Becoming a Lady

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Becoming a Lady Page 5

by Adaline Raine

  “I have already met with Lord Wendel this night. He is deciding what to do with you as we speak.”

  Anna wondered what sort of expression his face held.

  Sir Randall tilted his head to the side and scoffed. “Now I know that you are bluffing. You do not have that sort of power.”

  Sir William turned so that Anna could see his face and smiled. He threw open the chamber doors and shouted, “Sir Randall is in thy Lord’s chambers!” A half-dozen or so men appeared immediately, and took hold of the much smaller man. He thrashed and cursed as they held him.

  “You did this for a wench!”

  Sir William struck him in the head with the button of his sword, rendering him unconscious. “Take him away.”

  Anna watched the men file out. She was staring at Sir William with a look that could either be seen as intense passion or pure hate. Why had he taken so long to speak to her?

  “Are you hurt?”

  Anna looked up at him and shook her head. “I am not physically hurt, Sir.”

  “What an unusual response.” Sir William handed her a goblet from the table.

  “I still have questions.” Anna accepted it and sipped it slowly.

  “Patience is not your strong suit.” Sir William glanced around the room. “Do you need to be attended to?”

  “In which manner do you speak of?” Anna finished the drink in one swallow.

  Sir William shook his head. “Do not prove the words of a dead man true.”

  Anna huffed. “Will you attend to me?”

  “That is not in my jurisdiction, but I shall send your maid.” Sir William took her empty cup.

  “I do not want a maid.” Anna rubbed at her temples and then set her hands down in her lap.

  “What are you requesting then?” Sir William extended his hand to her.

  “When will you answer me?” Anna refused his hand and crossed her arms in front of her. She was not in the mood to be obedient and compliant. She wanted answers.

  “You do not make commands of me.” He shook his head as he sat down on the far end of the chaise.

  “Then why do you pay me any mind at all?” Anna got up on her knees and was staring at him. She had nearly forgotten how attractive he was when he was being considerate of her. His dark eyes were staring at the fire and she longed for them to focus on hers.

  “I have asked myself that question as well.” Sir William muttered under his breath.

  “If you had not been here tonight, that monster would have hurt me again.” Anna moved closer to him.

  Sir William turned and looked at her. “Do not fret over what could have happened.”

  “I have been waiting for those answers, Sir, as I am still owed an explanation.” Her words held no heat but she had already been so patient! Why would he not share?

  Sir William reached his hand up to where her thigh and bottom met and patted it. “You are not in my possession. Keep your questions for another time.” He moved his arm.

  Anna straightened her back and snapped. “I cannot continue to bear them!”

  Sir William closed his eyes and opened them. He turned towards her and slowly leaned forward until he was only inches from her ear. “Drop your voice and lay back. I am not in a position to handle your mouth tonight.”

  “It is not my mouth that needs handling.” Anna sulked.

  “Lord Wendel will be away on business for a little while. Be very careful what you wish for, Little One.”

  Anna scrunched her face. “I do not believe that you would attend to me even if I were in your possession.”

  Sir William pulled her across his lap so quickly that Anna was nearly dizzy. He flipped her skirts just as quickly and landed several smacks on each bottom-cheek before smoothing her dress back down. He turned her around and held up a finger. “Once and only once am I going to forgive the words that tumbled out of your clumsy mouth.” He set her back upon the cushion. “Be very thankful that you are not in my possession tonight, or you would find yourself hesitant to sit down for a very long time.”

  Anna nodded slowly and brushed a few stray tears away. Though she had been worried about his purpose, she could see his concern for her. His immediate response proved his earlier statements true. “I am sorry for the sass, Sir.”

  “Do not spend another moment thinking of what could have happened. I prevented it, is that clear to you now?” He stood slowly and patted her head.

  Anna nodded, something that she did an awfully lot around him. “Yes, Sir, it is clear.” She snuggled against the chaise. “While Lord Wendel is away, do you mean that I am in your possession?”

  He found a blanket from her chambers and fixed it over her. “I said only to be careful what you wish for. I expect you to be mindful even if you are not.”

  Anna let out another sigh. “Yes, Sir, I understand.” She whispered as he touched her forehead again and walked out of the chambers. She only hoped that her instinct proved correct.


  Anna opened her eyes. She was still on the chaise, but daylight was coming in from the balcony window. She soon learned that Sir William’s words rang true. Lord Wendel had gone away on business, and was not set to return for several days.

  Anna did her best to mind herself, but each time she saw Sir William she had an awful urge to test him. She knew that it would not take much, and technically, as he was Lord Wendel’s first-in-command if something involved her, he was the one to handle it. She did not want to wind up over his lap again for a spanking, but she did long to see him.

  It was approaching dusk when Anna opened the outer door and looked up and down the hallways. She had specifically waited for the change of the guards to enact her plan. Anna quickly, yet carefully, sneaked down side halls and seldom-used stairs until she was outside. If she had asked a guard to accompany her, one may have agreed, but she was hesitant to ask a man to be alone with her so far away from the castle.

