Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance

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Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance Page 5

by Mia Caldwell

  She shrugged. “I doubt they’d cut me any slack. It’s a very competitive program and the trainer’s had it in for me since I showed up late for work a couple of times. He’d probably be happy to see me wash out.”

  “But you’ve got to at least try and see if he will work with you. What other choice do you have?” Like me, Natalie had a ton of student loan debt. When my job offer at NKL Laboratories fell through and before I met Andrew, I’d been jealous of what I saw as Natalie’s secure future. The bank’s financial advisor program paid very well, with a bump in salary once she became certified. I’d seen how hard she’d worked to obtain a place in the program, and couldn’t believe she’d surrender it so easily.

  Natalie shrugged again. “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I had no idea the hours would be so hellish. The training program alone is a seventy hour work week. The trainer said the hours would only increase once we got out on the floor and started working with clients, like maybe ninety to a hundred hours.”

  I bit my lip to keep from saying, So what? If the job at NKL ever came through, eighty hour work weeks would be the norm for me. But how would I manage that with a baby? Even co-parenting with Andrew, eighty or more hours a week wouldn’t leave me a lot of time to spend with the child.

  I forced myself to push the troubling thoughts out of my mind and refocus on Natalie. She blew her nose and asked, “You think you could pull some strings with Andrew and get me a job with Rutledge Electronics? I mean, what’s the use of having a best friend whose boyfriend is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company if I can’t wrangle a favor or two out of it.”

  “First of all, Andrew’s not my boyfriend. And even if he was, I’m not sure if getting you a job in his company is something I can do.” I shifted in my seat under her narrowed eye gaze. “Andrew takes Rutledge Electronics very seriously. You remember when he first wanted to meet with me? Before he brought up our having a baby together, I thought he was going to offer me a job. But he made clear that I wouldn’t be having anything to do with his company, that our arrangement was separate and apart from it. I’m sorry, Natalie, but I don’t think I can help you on that front.”

  “Well, it was worth a shot.” She attempted to smile, but I could tell from the way she avoided my eyes that she was upset.

  “You know, I’ll help in any other way I can,” I told her. “Maybe over lunch we can brainstorm ways to get you some more study time. I’m sure the bank has too much invested in you to let you just flunk out of the program.”

  “It’s okay, I’ll figure something out.” Natalie stood up and began putting on her clothes over her bathing suit. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stay for lunch. I should probably get back to the city and hit the books.”

  “I don’t want you to leave while you’re mad at me.”

  “I’m not mad, Ryanna, honest.” She squeezed my shoulder and gave me a brief hug. “And you’re right about the bank. They don’t want to lose me any more than I want to lose my job there. I’m going to go home and play catch-up.”

  I sighed, knowing she’d made up her mind to leave and there would be no talking her out of it. “Call me later? I want to help you work through this.”


  I walked Natalie back up to and through the mansion and out to her car. Although we hugged again before she drove off, I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling not everything was okay between us.


  Andrew’s business trip ended up taking longer than he expected. By the time he returned from Silicon Valley, it had been over a week since we’d last seen each other. Oh, sure, we’d texted, emailed, and FaceTimed, but it wasn’t the same as being together in person.

  I was so excited to see him that he’d barely gotten one foot in the door before I wrapped my arms around his slim waist. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

  “I’m glad to be back. You wouldn’t believe how much I missed you,” he murmured, lowering his mouth to mine.

  I snuggled closer as I parted my lips, moaning while his tongue slid inside, deepening our kiss. But before it could go any further, a discreet cough distracted us. We turned to find a man in a dark suit looking at us with an embarrassed expression on his face.

  “I’m very sorry to interrupt Mr. Rutledge, but I need your signature on this receipt.”

  Andrew hurriedly signed his name on the piece of paper. Then he pulled his wallet out of his pocket and gave the man a healthy stack of bills. “Thanks, man. I’ll be sure to ask for you again.”

