but I didn't really feel like I had any right to ask about the Barbie doll's making dinner in his house, especially considering I wasn't supposed to be there. That would just make him mad at me again. That was the last thing I wanted.

  So, I choose soft kisses and gentle words from the leather clad stud that had obviously been created to spread around handsomeness and joyful sex appeal. It was much more pleasant than being mad at him.

  I didn't know what the future held, but I was willing to help him out and take the ride, even if all I got to enjoy was the scenery along the way.

  Today I had three appointments, and I was closing up shop at five o'clock. Then, my work for the boys would begin. I had the camera ready and loaded with a fresh memory card, snacks in my car in case I got hungry during my surveillance, a notepad and a pen in case I needed to take notes, my cellphone was fully charged, and I was wearing comfortable clothes and sensible sneakers. I had brought a big hat and a pair of sunglasses, in case I needed to be incognito for some reason also.

  River called me in the middle of the day to check in, giving me details on when and where to watch the first club member. Chief had been complaining about having weird feelings of being watched, or not feeling alone and comfortable in his house, but every time he went to look around his property, he never found anything or anyone. He lived a few miles outside of town, in a secluded house surrounded by trees, not unlike River's house, he mentioned. Chief was going to go home as usual at five-thirty, and they wanted me to follow him and keep an eye on his house and report back if I saw anything.

  Easy, and probably very boring.

  The day wrapped up, and as I closed up shop for the day, my stomach filled with butterflies. It all did sound boring, but I supposed anything could happen. If there really was someone following them, I had to make sure they didn't see me seeing them. I was determined to do a good job and keep my focus.

  I filled a thermos with much needed fresh coffee before I got in my car and pulled up into a closer parking space to the clubhouse. Right on tim
e, Chief roared out of the clubhouse parking lot on his bike, the vibrations shaking the windows of the clubhouse as he drove down the street.

  I pulled into the street a few cars behind him and after a short jaunt on the freeway, he exited and I followed him at a fair distance. So far, I hadn't seen anyone else following him, and no other cars exited with us. I slowed down as he turned off into a driveway on the left, one of only three houses in sight off a country road.

  There wasn't much around besides trees, road, and the few structures that made up the houses and garages. I slowly drove past Chief's house, taking in the terrain as I did. After driving about a half mile past his house, I turned around and drove past again, looking for a place I could park my car and be hidden to some degree.

  I found the perfect spot between a few trees directly across the street from his house. A small trail led into the trees, dead-ending where the forest became more dense. Quietly backing my car into it, I turned off my headlights, and my ignition, removed my seat belt and settled down low into my seat.

  Once Chief had disappeared inside, I detected no movement around his house. His property was well-lit and I had a partial view through the trees up and down the street. The sun was beginning to set behind me and after turning on my camera and phone and placing them both on the seat beside me, I poured myself a cup of coffee.

  As I slowly sipped the sweetened concoction, I continuously scanned the space around Chief's house. It was quiet and calm, and I saw nothing unusual at all. Various lights came on throughout Chief's house as the hours passed, and I imagined what he might be doing in there. Was he alone? Did he have a wife? I didn't know, and I hadn't thought to seek more information from River when he told me that I would be following Chief. He said Chief knew I was there, and that was it.

  About two hours had passed when the front door opened, and Chief walked out with a big plastic bag. Strolling to the garbage can on the side of the house, he opened it and placed the bag inside. His gaze trailed around his property, until he focused on my car. With a quick nod, he turned and walked back inside.

  I took my notepad and began to write.

  “7:52 p.m. - Chief takes out garbage.”

  If this was exciting as this was going to get, I was not going to enjoy it. I was quickly coming to the conclusion that this was nothing like my own adventures. I tried to pick people to follow that had already caught my interest in some way. Chief may lead an exciting life as a MC member, but his home life was seriously lacking in excitement.

  I yawned and opened a box of crackers I had packed, munching on them and drinking my coffee as I listened to the car radio. Classic rock poured into the car as I continued to watch, hoping something exciting would happen. Another hour passed, and I realized I wasn't exactly sure how long I was supposed to sit here and wait. Did River expect me to stay here all night?

  If so, I probably didn't bring enough coffee to keep myself awake.

  Unfortunately, I had drank enough coffee to over-fill my bladder and I needed to find a place to pee and fast. Groaning, and holding it as long as I could, I finally gave in and flung open my car door. I stumbled into the woods behind my car, wishing I had remembered to bring the flashlight, and some toilet paper. Neither of which had dawned on me, of course, until I needed them and didn't have them. So much for being prepared.

  I would have made a terrible girl scout.

  Standing behind a tree, I unzipped my jeans and squatted as low as I could, holding my butt as far away from my shoes as I could. The last thing I wanted was to pee on my shoes, and as any woman knows, peeing outside with your pants around your ankles takes a bit of finesse. Unfortunately, I had proven to myself over and over that I was definitely lacking in the finesse department.

  I managed to pull it off without a drop getting on my clothes. I shook my hips, trying to shake myself dry as best as possible. Toilet paper was going to be the number one item on my list next time.