  As Anna made her way to the stables and began to brush the horses, she suddenly wondered why she thought it was a better idea to be completely alone than with a guard? There were unsavory men in all parts of the village. Anna pushed the thought out of her mind as she picked up a soft brush and began to groom the nearest mare. How she missed Emma! Her mind drifted back to her little sister and the conversations they would have as they tended to the horses back in her village. She focused on her task, and tried to put the thoughts out of her mind. She could no longer remember just how far away her village was. Anna took a deep breath and began to work on Sir William’s horse. She looked around and realized that his was the last one in the stable. How long had she been out here? Anna sighed and brushed until the horse’s mane was soft. She touched his nuzzle affectionately. “I should get back inside.” Anna whispered to the horses.

  “Do you have any idea the sort of panic you created?”

  Anna nearly jumped out of her skin, but was careful to keep still for the horse’s sake. She gave him a final pat and walked slowly towards the glowering Sir William. “I was just brushing the horses.”

  He reached for her arm and pulled her into the main part of the stable. “Do you see the sky? It is hours past the evening meal and no one could find you.”

  How many hours had she been away? “I was only -”

  Anna trailed off as she saw the fear behind his words. She had reason to believe that she had caused him to worry.

  “Do you think it is a good idea to be out this time of day without a guard?” He held her by her shoulders now and was looking down at her.

  “I did not think.” Anna bit her lower lip. She certainly did not mean to trouble him and the way that he was looking at her was deeply upsetting.

  “That is obvious.” Sir William let go of her shoulders. “You are aware that Lord Wendel is away.”

  A small knot began to form in her belly. “Yes, Sir, I am aware.” Was he really going to hold this against her? All she wanted was to brush the horses!

  “Do you realize what could hav
e happened out here?”

  “I am more worried, Sir, about what is about to happen out here.” Anna looked down. Her last words to him had been that she did not believe he would attend to her even if she was in his possession. For all purposes she was now his.

  “You should be,” he stated frankly and began to look around the stable.

  Anna bit her lip again as his eyes settled on the far wall. Hanging dangerously nearby was a row of different tools. Some were for mucking out the stable or attending to the horses but what seemed to catch his attention was the selection of riding crops. Oh no! The knot grew bigger. Surely he could not mean to use such a tool to spank her!

  “Stay here.” Sir William commanded and took several strides over to the wall.

  Anna felt her knees going weak. “Sir -”

  He was already walking back to her when she remembered that she was going to try to apologize first. “I am sorry that I did not ask you to come out here.”

  “I believe that you are going to be genuinely sorry later on this evening.” He sat down on one of the small benches on the side of the barn. He had one of the crops in his hand and Anna began to flush.

  “Please, Sir, I stated I was sorry.” Anna was babbling.

  “Come over here.”

  Anna was trembling as she did what he asked. “I just wanted to get some air.”

  He pulled her over his lap and raised her skirts. “There are some very unsavory men that live in this village. Do you know what could have happened if one of them had caught your scent and found you out here?”

  Anna sniffled as the thought began to dawn her. “I told you that I did not think, Sir.”

  He began to smack her with his hand. “You cannot venture outside by yourself.”

  Anna yelped as he smacked faster. “I understand, Sir William. I do apologize.”

  “If you understood, you would not keep winding up over my lap.” He paused. “If you do not feel safe with the guard assigned to you then I will bring you out here.”

  Anna let out the breath she had been holding. “Yes, Sir, I will not come out here or anywhere alone.”

  “That was only the warm-up.” His voice held an authority that made the knot return to her belly. His tone also made things much lower being to tingle in an odd mixture of anticipation and fear.

  She screeched as the crop stung her cheek. It hit the other and she screeched again. She thrashed after only a few swats and began to beg. “Ouch! Please! It burns!” Sir William continued to land it on her upper thighs and all over both cheeks until she was shouting. “Please! Please!” Anna could no longer keep her legs still and she was yelling loudly.

  Sir William continued to tap the crop down on each cheek. Anna was thrashing and bucking and begging him to stop.

  Finally she felt her skirts flip down to cover her bottom. She was sure she was as red as ever before. “Have you learned your lesson?”

  Anna wiped at the tears pouring pitifully down her cheeks. “I would rather learn in another fashion.”

  Sir William righted her position and wiped her face. “I told you that you would not like my methods.” He kept his eyes on her. “Though I believe today you purposely antagonized me.”

  Anna nodded slowly. “I have wanted your attention, Sir William, but I did not want a spanking.”

  “I tell you once more; when you are mine to do with what I please, you will have it.” He slid her off his lap and returned the crop to the wall.

  Anna frowned as he returned and took hold of her arm. He must have her in his mind still, to make such a statement. She stepped carefully, as the slightest movement of her skirt was rubbing painfully against her bottom. Anna would never look at a riding crop in quite the same fashion again. “I imagine that I will have both things if that is ever to occur.”

  Sir William looked down at her and for a moment she saw a hint of a smile. “That is much more accurate, with that mouth of yours.”

  “There are other things that my mouth likes to do.” Anna blinked up at him. Had he any idea of how badly she wanted him to kiss her again?

