Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 2

by Jessie Courts

  “Ssh Luc – you’ll wake the kids.” Rachel palmed him over his sleep shorts and he sighed. “Now who’s making too much noise eh?”

  “That sounded so wrong on so many levels and you bloody grabbed my cock.” Luc squeaked out a response as the woman of his very dirty fantasies ducked under the covers and began tugging at his pyjama bottoms with her teeth. “Oh fuck.” Luc shoved his fist in his mouth and slammed his head back into his pillow as Rachel proceeded to suck on the tip of his penis, which had popped up over his waistband. When she darted her tongue into his weeping slit and lapped at the pre-cum already gathering there he grabbed her pillow and held it over his face. His whole body tensed with the strain of keeping quiet under her very skilful ministrations and he started to pant. Rachel could turn him on like no other woman ever had before her, and Luc was fast losing control. “Suck me please. I can’t…” Luc shoved his sleep shorts hastily down his legs and kicked them off along with the heavy duvet. Allowing himself a moment of indulgence he lifted the pillow from his face and glanced down. “Jesus…fuck.” Rachel had lost her nightie and was shimmering down his body until she settled into the v of his long legs. Rubbing his thighs at the same time as she nuzzled his balls with her face, Luc nearly came at the visual. “Shit!” he cursed and threw the pillow off choosing instead to throw an arm over his face and gnaw on his own skin. His other hand snaked down his abdomen until his hand met the silkiness of Rachel’s hair. He wasn’t sure what she did to it but her mane of long, thick brown hair always felt so soft and smelled so good. Without warning Rachel flicked her tongue out and licked the seam of his sack up and down making him writhe, and when she opened that sinful mouth and sucked in one of his balls and then the other he was sure he was going to die of pleasure right there in that bed. “Oh Rach.” He murmured into his forearm.” “Fucking so …oh my…just there baby….don’t stop, don’t ever fucking stoppppp.” Rachel’s mouth ran riot over his groin. Her sharp little teeth nipped at the soft skin of his inner thighs until he gasped and then she’d run the flat of her tongue over his sore spots soothing the sting until he was moaning and rolling his hips in utter wanton readiness for her to do it again. “Oh…shhhhit.” Rachel prodded the smooth skin of his taint with the hard tip of her tongue while palming his balls and Luc felt like the top of his head had flown right off. Just when he thought he couldn’t take anymore Rachel finally engulfed his rock hard cock into her mouth and a low moan erupted from his throat at the intense sensation. Rachel groaned back in response sending tiny tremors of vibrations up and down his shaft making his balls tingle. “Oh please baby. You have to let me come…” Luc was pleading without shame on the very precipice of his release. It felt like Rachel had been edging him for hours and his orgasm sat just out of reach taunting him; teasing him. Every time he came close she’d held him off with a firm grip to the base of his cock and he was practically weeping with the need to come. Then, oh God, she swallowed his entire length and worked him against the back of her throat sucking hard until the familiar heat spread up from his lower back through his entire body making his nipples hard and his balls tight and his cock throb. Rachel did something insanely sensual with her tongue that finally tipped Luc over the edge and as his climax slammed into him his shoulders shook and his hips bucked and his legs trembled while wave after wave of pure ecstasy rolled through him.

  Luc grabbed Rachel’s head and forced her to look up at him. His cock popped out of from between her plump swollen lips and swear to God Luc came a little bit again at the wanton sight of his lover’s cum smeared mouth. When she smiled at him, Luc’s chest exploded and his heart lurched and he felt like a million dollars. “Rachel…”

  A hard nudge to his ribs brought Luc spiralling back to the present and a harsh, “What’s wrong with you?” hissed his way from George made Luc blush at his thoughts. He cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter wincing as his hard on got squashed in the process. “You were making really strange noises Luc.”

