Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 9

by Jessie Courts

  “Stop thinking so loud woman.” Joe growled into her left boob. “Perhaps I haven’t exhausted you as much as I should have.”

  “Blimey mate – after that bout of acrobatics I’ll be lucky if I haven’t slipped a disc. What were you thinking? A man your age shouldn’t be so bendy; it’s not natural.” Rachel placed a palm on his stomach and stroked the downy fur covering his abs.

  “Any more of that and bendy or not; you’ll be feeling exactly what a man my age can do.” Joe snapped his hips and the head of his cock hit her hand.

  “Oh lord – have you been taking Viagra? Your recovery time is a little suspicious.” Rachel giggled. Joe did not enjoy being teased about his ability to perform. Although he wasn’t a vain man, he was a bit touchy about his age. Rachel giggled again when his eyebrows practically disappeared into his hairline.

  “Rachel, sweetheart, first off you know I wouldn’t put that shit into my temple of a body.” He coughed. “And secondly, dear, it’s your fault I’ve told you before.”

  Rachel frowned. “How’s it my fault?” She turned her head to look at him to be met with two twinkly grey eyes and a smirk. In a second Joe was on all fours over her pinning her hands to the bed.

  “If you weren’t so gorgeous and sexy in ways designed to torture me; I wouldn’t be so damn horny around you all the time. And added to that, you taunting me with your nakedness and teasing me with your touchy feely fingers is just going to keep me hard. So yes, it’s your fault. Whatchya gonna do about it?” Joe rubbed his nose against Rachel’s and ground his hips into her groin. She threw him a coy smile and ever so slowly spread her legs apart as far as they would go, then she reached up and swiped her tongue across his lips. Joe settled in between her thighs and nibbled at her right ear lobe.

  “Oh that’s feels so good. Baby, I want you to look at me so I can see your eyes while you fuck me slow, and when you come I want to watch you fly apart.” Rachel was breathless in her demands and the rasp of her voice along with her words made Joe groan. He shifted his hips and entered her in one measured thrust gratified to find her wet and ready for him. The banter was fun and their arguments impassioned but it was the intimacy of their lovemaking that bound their hearts. Rachel and Joe were completely uninhibited around each other and their private time was proving to be a journey taking them both to new heights of desire and passion. It was unexpected and brutally addictive and they both embraced it whole-heartedly.

  “Close Rach.” Joe panted out after he’d pushed into her and pulled out of her repeatedly until they were both barely hanging on to their sanity. Rachel was trying not to lose it completely until Joe had climaxed as she was determined to make him come first and really did want to watch him in the throes of his orgasm. “Oh God, Love you…fucking. Love. You. Rachel….” Joe bucked hard twice then roared as his entire body went rigid except for the fierce pulsing heat she could feel between her legs as Joe came inside of her. “Oh shit. Argh…” Joe squeezed his eyes shut as the most divine sensations continued to ripple through him and Rachel felt him shudder twice more. The huge man above her slowly opened his eyes and shook his head to focus, then with a grin he resumed his thrusting until Rachel was squirming and begging and tightening her legs around his waist and grabbing his arse and pleading and finally, suddenly, she arched her back and cried out as her own orgasm took hold and she disappeared on a rapturous wave of sensation.

  Sighing she went limp in Joe’s arms and except for the heaving of her chest was utterly still. Joe chuckled and gently pulled out as he flopped onto his back beside his wife. He nudged her with his massive shoulder and she lifted one eyelid to see him grinning like a fool. “How was that for you baby? Ready to take back the Viagra comment now?”

  Rachel held in a laugh – Joe really was amusing when he wanted to be, but it would be no good to let him know she thought that or she’d never hear the end of it. Feeling brave she deftly moved her hand to the inside of his thigh where she pinched the soft skin sharply between her finger nails; let out a screech of victory when Joe yelped in pain, and then scrambled off the bed really fast to the sanctuary of the bathroom. Flinging herself against the door she turned the handle lock and then Rachel finally allowed herself to dissolve into fits of laughter. In fact she collapsed into such hysterics she didn’t register the click of the door until she felt herself slide across the tiles as Joe pushed the door open.

