Becoming a Lady

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Becoming a Lady Page 2

by Adaline Raine

  The man showed a very small smile. “Oh, you will learn to, but tonight you go to sleep. We have a long journey still ahead of us.”

  Anna said nothing, as she pulled her legs up underneath her. She certainly did not want to learn to take orders from this man, no matter what his purpose. She desperately wanted him to return her to her village, but a small stirring inside of her wondered if he had something else in mind. The tales of brutal men, much like the ones that had stolen her innocence, had been told to her by Sir John, but truly this man had yet to touch her in an unsavory way. If he were really planning to cause her harm, surely he would have done so by now! Anna looked over at him and then back to her lap. She sighed deeply, and let the effects of the ale and the ride put her to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Anna awoke with a start as she looked up at the man sitting in the chair next to her. His eyes were focused on her face and she blinked several times before glancing towards the door. “I must attend to myself.”

  “Do what you need to and return here immediately. I should not need to remind you to keep quiet.” He stood up and rolled his shoulders, keeping his eyes locked upon her.

  The vivid image of Evrain stroking his beard made her stomach lurch, and she quickly shook her head.

  “No, Sir, I will do as you say.” Anna stood and made her way to the back of the hall. She relieved herself, and rinsed her face with cool water from the basin. As she straightened she felt something press against her spine.

  “Though you have no price, you must not be so good for your guardian to leave your side.”

  She was pressed closely against a man that she could not see. She opened her mouth to take a breath; if it was the sly man, she needed to warn her companion. Her brain laughed at her choice of words, but she still believed she fared better with him.

  “If you scream, pretty, I will carve out your kidneys.” She was turned around then, and she could clearly see the fox-like man stroking his awful black beard. “Do not over-think my intentions. I simply want those lovely thighs wrapped around my body.”

  Anna gagged. “I would rather eat raw liver.”

  Evrain smiled. “You will do exactly as I say. We are going to walk down the hall and through the main room. If you open your mouth or gesture to anyone, I will not think twice about slicing you to pieces.”

  Anna shuddered. She did not want to cooperate with this filth, but she might be able to escape if someone in the main room could see her predicament. “I will do as you say, Sir.”

  Evrain grinned as he looked over her dress. “Walk, my pretty.”

  Anna walked down the hall and into the main room. No one would catch her eye, as they were too busy setting up for the day. Not one person glanced her way. Anna was fuming inside. How dare they pay her no mind! She grew more desperate with each step towards the door.

  Evrain opened the main door, and gestured for Anna to walk through.

  Anna paused a moment before following his command. She felt his arm wrap around her waist, and she gagged again.

  “Your touch disgusts me.”

  “Your thighs have no tongue. Perhaps I will wrap my cloak around your mouth to keep it that way.”

  Anna swayed and was pinched hard on the arm. “I will find a way to get away from you.”

  “You and I have business Sir, and now it is not to your liking.” The tall man was standing in front of them.

  Anna blinked but kept her mouth shut.

  Evrain sneered, “Why is this woman so important to you, Sir?”

  “That is of no concern of yours. Let her go or we will quarrel.” The man was staring above Anna’s head.

  Evrain moved the dagger from the small of Anna’s back to point it at the man. “Your death will be on her.”

  The man pulled his sword and twisted his wrist so smoothly that Evrain actually seemed to admire it; instantly he was stretched out on the ground, felled by a single blow from the sword’s pommel. He had knocked Evrain roughly on his head, and though it was not deadly, it would teach the man a lesson.

  “I have never seen a man quarrel without killing his opponent.” Anna was in awe as he reached for her arm.

  “Do not mistake ‘did not’ for ‘could not.’” The man led her around the inn.

  “He said dirty, nasty things to me.” Anna bit her lower lip as she walked unsteadily towards the horse.

  The man picked her up and placed her on the saddle before mounting. “Did you enjoy those things?”

  Anna spit on the ground. “No!”

  “Then do not think of them again.” The man sounded tired.

  Anna huffed, “He touched me.”

  “If you do not enjoy anyone touching you then perhaps it is something within you.” His arms shifted, and Anna found his left hand close to her body. He was not touching her, but she could feel the heat. Anna reached over hesitantly and ran her hand over the top of his. His hands were so large that she wondered if he could hold both of hers in one.

  “You have no knowledge of the things that I have seen in my life, Sir.” She moved her hand back.

  “You are but a child.” He shifted and moved his hand back to the reigns.

  Anna craned her neck to look up at him and was deeply surprised to see his dark stormy eyes looking down at hers intently.

  “Perhaps you would ask what I have seen, Sir.”

  “What things then, Little One?”

  Anna looked back at the trail. She felt a small flush run over her body at his choice of words. They almost sounded like affection. “It is a rather long story, Sir, and I doubt that I can tell it with nothing to warm me.”