  The man seemed happy with the tip and uttered effusive thanks. However, neither one of us paid any attention as we were too busy rushing upstairs to Andrew’s bedroom. Once there, we immediately began taking off each other’s clothes.

  “How much money did you give that guy?” I asked as I unknotted his tie. “His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care.” Andrew lifted my t-shirt over my head. “He drove me here from the airport. I couldn’t wait to see you and told him to get me home as soon as possible. Since he did just that, he deserved whatever was in my wallet.”

  “I should have thanked him too for bringing you back to me safe and sound.” I moaned as Andrew caressed my breasts, his touch creating sparks that shot all over my body. Normally, I didn’t get this stimulated this fast, but then this was the longest Andrew and I had been apart since we met.

  I had to force myself to be patient as I unbuttoned his shirt, instead of just ripping it off and sending the buttons flying everywhere as I wanted. From the way he groaned as I ran my hands over his bare chest, paying special attention to the ridges of his chiseled abs, I could tell he as just as eager for my touch. I lowered my head to kiss his nipples, first one and then the other. They hardened from just the lightest brush of my lips, but pebbled to perfection when I took turns licking them both with my tongue.

  “Where did you learn that?” Andrew asked in a low rumble that rendered his voice almost unrecognizable. “You better not have been practicing on anyone else while I’ve been away.”

  “Of course not!” I raised my eyes to meet his and pouted. “I’m not a cheater. I’ll have you know I dreamed about doing this to you and wanted to see if the real thing would be as hot as the dream.”

  He cupped my face in his hands and planted kisses on my forehead, nose, and finally, my lips. “I know you’re not a cheater. I see how seriously you take our arrangement and I’m very grateful.”

  But I’m still not pregnant yet, I started to say but something held me back. I’d been noticing small changes in the last few days. My sense of smell had grown keener, like being able to identify the tarragon Andrew’s private chef, Henri, had added to the veal marsala before he’d even set the dish in front of me. And my dreams had gotten weirder and more intense too, like licking Andrew’s nipples and a few other tricks I planned to surprise him with later.

  However, the biggest change was the way my body responded to Andrew’s touch, especially his caresses of my breasts. Even now, as he bent down to cover one of them with his mouth and gently suck on the nipple, my breasts felt sensitive and tender, as if he hadn’t touched and kissed them many, many times before.

  Could I already be pregnant? Were those the first signs of my body changing in preparation for the new life? I didn’t know and wanted to run to the bathroom and take a pregnancy test to check.

  Yet, I didn’t for two reasons. With Andrew having been gone for over a week, I wanted to continue with the sexy welcome home. Plus, I’d already gone through the three-pack of pregnancy tests I’d bought shortly after moving in to the mansion. Over-anxiousness had led to false alarms and I needed to buy some more. I couldn’t test myself now even if I wanted to.

  And I didn’t want to because I was happy right where I was in Andrew’s arms. His caresses and kisses were all I wanted to focus on right then. Finding out whether or not I’d finally conceived could wait.

  I threw my arms around his neck as Andr
ew lifted me up and carried me to the bed. He set me down upon it as if I was the finest of china, very delicate and fragile. “I thought about you every day while I was gone. Even when I should have been focused on business, I couldn’t get you off my mind, wondering what you were doing or thinking. I missed you like crazy.”

  “I missed you too,” I said, tracing an outline of his square jaw with my fingertips. “It felt really empty around here without you. It’s weird how I’ve gotten so used to you so fast.”

  Andrew took my hand and began sucking each finger, one by one. “I’ve grown attached to you too. If I’d had to stay out in Silicon Valley any longer, I’d have flown you out there to be with me.”

  “That would have been cool. I’ve never been to the Bay Area. I’d like to see Napa Valley and the Golden Gate Bridge.”

  “I’ll take you. As soon as things lighten up at work, we’ll go to San Francisco and see all the sights the Bay Area has to offer.”