  “What the hell – how did you get in?” Rachel stared wide-eyed at her naked husband as he stood with his massive arms crossed over his broad chest. In one hand he held the bedroom side of the door handle, which he’d actually pulled off destroying the locking mechanism completely. Rachel gaped open mouthed at him. She knew he was strong but that was ridiculous. Joe cocked his head at her and grinned.

  “Never keep a man from his evil-fingered wife when clearly she needs to be taught a lesson.” He winked at her and cracked his neck from side to side and Rachel swallowed hard.

  “It’s our wedding night Joe. I don’t think I want to be punished.” Rachel tried to look worried but the fact of the matter was that Joe was turning her on like crazy with his threats. Her nipples pebbled and her insides quivered and the sly grin on Joe’s face was clear indication he was totally aware of the effect his words were having on her. Rachel cleared her throat and placed her hands on her hips trying to look stern. “Now look here. Just because I’m your wife now doesn’t give you free rein to be all masterful and dommy.” She pinched her lips and for a moment she swore Joe was going to laugh his head off but he managed to keep a straight face.

  “Dommy? Since when was that even a word? But I do like that you finally acknowledged I am your master. Well done woman!” Joe smirked knowing that he’d just pushed several of Rachel’s buttons just a tad too far. The incredulous look on her face confirmed it and he waited with bated breath to see what would happen next. His dick was already with the program fattening between his legs with anticipation.

  Rachel was fuming; he could not be serious surely? “Don’t you point that bloody thing at me, Mr ‘I can go 3 times ‘cos it’s my wedding night’. I’m not impressed Perky Joe. Master, indeed….what the hell were you thinki….hey!” Joe couldn’t take any more. The vision of Rachel all red in the face pacing back and forth waving her hands at him in fury was too much; his straining libido was at breaking point and he feared his dick would stay permanently hard his whole married life. Grabbing her behind the knees he threw her over his shoulder enjoying the cute little smacks she attacked him with and returned to the bed where he sat and positioned her face down across his lap.

  “Joe!” Rachel protested, “Let me up!”

  Joe chuckled and wiped a hand between her legs. It came away glistening with her juices reassuring him Rachel was loving this game as much as he was and when she shuddered hard and fell silent Joe grinned even wider. He smoothed a large palm over her heart shaped arse caressing the globes of her soft bum.

  “You have an almost perfect ass Mrs Mason.” Joe grumbled.

  “Arse – and what do you mean almost?”

  “The only thing that would make it better is if it was pinker.” And Joe slapped her right buttock hard enough to leave a sting.

  “Holy shit that was horrible!” Rachel screeched and tried to draw her legs up.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Joe asked seriously and waited for his wife to answer. He would never do anything she didn’t consent to. Rachel shook her head and arched her bum.

  “No” she uttered breathlessly and went fluid on his lap. Joe leaned down and kissed her shoulder then resumed the spanking holding back so as not to hurt her too much but inflicting just enough pain so that her cheeks glowed hot and pink and her groans of protest turned to moans of pleasure. Squirming uncontrollably, Rachel whimpered pleadingly. “Fuck me Joe.”

  Joe didn’t need to be asked twice - he twisted Rachel around and she impaled herself on his lap leaning her back against his chest. Resting her head on his shoulder Rachel ground her hips
clamping her pussy walls tight around Joe’s solid cock inside her. In reality Rachel loved everything Joe did to her from the teasing to the spanking to the fucking to the lovemaking and everything in-between. Their chemistry was off the charts hot and she was determined to enjoy every depraved, beautiful, messy and horny moment of their marriage. Joe tweaked her nipples and she moaned loudly lifting her arms to clasp them behind his neck.

  “God that feels so good…”

  Joe licked and teased the side of Rachel’s neck while he placed his hands around her waist and effortlessly lifted and dropped her repeatedly on to his cock. She took up the rhythm and he slipped a finger through her slick folds to rub her clit just the way he knew she liked. Rachel hissed and moaned and threw herself forward grasping Joe’s knees until her stomach fizzed and her blood boiled and the earth shattered into a million pieces around her. Joe grunted and came hard holding on to her waist in an effort to calm her movements on his now hyper sensitive and over indulged cock.

