The River Rolls On (Bellingwood Book 10)

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The River Rolls On (Bellingwood Book 10) Page 6

by Muir, Diane Greenwood

  When they got to the office, Jon stepped in front of Stephanie's desk and said to Polly, "Do you only hire beautiful women here?" He gave a slight bow and lifted Stephanie's hand up from the desktop to brush his lips across it. "I'm Jon Renaldi and you are?"

  Stephanie's wide eyes darted back and forth from Polly to Jon. She finally drew her hand back and said hesitantly, "I'm Stephanie." She seemed to want to say more, but couldn't form the words.

  "This has to be yours," Ray said, stepping into Polly's office. "I'd recognize your Star Wars addiction anywhere."

  Jeff had come out of his office and Polly introduced them all to each other. "We're going to start with their rooms," she said. "And now that my bodyguards are here, I'm ready to experience the outdoors. We'll probably go down to the barn so they can meet my menagerie. If Henry is looking for me, will you tell him where I am?"

  "You go on," Jeff said. "It's good to see you like this again."

  Polly smiled. "I had no idea how much I've been dragging. Just thinking about going outside has lifted a weight from my shoulders." She hugged Ray, who was closest to her. "Thank you so much for coming! I can't wait to show you everything."

  "Tell me what's been going on with everyone," Polly said. "Where's the last place you traveled, Ray? Jon, what celebrity girls have you been dating? How's your mother and is Drea doing okay? I haven't heard from her in a while, but she said she had some big projects that she was working on. Do you think she'll ever get married? And ..."

  "Stop right there," Ray said, putting his hand on her arm. "You've worked up a full head of steam. We have time to discuss everything. One of us will always be with you."

  "All of the time?"

  "Okay. We'll let you and that husband of yours ... what's his name, Hank?"

  "Henry. And you know that. Be good."

  He laughed. "Anyway, we'll let you and Hank have your time together, but during the day if you aren't locked in your apartment, one of us will be with you."

  She linked each arm into one of theirs and led them down the hall to the addition, singing "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz."

  The boys pushed the double doors open and when they arrived in front of the elevator to the second floor, they stopped and looked down at her. "Now what?" Jon asked.

  "I stop being a happy goofball and take you up to your rooms. I've sent your room keys to your phones. You'll have access to those doors and the outside doors."

  "Everyone has those? Even old guests?"

  "No. We knock them off the system when they leave. It's easy to do."

  "Okay. Just checking."

  Polly opened the door to the front bedroom and then stepped back and opened the door to the back room. She looked down at the small black duffels they were carrying and said, "That's all you have? Even for you, that seems paltry."

  Jon dropped his bag in the front room. "Another couple of bags in the car. We'll get those after we're settled. Now, don't you worry about us, little girl. We're here to take care of you, not the other way around."

  "You're going to have to stop with this little girl thing," Polly said. "People see me as a business woman here in Bellingwood. It's all quite proper."

  Ray walked into the back room. "I don't buy the proper thing. That's never been you. But this place certainly does fit you. It's peaceful and comforting." He ran his hand across the desk as he walked to the back window and looked out at the sycamore trees along the creek bed.

  "Damn girl, but this is nearly perfect. I can see why you left Boston to come back here. What a wonderful place to breathe." He came back over to her and took her hand. "I'm very proud of you. I always knew you were special, but it warms my heart to see what you've done." He held her hand and she followed him to the windows looking to the south and the pasture where the horses were playing.

  "These are yours too?"

  "Those are my Percherons." She pointed at them. "That's Nat, Daisy, Demi and Nan. And those two donkeys? They're Tom and Huck." Polly leaned against him. "I never thought I'd be able to show you what I have here. I'm so glad you've come."

  "You keep saying that. We should have come earlier. Life just keeps us moving, though."

  "I know that. I'm so mad that Joey is messing in my life again, but at the same time, if it's what brought you two out here, then I can't hate him."

  "Yes you can," Jon said. "You can hate him all you want and still be glad that we're here."

  "So really, Jon," Polly teased. "Still no one special in your life? There's no girl that's going to pine for you while you're out of town?"