  The what if I’m pregnant question popped into my head again, but I forced it back out, not wanting to spoil the moment. I liked the idea of making plans for the future with Andrew that involved the two of us spending time together. While I realized he hired me to conceive and carry his child, not to be a love struck girlfriend, taking a cross country trip just the two of us would be nice.

  “So, what do you think? A trip to the West Coast in the very near future?” Andrew set my hand down and allowed his to roam all over my body, stroking my breasts, stomach, and upper thighs.

  “Sounds perfect.” I moaned as his hand disappeared between my legs and his fingers began to explore the newly formed moistness there. “West Coast or up the street, I’m there as long as you’re there.”

  “Good girl.” Andrew green eyes burned dark with passion as he inserted another finger inside of me. “You get so wet, so fast, Ryanna. It turns me on so fucking much.”

  “Me too,” I squeaked as his fingers played me as skillfully as a concert harpist handled his instrument. His fingers brushed up against my bud, not long enough to make me come, but enough to stoke the already simmering desire within me.

  I began to wriggle my hips, hoping to force more contact between his fingers and my bud. But Andrew saw what I was up to and withdrew his hand entirely, causing me to whimper in disappointment.

  “What’s your hurry?” he asked in a tone he probably meant to be teasing, but to me sounded positively wicked. “We have all night, there’s no need to rush.”

  “The rush is that I haven’t felt your touch in nine hellish days.” I grabbed his hand and put it back between my legs. “So quit playing around and finish what you started.”

  Andrew laughed, but his fingers did find their way back to the inner folds of my pussy, tantalizingly close to my bud. “I haven’t seen this bossy side of you before. I think I like it!”

  “Oh, yeah? Well, I think there’s another side of me you’ll like better.” Despite his having just resumed his talented fingering, I backed away from Andrew and hopped off the bed. Noting his look of surprise and disappointment, I asked, “How does it feel to be on the other side of being teased?”

  “Not good,” he admitted. “Get back here.”

  I dropped to my knees and gestured for him to come closer to the edge of the bed. “I also dreamed about doing some other things to you. Let’s get those pants off and I’ll show you what else I did in fantasy land.”

  Andrew shucked off his pants and briefs in record time. He stood in front of me with his perfect cock just inches from my face. “Go on, show me what else happened in your dream,” he said in a hoarse voice.

  Instead of taking the tip of his cock in my mouth and gently sucking on it, as I’d done before, I licked the length of him with the underside of my tongue. He practically howled as I ran the most sensitive part of my tongue up and down his dick. His reaction to the new sensation gave me pleasure too, as did seeing how much harder his cock got.

  “You’re fantastic. . . amazing. . .the best. . .” he mumbled as my tongue continued taking inventory of every bump, vein, and ridge of his dick.

  I finally used the top of my tongue to sop up the drips of precum that had begun to form at the tip of his cock. The salty, stick goodness provided me with a certain amount of satisfaction. Andrew had never produced this much precum before, so must have liked what I was doing to him.

  He entwined his fingers into my hair when I took more and more of his hardness into my mouth. We’d never gone this far with oral sex before, with both of us stopping well before he came so that his seed could be deposited in the right place for us to make a baby. But this time, neither one of us showed any inclination to stop, with Andrew bucking his hips to thrust his dick deeper and deeper into my mouth. My head furiously bobbed up and down to keep up with the pace. I couldn’t get enough of the fullness of him inside my mouth, nor of his salty, musky taste. Even if we wouldn’t conceive a child this way, I couldn’t stop now, nor did I want to.

  It became hard to tell whether I was sucking his cock or he was fucking my face, but it didn’t matter because we were both caught up in the glorious frenzy. I opened my mouth as wide as I could to accommodate as much of him as I could. But with Andrew’s erection being so massive, there was no way I would have been able to deep throat him entirely.

