Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance

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Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance Page 9

by Mia Caldwell

  “Our baby is going to be healthy. I’m going to eat right, exercise, and do everything else it takes to make sure of it.” I said as he unzipped my jeans and pulled them down over my legs, with his hands lingering on my calves.

  “I know you will.” Andrew fell to his knees and began kissing my stomach. “Thank you, Ryanna. You have no idea what this means to me.”

  “It means so much to me toooo . . .” My voice trailed off as his lips left a tingly hot path across my crotch. I moaned as his tongue flicked against the outer folds of my pussy, which immediately began to throb.

  Andrew placed his hands on my hips to pull me closer as he buried his face deeper between my legs. It’s like he sought to erase the emotional distance between us by bringing us as physically close together as we could get. We still had a lot of problems and issues to work out, but none of that seemed to matter at the moment. All I cared about was helping Andrew’s talented tongue to claim the prize it sought ─ my pulsating bud. I parted my legs wider so he could do just that.

  It felt like I would lose my balance so I steadied myself by placing my hands on Andrew’s strong shoulders. He paused his seductive tickle long enough to tell me, “That’s right, Ryanna, lean on me. I won’t ever let you fall.”

  And in that moment, with the tingly heat from my pussy spreading all over my body, it didn’t seem like he would. But too often, it happened like that with us. In bed ─ or sometimes out of it, like now ─ we were in perfect sync. Whenever Andrew touched me, or his tongue licked me, or his cock was inside me, all my questions and doubts about him, about us, about the future disappeared.

  But up until now, the sole focus of our lovemaking had been to get me pregnant. There didn’t seem to be any need to ask questions or concentrate on anything except that goal. It occurred to me this would be the first time we would have sex after I’d already conceived our child. Technically, we didn’t need to do this since we’d already accomplished our mission. Yet, I didn’t dare say anything as Andrew came tantalizingly closer and closer to my now throbbing bud.

  I moved my hands from his shoulders to his thick, wavy hair and entwined my fingers in the silky softness of it. My hips began to undulate, as if they had a mind of their own. Or maybe my bud sent them a signal to help Andrew reach my hot center.

  He continued his quest as I spread my legs as wide as I could without falling over. Apparently, that was enough because seconds later, Andrew’s tongue brushed against my bud, electrifying my body. My fingers dug into his scalp as he kept up the pressure, alternating between teasing my clit and sucking the hot juices that had begun to form.

  All of my senses were on high alert as I neared what I knew would be my most explosive orgasm yet. Did my pregnancy make this so intense? Or was it the anticipation of the release of the tension that had built up since the fight with Andrew this morning. Whatever the reason, I didn’t care. I was riding the biggest wave of bliss of my life, with the crest getting closer and closer . . .

  As Andrew’s tongue took a bold swipe across my bud, I exploded in pleasure, with heat and sparks rocketing through my body. I dug my fingers in tighter and Andrew gripped me closer while my body continued to vibrate. My heart raced out of control as he sopped up all my wetness, like my pussy was a rainstorm and he was a desert nomad.

  My knees began to weaken and Andrew helped lower me until we laid on the floor, holding each other. “You know there is a bed over there we can use,” I said, pointing to it.

  “Yeah, I know. But I’m comfortable right here. I’m not letting you go.”

  While the hotel’s industrial carpet was nowhere near as nice as the plush carpeting in Andrew’s mansion, I made no effort to move out of his arms. It felt good being in the safe harbor of his embrace. I didn’t want to let go of him either. But the pointed insistence of his still-erect cock reminded me that we had unfinished business.

  I sat up and pulled Andrew with me. My hands found their way around his massive dick, and I began to stroke it, delighting in the bead of precum that formed as its tip. Andrew moaned as I massaged the sticky wetness into the head of his cock.

  “Go sit on the edge of the bed,” I told him, loving the bossiness in my tone.

