Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 18

by Jessie Courts

  “Punishment time. Oh dear, dear, dear…” He grabbed a towel and strolled off in the same direction as his boyfriends with an enormous grin on his face. “See you at dinner.”

  Joe sniggered and scratched his chest wading to the side of the pool where Rachel was waiting with a towel. In one fluid movement Joe was out of the water and by her side nodding towards the other side of the pool area then he guided Rachel over there by the arm and into the steam room.

  “Phew it’s hot in here.” Rachel wiped her brow and small beads of perspiration flew off.

  “Yeah – I’m almost positive sitting on my lap is making it worse. But don’t move on my account.” Joe’s hair was slicked back behind his ears and was as wet as his beard. Their skin was slippery and slick with sweat and the only thing stopping Rachel from sliding off Joe’s thighs was the fact that he was buried balls deep inside of her. His thick shaft had impaled her into place and his arms wrapped around her back kept them chest to chest. Rachel loved how the fur on Joe’s torso rasped against her sensitive nipples and every so often she’d slide side to side to increase the friction.

  “Maybe just a little.” Rachel agreed as she clenched her inner walls and rocked slightly making Joe huff and close his eyes. His head hit the tiles of the steam room wall with a thud and Rachel chuckled. It never ceased to amaze her how she had the power to reduce her Mighty Joe to a big ball of fevered need. He shuddered as she rocked a bit harder and his hands moved down to her bum. Cupping her cheeks he squeezed and let his fingers tips play along the edges of her crease. “We’re so not going there Joe.” Rachel reached behind her and covered his hands with her own moving them up to her waist. “In case you need reminding I don’t have the same body bits as you mister. No P spot remember!” Rachel brushed her lips over her husband’s and he moaned.

  “It’ll still feel good baby, I promise you…” Joe kissed her back.

  “Everything you do to me makes me feel good Bossman – but not that ok?”

  Rachel was quite adamant about anal play being a one sided thing. No matter how much Joe wanted that from her she couldn’t bring herself to agree. To date their love making had been incredibly exciting and erotic and Rachel didn’t want anything to mar that; however, she didn’t feel the same way about doing it to him and in fact had a surprise for him later. A trip to an upscale sex shop in London earlier in the week had proven extremely fruitful and Rachel had purchased several Christmas presents for her husband that were going to bring them both much seasonal cheer. But for now she could feel Joe getting close and with a few snappy movements of her hips Rachel brought them both to a short sharp climax that left them panting and horribly sweaty.

  “Oh God we’re disgusting.” Rachel tried to push herself off Joe but he only insisted in hugging her closer. “Argh! That’s gross! Stop!” Joe buried his wet hairy face between her boobs and proceeded to blow raspberries into her cleavage before lapping up the middle of her body to her mouth. “No way….no,” She shook her head from side to side but Joe’s deep laughter was infectious and Rachel just ended up giving in and kissing him back. Finally breaking away to draw breath, Rachel declared “Shower then nap – you’re going to need to be rested for what I have in mind for you later.” Rachel winked at her husband and he grinned widely.

  “Oh yeah baby – bring on the Christmas joy!” Joe stood them up – wrapped a towel around them both and still fully embedded in his luscious wife’s body carried them up to their room.

  It was Christmas morning and Joe had arranged for his extended party of guests to have exclusive use of the hotel’s library. The room was cosy and warmed throughout from the roaring fire. The mantelpiece was furnished tastefully and the rest of the room adorned with expensive looking decorations. In one corner stood an enormous Christmas tree that twinkled with hundreds of fairy lights, and scattered underneath were all their presents. Following a delicious breakfast of smoked salmon, eggs and champagne, the group gathered in the library to exchange gifts.

  Karen and Rory let their brood open theirs first – although they weren’t babies any more, the kids were the least patient and once they were preoccupied with their newly acquired loot the adults could get on with their own present giving. The twins opted to go first and this year they gave Rachel and Joe the joint gift of a ride in a hot air balloon. It was fun and much appreciated and Rachel admired their ability to find something that neither of them had yet experienced. Joe looked vaguely nauseous at the thought but of course he’d never let on. Rachel squeezed his hand and chuckled.