  He puffed out his chest and ran his fingers through the thick, black hair on his head. "You think one woman can handle this?"

  She huffed out a laugh. "I guess not. What about you, Ray? No one?"

  Ray sighed and gave her a small smile. "You were the only woman for me, Polly-girl."

  "That's not what I mean. You know I would have dropped everything for you back in those days, but you didn't want me."

  "No. You're right. And Drea would have killed us if we'd ever put the moves on you."

  "Still not what I mean. You're avoiding this. Why?"

  He shook his head. "Not now. In answer to your question. There's no one."

  "I'm sorry. I always thought you'd find a way to make a family."

  "So did I. Maybe someday."

  Jon heaved a dramatic sigh. "Enough of this family hooey. You promised to show us around. I want to see those big ole horses."

  Polly reached up to kiss his cheek. "I'm not going to stop saying it. I'm so glad you're here."


  "Alrighty then, show us those horses of yours," Ray said.

  Polly practically skipped out of the room in her excitement. She was finally going to be allowed freedom.

  The two brothers followed her down the walk to the first pen, and through to the barn.

  "Hello!" Polly called out as they walked into the main alley.

  Eliseo came out of one of the back stalls, carrying driving tack with two dogs at his heels. They bounded over to greet Polly, but at a click of his teeth, they slowed and came to a stop. "Good boys," he said, bending down to rub the tops of their heads. "Good boys."

  Polly glanced at him, he nodded and she knelt down in front of the dogs, Khan and Kirk. She'd named them when they were in Arizona, and Eliseo had decided the names fit them. "You boys are growing up to be as big as Han. What kind of dog do you think was the father?" she asked Eliseo.

  "I don't know. They have some bull terrier in them, I think, but I'm guessing they're just big mutts." He set the tack on a bench and put his hand out toward Ray. "I'm Eliseo Aquila."

  Ray took it to shake and Polly jumped back up. "I'm so sorry. Eliseo, this is Ray and Jon Renaldi. You remember my friend, Drea? Her brothers. They're here to keep an eye on me. Can you believe it?"

  He shook Jon's hand and nodded his head, looking at them appraisingly. "You're here from Boston?" he asked.

  Ray said, "We are. It's good to see where Polly ran off to. You have a nice place here."

  Eliseo wasn't finished, though. "Why are two city boys coming to Iowa to watch over our Polly?"

  Polly started to speak, but Jon stepped in front of her. "We aren't trying to get in anyone's way, but since the day Drea brought her home for dinner, she's been a member of our family. Mama told us to take care of her and that's what we're going to do."

  "You should meet their mama," Polly said. "She's intimidating."

  "So you're spending vacation time in the great state of Iowa?" Eliseo wasn't ready to accept this.

  Ray bristled and said to Polly. "Are we going to have to explain ourselves to everyone we meet?"

  She smirked. "Maybe. Imagine an entire town made up of the neighbors on your block."

  Jon gave a dramatic shudder. "How do you do it?"

  "It's wonderful most of the time. The rest of the time you learn to live with it." She put a hand on Eliseo's arm. "It's okay. They are like my
brothers. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather have show up out of the blue to keep an eye on me."

  "We're protective of Polly," Eliseo said. "Especially now."

  "You weren't here when Joey kidnapped me," Polly said to him. "It was Jon and Ray who were at the airport in Boston. They took me through that whole week at the police station and everything."

  "I wish I would have stepped in and made him go away after that first date you had with him," Ray said. "I knew he was trouble. You could see it in his eyes."

  "Who knew?" Polly asked. "The man was some kind of psychotic break about to happen."

  "We should have known. I should have known." Ray's eyes lit up and he started chuckling.

  "What?" Polly asked.

  "Tom and Huck?"

  She turned and saw the two donkeys coming in to investigate their visitors.

  "Do you have carrot bits?" she asked Eliseo.

  He didn't say anything, but turned and went back into the feed room. The donkeys were confused, trying to decide whether to follow him in hopes they'd get a treat or check out the new people. They went with the new people, sniffing and nosing at Jon and Ray.

