Date Night

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Date Night Page 6

by Raven Sky

  Quinn came back to herself slowly, in a leisurely refocusing. She was here. In Riley’s arms. Safe and sated in the hotel room they had booked to celebrate their milestone of love. She snuggled into Riley, and it felt like her whole body was smiling. She wiggled her toes and sighed in deep, peaceful contentment.

  “Aren’t you glad you fell in the creek that day?” Riley whispered in her ear as she held her close on their special night.

  Quinn propped herself up and looked at Riley with love and amusement. “Yes. Hell yes. I was soaking wet when I met you and I’ve been soaking wet ever since.”


  Riley boldly suggests going to a women’s only night at a sex club.

  They were enjoying a drink outdoors on the patio of a swanky cocktail bar that was lit up with twinkle lights on this late summer evening. Riley stared hungrily at Quinn across the table. She looked stunning as usual. She had on sexy red lipstick that drew attention to her perfectly shaped mouth. Her skin was pale and her eyes were a startling shade of blue. They popped in her face because her hair was jet-black, cut into an edgy bob that accentuated her features. She was striking. Tall, fashionable, clearly intelligent and confident. Sometimes it still amazed Riley that she had somehow managed to snag a woman like Quinn.

  It wasn’t that Riley was insecure; she had worked hard to like the face she saw in the mirror each morning, and she could honestly say that she saw beauty in it nowadays. But with flaming red hair and a face full of freckles, Riley had endured her fair share of childhood teasing and teenage uncertainty about her attractiveness. These days, however, she felt good in her body. And she knew she was a generous and loving partner. She had a stable, fulfilling job as a veterinarian where she felt capable and helpful. Whenever she questioned whether Quinn was out of her league, she reminded herself of these things.

  Riley felt nervous energy surging through her and took a generous sip of her martini for some liquid courage before making her bold move.

  “See that Victorian house across the street?”

  Quinn glanced over and nodded.

  “It’s a sex club.”

  Quinn’s eyes lit up. “What? No way. How do you know?”

  Riley didn’t answer but pushed a folded piece of paper toward her. “If you’re feeling up for a daring adventure on our anniversary, I thought we might consider checking it out.”

  Riley waited with bated breath for Quinn to react. She watched her face attentively as Quinn unfolded the paper. Quinn’s eyes were shining, and one corner of her mouth slightly upturned in a promising smile. The paper was an advertisement for a women’s only night at O Lounge, which apparently was the clandestine sex club across the street from them at that very moment.

  Quinn burst out laughing. “Riley, you’re full of surprises! This is crazy.”

  “We don’t have to actually go,” Riley said. “We could always just sit here and speculate about what’s happening behind those curtained windows.”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course, I want to go. I want to see what actually goes on there. Have you been before?”

  “No,” Riley admitted. “Have you?”

  “No. I’ve heard of them, but I guess I didn’t really realize that there were any around here.” Quinn reached for Riley’s hand and caressed it, while they laughed with nervous excitement.

  “Okay…so…do you want to check out their website so that we know what we’re walking into? I have it here on my phone.”

  Quinn shook her head slowly. “No, I prefer to be surprised. I want to experience it all live in person for the first time. It’s better that way.”

  “Cool,” Riley said, then hesitated before taking a deep breath. “I think we need ground rules. We’ve never really talked about this before, because there was no reason to, but if we’re going to a play party, I want to be clear about how we’ll be. With other people, I mean.”

  Quinn nodded. “I agree. It’s our night. So, let’s just go watch pervy strangers have weird, kinky sex.”

  Riley smiled. “Are you kidding me? Let’s go show them up!”

  Quinn chuckled at that and raised her glass. “To a daring anniversary adventure.”

  Riley raised her glass as well. “To being the pervy strangers having weird, kinky sex in front of other people.” They clinked their glasses and gazed with nervous excitement across the street together.

  After another bracing round of drinks, they crossed the street to linger uncertainly on the sex club doorstep.

  “You ready?” Riley asked, her hand on the doorknob.

  “Let’s do this,” Quinn replied, grabbing Riley’s face and planting a quick but hot little kiss on her lips.

  They found themselves in a fashionable entryway where a petite Latina woman in a skintight black dress hurried to greet them.

  “Welcome to O Lounge. I’m Valentina, tonight’s hostess. Have you been here before?”

  They shook their heads and Valentina took them under her wing, ushering them to the front desk and walking them through the membership process. Riley tried to listen politely, but her eyes wandered everywhere, and she could hardly retain a word the woman said. They paid the membership fee to a startlingly buxom brunette, and then Valentina whooshed them off for a whirlwind tour of the premises. She prattled on the entire time, but Riley only caught snippets of what she said. There was too much to look at. Every room was decorated differently, but each was tasteful, elegant, and sexy. A wide diversity of women lounged about in various stages of undress, talking, making out, flirting, drinking. It was a lot to take in, and this was just the first floor.