  As their breathing regulated they both relaxed into each other and Joe wrapped his big arms around his wife and hugged her close. Rachel sighed and slipped out of his embrace only to turn around and crawl right back on to his lap. She buried herself against her husband’s broad expanse of warm chest and yawned into his skin. “Sleepy now.”

  “You want to wash off first?” Joe murmured into Rachel’s hair his eyelids also drooping with fatigue.

  “Nah too comfy. Shower in the morning.” Rachel burrowed in deeper and inhaled deeply. “Love you….Master.” She chuckled and Joe snorted.

  “Yeah right! Love you back…Mistress!”

  They giggled as Joe manoeuvred them awkwardly backwards into the pillows and under the bedclothes where they snuggled together. Joe fell asleep right away and Rachel nudged him as soon as he started snoring. He grunted and rolled over to his side, which reduced the noise to a snuffle, and Rachel tucked herself neatly along his back spooning him. She loved to fall asleep plastered to his skin and she already felt herself drifting off. No matter what the morning held in store for them, Rachel was happy and relieved that their wedding night would be one of their most memorable and for all the right reasons.


  Luc woke with a surprisingly clear head considering how much alcohol he’d consumed the previous night. He was absolutely ravenous and couldn’t wait to get to breakfast but as he tried to sit up his ribs protested loudly and with a yelp of pain he slumped back into the mattress. A body moved by his side startling him and suddenly the events of yesterday came crashing back and he groaned. Slowly twisting his head to the left he relaxed when Livvy’s beautifully peaceful face came into view. She was still asleep and Luc wished he didn’t have to wake her up to the worry he knew would envelop her. He had already decided to once again face Joe Mason head on; try and beat the man at his own game for Olivia’s sake and for Rachel’s too if he was honest with himself. Now that he knew for sure that he only wanted to be with Livvy, he could be magnanimous about his feelings towards Rachel and it was his intention to try and ensure that all his women were happy – that included his best friends Lucy and Jess too. He feared they might reject him once they knew about him and their Mum but he was determined to do everything within his power to retain their precious friendship. Luc knew he could do this and he was suddenly enthused with positive energy; either that or he was still drunk!

  “Livs.” Luc brushed his lips over his girlfriend’s and gently woke her up. She smiled as he came into focus and Luc nuzzled her nose. “Hey gorgeous – did you sleep ok?”

  Livvy scrunched her nose at him and Luc realised too late that his alcohol infused breath was none too pleasant. He turned his head away.

  “Yuck – sorry. How about you help me into the bathroom so I can freshen up?” He gingerly lowered his legs over the side of the bed and slowly pushed his upper body upright. “Fuck that bloody hurts.” He rubbed his chest and looked down at the mass of purple and blue covering his ribs. “I look like one big bruise.” Luc’s face was grim until Livvy bounced up behind him and he felt her glorious nakedness up against his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the side of his face.

  “You’re gorgeous Luc and strong and my hero. No one else would be brave enough to stand up to Dad like you did and I’m really proud of you.” She squeezed him tight.

  “Stupid you mean. Look at me – I didn’t stand a chance.” Luc winced at the pressure of Livvy’s arms around him but didn’t protest for fear she’d release him. Olivia barked out a sharp laugh.

  “Baby; if Joe had meant to cause you real harm you’d be in the hospital. This was his warning shot and if I know my father, he’ll be eaten up with guilt at what he did. I know it’s not an excuse but he’s fiercely protective of Ethan and me and he just hasn’t thought this through properly. I hope Rachel managed to get him to see sense.” Her stoic tone faltered slightly at the end but Livvy gave Luc another encouraging squeeze and kissed him again. “Come on Stinky Pete – let’s get your teeth brushed and your cock washed.” She giggled and Luc added a chuckle of his own which turned into a grunt as he tried once again to get to his feet. Livvy jumped down off the bed and helped steady him and finally his tall frame unfolded not quite upright and he shuffled into the bathroom. Olivia tended to the shower while Luc brushed his teeth and then she encouraged him to stand under the hot water to ease his achy body.

