Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 5

by Jessie Courts


  Rachel called an end to the wedding celebrations with the help of a very wary looking Ryan. Ethan was thoroughly perplexed poor boy, but his Godfather gave him a job to do and promised Rachel he’d look after him. It was turning into a very confusing and emotional evening for all of them and the best thing to do was to sleep on it and hopefully meet over breakfast to try and resolve some of the issues Joe was holding on to. Rachel would have liked to chat with Ryan to reassure him about the affair she had with Luc and reiterate it was over well before she had even met Joe. However, he seemed to be more concerned with checking Ethan was ok and she decided to give him some time to process and maybe speak with Joe first. Chewing on her lip she was lost in thought as she considered how close Ryan and Joe really were and how hurt Ryan must be that Joe didn’t confide in him.

  “I can see wheels turning honey. Don’t screw up your face like that; tell me what’s on your mind.” Ryan took one of Rachel’s hands and guided her over to some chairs in the lobby.

  “I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk with Joe first Ry. I don’t want you to feel like you have to split your loyalty.”

  Ryan snorted and popped a chaste kiss on Rachel’s flushed cheek. “Darling. That old goat had every chance to tell me his woes and decided not to. Look where that got him – I could quite easily have sorted him out and pre-empted all of this. But the stubborn mule that is Joe Mason let his pride get in the way. I’m so cross with him, Rach. And really sorry this happened today of all days.” Ryan lifted Rachel’s hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

  “You are so adorable Ryan – I can’t understand why some gorgeous bloke hasn’t snapped you up and made an honest man out of you.” Rachel sighed. “Bloody Joe – he’s really gone off on a mad one this time. I’ll be honest with you Ry; I am disappointed in his reaction. It feels like he still doesn’t trust me. He has such a blind spot where Luc is concerned.”

  “Well the boy is simply divine. Those eyes…I don’t suppose you’d be up for a little more info on his other assets?”

  Rachel barked out a laugh so loud it turned the heads of some of the departing guests. She waved and blew them kisses. “Oh my God Ryan – seriously? No love; no more info. Honestly!”

  “Well there’s no harm in asking….lucky Livvy eh?”

  Rachel raised her eyebrows and sniggered. “Very lucky Livvy. Very. And that’s all I’m saying.”

  Ryan grunted and slumped a bit in his seat. “So Joe then; what do you need me to do my darling?”

  “Well as much as I’d love to hand over the reins to you it’s now my wifely duty to see to my husband’s needs and what he needs is for me to show him the error of his ways and point in him in the right direction to make amends. I think my persuasive powers may be a little more effective and creative than yours.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Given half the chance I can be quite inventive actually. But just so you know – Joe’s never been interested. Ever.”

  Rachel scrunched her nose at the confession. “Well, even though Joe is the least homophobic man I know; I’m totally certain he’d never go there.”

  “And you’re right much to my disappointment I might add. Over the years I’ve subjected the poor man to more than his fair share of come ons but he’s always politely rejected me. I still love him though – probably more than I should.” It was Ryan’s turn to sigh. “Probably not the cleverest thing to share with his new bride. Sorry sweetheart.” Rachel smiled at her husband’s best friend feeling his pain and knowing how much it must kill Ryan to stand by and see Joe so happy with someone else. “Don’t look at me like that Rach – I came to terms with it a long long time ago. Just when I see him hurting so much its frustrating not to be the one he needs the most. That’s you now baby and I’m so happy for the both of you honestly. You are the single best thing that ever happened to Mighty Joe Mason and exactly what he needs. So go on and see to your man and get him to put all of this right because Olivia deserves more from her father than what she saw tonight.” Ryan yawned. “I’m off to bed.” He stretched his long body upwards and then bent it practically in half again as he dipped his head to kiss Rachel goodnight with a promise to talk again in the morning. “Call me if you need me sweets.”

