by Palomino, Honey

  I looked out the living room window, which faced directly across the avenue. From up here, I had the perfect view into the MC's parking lot and I watched as three leather clad men walked past the chain link fence and out onto the street. They were smiling and joking with one another, and didn't look dangerous at all at first glance. But then I saw the big knives hanging from their belts, and the bulging muscles rippling under their cuts, and I knew that no matter how good a fighter I was, I wouldn't be any match for men their size. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. I comforted myself by letting Tommy's words run through my mind assuring me that he would be right around the corner if I needed him. He promised he would be glued to his phone and ready to act in a moment's notice if I called him.

  I tucked my cell phone into the pocket of my jacket and took the first step out my door and into the MC life. When I pushed open the door of the pub, I could feel eyes on me right away. I stood by the door for a moment to let my eyes adjust to the light, and then walked directly to the bar.

  It was showtime.

  “I'll have a shot of whiskey and a beer back. And a cheeseburger and fries, please?” The bartender could have been a biker himself. Tall and thick around the middle, his face was framed by a full black beard. His smile was friendly and jovial, and his eyes met mine as he brought me my drinks.

  “Sure. You new around here? I haven't seen you in here before.”

  “Yes, I just moved in across the street today. I'm Krys. Krys Black.” I held out my hand and he shook it firmly.

  “Well, welcome to the neighborhood. I hope you like the sound of motorcycles. I'm Darrell.”

  “Hi, Darrell. And yes, actually, I ride myself.” I knew the three bikers in the corner were listening because their eyes hadn't left my ass for half a second since I walked in. I had pretended I didn't see them up till now, but when they laughed out loud, I turned and looked them square in the face.

  “What's so funny?” I asked them. Now that I had a closer look, I realized how rugged and good-looking they were. The bikers I had grown up around didn't look anything like these guys. They were young and ripped and in spite of the huge amount of alcohol that was in front of them, they looked healthy. I had seen pictures of them during the briefing and I knew right away who I was looking at.

  Pockets, Rat Boy and Crow. Pockets was the vice president. He sat on the left, the only one not smiling. He stared at me with deep blue eyes. I knew he was the suspected mastermind behind the MC's deals, and also the brain of the group. Rat Boy aka Ratz, sat next to him, laughing and smiling at me through his crooked teeth. Crow sat next to him, looking at me with curiosity, his eyes raking across my body. He was the best looking of them all. His long black hair framed his square jaw handsomely, and his piercing blue eyes looked as if they could peer into my soul if I stared back at him for too long.

  Pushing away all traces of intimidation, I picked up my drink and walked over to them.

  “What's so funny? You have a problem with a lady riding a bike?” I was standing directly in front of their table, my heart racing so loud I could hear it pumping.

  Again, Ratz laughed at me. The other two just continued to stare up at me, Crow's eyes landing on my tits.

  “No, honey, we don't have a problem with it. You just make sure you're careful, okay, darlin'?” Ratz replied, sarcasm dripping from every word.

  “Oh, don't you worry about that, sweetheart.” I replied, my words laced with enough sarcasm to match his. “I've been riding a lot longer than you have.” I turned on my heel, and made my way back to my bar stool, slightly exaggerating the swing of my hips as I strolled away.

  The three of them burst out in laughter behind me.

  They left me alone for the next hour, but I had definitely caught their attention. I finished my drinks and my burger, paid the bartender and walked to the ladies room, watching from the corner of my eye as Crow's gaze followed my every move. Perfect – he was the one I wanted to get close to. It didn't hurt that he was so damned hot.

  I reapplied my bright red lipstick, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. I never would have worn makeup this bright, but it really worked with the black hair. I loved the feeling of pretending to be someone else. It was intoxicating and exciting, and just a little bit sexy. Smiling at myself one last time, I left the bathroom and ran right into Crow's chest. He was standing directly in front of the door, obviously waiting for me.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Um...hi.” I looked up into his eyes, the smell of whiskey and leather wafting into my nostrils, bringing back vague memories that I tried to push into the back of my mind.

