Seducing Kaden (The Kennedy Boys Book 6)

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Seducing Kaden (The Kennedy Boys Book 6) Page 8

by Siobhan Davis

  “Something light and fluffy,” she blurts. “Maybe a rom-com? If you don’t mind?”

  “No problem.” We check various options before picking one, and then we settle down to watch it. Our takeout arrives a short while later, and I have to agree their prawn chili masala is divine.

  I couldn’t tell you anything about the movie. Although my eyes are glued to the screen, all I’m conscious of is the way Eva is curled into the couch with her shoes off and her legs tucked underneath her. The tips of her knees are brushing against my thigh, and I’m praying she hasn’t noticed the semi I’m now sporting. I’m acutely aware of her every move, her every breath, and every giggle and snort coming from her mouth makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. Distracting her from her fears, if only for fleeting moments, boosts my male ego no end. Quiz me on any of her mannerisms and I’d ace that exam. Give me a pop quiz on the movie I’ve just watched, and I’d fail miserably.

  But all good things have to come to an end, and when the credits roll and Eva yawns loudly, I know that’s my cue. I help her lock up, insisting on walking her outside where a taxi awaits.

  She turns to me with one foot on the floor of the back seat. “Thank you so much for tonight, Kaden. I really needed that, and it was very sweet of you.”

  I shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans. “It was my pleasure, and I had a good time.”

  She snorts. “You can admit Legally Blonde wasn’t your kind of movie and I won’t be offended. I know you only watched it for me.”

  “Don’t be too charitable. I got to ogle a hot chick for a couple hours.”

  She laughs, and I love the sound, and the fact the worry lines have disappeared from her brow. “You’ve good taste, Mr. Kennedy. I’d nearly turn gay for Reese.”

  She winks before seating herself elegantly in the car.

  I knew she’d jump to that conclusion, which is why I said it.

  But I wasn’t ogling Reese Witherspoon.

  I only had eyes for one woman in that room, and it definitely wasn’t the cute blonde on the screen.

  As the car drives off, and Eva waves at me, I allow myself to acknowledge how completely fucked I am.

  I’m not just in lust with my professor.

  I think I’m falling in love with her.

  Duke lets out a low whistle as Eva steps onto the podium. “Is it just me or is Prof Garcia looking even hotter these days?” He takes a quick look around the auditorium. “Nope, it’s not just me.” He snickers, and I elbow him in the ribs.

  “Don’t be an asshole. Not every dude is here to drool.” I’m aware of how hypocritical my statement is, but I’m not just attracted to Eva’s looks; her intelligence and quick wit are equally as appealing. “Did you not read the article she just had published in the American Economic Review?”

  He snorts. “Is that a serious question?”

  I roll my eyes. “Some of us actually came here to learn stuff.”

  “Most of us just came here to get laid.”

  I throw my hands in the air. “I give up.” He grins. “It was a seriously impressive piece, and she’s proven she’s more than just a pretty face.”

  “You’ve got a real hard-on for the prof, don’t you?” He quirks a brow. “I notice you jumping to her defense a lot.”

  “I feel frustrated on her behalf every time one of the guys talks shit about her.” Especially since she confirmed she has to put up with that kind of crap a lot. “Yes, she’s a beautiful woman, but her brain is equally as fascinating. Did you know she graduated high school at sixteen and was the youngest student to ever receive a PhD from Harvard? And that she’s had ten articles published in leading journals since graduation and she presented a paper to the White House Council of Economic Advisers?”

  “Whoa.” He sits up straighter in his seat. “You’re really a fully paid member of her fan club, aren’t you?”

  “She deserves our respect. That’s all I’m saying.” I’d like to say more, but to do so is risky. The last thing I want is Duke or any of the guys figuring out I’ve got real feelings for the woman, which is why I’m forced to quietly seethe every time the guys start talking about all the sleazy shit they’d like to do to her. I generally find some excuse to leave before I beat the ever-loving crap out of someone, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to keep quiet when my natural instinct is to jump in and defend her.