  “It’ll be fun darling.” His eyes creased as he gave a dubious half smile but he still thanked Lucy and Jess profusely. Next the twins gave gifts to Livvy and Luc – tickets for a festival later in the New Year which were received with much whooping and hugging; then they gave Ethan a Barbour jacket which he’d been obsessing over for ages wanting something quintessentially British and practical to boot! They gave Ryan a framed picture of him and Joe snapped in a man hug – Lucy had taken it on her phone and it was one of those fluke brilliant pictures that happens when you least expect it. The frame was a super kitsch ‘best friends’ affair and everyone thought it was very amusing. Ryan actually loved it and blushed a little bit much to everyone’s surprise. Leo kissed him on the cheek and held his hand sweetly. The twins and the boys agreed not to bother with gifts but would go out for a meal on their own before George and Leo returned to the States.

  Luc and Livvy gave everyone Amazon vouchers apologising for the lack of originality but no one cared because you could just about get anything from Amazon these days.

  Ryan, George and Leo had bought everyone something special from New York; small original prints by an artist friend of theirs that they believed would be worth a considerable amount of money in a few years as her popularity grew. Her paintings of the New York skyline and recognisable sites were already gathering interest for her unique use of colour and style and the friends all ooed and aahed over their gifts. Luc’s parents had also brought something for everyone and even though their budget was far less than any of the other guests, they still did Luc proud by making a donation to charity in all of their names. Clearly they had no hope in keeping up with the Masons and their gesture was more than perfect.

  Finally, it was Rachel and Joe’s turn to hand out gifts. Joe always went a bit mad and indulged his extravagant nature when it came to spoiling his nearest and dearest and as much as Rachel tried to curb his generosity telling him people would get embarrassed, he ignored her completely. This year was ridiculous and Rachel squirmed as he handed out his presents like an over indulgent Santa. For Karen and Rory there was a week long stay at the Encore in Las Vegas flying first class of course. They were by no means short of money but Rachel and Joe’s friends were notoriously bad at putting themselves first, devoting all of their time to their family and work, so this would ensure they would finally get to have a proper ‘grown up’ holiday. Joe had booked them a suite and arranged for shows and excursions and lots of pampering and they looked stunned and overwhelmed. After thanks had been given, Rachel moved on to Joe’s kids. Olivia and Luc were given the keys to a small loft apartment in New York so they could go as often as they liked to visit Livvy’s family and always have a place of their own to stay independent of Leighton who could be quite suffocating. Luc was blown away by it but Livvy just pounced on her Dad hugging and kissing him and then Rachel too. She was used to Joe’s generosity but was particularly touched by his thoughtfulness in this gift. Luc just sat here with the key in his hand swallowing hard. Rachel approached him and put a finger under his chin raising his head so he had to look her in the eye.

  “You ok baby boy?” She whispered while everyone else was buzzing around Olivia and Joe demanding details of the apartment’s location; lay out etc. Big blue eyes sparkled at her and Rachel’s heart flipped in her chest. Luc Vincent was one of the most beautiful men she’d ever encountered and even though she was besotted by her husband, a small part of her s
till got a thrill of knowing she’d had this man every which way and knew him intimately. Which is how Rachel knew he’d be completely overwhelmed with such an outrageously generous gift. “You know this is Joe’s sly way of keeping things in his control don’t you? Don’t be fooled into thinking this has anything to do with spoiling you both – he just needs to know where you are at all times.” She smiled at Luc and was grateful to feel his shoulders sag as the tension dissipated slowly.

  “Thanks Rach – I know you’re only saying that to make me feel less embarrassed. It’s too much.” He shook his head and ran his hands through the mop of unruly blond hair leaving it sticking up in places. From the corner of her eye, Rachel could see George and Leo ogling their former object of lust and she chuckled. Everyone knew of hers and Luc’s affair now and she couldn’t help feeling slightly smug that they’d never gotten to know the BoyManGod like she had. Oh well – those days were long gone and now she was near enough his mother-in-law. She ran her hand along his cheek and cupped his chin planting a chaste kiss on his lips.