  “Will you share your story with me tonight?” He straightened then, and she was very aware of how close their bodies were.

  “If you will tell me what your purpose is.” Anna stiffened, though she could not deny that his body pressed up behind her was less than exciting.

  “I cannot share that information with you. I do hope that you see I have not harmed you, and have kept you sheltered and fed.” He drew up on the reigns and his arm passed by hers.

  Anna turned her head. “That answer does not satisfy me.” Surely this man could not be any more irritating? He did not respond, which only further fueled her ire. Anna narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Then what use of me, Sir?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm over his title. It was so hard to be respectful when she could not tell his intent.

  “Perhaps I intend to carry you off into the woods and slaughter you like a little deer.” His tone did not match the spoken words and Anna wondered if he were trying to be amusing. “Do not mistake my courtesy for affection.”

  “Since you have shown me no affection, I do not,” Anna huffed, but remained staring up at him.

  “I can see why you have no husband,” he grumbled then.

  Anna balked. “You have made no attempt to distinguish me from any other woman; how dare you say that of me!” Anna shook her head. “You are a piece of filth.”

  “You have made no attempt to distinguish me from any other man so I must say that your view is tilted.” His voice was low and threatening and she could feel his breath on her ear.

  “I have no comment to that, Sir.” Anna was growing weary of this. She was not used to talking to anyone at all, and she was not used to this sort of banter.

  “For that I am grateful.”

  He pulled up on the reigns and straightened.

  Anna spun her body completely around to face him. “I have done nothing to you and do not know you, Sir. Tell me now, what use am I!”

  The man slowed, then stopped the horse. “Have you lost your mind? Turn around and do not address me until I tell you to.”

  Anna raised an eyebrow. “I already told you that I will not take orders from you.”

  The man narrowed his eyes. “What could you have done that your father never disciplined you?”

  Anna was confused. What had her father to do with this? “I am of no use to my Father.”

/>   “You were not taught to listen to a man and I want to know why.” He kept his eyes on hers. “Has no one told you what happens to a woman who speaks sharply to a man?”

  “I do not speak sharply. I do not have ties to you, Sir, and so I will not take orders.” Anna shrugged casually.

  “You will turn around and you will do what I tell you to or your cheeks are going to be as red as my bag.”

  Anna held a hand up to her face and scrunched her nose. She could not tell if he was bluffing or not.

  ”I am not speaking of those cheeks, Little One.”

  Anna’s eyes went wide and she immediately turned around. He could not possibly mean that he would spank her! He had kidnapped her for no coin and was now threatening to discipline her? She was no longer a child! How dare he speak to her in such a manner! Yet Anna was deeply intrigued by the thought. “You are saying that to scare me.”

  “Try me.” The man adjusted the reigns again.

  “I will not.” Anna ran her hand down over the horse’s mane and tried to stop the thoughts that were barreling through her head. The thought of his doing such a barbaric thing to her made her nervous - and something else. It was something that felt like excitement. Had she gone mad in her mind? Did she actually anticipate with pleasure the thought of being touched that way? Anna bit her lip and nuzzled closer to the horse. She missed tending to the horses, and as they rode further on, Anna began to lose hope of ever seeing her village again. Her thoughts returned yet again to the man sitting so close to her. Surely, if he wanted nothing to do with her or to cause her harm, he would not be so casual to tell her of such consequences. They continued to ride on until it was unsafe to continue. The man dismounted first, and then set her down as well. Anna kept her mouth shut and said nothing, as he tied the horse to a tree and urged her forward.


  Anna cringed as he tied her arms up over her head. “You tie me as if I could think of escaping in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere!”

  The man said nothing as he drew the rope tighter.

  “Do you not understand how very sore my arms will be in the morning?”

  The man grunted. “That is not my concern.”

  Anna struggled against the bonds. He had tied her to a large tree and then led the slack to his belt. “You are not an honorable man.”

  The man leaned over Anna so that they were face to face, only inches apart. “You will speak only respectful words to me from here on out. Do I make myself clear?”

  “What if I do not?” Anna scrunched her face.

  “Then your arms are not the only things that will be sore in the morning. Make no mistake about that.”

  Anna narrowed her eyes up at him. “Twice you have made mention of such discipline and you have yet to follow through, I think perhaps you are bluffing.”

  The man raised an eyebrow. “Twice you have challenged me. I suspect that my idea of discipline does more to you than you are willing to admit.”

  Anna’s jaw dropped. “That thought is very disgusting!”

  “Then I am going to say this only one more time; are you listening?” Anna nodded as he continued. “If you utter one more disrespectful word to me, I am going to pull you across my lap like a babe and take my belt to your hind end until you have learned your lesson. Now do you understand?”