  Eva is a lot more than just the sum of her looks, and it’s about time people around here started recognizing that.

  Our Friday night study sessions have now morphed into Friday night movie-and-takeout sessions. There was no big discussion or decision made. From that point on, it was just accepted that that’s what we’d be doing.

  I’m in seventh heaven, and I’m no idiot. I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth. If Eva wants to spend her Friday nights with me, I’m not going to complain.

  Eva is all businesslike during the hour’s tutoring, but she lowers her guard once study time is up, and as she gradually starts opening up to me, sharing more and more personal stuff, the harder I fall.

  “I’m doing it,” I tell her one particular Friday. She’s tidying up her books, and I’m pulling up the restaurant’s number on my cell. “I’m going where no man, or woman, has dared to go before.” She looks up, sending me a quirky smile. “I’m breaking up with prawn chili masala in favor of more exotic delights.” She laughs, and the sound sends blood rushing to my cock. I haven’t screwed anyone in months, and that’s how bad it’s gotten—Eva laughs, and my dick springs to life. Focus, douche. I inwardly chastise myself as I scan the menu on my cell. “Wait for it. I’m going all out.” My eyes meet hers, and we share a moment. Electricity sizzles in the room, and I know she’s got to feel it too. Maybe I’m just a cocky punk, but I swear Eva is lusting after me too. “I’m going to order chicken makhanwala tonight.”

  “Wow.” She kicks off her shoes and saunters toward the couch, her voluptuous hips sashaying sexily. My boner hardens, and I almost groan out loud. Eva moves her body in a way that’s completely instinctual. Not like the girls who frequent the parties and bars around campus. The ones that scream “look at me” with their barely there outfits, tits and ass on full display, and the contrived efforts to come across sexy. None of them have even one-tenth of the sex appeal that Eva exudes in spades.

  And that’s without even trying.

  I honestly think the woman has no clue how fucking stunning she is.

  “Look at you,” she mocks. “Being all brave and courageous.” She tweaks my cheek. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Aw, shucks. You’re embarrassing me,” I joke. “Next I’ll be blushing.”

  She barks out a laugh. “That, I’d love to see!”

  I place our order and we settle back to watch our movie. This time, it’s a high-octane legal drama, and I’m managing to keep my focus until Eva rests her head on my shoulder, and then my concentration flies out the window. Eva is very careful not to touch me, or get too close, so this is new and exciting. I’m stiff as a board—in more ways than one—as she snuggles into me.

  I’m scarcely breathing. I want to slide my arm over her shoulder and tuck her in securely to my side, but I’m terrified to make a move in case I break whatever spell she’s under.

  When the takeout arrives, I actually feel like crying, because it forces her to move. She gets up, leisurely strolling to the door to pay for it. She insists on taking turns each week, refusing to let me cover it, even though I’ve more money than I know what to do with.

  We eat quietly, still watching the movie, and I’m mourning the loss of her closeness.

  “Well, traitor,” she mumbles, in between mouthfuls. “What does betrayal taste like?”

  I almost choke on my dinner.

  She runs a hand up and down my back, handing me a glass of water. “Sorry, poor choice of words.”

nbsp; Now, I understand two things. One, she was talking about the food not where my mind went, and two, she’s totally thought about me in the way I’ve been thinking about her.

  “See for yourself,” I say, holding up my fork.

  Her eyes zoom in on my mouth, and I’m instantly rock-hard in my jeans again.

  If there was a degree in turning men on, Eva would have a first-class honors award.

  She opens her delectable mouth, and I feed her. Closing her eyes, she moans, and the sound is so orgasmic it’s a miracle I don’t come in my boxers. I’m painfully hard and straining against the crotch of my jeans.

  She blinks her eyes open, and I feed her another forkful. She never takes her eyes off me as she slowly savors the food in her mouth, running her tongue around her lips after, in a way that makes me envious.

  “What’s the verdict?” I ask, my voice gruff with pent-up desire.

  Her chest visibly heaves, and it takes ginormous willpower not to stare at the swell of her gorgeous tits. “It’s delicious, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to resist.”