  “Sorry about my friend back there. He's an asshole.”

  “I can tell,” I said, smirking at him. Now was the time to flirt. “But you aren't, are you?”

  His soft laughter echoed in the narrow hallway.

  “I can be an asshole, sure.”

  “Hmm,” I replied, giving him my most seductive smile, “you seem like the strong, silent type to me.”

  “I've been known to be a strong, silent asshole.” He said, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he smiled. “What’s your name?”

  “Krys, with a K, what's yours?”

  “Nice to meet you, Krys. I'm Crow. With a C.”

  He was even more handsome up close. The earthy smell of leather drifted around us as he smiled down at me disarmingly. I hadn't thought this through all the way after all. I had seen a few pictures of him, but I had no idea he would be this charming and exude such raw sensuality. I was really going to need to keep my wits about me.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Crow with a C. Maybe we'll meet up again another time. I just moved in across the street.”

  “Sure. How long have you been riding? That must be your bike parked over there.”

  “Yes, it is. I've been riding longer than I've been walking. I grew up around bikes, so I learned to ride very early.”

  “I see. Well, maybe we should go for a ride together sometime. After you get settled.” “Oh, I'm settled already actually. I didn't have much to unpack.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah!” I leaned into him, putting my hand on his chest lightly. “I travel light.” “Well, then. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Not a thing. Tonight sounds great. Your bike or mine?” I asked, both of us smiling at each other like two little kids. Where was the tough guy I was supposed to be dealing with?

  “Very funny. Mine. I'll pick you up at seven. We can ride up to Dog Mountain and check out the sunset.”

  “Sounds awesome, Crow.” I winked at him, and ducked under his arm, sashaying away from him, knowing he was watching my hips sway in my jeans. My black curls whipped around as I looked back at him flirtatiously. “But I can ride my own bike. I'm in apartment 205. See you tonight!”

  I walked past the others, out the door and into the sunlight as fast as I could. I didn't exhale until I reached my apartment and had locked myself in.

  Success! That wasn't so hard at all. It was actually quite pleasant, and I knew then that I would have to keep a check on myself and not enjoy myself too much. A job was a job. I wasn't here to become smitten with the president of the MC. The wetness seeping into my panties dared to argue with me.


  Knowing my night might end up going very late, I decided to take a quick nap. My new bed was very comfortable and before long I was drifting off to sleep and wondering what was under Crow's leather.

  I woke with a start, a thin film of sweat covering my skin, my body on fire from dreams of being devoured by Crow's thick, full lips. His smile was devastatingly gorgeous and in my dreams, I kept forgetting he was a dangerous criminal and all I wanted to do was ride him all night long. Shaking off the fogginess and the lust, I took a cold shower to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. I was not here to get in this man's pants – I was here to get in his business. And that didn't include what was sure to be a fine hunk of flesh under his clothes.

>   He knocked on my door at five minutes past seven, and I invited him in. He looked exactly as he had earlier, same jeans, same boots, but instead of smelling like whiskey and leather, I detected a faint whiff of soap and mint. His black hair was still slightly wet, curling at the ends and draping over his jacket.

  “Do you wear that everywhere you go?” I asked, gesturing to his jacket, knowing the answer before I asked. “Of course.”

  “Of course.” I repeated, nodding my head. “Would you like a beer?”

  “Sure,” he replied, walking over to my living room window and looking down and over at this clubhouse. “What a view you have.”

  “The view? Yes, I suppose. All I can see is the bar and your clubhouse, although I'd prefer a nice mountain view or something.” I said to him, trying to joke with him. He seemed so serious now. “But I guess if I get to see you, that's not so bad.” I handed him a beer and stood beside him.

  He sipped slowly, pensively, again staring at me with those curious eyes.

  “Where did you come from?”