  “Sorry. Bit of a headache.” Luc held his head in his hands to emphasise the point and to give him an excuse not to have to look at the bride and her entourage any longer. Several bodies passed by while Luc got himself in check and he was finally able to look up again deciding only to focus on Joe. That was a sure fire mood killer if anything was and Luc sighed in relief. However, it was sweet that the look on Joe’s face could only be described as wondrous and his usually hard features morphed into an expression of pure love as his wife to be approached. Much to Luc’s surprise his overriding feeling was one of happiness for Rachel and he made a herculean resolve to try and get through the rest of the day without regret. Luc’s heart fluttered only briefly as the ceremony began and he forced himself to relax a little bit more.

  A flicker of movement to the side of Rachel caught Luc’s eye and his friend Jess came into vision looking stunning in a pale pink satin sheath of a dress. Lucy, her twin sister also looked beautiful in a similar frock but the third bridesmaid was the one that held Luc’s attention. She must have been Joe Mason’s daughter. He remembered the twins saying he had two kids and one of them was a girl a year or so younger than them. He couldn’t see her face but her body was enough to trap his full attention. God she was gorgeous; blond and long limbed; in fact she reminded him a lot of…

  “Holy fuck!” Luc gasped and slid down in his chair so that he was barely visible above the heads of the other guests. What the hell was his Livvy doing there? “Oh no, oh no, oh no.” A breathy chant accompanied the thump of his heart as his brain registered that ‘his’ Livvy was in fact Olivia Mason but because she used the surname, ‘Montgomery’, which he supposed must be her mother’s maiden name, Luc never had cause to suspect that she was Joe’s bloody daughter. Of all the fucking girls in the whole of New York City he had to go and fuck the daughter of the one person in this world that hated his guts. Luc groaned as his existence just got a whole lot more complicated.

  “Luc, what the hell is wrong with you now?” George looked puzzled as his long time object of lust was practically sitting on the floor. The man he idolised was behaving extremely weirdly this afternoon.

  “Ssh – don’t say my name. I need to get out of here. I don’t umm, feel very well?” Luc was in fact shaking but the overwhelming desire for survival had kicked in and Luc knew no matter what the circumstances, Joe wouldn’t hesitate to maim and injure him even at his own wedding if he found out he’d been shagging his daughter. Luc groaned again at his gross misfortune. Not bad enough that Luc had slept with Rachel but now Livvy too? Luc suspected his life would be in mortal danger once Joe found out.

  “Stop making a fuss, everyone’s looking!” Leo hissed at Luc. “Whatever’s got your goat will have to wait ‘till the end of the ceremony.” Luc scowled at him. “You can rest your head in my lap if you like!” George muffled a snigger at his boyfriend’s kind suggestion and Luc merely tutted. He sat up a bit but kept his head bowed and face hidden as best he could; the last thing he wanted was for Livvy to spot him in the middle of the fucking vows.

  Peeking through his fingers, which were covering his face, Luc stole a moment to admire her from a distance. Olivia looked good enough to make his mouth water and cock thicken. Their lovemaking had been off the charts hot and seeing her again only reinforced the effect she had on him. Today her long blond hair had been put up into some kind of complicated hairdo which emphasised the graceful slope of her neck and Luc remembered how sensitive Livvy’s skin was all the way along her throat and up to that sweet spot behind the cute lobes of her ears. Her face was beautifully made up making her big brown eyes look huge and doe like and the light flush along her skin made Luc want to touch her there desperately. He licked his lips as Livvy began to chew on her bottom one enticingly. It was clear to him that she was getting emotional watching her father finally getting the happiness he had long sought and it make Luc’s chest tight to see Livvy’s obvious love and devotion to Joe. Just his luck she was a Daddy’s Girl. Could this situat
ion get any worse? Luc ended what he thought were his discreet observations but as he looked up his eyes locked onto Ryan’s who wore a curious expression. Luc tensed and clenched his jaw quickly breaking eye contact as Rachel twisted to face her groom and began to recite her vows. The room fell silent and it seemed to Luc that everyone had stopped breathing waiting to hear what Rachel would say about the larger than life man she’d chosen to spend the rest of her life with.