  "They're quite friendly," Polly said.

  When Eliseo came back out with a bag of carrots, she smiled at him in thanks, took it, and pulled a few out, placing them in Jon's, then Ray's hands. "This will cement your friendship forever."

  "Polly, can I show you something back here?" Eliseo asked, touching her elbow.

  "Sure. I'll be back in a minute, guys." She handed Ray the bag of carrots. "Here, make 'em go slow, though."

  "What's up?" she asked, once they were in the donkey's stall.

  "Are you sure about them?" he asked. "They look awfully pretty to be much of a threat to anyone, especially someone intent on kidnapping you."

  Eliseo had seen her through several bad situations and she recognized his over-protectiveness. She put her hand on his forearm. "You have no idea what's under those shirts. Those boys grew up as thugs. Most of their buddies are Boston PD and they handle themselves well in most any situation. They're also one of just a few people in this town who know Joey enough to recognize him no matter what. And ... they're pissed off that he made it to Iowa without them knowing he was gone. Yeah. I'm sure."

  "I would do anything for you, Polly. I just think it's odd that they've come all this way just to be your bodyguards."

  "I think it's weird, too," she said in agreement. "But you don't know what it's like to be part of that family. Their mother scared me and I didn't grow up with her. She loves me as much as one of her own and I'm not at all surprised that they're here because she sent them. Everything you've ever heard about Italian mamas is true about her. She rules the roost and has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Mama Renaldi ran that neighborhood and when Jon or Ray got in trouble, they had to deal with her before they dealt with those whom they had offended. It didn't stop them all the time, but they turned out pretty well."

  "Not a life I understand," Eliseo said.

  "Me either, but it was fun to watch it happen. The first time I was there for a meal, Jon reached across the table for the bowl of potatoes. In the flash of an eye, his mama's spoon connected with his forearm and he dropped his hand back into his lap. Very respectfully, he apologized to her, then to me and then asked for the potatoes to be passed to him. I thought I was going to die right there, but he wasn't embarrassed, she wasn't embarrassed and everyone else just moved on like it hadn't happened."

  Eliseo chuckled. "I guess they've been well-trained."

  "Yes they have," Polly agreed. "So we're good?"

  "For now. I'll withhold judgment until I get to know them better."

  "Eliseo! Uhhhh"

  Polly and Eliseo stepped into the alleyway to see Jason standing at the door with his mouth open.

  "Hi Jason," she said.

  "Uh, hi Polly."

  "Jason, these are two friends of mine from Boston. Jon and Ray Renaldi. Remember the two brothers who met me and Joey at the airport a couple of years ago? This is them."

  He nodded and with wide eyes, approached the two men, who held their hands out.

  "This is Jason Donovan. His mom is Sylvie. You'll meet his brother later."

  Polly studied Jason as he greeted the two men. He was as tall as Jon and much thicker. It was surprising to see him this way. She saw him with new eyes. The boy just continued to grow.

  "What were you in such a rush about?" Eliseo asked.

  Jason handed him a piece of paper. "Look."

  Eliseo opened it and then handed it to Polly.

  "They want you to try out for football?" she asked.

  "Mom has to sign it. Can you believe it?"

  "That's going to take up a lot of your time," Eliseo said. "Are you ready for that?"

  "I know. We have to talk about things. I won't be able to ride the bus and a bunch of other stuff. But it's pretty cool, don't you think?"

  "It is," Eliseo said, putting his hand on Jason's back. The two walked to the back of the barn and then out to the pasture.

  "I think they forgot about us," Polly said. "Sorry."

  "No, that's cool. Football is a big deal," Ray said. "We both played in high school. Maybe we'll meet the horses another day."

  "We can go out and see them, if you like."

  "It's okay. Your stable man doesn't think too much of us yet. We can wait."

  "He's just protective. We've been through some stuff. He's shed blood for me more than once."

  Ray put a protective arm around her shoulders. "It bothers me that you have so many opportunities out here for people to shed blood for you. Drea has stopped telling your tales at the dinner table because Mama gets so upset. More than once, she's demanded that we come get you and bring you home so she can keep you safe."