  “Come from?” My heart raced nervously, the realization hitting me that I needed to answer every question perfectly, or he would figure me out in a second. I had called Tommy earlier and told him of my plans for the night, and he was impressed with how quickly I had made friends with Crow. He warned me to go slow and not rush things, and just let things develop naturally.

  “Yes. A woman that looks like you,” his eyes trailed up and down my body as he spoke, “and yet you dress like that, and ride, too? You're a rarity.”

  “Oh, that. Yes, I suppose so. I grew up around motorcycles, riding on my daddy's Harley before I took my first steps, and I just fell in love with the feel of the wind ripping through my hair. It's addicting, as I'm sure you are well aware of. I've just never been much for frills and lace.” I took a step closer to him, my fingers trailing along the side of his cut. “I like leather much better.”

  He reached up with a smile and removed my hand from his jacket gently.

  “You're not afraid of....leather?” He asked, his eyes glinting with amusement. I knew he wasn't talking about leather. He brought my hand up to his lips, pressing them gently against my palm. My legs weakened as the heat of his lips burned my palm.

  “I'm not afraid of much at all,” I replied, jutting my chin up a little as I gazed up into his eyes.

  Those eyes! Sky blue with thick dark lashes fringing them, coupled with the midnight black of his long, soft hair - he was a vision that shouldn't have been legal. My heart sped up as he looked at down at me thoughtfully.

  He chuckled, his deep laugh echoing through my apartment.

  “You're something else, aren't you?” He asked.

  “I'm just me,” I replied. “A simple girl that likes to ride.”

  “Well, I don't usually run into women like you. That's all.” He released my hand gently. “Lucky you.” I replied, leaning into him.

  “Yeah,” he said through his laughter, “lucky me indeed. Shall we ride, then? Or would you like to go to dinner first?”

  “Nope. I already ate. Thank you.”

  He downed his beer and put the bottle on the kitchen counter as he walked towards the door.

  “Let's get to it, then.”

  “After you.” I said, grabbing my jacket, helmet and keys from their resting place by the front door.

  I watched him lead the way after I locked my door, his jeans hugging his muscular ass. I smiled, and decided that I would do my best to walk behind him as much as possible. Without a word, Crow put on his helmet, mounted his bike and started it up with a thundering roar. I did the same, and within seconds we were on our way. Trailing through the curves that cut through the forested hills on the way to Dog Mountain, I let him lead the way again. His backside proved to be more entertaining than the scenery around us, and I drunk in the vision of him as he effortlessly maneuvered his bike up the winding roads.

  The sun was setting ahead of us, and the pink and purple sky behind the towering tops of the trees was the perfect backdrop for our night.

  Crow oozed masculinity, and the vision of his perfect blue eyes kept dancing through my head. I was having trouble reconciling the stories I had heard about him, and the gentle way he looked at me. So far there had been no hard evidence of him actually committing any crimes, and while I was there to find some, a small part of me began to hope that none existed.

  He pulled off to a scenic overlook after we reached the top of the mountain. Parking our bikes to the side of the road, we took off our helmets and locked eyes as he both shook out our hair.

  “Don't you just love long hair?” I said jokingly. “Mine is constantly a tangled mess.”

  He looked at me seriously, cocking his head to the side, then reaching out and grabbing one of my newly dyed black curls in his fingers and slowly wrapping it around his hand and pulling me in close.

  “Sometimes, a tangled mess can be a whole lot of fun to make.” He winked at me and released my hair, leaving me breathless for a moment as I looked at him in mild shock. He was moving fast, and I knew I was going to have make some quick decisions on just how far I was going to let this go.

  I had come into this assignment knowing it could go one of many possible ways, and yet without any real plan, other than to call Tommy if I needed help. I had known it would be obvious if I had gone in with a rigid idea of what I wanted to happen, and so I had decided early on to just go with the flow and let it all happen naturally. I certainly didn't expect that I would find myself attracted to Crow, and yet that was quickly becoming the case.