  However, he seemed very pleased with what I could manage. He moaned and pulled my head closer to his crotch, like he wanted me to be as close to him as possible. My jaws began to ache, but there was no way I could slow down or stop, not when we were both so close to release. I’d slipped two fingers into my hot pussy folds and rubbed myself as near to the same furious pace at which I sucked him off as I could get. Of course, I wasn’t skilled enough to get anywhere close to my bud, but my fingers provided enough satisfaction for a hot, sticky wetness to form and spread.

  Andrew’s fingernails dug into my scalp as he thrust forward a final time and his hot cum flooded my mouth. In the dream, I swallowed every bit of him, and I tried to do the same in real life. However, there was sooo much cum, spurt after spurt kept flowing into my mouth and I couldn’t keep up. It trickled out the sides of my mouth and down my chin. But what I did taste was delicious, just like him.

  He groaned again as he withdrew and sank to his knees beside me. I opened my eyes to find the most adoring and caring look on his face. “You’re amazing, you know that?” he said.

  “So are you.” I began to wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, but Andrew stopped me.

  “No, let me.” He cupped my face in his hands and started licking my lips, chin, anywhere his cum had landed. “Ummm, delicious.”

  “Are you talking about you or me?” I asked in a teasing tone.

  “Both of us.” He wiped my upper lip with his index finger and placed it between my lips where I sucked it appreciatively. “We’re fantastic together. See what I mean?”

  I nodded, not even minding that we’d wasted his perfectly good sperm. I’d finally gotten to taste his seed and it had been worth the wait.

  As if he could read my mind, Andrew took my hand and led it to his cock, which was already half-erect again. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to go again. I know you’re probably thinking we just wasted cum by doing that, but I have no regrets. Anytime you want to reenact your sexy dreams, just let me know.”

  I giggled and stroked his cock, feeling him swell beneath my touch. “I will, but if we pay too much attention to my dreams, I won’t get pregnant. The twelve months on our contract will be up before we know it.”

  Andrew’s face clouded a little. “Sometimes I forget all the terms of the agreement. Being with you feels so natural and right, it seems more like we’re a real couple trying for a baby than two people fulfilling the terms of a contract. You know what I mean?”

  I did, but was afraid to admit it. He was telling me everything I’d hoped and dreamed he would say, but for all I knew, his words might have been the high of the blow job talking. For now, I just wanted to concentrate on t
he terms of the agreement, namely getting pregnant. If that didn’t happen, then there wouldn’t really be any point in thinking about “us.”

  Andrew rose to his feet and extended his hand to help me to mine. Without a word, we got into the bed, pulling the sheets and comforter up over us. He took me in his arms, arranging it so that his how fully erect cock rested against my thigh.

  “I’m not worried about any stupid deadline spelled out in the agreement. I want a baby with you whether it takes twelve months or forty-eight. We’re going to keep trying for as long as it takes.”

  While I was glad to have some of the pressure off, I couldn’t help but say, “Four years? Please tell me we can to go a doctor way before then if I’m still not pregnant.”

  “We’ll go to a doctor, I promise.” He pulled me closer to him and I parted my legs, anticipating him entering me again.

  However, I didn’t think a trip to the doctor would be necessary. As Andrew bent down to kiss my breasts again, they still felt tender and sensitive, like changes in them were already occurring. This might be it, I might be pregnant, I crowed to myself.

  But I didn’t want to say anything to Andrew until I took a pregnancy test and knew for sure. In the meantime, I was happy to have him cover my body with his and slide his cock inside me. I arched my hips up to meet his dick, wanting as much of him in me as deep as possible.

  Andrew apparently wanted the same thing because he thrust into me with as much enthusiasm as I pushed up to meet him. The incredible friction created by our simultaneous movements only increased the sticky wetness already present between my legs. It didn’t take long before we rocked together in a frantic harmony that made it seem like we’d been apart for nine months instead of nine days.

  I could hardly catch my breath as I clawed my fingers into his muscular back. His balls bumped up against my pussy as he pounded into me deeper than he ever had before. Perhaps my tight hole had finally gotten used to his massive cock, or maybe I’d just begun to relax more, secure in the knowledge I might actually be pregnant this time.


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