  Anna blinked back tears. Part of her still wanted to see if his words were true, but how could an honorable man threaten such a thing? “I understand, Sir.”

  “Perhaps I did you a favor taking you away from your village that does not show concern for you.” He pulled the ropes and dropped his hand to his side.

  Anna frowned. “I guess that depends on what you plan to do with me.”

  The man leaned down again. “You are going to have to trust me.”

  Anna did not reply, as he tugged on the other side of the ropes. “This is going to prove to be a difficult journey for you if you cannot do so.”

  Anna took a deep breath. “How can I trust a man who will not explain his purpose, and now has me strung up like an animal?”

  “I need you to listen and to stay here. If I untie you, surely you will run. These woods are not safe under the best conditions and surely not at night.”

  “I am days away from my village. Please untie me. I will not stray.” Anna pleaded with her eyes.

  “I will not.”

  The man moved back and lay down. “We will talk more in the morning.”

  Anna looked up at the trees and wondered if the man who lay less than a foot away from her could truly be the sort of man that a woman may fancy as a husband. He had saved her from the fox-man and had yet to do anything to harm her. Could she honestly allow the man that had stolen her away from her village to be looked at as more of a monster than the men who had hurt her as a child? Anna tried again to get into a better position, but that only tugged at the rope. She threw a cautious glance to the man.

  He opened one eye. “What are you doing?”

  “Please, Sir, I cannot possibly sleep in such a position.” Anna tried to lie down but her arms prevented it.

  “That is your trouble, not mine.” He opened his other eye and leaned upon his elbow.

  “Then you are a piece of filth!”

  The man moved with such speed that Anna immediately closed her mouth as she recalled his earlier threat. She bit her lip as he paused; his hand dangling above the rope. “No. No! I have changed my mind. I like my arms where they are and thank you.”

  He undid the ropes quickly and then returned his focus to her. “Your mind has not changed, and of that I am certain.”

  Anna cried out as he pulled her across his lap. “You cannot mean to-” her words trailed off as she felt him lifting up her skirts. She felt the coolness of the night on her bottom. How dare he bare her here in the woods! Anna was mortified. “Please, Sir!”

  The smacks came in fast succession, and Anna jumped each time his hand landed. “I will not show disrespect again!”

  “No, you will not.” The man took pause in his task. “Are you going to do what I tell you now?”

  Anna sniffled but said nothing. She was not going to cry. His smacks were not painful, and true to his word, he had not harmed her, but she was still not feeling very cooperative. She wanted to know what his purpose was!

  The man began to spank again and to Anna’s dismay he had increased the speed. Anna kicked her legs out as the smacks hit one cheek and then the other. His spanks were getting harder.

  “I will not backtalk you, Sir, please!”

  He paused again. “Are you telling me the truth this time?”

  Anna sighed. She did not want him to continue to spank her; that was certain, but the feeling of being over his lap and being held was enough to keep her quiet. She felt him move then and immediately began to regret her lack of a response. “Sir-”

  She had no time to finish as his belt, as his earlier promises warned, was now biting into the soft flesh of her bottom. She felt it smack the tops of her thighs and began to cry out. The belt continued to rain down on her buttocks until Anna screamed, “Please! Please!” She yelled over and over until finally she heard the belt land on the ground.

  “Are you going to listen to me now?” She felt his hand still resting on the small of her back.

  Anna was crying, and deeply embarrassed. “Ye-yes, Sir,” she half-mumbled. The tears were pouring down her cheeks, and she made no attempt to wipe them. The man immediately fixed her dress and righted her position. Anna sniffed and kept her head down. She did not want to look at him.

  The man put his hand under her chin and gently tilted it upwards, until she was looking up at his face. “You are going to learn how to respect me.”

  “Why do you care about my actions?” Anna took several deep breaths. What he did not know was she had barely cried since that awful night when the men had hurt her. She had simply let the hurt and the pain build up inside of her. It was the first time that she had cried in years. An
na finally brushed at her cheeks.

  “I want to know why you sit here with the body of a woman and the mentality of a child.” He also wiped the tears from her eyes further adding to her confusion.

  Anna frowned. “I do not know if I can share that with you, Sir.” His actions were a mystery to her; how could he discipline her in such a fashion and sit so gently here and now? Is that how a man should treat a woman? Anna leaned her head on his shoulder. She did it without thinking, and immediately raised it.

  He touched the top of her head so that she leaned back down.

  “It has been a long day for you.”

  They sat there in silence for several moments, while he made small circles on her back. Anna took a few deep breaths as her tears subsided. The man moved her slowly back to the ground and tied her up again. He took care with her arms and even laid a blanket on top of her. She watched as he tugged on the ropes and then moved back to his spot. Anna sighed as she carefully moved her legs. She turned her head and watched as he pulled a flask from his coat.


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