  Staying where she was for a moment longer, Rachel glanced towards the lifts and caught Olivia and Luc disappearing into one and her heart weighed heavily for her baby boy. He had some explaining to do and she could only pray that Olivia would understand that their affair was all in the past before Joe came on the scene. She had a feeling it would take some convincing but if anyone could turn on the charm it was Luc Vincent; BoyManGod extraordinaire. She watched them get in the lift and just as the doors closed Luc turned and winked at her over his shoulder in that sexy way he had of making you feel like you were the most important thing in the world to him in that moment. Rachel chuckled and shook her head – that sort of thing would only brew more trouble. Twisting her head around to the other side of the lobby, Rachel spied Jess and Lucy sitting on the sofa that Luc had recently vacated and she wondered if they had heard their darling new step-father announce to the world that their mother had fucked their best friend. Their expressions were unreadable so taking a deep breath Rachel went to join them her dress swooshing loudly in the quiet of the night. Through everything she never wanted to hurt her girls. They were the most precious things in her life and the thought of how disappointed they might be was gut wrenching.

  “Mummy. Come sit with us.” Jess shifted and made a space between her and Lucy for Rachel to squeeze into. George and Leo hovered close by clinging to each other looking anxious.

  “Can we help you at all Rachel? Do you need us to have a word with Joe for you?” George narrowed his eyes in the direction of the bar and Rachel chuckled. The thought of either one these adorable boys giving her husband a piece of their mind was almost too tempting to pass up. She couldn’t wait to tell her best friend, George’s Mum Karen, how her son had stuck up for his Auntie Rachel. She placed a hand on each of their arms.

  “No my darlings – steer clear of Mr Grumpy for now if you know what’s good for you, but stay over boys. Tell reception to give you a room – I’ll sort it.” George and Leo thanked Rachel profusely then scurried over to reception before she changed her mind. “Those two are just the cutest.”

  “Mum; you talk about them like they’re kids. You do know they are both 22 years old like us? And I hate to tell you they are the furthest from cute as you can get. They’ve been teasing Joe’s friend Ryan all bloody night. I’m guessing something’s going to happen there.” Lucy wagged her finger for emphasis and Rachel rolled her eyes.

  “It’s not necessary to tell me these things. I’m happier being blissfully ignorant.” Rachel leaned into her girls and they cuddled up together.

  “I’m sorry your day was ruined Mummy.” Lucy kissed Rachel on the cheek.

  “Oh you know Joe. Always expect the unexpected.” Rachel snorted.

  “He seemed pretty angry though Mum. All riled up at Luc and throwing punches all over the place. He’s really not happy Luc’s with Olivia is he?”

  Rachel squirmed. “Um about that. Did you hear what Joe said?” The twins exchanged a look and Rachel frowned. “Jessica; Lucy?”

  Lucy nodded at Jess who was usually the more vocal of the two and let her speak for both of them. “We know about you and Luc.”

  Rachel shot up in her seat. “What! How? What!” She wrung her hands and tears pooled in her eyes but to her utter amazement her daughters took one of her hands in each of hers and held on to her tightly. “Mummy, we’re not children however much you still see us that way. It was obvious right from the start that you liked him and yes, it freaked us out a little but there is a reason Luc is our best friend. We love him and trust him; he’s a good man with a big heart and a gentle soul. You were so broken Mum that even we couldn’t fix you, but after a few short days around Luc you were already smiling again. How could we be angry with him for that? And of
course we know how gorgeous he is. God he’s so beautiful it hurts and that’s hard to resist. Don’t ask how come neither of us ended up with him; I guess we’re too much like siblings to find each other attractive in that way.”

  Rachel stared at her daughters in utter shock. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  Lucy answered this time. “Bit bloody awkward Mum. And we knew you’d end it as soon as you realised you’d been found out and we wanted you to have a good time. It was obviously therapeutic and we were hardly around so it worked well for us having Luc looking after you. Seeing to your every need.” The twins sniggered and Rachel gasped then groaned blushing furiously.

  “Does Luc know you know?”

  “No – it’s never come up until now. And once you’d sent him packing we knew it was a short-term thing so we’ve moved on to be honest. Then larger than life Joe came along and it was a whole different story.” Jess squeezed her Mum’s hand. “We love you Mummy. Honestly, we were just so relieved to see you finally shake the depression from grieving over Daddy. We knew Luc would treat you well; he’s a good boy. Bit cocky but then you know that!” Jess roared and Lucy giggled and Rachel groaned again. But the relief that her girls weren’t angry or upset by what she’d done lifted a huge weight from her shoulders. Damn Joe for actually forcing some good out of all of his mess.