  “God that feels wonderful. I wish I could stay in here all day.” Luc turned his face up to the water and shook his head like a dog so that the drops flew about his head. Livvy watched with wonder admiring his handsome face and perfectly defined body. As he turned, she dragged her eyes down the length of his back and lingered on his arse. It was taut and high and mouth-wateringly round and she had an overwhelming desire to bite it. Livvy giggled at her naughty thoughts as she stepped into the shower to join Luc.

  “What are you laughing at Miss Montgomery?” Luc pulled Olivia up against his body and they stood with their hands resting on each other’s hips.

  “I was suddenly struck with the urge to sink my teeth into your fine ass young man.” Luc raised an eyebrow at her and Livvy was momentarily mesmerised by the drops of water hanging off his long, thick lashes. “Jeez – what I wouldn’t give for eyelashes like yours. They’re amazing.” Luc bucked his hips and his hardened cock prodded her in the stomach.

  “I tell you what else about me is amazing…” Luc repeated the action and Livvy smirked.

  “Modest much?” She smacked his bottom. “Only one problem Britboy…”

  Luc cocked his head. “Hmm?”

  “No condoms remember?”

  Olivia shook her head at him as she tapped her fingertips around his balls and up his shaft to the tip of his cock. Luc let out a delightful sound that made Olivia clench her thighs together, so she did it again. When he whimpered and batted his baby blues at her she took pity on him and sunk to her knees where she damn near swallowed him whole.

  “Fuck…fuck…oh God…” Luc’s knees buckled slightly and he steadied himself with a hand flat against the tiled enclosure of the shower. Livvy’s mouth was hot and wet around him and she did these sensational little tricks with her tongue that sent him out of his mind. “Got to fuck your mouth baby.” He gathered handfuls of long blond hair and pushed her head into his body as he bucked into her mouth. “Holy shit you’re good at this…” Luc panted for air as Olivia closed her throat around his engorged erection and as the head of his cock hit the back of his throat, Luc shouted her name and came fast holding her in place.

  Olivia tried to swallow every last drop of Luc’s semen loving the bitter tang of it on her tongue. She could barely breathe with her mouth stuffed full of his cock and her nose squashed against his flesh, and his hands pulled tightly at her hair causing her scalp to sting, but Olivia loved it all. She wasn’t built like a delicate flower and hated being treated like one. Whilst she wasn’t overly keen on rough sex, she was definitely up for a bit of a power play a
nd she supposed that was the ‘Mason’ in her and she was glad of it. Pushing Luc away she gasped in air as his cock fell from her mouth and leaned her head against his thigh running her hands up and down his bum. After a moment Luc hooked his hands under her armpits and hauled her up to him where he devoured her mouth with his. Olivia moaned as the length of his minty tongue caressed hers and she dropped a hand between her legs to tease her clit. Feeling Luc’s mouth turn upwards in a smile against her lips, Livvy jerked slightly when she felt his big hand join hers and start to explore her needy cunt.

  “So wet for me Livs.” Luc nipped at her neck.

  “We are in a shower hot shot.” She quipped back then shuddered as Luc slid a finger inside of her. He hooked it perfectly and hit her g-spot dead on making her swoon and she grabbed on to his shoulders for support. With two fingers now inside her, and his thumb rubbing the nub of nerves that sent licks of fire up and down her body it wasn’t long before Livvy’s world exploded leaving her reeling and sagging against her boyfriend. She was dimly aware that she had to be hurting him but nothing could make her move just yet. Luc grabbed the shampoo and slid them both down onto the shower floor where they rested against each other in the aftermath of their explosive sex.

  After a few minutes, Luc flipped open the top of the bottle. “Lean forward Livvy.” He whispered in her ear then proceeded to wash her hair massaging in the soap so tenderly she never wanted him to stop.

  “Oh that feels amazing. Where did you learn to do that?” Livvy sighed as he rinsed the shampoo out then repeated his actions with the conditioner.

  “My Mum’s a hairdresser. Got her own salon and I used to be a junior there through school.”


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