  He raised his eyebrows but did as I said. When I moved between his legs and knelt before him, he shook his head. “Ryanna, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I know I don’t have to, I want to. Now that I’m pregnant, there are no limits to what we can do.”

  “There weren’t any limits on us before then.” Andrew took a sharp intake of breath as I stroked the length of his cock, reveling in every vein, ridge and bump. Though I’d seen and held it many times now, each time I did seemed like the first time.

  “Before where our focus was on making a baby, now we can just enjoy each other.”

  “You weren’t enjoying yourself before?” Andrew asked in a teasing tone which told me he already knew the answer.

  “What do you think?” I bet down to lick the slit at the tip of his cock, taking in the salty, musky nectar. Before I met Andrew, I’d though oral sex was disgusting. I didn’t even begin to contemplate performing it on the only other guy I’d ever been with.

  However, Andrew was different. Maybe I didn’t mind oral sex with him because he’d been so generous in going down on me first. Sucking his dick didn’t seem like a chore or something to finish as quickly as possible. No, I loved the taste and feel of Andrew in my mouth. While there was no way I’d ever be able to swallow all of his colossal cock, I’d gotten better at taking more and more of it in, hopefully providing Andrew with greater pleasure.

  At least he seemed pleased as he stroked my hair while I bobbed my head up and down, delighting in the way his dick continued to swell and harden. Drops of his precum leaked into my mouth and I swallowed the salty goodness.

  I dipped my head further and further down, still not coming anywhere close to engulfing his entire hardness. As if he sensed my ambitious goal, Andrew thrust his hips upward to allow me to take more of him in. But it was too much and I gagged, causing him to withdraw more than I would have liked.

  “Sorry,” Andrew muttered. “I got a little carried away there.”

  Choking on Andrew’s dick didn’t seem like such a bad way to go. At least I’d die happy with the man I loved. Then again, the pregnancy hormones were probably making me crazy even at this early stage.

  The man I loved. It was such a relief to finally admit that to myself, even if I couldn’t manage to say it to Andrew yet. I reached up to gently caress his giant balls, loving the twitch of his cock in my mouth as I did.

  “This . . . is . . . so . . . fucking . . . amazing . . .” Andrew groaned as he thrust into my mouth faster and faster. “Ryanna . . . I . . .”

  My ears perked up. Was he about to say it? Ryanna, I love you. If he did say it, would it even count since he uttered it in the middle of a blow job?

  I let go of his balls and placed my hands on either side of his thighs to steady myself as I went down on him faster and deeper than I ever had before. The drips of precum from his dick had turned into a steady stream so I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came.

  But Andrew surprised me by putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me away. The shock of his actions must have shown on my face because he said, “I want to come inside you.”

  “I can swallow,” I argued, though I wasn’t quite sure why. The continuous tingling from the folds of my pussy along with my throbbing bud wanted Andrew’s cock inside me as much as he did. But not sucking him through to completion felt like I was leaving a job half-finished.

  Andrew put his arms around my waist and lifted me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing. He pulled me close and kissed me, his tongue plunging deep into the recesses of my mouth. Sparks shot through my body, causing prickles of delight to begin anew as his mouth caressed mine and our tongues dueled for control. When we finally broke apart, we were both panting for breath.

  “I love the way you taste a
fter you’ve tasted my cock,” he said in a low husky voice. “It’s almost as good as the way your pussy tastes right before you orgasm, so intoxicating.”

  “You taste good too, which is why I want to finish what I started,” I told him in a pointed voice.

  “I want to come inside of you and feel your pussy clenched around my cock.” Andrew shifted our positions so that he was on top of me, his hard cock lying temptingly close to my tight opening. “It seems like the best way to celebrate you being pregnant, coming together in a way that will bring us the most pleasure.”

  I wanted to argue that my going down on him would also bring us both pleasure. But he began kissing me again, wiping out my protests. My brain became confused as to which area provided the most bliss ─ my mouth, whose outer edges were being caressed by Andrew’s tongue or my tight aching hole, which his cock had begun to fill.