  “Let’s not ever talk about this again especially not in front of Joe. I’m blessed to have you my darlings, but if I’m to salvage anything good from my wedding night, I think I had better go find my husband before he does anymore damage.” Rachel kissed both her babies then wearily got to her feet. “Shit!” she hissed. “These shoes are fucking killing me!” Jess laughed and tapped her Mum on the leg. Rachel raised one foot then the other and allowed her daughter to remove her bridal slippers which were actually five inch white Laboutins and she moaned at how good it felt when her feet hit the cool marble floor. “G’night girlies. Wish me luck.”

  Rachel padded across the lobby towards the bar where she’d last seen Joe heading. She successfully managed to avoid any lingering guests but wasn’t quick enough to miss Ryan, George and Leo getting in the lift together. The boys were literally half Ryan’s size and she couldn’t help let her mind go places it really had no business going. It didn’t help that lithe blonde Leo and dark, curly haired George looking like naughty little imps had plastered themselves up against one side each of Ryan’s big body and were currently lapping at his neck and running their hands all over him. Rachel wished for a moment that she could carry on watching the incredibly sexy scene but then she physically shook herself and resumed her quest to find Joe. She was still having a hard time processing that her daughters had known about her affair with Luc all along, and whilst they hadn’t quite given it their blessing, they didn’t hold any lingering anxieties over it either. They were truly amazing girls and a pang of regret hit her as she thought of their beloved father Nate and how proud he would be of them. Well, not necessarily in these set of circumstances but generally for sure. Rachel chuckled realising she was being silly thinking about Nate condoning her affair with a 22 year old boy then her going on to marry his replacement at Gyles Bishop. God forbid he was watching over her now – what in heaven would he think? Oh how her world had changed.

  “Jack on the rocks please mate.” Rachel slid on to a bar stool, dropped her shoes on to the floor with a clatter and made her request to the bar man. “And get him another of whatever he’s having.” She pointed to the empty glass on the bar in front of her husband who was leaning on his elbows over the counter top. He’d discarded his dinner jacket and the white cotton of his dress shirt pulled taut across his shoulders. Rachel bumped him with her shoulder. “Hey Joe. What do you know?” The big troubled man turned to face his wife slowly drinking in the sight of her and running his gaze over every inch making Rachel shiver at the intensity of his scrutiny. God, the man was fucking gorgeous and even now when she was so upset with him Rachel knew she’d never be able to live without him.

  “I love you, Rachel Mason. “ Joe’s voice was a low growl and the rasp of his tone sent a tremor through her body.

  “I love you Joe Mason, but you fucked up big time Bossman.” The bar man handed Rachel her drink and plonked another one in front of Joe.

  “I know.”

  “As per my question.”

  “Eh?” Joe squinted at his wife, confused as ever by her train of thought.

  “Hey Joe – what do you know?” Rachel grinned at him and he chuckled. It was good to hear.

  Joe swirled the liquid in his glass before drinking it down in one. “Crazy English woman. I married a nut.”



  “Nutter not nut.” Rachel took her drink and swallowed a long gulp letting the amber liquid burn her throat then warm her insides. The ice cubes clinked in the glass reminding Rachel that she’d never added ice until Joe invaded her life with his brash American ways.

  “I fucked up.” Rachel remained silent. She knew Joe would get it out in his own time. “I chose to make what you and Luc had into something nasty and it’s broken us all. I couldn’t leave it alone and now I’ve lost Olivia and really hurt the boy she loves. Luc is a fine young man yet I chose not to see that. Why? What’s wrong with me that I can’t be like everyone else and let bygones be bygones. Why do I have to control everything and own it until ultimately I destroy it?” Joe pulled at his hair in frustration.

  “I don’t know how to answer you Joe without upsetting you further. Everything you have said is true baby. I’m sorry but you did this and you’ve hurt a lot of people Joe. Most of all Luc who didn’t deserve any of your misplaced wrath. All he did was love me when I needed it.” Rachel’s voice wobbled and she hurriedly took another gulp of her whiskey.