  He grabbed my hand, and led me over to a bench overlooking the valley. Streaks of purple and pink clouds spread across the sky, the orange sun setting in the horizon, creating a haze of purple light that bathed the city below us. I couldn't believe I was sitting here watching the sunset with the president of the Crow's MC. Shouldn't he have had me bent over the pool table in his clubhouse by now? The paradox of the situation was not lost on me and luckily the loud patches on his jacket served as a constant reminder.

  “This is one of my favorite places.” Crow said quietly next to me, his gaze focused miles away. “I come here often - it's quiet. There's never anyone else here. It gives me a chance to think. Watching the sun fade, knowing that every day it's going to come back up and go back down, a constant cycle, never changing. It's reassuring, you know? Everything else changes in this life. Usually for the worse.” His eyes clouded over with sadness as he spoke.

  “A lot of times, sure. But the changes aren't always bad, sometimes good things happen.” I said.

  He smiled, slowly turning to look at me.


  His eyes met mine and his sad blue eyes melted my heart. He brought his head down and his lips met mine in a feathery gentle kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned into him, inhaling his fragrance of musky soap and leather. His warm hand cupped my face as he kissed me for several long moments, his finger trailing along my jaw seductively, the light breeze causing his black hair to caress my face.

  I felt like a teenager at inspiration point, my palms sweating, my heart racing, my breathless smile sneaking across my face as we broke apart to come up for air. There was no trace of the cop on a mission and the hardened criminal. After several long moments filled with many marvelously sensual kisses, our sun had set and we sat quietly on the bench, staring down at the twinkling lights of the city below us.

  Crow held my hand, the warmth emanating from his body as I leaned into him. So few words had passed between us, but I felt like I had known him forever already. I found myself trying to push thoughts of my assignment to the back of my mind, and wanting to just enjoy this moment for what it was. Or, rather what it wasn't. Either way, in the moment, it felt damned good and if it wasn't for that piece of black leather slung across Crow's back and my badge that was back in my apartment, we could have been any other man and woman in the world.

  “I'm glad you aren't afraid of me, Krys.” As
if reading my mind, he spoke in the dark beside me.

  “Why should I be afraid of you?”

  “Because everyone is. Because nobody will look me in the eye. Because people cross the street instead of passing me. Old ladies leave the grocery store when I walk in. All because of the club.”

  “Well I suppose you do have a reputation. That must be difficult for you.”

  “That's just it. It is. It fucking sucks and it bothers me so much. I'm polite, I'm kind. Sure, I'm the president of the club, but that's just business. Everyone thinks I'm going to kill them or beat them up or steal their money.”

  I just listened. I didn't know what to say. Why was he unloading all of this on me? I had just met him, but he had taken me on a sunset ride and kissed me under the stars as if we were old lovers, and now he was telling me his deepest feelings? Some danger he was! My views on this man were changing quickly.

  “And all the guys in the club. They're so superficial. All they care about is getting drunk and getting laid. They aren't my friends. Sure, they look up to me, but I can't really talk to any of them. I'm supposed to be their rock, the stable one that they all come to with their problems. But they wouldn't have any idea what to do if I told them about anything that was bothering me,” he continued.

  “That does sound lonely.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed, then stood up abruptly, dropping my hand. “I'm sorry, Krys. It's getting late, we should be getting back. I shouldn't have gotten all serious like that.” He pulled me up, his handsome face just inches from mine. “Actually, I shouldn't have stopped kissing you.” He pulled me in and began kissing me again, his mouth sweetly searching mine, his hot tongue exploring my mouth deeply.

  I moaned against him, his soft kisses deliciously warming up my entire body. I wanted this man naked, I wanted to strip that leather off him and feel his muscles sliding under my hands. But I had to remind myself to go slow. Shaking off the feelings as best I could, I tried desperately to remind myself that the reason I was supposed to go slow was because I was here to do a job, not to slowly find my way into his bed.


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