  Andrew kissed a path from my lips, down my neck to my chest, stopping only when he reached my already erect nipples. He sucked one, then the other, alternating between them until they’d hardened into tiny little points. His hands then caressed the curves of my breasts, making me moan at the new sensitive sensation his touch aroused.

  He yanked his hands back as if they’d been burned. “I hurt you.”

  “No, no! I think my breasts are tender already. They were when we had sex the other day too. That’s when I started thinking maybe I was really pregnant this time.”

  “You already suspected you were pregnant and didn’t tell me?”

  I reached up and brushed my fingertips across his chiseled cheek. “I wasn’t a hundred percent certain and didn’t want to get your hopes up just to wind up disappointing you.”

  “You could never disappoint me, Ryanna. I wish I could make you believe it.”

  So why won’t you say that you love me? I bit my tongue to keep from saying the words aloud. As much as I enjoyed being with Andrew ─ especially how we were now, naked in each other’s arms ─ I had to remind myself this was first and foremost a business arrangement. Love didn’t enter into it. Just because I’d been stupid enough to fall for him didn’t mean I should expect the same of Andrew.

  Yet, I found it difficult to believe he didn’t feel something for me as he entered me with a low moan of “Ryanna.” I opened my legs wider and wrapped them around his waist as we rocked together, gently at first, but quickly picking up speed.

  But I could tell Andrew was restraining himself, not thrusting into me as deep or with as much vigor as he usually did. I opened my eyes to find an expression of pained concentration on his face, like it took him a lot of effort to hold himself back.

  “Andrew? You can let go, it’s okay.” I reached out my hand to massage the back of his head.

  “I don’t want to hurt you . . . or the baby.”

  “You won’t hurt us.” I tried not to laugh, but a little giggle escaped me anyway. “Do you know how big the ‘baby’ is right now? About the size of a poppy seed. So go for it. Our child won’t feel a thing.”

  “But I’ll make sure you do,” Andrew said with a grunt.

  It didn’t take him long to follow through on his promise. He plunged into me full throttle, almost taking my breath away in the process. His balls bounced against me as he thrust into me faster and faster. My legs tightened around his waist as his cock got closer and closer to my bud and igniting the spark set to go off in me again.

  The contradictory sensation of falling into bliss and rising to the heights of ecstasy took hold of me as Andrew’s cock achieved full tilt inside of me. The whole of his dick encased in the hot folds of my pussy provided me with the most realized sense of contentment I’d experienced in a long time.

  Andrew lingered in me only for a moment. Then he pulled out so far that only the tip of the tip of his cock remained at the most outer ring of my hole. But before I could ask, what the hell, he plunged back into me, harder and faster than before.

  He repeated this over and over until I nearly lost my mind from desire and wanting. “You’re such a tease,” I gasped.

  “You know you like it,” he growled, drilling into me to prove his point.

  And I had to admit I did. Andrew knew exactly how to satisfy and fulfill me ─ in bed, anyway.

  My body quivered as my bud prepared to explode for a second time. I squeezed his shoulders and then let go as my bud pulsated a final time and a hot sticky wetness spread between my legs. Andrew’s release came seconds later, as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot into me and mingled with my own juices.

  He collapsed to the side of me without totally withdrawing, even though we didn’t have to go through the motions of saving every bit of his sperm any longer. I’d already conceived our child, mission accomplished. In fact, there wasn’t really even any need for us to have sex anymore.

  Except that I couldn’t imagine being without this, our shared intimacy. Yet, I realized I needed to begin pulling back before I fell for him even harder and risked getting more hurt than I probably already would.

  But how could I let go with Andrew and I still holding on to each other? Literally, we were wrapped in each other’s arms. Plus, I knew I couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to get too far away now that I was pregnant with his child.

  I listened to Andrew’s breathing slow from gasps to a normal, even level. He appeared at ease, happy even, with the fingers of one hand entwined in mine while the other lay protectively across my stomach.