  As I was pulling my jeans back over my hips, I heard a rustling in the woods to my left. I froze in fear as the image of a big, black bear eating my face and ripping me apart, limb by delicious limb, filled my head. I had not signed up for being dinner to a group of bears, no matter how adorable and furry they were and I forced myself to snap out of my fear and ran back to my car as fast as I could.

  Locking the doors after I made it to the safety of my seat, I calmed myself by telling myself it was just a squirrel. Or maybe a snake.

  No, wait - that wasn't comforting. A snake could find it's way into my car somehow, through the tail pipe or under the hood. Surely, it was just a cute little fluffy squirrel that was more afraid of me, than I was of it. That was all, right?

  Remembering my task at hand, I closed the coffee thermos tightly and put it away. I could get away with not peeing for the rest of the night, right? At least Chief knew I was here, so if I died from a crafty snake or a persistent bear that knew how to pick locks, he would at least know what happened to me.

  I scanned his place again, hoping I hadn't missed anything during my adventure in the woods. Everything looked quiet and still, and now that the sun had set, I could hear the crickets chirping in the woods around me. It was almost ten o'clock, and once again I wondered how long I should wait.

  After another hour, I decided to text River and ask him.

  “Hi, this is Dixie. How long should I watch Chief's house? Everything is calm. Uneventful.”

  I decided to leave out my visit from the imaginary bear and snake.

  “Go on home, Dixie. Sweet Dreams. Thank you. I'll be in touch soon.”

  “Okay. You're welcome.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, considering I felt the need to pee again coming on, I started my car and slowly drove back to my house.

  Lying in bed that night, I fell asleep wondering if River was thinking about me.


  “We're having a party, Dixie. It's Colby's birthday. We need you there.”

  River's deep voice in my ear was creating a warmth between my legs and by the time I hung up the phone, moistness was filling my panties. He had the most intense effect on me, and my heart had begun racing as soon I saw his name on my caller ID.

  The party was Saturday night and he wanted me to show up as his guest and wander around, discretely watching everyone else who showed up. If I saw anything suspicious, he wanted me to report back to him. I was looking forward to spending time with River, but I wasn't exactly looking forward to socializing with the club members, especially Spider.

  A vision of River's bruised knuckles filled my head when I remembered that he had punched both Spider and Colby after the scene at the bar. As if reading my mind, River reassured me.

  “Don't worry about Spider. He will treat you with the utmost respect. As will everyone else, Dixie. I promise.”

  “Okay, I'll be there, River.” I'd have done almost anything this man asked.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  He hung up the phone. Babe, huh? He made it all sound so casual.

  I still didn't know quite what to expect. I didn't know what to expect at the party, but I also didn't really know where River was going with all of this. I had only communicated with him by phone the last few days, and he hadn't made any effort to spend time with me. Colby had already made it quite clear that River wasn't the type to go out on dates.

  Shaking my head as I hung up the phone, I shuddered at the thought that I had already slept with him twice, and we had never even had a meal together.

  When visions of The Barbie's making dinner in his kitchen and dancing around to music flashed in my head, I pushed them to the back of the closet of my mind, and firmly locked them up in the box I had long ago labeled 'DENIAL'.


  Just how short is too short? My tight black dress hugged my curves, and ended just below my butt cheeks. I wanted to look sexy. Even though I would be there to do a job, I wanted to blend in, and still get River's attention.

  I d
idn't know what was really going to go on at this party. They were a rowdy bunch and my imagination had been going wild with visions of a drunken-filled orgy or huge piles of drugs on the pool table. I had never been inside the clubhouse, but I could only imagine it was filled with naked women and lots of intoxicating substances. However, I was determined to be completely passe about the whole thing. No matter what I witnessed, I would take it in stride. The last thing I wanted to do was make it obvious how sheltered and innocent I was.

  But I also wanted to look damned good, and I had achieved that. My black curls had blessed me today by being smooth and silky, instead of a frizzy, frazzled mess and my tall, black leather boots complimented my short dress perfectly. I raked bright red lipstick over my full lips and headed out the door. Just as I made it to my car, a loud crack exploded in the sky, and rain began furiously pouring onto my windshield.

  Great. There went my perfect curls. In five minutes, my head would be a complete frizzy mess. I debated going back inside my house to fetch an umbrella, but that would destroy my hair immediately. If I got lucky, the rain would stop by the time I got to the clubhouse.

  But no such luck. It was raining harder by the time I arrived.

  Loud rock music poured from the clubhouse, while dozens of people ran in and out of the flung open garage doors that led into the building, the downpour drenching them.

  As I watched the scene from the shelter of my car, I noticed a black car parked at the end of the block with a person sitting in it. The lights were off, and they were making no move to get out. They were far away, and the rain pelting my windshield made it impossible to even see if it was a man or a woman. Sure, they could have been sitting there to wait out the rain like I was doing, but I couldn't help but wonder if I discovered something worth reporting to River.


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