  “I know Rach, I know and I’m so sorry. I should be thanking him not hating him. But I can’t tell you what it does to me knowing he’s had you.” Joe bunched his fists and slammed them against the bar top.

  “First is what you mean Joe. He had me first. And really – that’s such a horrible way of putting things. It makes it sound derogatory and it was anything but. Don’t you think that all your misplaced jealousies are futile? And it’s over. It never really got started - I finished it before Luc’s emotions got too invested, and I certainly wasn’t looking for a toy boy. I was looking for you Joe Mason. I didn’t even know it at the time but you were always there in our background. An email would land on my phone beeping rudely usually at a crucial moment and we would curse you even then!” Rachel chuckled ruefully. “You were always interrupting us like you knew I was going to be yours.” Rachel hopped off her stool; hitched up her dress and sat herself on Joe’s lap. His arms came around her waist holding her close and she brushed her fingers through his beard. “How funny now that I think about it like that. And Luc knew I was never going to love him back the way he wanted. And he sensed from that first date with you that he was history, and yet he still wished me all the best.” Rachel sniffed and her melancholy finally caught up with her. “He’s a beautiful man inside and out; I promise you Joe, Olivia is such a lucky girl to have him.” Rachel swiped at her nose with her hand and Joe passed her a napkin. “You hurt him Joe. You damaged that boy’s spirit and somehow you need to make it right. Somewhere along the line, Luc decided to like you but you crushed him at every turn. And for what? Your own sense of retribution? I love you Joe, but I’m disappointed at how far you’ve taken this and it’s insulting to be honest. Unless you turn this around it’s going to come between us. Maybe not now but eventually it will and I can’t lose you Joe, not after Nate. Promise me you’ll do something.” Rachel lifted Joe’s face up to meet hers and her breath hitched at the stormy torment in her husband’s eyes. She kissed him on the mouth trying to convey how deeply she loved him and he reciprocated with everything he had until they broke apart panting.

  “I promise you Rachel. I will make this right for you, Olivia and Luc. I promise.” A
nd Rachel breathed a sigh of relief because in all the time she had known Joe and with everything she’d learned about him; one thing was certain; Joe Mason never broke a promise.


  With the furore of the past couple of hours well behind him, Luc sat on the bed of his hotel room leaning back on his elbows. His longs legs splayed out and his head hung back between his shoulders while he took a moment to catch up with himself. Any minute Livvy would be back with her stuff from Ethan’s room and he would have her all to himself just as he wished. The downside to that was that his ribs hurt like a motherfucker and all he wanted to do was crash into the soft mattress and sleep off the after affects of a trampling from Joe Mason. There was a reason people had nicknamed him ‘Mighty Joe’ and Luc’s aching body was a testament to that. However, he had a suspicion that before Olivia invested any more of her feelings in him, she was going to want to know more about the whole ‘Luc slept with Rachel before Joe did’ episode. He kicked off his shoes and flopped back on the bed with his hands clasped over his abdomen. He didn’t even have the energy to get undressed and his eyes grew heavy just as the door clicked open. “Hey.” Livvy greeted him as she lugged her bag through the door. Luc struggled to get up and help her but she told him not to bother. She kicked off her own shoes and delved into the mini bar. “Jack, Gordon or Grey?”

  Luc groaned “Oh God no gin; my mood’s sour enough already. Vodka won’t do it. And no bourbon – isn’t there a decent whiskey?”

  “Fussy about our alcohol aren’t we? There’s something called Jamesons.”

  “That’ll do. Neat please; no ice.” Luc managed to sit up and loosen his tie. He was a bit surprised that none of his clothing had been ruined and since it had cost him a bloody fortune he was well relieved.

  “Here.” Livvy handed him a tumbler and joined him on the bed sitting cross-legged facing him with a glass of Grey Goose vodka. They sipped in silence for a few moments. “How are you feeling after your blow from Mighty Joe?” Luc raised his eyebrows at her. “You know what I mean – if I’d said Ryan that would have been funnier.” They both sniggered at the double entendre. “Seriously, Luc, you’re alright?”


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