  They found themselves outside, on a pool deck. Two couples were passing around a joint by the water’s edge. Something about being outside helped Riley to center and focus.

  Valentina was explaining about the second floor. “Most of the play occurs on the second floor. This is like the warm-up area. It’s not a rule or anything. You can have sex anywhere you like, but most people hang out on this floor to enjoy a drink, chill out, or flirt, then head upstairs when they’re ready for some action. Are you ready to see the second floor? Or do you want to relax for a bit? I can always come find you later to finish the tour if you prefer.”

  Quinn and Riley looked at each other and Quinn replied, “Let’s see it now.”

  They followed Valentina up the wide wooden staircase, Riley secretly appreciating the view of her ass moving under her form-fitting dress. She chattered on. “We have four rooms up here: a small bedroom for anyone who wants privacy, a large main play space that we call ‘the Harem,’ where lots of group play happens, the Red Room that’s fun for exhibitionists, and a fully-equipped dungeon for guests into BDSM. Like I said earlier, there’s something for everyone here.”

  Valentina was interrupted with a squeal of recognition as she was embraced by a tall, topless black woman with turquoise dreadlocks and a septum piercing. Riley and Quinn watched them flirt for a few minutes before Valentina remembered herself. “Sorry, I’m working tonight. Gotta give these two the grand tour.” She gestured to Riley and Quinn.

  “The demonstration’s starting. You should take them there now, so they don’t miss it,” Valentina’s friend said, boldly looking Quinn up and down approvingly. Riley subconsciously drew Quinn closer to her, and the stranger gave her a knowing and amused smile.

  “Yes, yes!” Valentina tittered, urging them into the Harem room. “I almost forgot about the demo. Come and see.”

  The next thing Quinn knew, they were being ushered into a room decorated with breathtaking luxury in rich shades of plum and scarlet. Everywhere she looked, there was beauty in the form of sumptuous silk draperies, exotic Moroccan lamps, and plush divans with ornately carved wooden framing. Velvety throw cushions abounded everywhere. Lounging about the space were a dozen women of every shade and size, wearing lingerie or less. Quinn could barely breathe at the pure visual overload, and pulled Riley close, squeezing her hand tightly for reassurance. Quinn’s eyes flitted from splendor
to splendor and she was unable to decide where to allow her gaze to linger.

  “Listen up, ladies,” a blonde in the center of the room cried out.

  She was clearly trans and clearly gorgeous.

  “I don’t think you’ll find many ladies here,” said a tough-looking butch woman leaning against the far wall. Laughter ensued and the blonde joined in good-naturedly.

  “Fine then. Listen up, sluts,” she said, and more laughter ensued. “My name’s Misty and I’m here representing Wild Thing, Toronto’s finest chain of sex shops for the discerning degenerate. I’ve brought along something special to demonstrate tonight. How many of you have heard of the Sybian?”

  Hands raised, but Riley and Quinn just looked at each other blankly.

  “Okay, so for those of you who don’t know, the Sybian is the best thing to happen to women since, I don’t know, getting the vote, the invention of the pill, or Spanx. You think your Hitachi wand is powerful? It’s like a firecracker compared to the atom bomb. I’m here tonight to prove it to you. So I’ll start with a tour of the machine, and then we’ll have a friendly little competition.” Misty dramatically unveiled the Sybian, which looked to Quinn like gym equipment, before asking, “Charmaine, can you assist?”

  The black chick with the turquoise dreads strode gracefully up to Misty’s side. Charmaine was wearing flowing black pants with a long drawstring. She twirled the ends of the drawstring playfully, then sauntered by the crowd, clearly looking for someone to pull loose the tie that held her pants about her waist. She lingered at Quinn but settled at Riley, cocking an eyebrow. Quinn laughed and clapped her hands. Riley blushed and Quinn elbowed her, until she finally took hold of the drawstring and pulled.

  The pants fell to the floor, and Charmaine was left wearing nothing but a lacy little hot pink G-string. She stepped carefully out of the pants, then bent slowly and sensually to pick them up, putting her abundant backside very much on display for Riley’s benefit. Charmaine grabbed the pants and threw them into the crowd to much hooting and hollering, before striding back to the machine and throwing a leg over the mount. The crowd was already in love with her.

  Misty explained the controls and attachment options, but no one was really listening. Everyone was chatting excitedly, at least until the machine started up and Charmaine began moving and moaning, then no one said another word. It was mesmerizing the way Charmaine undulated before them. Her tits were firm little mounds that bounced in time with her dreads flying about her face.

  She looked oddly regal, the way she held her body and face. A queen taking her pleasure with bold entitlement. She bucked on the machine, low, throaty moans escaping her. It didn’t take long. She closed her eyes, raised her face to the ceiling, and cried out, “Yessssss!” as her body spasmed before the crowd, which burst into enthusiastic applause and electrified chatter.