  Polly laughed. "She's pretty wonderful."

  "Yes she is," Jon said. "But don't you ever tell her I said that."

  "She knows."


  After dinner, Jon offered to take the dogs out for a walk. He'd spent the evening doing everything in his power to build a relationship with Obiwan. It had worked. Both dogs followed him, waiting for attention.

  "This is what he does to women, too," Polly said to Henry. "It's pathetic to watch. Granted it took him longer with Han and Obiwan than it usually takes with a girl. I've seen him turn one of those into a fawning idiot in five minutes."

  "Hey," Jon said. "That's not..."

  Ray interrupted. "It's true. You can't deny it. You love 'em and you leave 'em."

  "I'm just waiting for the day Jon falls in love," Polly said. "I'm pretty sure the earth will stop spinning."

  "Come on dogs," Jon said. "I need to escape before they go any further." He started for the front door and Polly stopped him.

  "Let me show you the back way out," she said. "Leashes are at the bottom of the steps. Don't let Han try to tell you where to go. Obiwan is much more responsible. Pay attention to him."

  "Got it. We'll be fine."

  The dogs obediently followed him down the steps and waited while he snapped their leashes on. Polly just shook her head. He had a great touch with them.

  She went back into the media room. "Anybody for more wine or another beer?"

  "It was a great dinner," Ray said. "Thank you."

  "I will cook for you as often as you like, but there are great restaurants in town. Now that you're tagging along, maybe Henry will actually let me go out."

  "The whole town knows to keep an eye on you now," Henry said. "You've probably never been safer. Let's plan on going to Davey's tomorrow night. Steak and all the fixin's."

  Polly came back from the kitchen with a plate of cookies. "We should make it a party. I'll see who's available. I might as well introduce the two of you all at once."

  "Fine with me," Ray said. "All the better to identify who the good guys are. I wish I knew who was stupid enough to hook up with Joey Delancy. It doesn't bode well that he's got a partner."r />
  Obiwan and Han came racing into the room and Polly looked down at them. "You two are back early. What did you do to Jon?"

  "Guys?" Jon called from the steps. "We might have a problem."

  Ray was up before Polly and Henry had even registered Jon's words. "What do you mean, a problem?" he asked.

  Jon came into the room holding a stick. On the end of it dangled a woman's blouse.

  "Where did you find that?" Polly asked.

  "Your dog was the one who sniffed it out. It was hanging on the handle of the main kitchen door. Someone wanted us to find it. I didn't want to touch it, so I found the stick. Are you calling the Sheriff or should I?"

  Polly looked at the clock. It was only nine thirty, so Aaron was surely still awake. "I'll do it. He's used to hearing from me."

  Luke had decided that the dangling shirt was quite interesting and made one half-hearted attempt to jump up and grab it. Henry managed to snag him out of the air before he made contact and Jon took the stick and shirt back into Henry's office and put them on his desk.

  "Aaron?" Polly said when he answered.

  "You're supposed to be safe in your house. I hear you have two bodyguards. Tell me no one is dead."

  "I don't know about that last statement, but Jon just found a woman's blouse hanging from the kitchen door handle outside. I know they checked every door before we closed the place down. It just showed up."

  She heard him take a deep breath. "I do that to you a lot, don't I?" Polly asked.

  "What's that?"

  "Make you breathe deeply."

  He chuckled. "I guess you do. I'll be right over. I think Will is in town this evening. He'll meet me there. Do you want to pull video for me?"

  "I never think about that," Polly said. "Sure. I'll see what we've got. That's the one door that doesn't have good coverage. Maybe they crossed in front of one of the other cameras, though."

  "Stay safe and I'll be over." Aaron hung up and Polly walked into Henry's office. She poked at the shirt with the stick, wondering whose it might be.

  "It's my size," she mused. "But not a brand I've ever had." It was a western style red plaid blouse, with snaps on the cuffs and down the front. As she poked at the shirt, she heard a rustle. She picked it up from the desk to make sure it wasn't on top of any papers and heard the rustle again.


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