  She reaches up, tracing the tip of her finger against my jawline. My Adam’s apple bobs in my throat. Are we still talking about food?

  “Then don’t,” I whisper, winding my hand into her hair. “You should always give in to your cravings.” Feeling bolder, I grip the nape of her neck and move her in closer to me. Her gorgeous whiskey-colored eyes darken as she stares into my eyes. She cups my face more firmly, scrubbing a hand along the light layer of stubble on my chin and cheeks.

  “Indulging my biggest craving could get me in a whole world of trouble,” she whispers, still not removing the hold she has on my eyes.

  “That depends on your definition of trouble, and sometimes the risk is worth it.” I move my face closer to hers, and our noses brush. Her breath is warm and alluring as it gently fans over my face.

  “Kaden.” Torment floods her eyes, and I see the indecision as plainly as if it was written all over her face.

  “Don’t overthink it. Just go with your feelings.” I gaze wistfully at her mouth. I want to be the one to bridge that gap, to devour her mouth like it’s the oxygen I need to breathe, pouring months of longing into my kiss, but she’s the one with everything to lose—her husband, her job. I’m pretty sure I could buy my way out of any trouble if I need to, so she has to be the one to make the move.

  Please be brave.

  Please kiss me.

  “We shouldn’t.”

  I don’t know if she’s trying to talk herself into it or out of it. “Do you want to?”

  Tears well in her eyes. “So very much.”

  I mentally fist pump the air as I wrap my arm firmly around her back, pulling her upper body in flush to mine. “I want it. You want it.” I peer deep into her eyes. “I don’t think there’s anything left to debate.”

  She zeroes in on my lips, and her head moves in a little until there’s only a minuscule gap between our mouths. Blood is thrumming through my body, and my arousal is at an all-time high. I’m afraid to even take a breath. Afraid to move a muscle in case I throw her off and she changes her mind.

  She sweeps her lips delicately against mine. It’s brief and fleeting, but it’s everything. Just as I move in for the kill, there’s a firm rap at the door, and we break apart, almost comically fast.

  “Eva!” A woman shouts through the door, her words slightly muffled. “Why is your door locked? Let me in.”

  Eva jumps up, a look of horror creeping across her face. I stand up and grip her forearms. “Get a hold of yourself. We haven’t done anything wrong.” She glances over her shoulder at the remnants of our takeout. “Go open the door and I’ll clear this up,” I say, already rounding up the empty cartons and soda cans.

  I dump everything in the trashcan under her desk as she opens the door to her office. “Renee. I didn’t realize you were still here,” Eva says, and I detect the slight tremor in her voice.

  I gather my backpack, strategically placing it to hide the protruding bulge in my jeans, and stroll toward the door where Eva is conversing with the same woman I’ve noticed her with before. From my research, I’ve discovered it’s Professor March. She’s cute with her blonde pixie cut and twinkling eyes, but she’s not on Eva’s scale of awesomeness, which is why her rep doesn’t precede her in the same way Eva’s does. “Thanks for the extra session, Professor Garcia. I think I’ll ace the exam now.” I smile cheerily at her like we weren’t just seconds away from eating one another alive.

  “You’d better,” she jokes, playing along. “Or there’ll be hell to pay.” She pats me on the arm. “Good luck, Kaden. And I’ll see you next week.”

  All week is spent in a hyped state of agitation. I go back and forth in my mind over Friday night, and I’m sorely tempted to stop by her office most every day, but I hold off because she hasn’t made any move to contact me, and I’m not sure where things stand between us now.

  When I show up in her office at the regular time Friday night, she acts as if nothing happened, and it fucking kills me. Especially when she walks to the door at the end of our session and flings it wide-open. “Okay, that will be all Mr. Kennedy until next week.”

  I stand up, staring at her. “That’s it? You’re shutting me out?”

  She closes the door and pins me with a stern look. “I don’t have a choice, and it’s for the best.”

  “Says who? And you always have a choice.”