  “You just have to go with Joe’s flow. It’s easier in the long run…” He nodded and winked at her and Rachel kissed him again. “Now go say thank you like a good boy.” Luc laughed and did as he was told clapping Joe on the back and shaking his hand. Things between them were improving all the time and it warmed Rachel’s heart to see them growing closer.

  The twins received money as per their request and George and Leo were treated to a personal shopping day out at Selfridges. Ryan received membership to a private club in Soho, which also funded a homeless charity, so that he had somewhere he could go when in London to meet clients and generally chill out. It was super trendy and perfect for him. Lastly but by no means least it was Ethan’s turn. He received a new motorbike to be kept here in England so that he could indulge two of Joe’s favourite passions; riding his bike and spending time with his son. “Tell me it’s a Harley!” Ethan begged expectantly.

  “No you ungrateful little shit it’s a Honda – don’t be a brat!” Joe hooked his arm around Ethan’s neck and the pair of them tussled for a little bit. Joe was pleasantly surprised to find it wasn’t easy to keep his son in check physically and his chest swelled with pride that Ethan was getting to be more like him every day.

  “And now for my wife.” Joe shoved Ethan to one side and ambled over to Rachel holding her around the waist with his big hands. “You know I love you more than anything.” Rachel nodded. “So I had some papers drawn up.” Joe reached into his inside pocket and handed Rachel an envelope that she took with shaky hands. “Go on read it.” Joe whispered in her ear and she shivered. Slowly she unfolded the document and began to read but her eyes misted over and her breath caught and Rachel buried her face in Joe’s chest. Joe hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sure you’re all dying to know what’s got Rachel all emotional. Well – I split my shares in Gyles Bishop with her and now she holds the majority interest in the firm. Not only that but I’ve established a paid internship program in Nate Renton’s name which starts in the New Year taking applicants at all levels not just graduates. It’s my way of saying thank you to Jess and Lucy’s father for his lifelong commitment at making Gyles Bishop one of the top companies in the country and for having such an amazing family. I feel privileged and humbled to be a part of both.” Joe’s voice had grown raspy and he cleared his throat. Rachel looked up and in the silence of the room her soft reply was audible to them all.

  “Thank you Joe. Thank you Nate.” Then she kissed her husband on the mouth passionately. She was overcome with Joe’s incredible gesture. It was nothing she’d ever wished for but the sentiment behind it meant more to her than all the riches in the world and the fact that Joe knew her so well was making her heart thud with joy. After a few moments of gathering themselves together, Rachel played with her hair and asked for silence.

  “I guess it’s finally time to give my gift to Joe. What do you get a man who has everything; and I mean every thing.” The others laughed and nodded their heads in agreement then fell silent again as Rachel reached for the side zip on her trousers and drew it down exposing her right hip to her husband. Joe frowned fleetingly worried that his wife was going to perform some kind of crazy strip tease in front of everyone but then his head reasoned she wouldn’t dare in front of her kids and he felt a bit relieved until she turned to him and winked seductively. “So Joe, what do you know?” She cocked her head at the big man and pushed his shoulders down until he was sat on the chair behind him. Rachel stood in the V of his legs and picked at the large plaster covering her hip watching Joe’s expression of curiosity turn into a frown.