  “Joe. The last time I wore a wedding dress I never thought for a second it wouldn’t be the only time, and when Nate died I swore I would never go down that road again because the pain of losing someone you love with all your heart is too much to bear once let alone possibly twice. But then you barrelled into my life like the brash arrogant hardheaded brute you are and didn’t even give my heart a moment to decide not to fall in love with you. And now it is my utter privilege to be wearing a wedding dress again but this time for you. I will never forget or regret the men in my life before you Joe…” Rachel looked into the crowd and by sheer force of will sought out Luc locking eyes for a split second. No one else would have noticed and Luc let out a breath when he realised that even Joe had thought she was just addressing the audience at large, but Luc’s heart warmed at the sentiment and he smiled to himself. Rachel Renton about to be Mason, was one hell of a remarkable woman. “But now there’s only you. I live you; I breathe you, and I love you. I’m proud to become your wife and I welcome you into my family, Joe. My steamy Bossman. My heart.”

  Joe cleared his throat and muttered ‘fuck it’ into his beard and then at totally the wrong moment in the whole proceedings he grabbed his bride and kissed the fucking hell out of her. “I totally love you Rachel.” Joe stood her back up again and proceeded to straighten his jacket.

  “I bloody hope you’ve prepared more than that.” Rachel’s hands flew to her veil and she pretended to be flustered but then she turned and winked at her guests and a low rumble of laughter wafted through the crowd. The clerk gestured for Joe to take his turn at relaying his vows and he cleared his throat. For a man who was usually uncomfortable expressing his emotions verbally, Rachel was gratified to note there was no hesitance in his voice as he began to express his undying love for her in front of his nearest and dearest. Luc was surprised and unduly moved to hear Joe vocalise what he’d damn well just demonstrated with that hot as hell public display of affection. Joe commanded attention and not one person dared to look away as he started speaking.

  “Rachel. I sat down to prepare my vows like I would a closing statement of one of my court cases, but then I reminded myself that this wasn’t an ending. The famous saying; the first day of the rest of our lives? Well that’s today sweetheart. My life was nothing until I met you; just a collection of achievements that meant very little in the scheme of things. Aside from my kids who I love and cherish I never had anyone I cared enough about to share my life with. Then you came along and literally rocked my world. From the start you stomped all over my bullshit; taunted me with your insanely sexy curves in all those prim and proper work clothes and caused chaos where there was only dull existence beforehand. I was hooked from the very first moment – and you know when that was baby.” Rachel blushed from head to toe as she remembered her very inappropriate attempts to seduce Joe in the steam room at their gym. Joe grinned at her and she rolled her eyes at him. “There – right fucking there.” Joe pointed to her expression. “That’s what made me fall head over heels in love with you. I’m never letting go of that. I’m going to love you for the rest of your life Rachel.” Rachel threw herself back into Joe’s arms and stayed right there while they exchanged rings and sealed the deal. It was clear to every single person in that room that these two had found a love that had consumed the pair of them bonding them together until death.

  Luc sighed and a small smile played on his lips. Rachel belonged to someone else now and in a weird way it left Luc feeling freer than he had before; like a huge emotional weight had been lifted. But now was not the time to linger. He had to escape before Livvy spotted him and ruined what was supposed to be the best day of Joe’s life. Tomorrow he would formulate a plan to get Livvy back into his life but today was not the right time. Today belonged to Rachel and Joe and the best thing he could do for them was to leave. He made his lame excuses to George and Leo before the wedding party started to mingle with their guests and scooted seemingly unnoticed out the door to escape to the safety of his car. Fumbling nervously with the key he eventually got the door open and with a sigh of relief slid into his seat. Taking a moment to calm himself he rested his head back and closed his eyes in an attempt to regulate his erratic breathing.

  “Who are you Luc Vincent?”

  “Jesus! You gave me a fright!” Luc exclaimed as his eyes shot open to be greeted with the sight of an intrigued Ryan standing by the open door of his car. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes narrowed at Luc. Luc cleared his throat before speaking and was gratified to hear that his voice was steady. “I’m no one Ryan. It’s best if we just leave it at that.”

  Ryan cocked his head. “I hardly think that’s accurate. If Joe doesn’t like someone they cease to exist for him but you’re still here. Why is that I wonder when it’s as clear as day that the big guy detests you.”