  He placed the tips of his fingers of his right hand on her lips for a moment before he dropped his hand and shook his head. “Lord Wendel is already on his way back, so I do not wish to think about such things. You angered me greatly tonight.”

  Anna felt an odd wetness in between her legs, and she longed for his touch. “I think that I worried you, Sir, is that accurate?”

  They were only a few feet from the doors when he stopped. “Yes, you worried me for the reasons that I told you, however I cannot express that once we step back inside.”

  Anna nodded and fought the tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Thank you for telling me, Sir William,” she whispered, as he adjusted his hold and led her inside.

  They said nothing as he escorted her back through the halls and direct to Lord Wendel’s chambers. Sir William released her arm and pointed towards the bed. “Go to sleep. You have had enough air for one night.”

  “I do apologize.” Anna walked over to the bed.

  “You are to stay in this room until the feast tomorrow night, is that clear?” He followed her and turned down the sheets.

  Anna raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth. She was met with a glare and she immediately closed it.

  “Your bottom cannot handle another lesson tonight,” he stated simply.

  She nodded and lay down on her side. “I will stay here until a guard comes to take me downstairs.”

  “I am glad that you have chosen to listen.” Sir William touched her cheek and kissed it. “I will send your maid to assist you.”

  Anna blinked, but said nothing as he left the chambers. He had told her that he could not express what worry she had really caused him, but then kissed her? She let her fingers lie on the spot where his lips had met her cheek. How badly she wanted to be in his arms! Anna sighed. Her bottom was burning badly and she was not happy with having to stay inside. She was pouting when Lynna tapped on the door and entered.

  “You gave me quite a scare, Miss.”

  Anna raised both eyebrows. “You gave me away?”

  Lynna flushed and walked over to the bed. “I was afraid you had been taken off somewhere.” She took off Anna’s shoes and began to help her undress.

  “I can do it.” Anna cringed as the skirts brushed against her skin again.

  “Sir William sent me to help you get ready for bed.” She reached for her again.

  Anna moved back. “I said I can do it!”

  Lynna frowned. “What happened Miss?”

  Anna huffed. “I am upset that you told on me.”

  Lynna pulled her to a standing position and pulled her dress off. “You are not.”

  Anna crossed her arms over her chest. “You have never been this focused on assisting me.”

  Lynna pursed her lips. “Perhaps I do not wish for my bottom to be as sore as yours!”

  Anna’s eyes went wide. “How would you even know that?”

  “I am not stupid, Miss. That is how Sir William deals with any woman who disobeys him, if he is in charge of her care.” Lynna pulled the next layer off.

  Anna cringed again. “Then why would you give me away?”

  Lynna pulled off the last piece more carefully. “You wanted him to find you. I simply dropped the hint that I heard you talking about the stable.” She pulled a nightdress over her head and smoothed the hem. “Lie down. I have salve for you.”

  “You knew that he meant to spank me?” Anna strangely did as she was told. Her bottom hurt too much to argue.

  Lynna let out a breath. “Do not think that I do not see the way you look at him.”

  Anna felt her pull up the slip and start applying the balm to her cheeks. She grew embarrassed. “You did not answer my question.” She shifted.

  Lynna sighed. “Of course I knew that he would spank you. As I recall you have sorely needed one.”

  Anna’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at her over her shoul
der. “Am I that awful?”

  Lynna dropped her hand. “No, Miss, I did not mean to imply that. I can only say that I have seen you pacing many nights, and nothing seems to calm you.” She picked up the balm and began applying it again. “You slept remarkably well the night that Sir Randal invaded your chambers. I simply figured that Sir William must have had something to do with it.”

  Anna sniffled. “I am still upset.”

  “You are not upset with me. You are upset that I knew what you wanted.” Lynna finished and adjusted the dress.

  Anna turned back towards the headboard. “I am very lucky that you are on my side.”

  Lynna got off the bed. “I hope you remember that tomorrow, when your bottom begins to bruise.”

  Anna turned her head. “I will.”

  Lynna leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Good night, Miss, and please do not sneak out again.”

  Anna nodded as she began to fall asleep. She could not be mad at Lynna, who was right on so many levels. Anna had wanted to see Sir William so badly that she had sneaked out. Her original intention was to sneak back in before anyone had time to notice that she was gone, save Sir William. She had hoped that he would lecture her. It was more than that, she realized. Anna rubbed at her bottom. If only she had realized sooner! Anna pulled the sheets up over her, and began to dream. Her last thought was that she wished that Lord Wendel would stay away on extended business. Then she would have a chance to truly find out Sir William’s purpose for her.


  Anna awoke with a groan. She had slept on her stomach all night and her bottom was indeed sore. “Damned man,” she mumbled. As much as she wanted to be upset with him, she truly was angry with herself for not thinking that Lynna would tell him. He was Lord Wendel’s first-in-command, and technically Lynna kept her eyes on her whenever a guard was not looking. Anna sighed. Lynna had done exactly what she had hoped for.

  The door opened and Lynna bounced in. “There is a feast tonight, Miss.”


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