  While I very much wanted to join him in that blissful state, grumbles from my subconscious wouldn’t leave me alone. Now that I was pregnant, where did we go from here? And while we’d made up for now, there still remained the problem of Rutledge Electronics coming first before everything else in Andrew’s life.

  There still remained the issue of uncovering Andrew’s feelings about me. Oh, sure, he called me fantastic, amazing, etc. but all of that happened in bed or on the verge of going to bed. Knowing he treasured me as the mother of his child should have been enough, but it wasn’t. I wanted to know how he felt about me, the woman.

  But that wasn’t part of the deal, my subconscious reminded me. You’re to conceive and carry the baby. Just be grateful you two get along and he’s letting you be part of the child’s life.

  I knew it was advice I should take but that didn’t make it any easier to accept. I needed to know how Andrew felt about me and establish where we stood with each other. Otherwise, the sense of unease that hung over me, even while nestled in Andrew’s arms, would continue to linger.


  The next morning, I awoke to the site of Andrew propped up on one elbow staring down at me and smiling. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, yourself.” I yawned and stretched my arms, noticing how Andrew’s gaze drifted down my chest and rested on my naked breasts. “What time is it?”

  “About half past five.”

  “Ugh, way too early. Let me sleep another hour and then we can try again before you have to go to work.”

  The words had already left my mouth before I realized they no longer applied. Andrew and I didn’t need to “try” anymore because I was already pregnant. And the fact we were lying closer together than we normally did reminded me that we weren’t in the king-plus size bed in his mansion. We were sleeping in a full size bed in a mid-price hotel.

  Andrew seemed amused by my slip. I told him, “It’s probably going to be a minute before I change from trying-to-get-pregnant mode to remembering it’s already happened.”

  “I know, I can hardly believe it myself. I keep pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.”

  “If you’re dreaming, then so am I.” I pinched my forearm. “Ouch, this is real life all right.”

  “Silly.” Andrew leaned over and placed a light kiss on my lips. “I know we’re not dreaming because I’ve been laying here, thinking and making plans for us.”

  He had my full attention. “I hope those plans include breakfast because I’m hungry.”

Let’s order something from room service. Surely this place has room service.” Andrew opened the drawers of the bedside table, then got up and looked through the bureau across from us. “Shit, I can’t find a menu.”

  “No worries. I’d rather have that extra hour of sleep anyway.” Seeing Andrew’s naked form reminded me of something. “Hey, do you need to get going? Don’t you want to go back to the mansion and change before you go to work? You might want to think about taking off soon because you know what traffic will be like during morning rush hour.”

  “That depends. Are you coming with me?”

  “Not right now. I’m serious about wanting that extra hour of sleep.” I yawned, proving my point.

  He smiled, but his eyes were serious as he climbed back into bed. “Then I’ll wait with you because I want us to return to my home together. Actually, that’s part of what I’ve been thinking about since I woke up. This scare with the reporter has clarified a few things about our arrangement. I think we ought to make a few changes.”

  “What kind of changes?” My heart began to beat faster and my stomach twisted. The last twenty-four hours had been filled with nothing but drama. I hoped these “changes” wouldn’t bring more of the same.

  “There’s no telling when another Natalie might pop up, especially once your pregnancy begins to show. I think I’ve found a way to protect our privacy as well Rutledge Electronics and my reputation with the board of directors. If you agree, it could be the perfect solution to our problems past, present, and future.”

  “Sounds like a winner. What am I agreeing to?”

  “Marrying me.” Andrew’s eyes lit up and a smile crossed his handsome face. “You see, Ryanna, we get married and we insulate ourselves from any outside scrutiny. It will be as if we’re just another couple who mixed up the order of love, marriage, and the baby carriage.”

  I laid there in the bed, my body frozen while my thoughts swirled. A marriage proposal from Andrew exceeded my wildest dreams, but is that what this really was?


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