  Luc shook his head. “You’re wrong. I hardly know Joe. I’m friendly with Jess and Lucy and I’ve known Rachel my whole life. It was very nice to be invited to the wedding but I’m feeling a little under the weather, so if you’ll excuse me, I need to leave.” Luc reached for the door handle but Ryan held fast to the other side and refused to let him shut it.

  “Well, Mr Vincent; clearly that’s your cover story but there’s more to it and I will find out. And further to that, I’m Olivia’s Godfather and I take my responsibilities very seriously. How do you know her?” Ryan was obviously not a fool and evidently very sharp. Luc should have suspected nothing less from the best friend of Joe fucking Mason.

  “Look, Ryan isn’t it? I don’t know what you hope to gain by all these crazy accusations, but I really must be going. If you’ll excuse me please. Enjoy the party why don’t you?”

  “Well I’m sure I will. Oh and I’ll make sure to visit with Jess and Lucy – I have a few questions for them.” Ryan smirked as he walked away from Luc. In a flash Luc’s temper lit and he was out of the car in a heartbeat grabbing at Ryan. He had him pinned against some flashy 4x4 with his face in his face.

  “One word to the twins and Joe will have your guts for garters; best friend or not. Do. Not. Go. There.” Luc was snarling with fury and his baby blues eyes shone with anger. He was a big lad and fairly strong when his temper kicked in. Right now Ryan was struggling; his throat in Luc’s vise like grip.

  “Let me go for fuck’s sake. Right now.” Luc loosened his hold but kept his body plastered against Ryan’s in order to keep him in place while he set a few things straight.

  “You listen to me. Joe and Rachel would not thank you for meddling in their business. Like I said before I am a friend of the twins and you should leave it at that. Do not speak to them about me. Do not ask Livvy about me. In fact just forget you ever met me.”

  “Kind of hard to do right now darling boy.” Ryan reached between them and adjusted his rather obvious arousal. Luc leapt back and scowled at him.

  “What the fuck. Am I some kind of magnet for gay men? Don’t you all have some kind of Gaydar thing that’s supposed to tell you who’s gay and who’s not? Jesus…” Luc shook himself down and walked away from Ryan in a huff.

  “Livvy eh? Hmm….” Ryan chuckled. “See you again Mr Vincent. Oh yes, I think you’re going to be needing me one of these days.”

  Luc growled; got in his car and slammed the door closed dismissing Ryan with a tightly delivered, “Fuck off mate.”


  Inside the hotel Rachel and Joe had retired to a private room to gather their wits after the ceremony. They needed some quiet time just to get their heads around the fact that they we
re finally married and had the rest of their lives to be together. “Are you happy baby?” Joe held Rachel on his lap and was nuzzling her neck.

  “So happy Joe. I’m the luckiest woman on the planet.”

  “Indeed you are Mrs M.”

  Rachel jerked. “Don’t call me that Joe, please. Not that.”

  Something in her voice made Joe pull away and look at his new wife in the eyes. She was serious. “Ok. But you are Mrs Mason – you’re not thinking about keeping your old name are you? I’m not keen on that sweetheart.”

  Rachel relaxed and kissed him deeply to reassure him. It made her tummy flip to think that she had such an effect on this big, usually confident man. “Of course I’m taking your name. I love it and I want the whole world to know I’m yours. Don’t ask me why, not today, but please just don’t ever call me Mrs M; I don’t like it.”

  Joe was about to respond when something held him back. Intuitively he knew it had something to do with Luc and he really did not want that bloody boy intruding on what was a monumental moment in Joe’s life. He was with his bride; the woman he loved beyond anything else and this was their time. “You look beautiful by the way.” His eyes creased as he smiled at Rachel. “The dress looks perfect on you. But I have a question.” Rachel ran her fingers through Joe’s beard and pulled at the hair. It was one of her favourite things to do when she was this close to him and she knew the slight sting turned him on.

  “Ask away Bossman.”

  “What are you wearing underneath?” Joe knew Rachel had a penchant for expensive lingerie and she was always teasing him with some new wisp of lace or satin that barely did its job.


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