  “No sweetheart – I don’t think you should take that off until the doctor says it’s ok.” Joe sounded concerned and Rachel giggled as she ripped the bandage right off. She’d told Joe she’d had a mole removed but that was a lie and under the plaster was a beautiful and tasteful coloured tattoo. Joe’s eyes grew wide and he swallowed hard. The ink was stunning and he blinked several times as he tried to take in what Rachel’s skin now permanently displayed. There was a heart with their names intertwined in the middle of it and several swirls trailed off in ornate yet delicate artistry. One branch depicted the wings of the Harley Davison logo adorned with deep red roses which were Rachel’s favourite flowers; on another the initials of all their children. The date of their marriage was inked around the edges of the heart and the overall effect was breath taking. It was the furthest thing from tacky that Joe had ever seen and the significance behind it was astounding; 100% commitment to him marked for everyone to see forever. Joe was speechless and the only way he knew he was going to be able to express his deep appreciation for what Rachel had done was to excuse them from the room and worship his wife in private.

  Which is exactly what he did.

  “Aren’t you going to berate me for whisking you away from our guests?” Joe murmured into Rachel’s hair as they embraced in the lift up to their suite.

  “Nope.” Rachel tugged Joe’s beard and he grunted. For some reason whenever she did that he felt it all the way down in his balls. “It’s perfect actually – this way I can give you the second half of your present.” She winked at him again and tapped the side of her nose and this time Joe’s dick took notice. Thankfully they reached their floor before the zip on Joe’s jeans burst with the pressure of his erection against it. The man was in pain and death by denim was not the way he wanted to go. As soon as the door to their room closed behind them. Joe yanked down his fly and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Christ, fuck am I hard.” He was bent double and panting and Rachel barked out a laugh.

  “Not sure the little baby Jesus would appreciate that on the day of his birth.” Rachel admonished and Joe rolled his eyes at her. Neither of them was remotely religious but even so it was Christmas Day.

  “Umm, yeah – you’re right. Sorry.” Joe muttered as he kicked off his shoes. “Now fuck that shit and get naked.” Rachel roared hysterically at the sight of her desperate husband hopping around trying to get his shoes and jeans off at the same time and she couldn’t resist giving him a sharp shove while his feet were all twisted. He landed on the carpet with a thud and a howl. “What did you do that for woman?” Steely grey eyes narrowed at her and Rachel stood over his with her hands on her hips.

  “Will you just get over yourself and take a breath? Lunch isn’t for ages and I told you I have plans. Now undress properly and go and lay on the bed on your tummy.” Rachel giggled again – Joe didn’t really have a tummy. Ripped abs yes; but tummy? Not so much. Anyway – he knew what she meant and he silently did as she instructed. Watching him pad over to the bed was a treat in itself with his taut buns and broad back and thick legs and muscled shoulders and Rachel was tempted to make him just stand there for a bit while she drooled.

  Stripping off, Rachel went to the bed and lay down right on top of her husband. She moved his arms above his head and tucked his hair behind his ears so she could see his
face. He looked relaxed but the tension in his rigid back said otherwise. “You know the plan you had for Karen to get herself a sexy massage? Well I thought you deserved the same – only no one touches you like that but me.” Joe sighed and his body eased into the mattress as his muscles relaxed. Rachel kissed the nape of his neck then she licked either side and behind his ears where the skin was particularly sensitive. She bit down on one shoulder then the other and Joe moaned as she hit all of his erogenous zones without mercy. Rachel could feel the rumble vibrate through his back and into her and she also moaned as her body began to tingle. Wriggling down Joe’s back she came to kneel on the bed between his thighs and let her hands tickle up and down his long legs just teasing at the edges of his buttocks now and then causing his hips to buck as he tried to rut the mattress. Each time he did this Rachel smacked him on the bum and he groaned sexily.

  “You just keep still Subby Joe or you may not get your happy ending love.” Joe twisted his head and opened one eye pinning her with a look of disbelief.

  “Uh – ok….mistress.” Then he chuckled and she swatted him again.

  “Stop taking the piss and just let me do this will you? I promise you’ll enjoy it.” Rachel ran a finger down the crease between Joe’s arse cheeks and the man stilled very quickly. The subtle lift of his hips was enough to let Rachel know he wasn’t going to object to whatever she had in mind and she wasn’t surprised. Joe loved sex and was open to trying anything. “Do you trust me Joe?” Rachel whispered close to her husband’s ear and he nodded in response. “Let me hear you say it.”


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