  She shakes her head, and the look of devastation on her face guts me. “I’ve never had a choice. I didn’t choose this life. It chose me.”

  Her cryptic comment confuses me. “What? You don’t want to work here?”

  “No, I most definitely do, but that’s the only aspect I’ve had a choice over.”

  Now I understand. Rumors around campus are that she married some old dude when she was eighteen. I’m sensing it’s the truth and that it wasn’t by choice, or maybe she was young and foolish and now she’s wised up. “Divorce him,” I blurt.

  Her smile is sad. “I’m not discussing this with you, Kaden, and I’ve already crossed lines that shouldn’t have been crossed.” She folds her arms. “I’m glad Renee interrupted us last week before we both did something we’d regret.”

  “I wouldn’t have regretted it,” I spit out. “Not for a second.”

  Her features soften. “Perhaps you wouldn’t, but I would. Once the excitement of fucking around with your teacher ends, you’ll move on to the next girl, the next adventure, without a care in the world, and I’ll be the one left devastated.”

  Anger simmers in my veins. “How dare you.” I step up to her, peering into her eyes so she can see the truth radiating there. “How dare you put words in my mouth. How dare you suggest this is any less serious for me than it is for you. I care about you. A lot. I’m attracted to you. A lot. And I know you feel those things too. You can try to deny it, but I’ve seen it.” Moving around her, I open the door. “The difference is, I would never have dismissed it so casually or cheapened your feelings. And maybe that’s something to regret.”

  I don’t stick around to hear her reply, if there is one. Exiting the room, I stomp down the corridor as fast as my legs will carry me.

  Chapter Nine

  Present Day


  Kaden calls a taxi, arranging for it to pick me up a couple blocks away, to be on the safe side. He insists on walking with me, and I don’t put up a fight. After what happened earlier, I’m nervous to walk the streets alone. “Please think about what I said,” he pleads with me again.

  “We’ve already discussed this, Kade. No good can come from thinking thoughts like that. I’m really grateful for your help tonight. More than grateful. Honestly, there aren’t words, but we can’t fool ourselves into thinking this changes anything.”

  “Goddamn it, Eva.” He tugs on my elbow, stalling me. �
��Why won’t you fight for me?”

  “This is me fighting for you!” I protest. “You have no idea how hard it was to let you go, but I did it for you!”

  His expression softens. “I didn’t fully understand back then, and I was a bit of a mess, but I’ve got my head screwed on now. I love you, and I’m not giving up this time. Not when I know who he is and what you’re enduring.”

  “It’s not so bad.” I attempt to fudge the truth.

  “Don’t lie.” He takes my arm, pushing the sleeve of my sweater up to my elbow. “Those marks don’t lie, and don’t pretend you got them tonight because the bruising is faded so I know they’re at least a few days old.” My wrists wouldn’t bruise if I didn’t strain against the binds so much, but I can’t stand being tied up. Despite how much I beg Jeremy, he refuses to hear me. He’s determined to knock me up and convinced he’s making it pleasurable for me in the process, when the truth is the complete opposite.

  Only a twisted pervert would mistake my anguished screams for cries of ecstasy.

  I’m dying inside. Every day, a little bit more.

  “It’s not what you’re thinking,” I mumble, defeated.

  He barks out a harsh laugh. “Oh, I think it’s probably exactly what I’m thinking.”

  I look down at my feet. “We need to keep walking or I’ll miss the cab.” I feel the weight of Kaden’s stare pressing down on me, but I keep my eyes affixed to the asphalt.

  “I’m worried about you,” he says, gently steering me forward, and we resume walking again.

  “I’m not your responsibility,” I softly reply.

  “No. You’re just the love of my life.”

  Oh, God. He’s killing me. As surely as if he’d driven a stake straight through my heart.

  I don’t respond, because I can’t tell him I feel the same, so it’s best to stay quiet.

  He sighs. “If you won’t run away with me, at least let me help you stay safe,” he adds a few minutes later.

  “What do you mean?” I risk a look at him, and my heart melts on the spot.


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