  “I think that’s a new record,” Misty said as Charmaine dismounted on shaking legs, collapsing into an empty spot on a nearby divan. “No one lasts very long on this thing, trust me. And that’s half the fun. Many women who’ve never had an orgasm before report having one for the first time after riding this baby. It’s a real thrill, right, Charm?”

  Charmaine was gratefully accepting the offer of a drink from someone and simply nodded in agreement.

  “All right then,” Misty said, “I’m looking for three volunteers who would be willing to ride the Sybian while performing a number of silly tasks. The volunteer who impresses the audience the most will win a hundred-dollar gift certificate from Wild Thing. So…do I have any adventurous women in the house?”

  Riley and Quinn made eye contact as almost every hand in the room was eagerly raised.

  CHOICE #2: Misty is looking for volunteers. Will Riley

  A. Volunteer or

  B. Suggest making out in the hot tub downstairs

  Riley volunteers to ride the Sybian.

  “Do it!” Quinn said, grabbing Riley’s arm and raising it forcefully into the air. Riley resisted, trying to bring her arm down. She was interested but also nervous. Coming to the sex club at all was brave for her. Something about Quinn brought out her bold side, so she didn’t mind the idea of people watching them have sex at the club; it actually kind of excited her, but she didn’t like the idea of all their eyes on her alone. That was way more unnerving.

  Misty was scanning the audience, selecting participants as Quinn and Riley negotiated.

  “I’ll fuck you any way you want if you do it. I’ll owe you,” Quinn said, her eyes shining. “Do it for me, baby. I want to see you ride that thing. Please!”

  Riley knew she was screwed. She always gave in to Quinn’s wishes in the end. But hell, if Quinn was going to throw in a sexy favor, then at least it would be worth her while. With a roll of her eyes, she raised her hand of her own free (if bribed) will, unsure if she really wanted to be picked or not. So of course she was picked.

  “All right, can I have my three lovely volunteers over here, please,” Misty said. Riley made her way to the others, her heart pounding.

  “Okay, so here’s how this is going to work,” Misty said. “Each of you will take a turn riding the Sybian. Please keep one layer of clothing between you and the Sybian for hygienic reasons, although you’re welcome to wear as little as you please beyond that. I’m going to give each of you a task to complete before you orgasm. I’m warning you now that this machine is powerful, so you’ll only have a few minutes. You might think I’m exaggerating, but you’ll see that I’m not. At the end, after everyone has had the wildest ride of her life, the winner of the grand prize will be determined by audience applause, so perform well on your assigned task and put on a good show!” The audience howled approvingly. Riley realized that she and Quinn were the only people in the room who were fully clothed. Her heart pounded even more furiously.

  “Now who wants to go first?” Misty asked.

  The first contestant was a sight to behold. She must have been in her sixties, but was like no little old white lady that Quinn had ever seen. She was tattooed and pierced, had a purple streak in her gray hair, and wore a red silk corset and garter belt, complete with come-fuck-me boots. She looked good. She had taken care of her body and was getting rowdy with the crowd, many of whom she clearly knew and was beloved by. Quinn was entirely taken with her. Who was this woman? What was her story? Quinn wanted to know her. Maybe we could chat later. Over tequila shots from the looks of it.

  The crowd was actually chanting her name. “Betty! Betty! Betty!” It was nuts. Quinn made eye contact with Riley who shrugged good-naturedly, and joined in the chanting with the others. The noise brought more curious onlookers to the room, which was getting crowded now.

  Betty curtsied and threw a leg over the machine. “You ready, Betty?” Misty asked.

  “Bring it on, toots!” Betty yelled to the cheers of the crowd. But when Misty cranked the controls, Betty let out a whoop of shock and leapt awkwardly off the machine. “Holy Mary mother of—” She left off before sweet baby Jesus got mentioned. Misty went to check on her, trying not to laugh and failing conspicuously.

  “That thing is not meant for sensitive, senior unmentionables,” Betty said loudly, shaking her head and taking her leave as friends gathered around her. She left with a coterie of admirers, their arms about her shoulders.

  “Okay then, we’re down to two. Guess we won’t get to hear Betty recite Shakespeare on the brink of orgasm. On the plus side, the odds just got better for both of you, so who’s next?”

  A tiny Asian woman stepped forward, and her friends clapped excitedly.

  “What’s your name?”

  She was hiding her face in her hands and barely managed to whisper, “Jenny.”

  Misty couldn’t catch it, and her friends yelled out, “Jenny. It’s Jenny.”

  “Okay, everybody. Let’s hear it for Jenny.” Folks clapped politely and waited to see what Jenny would do. She was wearing tight black booty shorts and a neon orange bralette that matched her nail polish
. She approached the Sybian then shook her head, embarrassed. Her friends rushed up and physically forced her onto it, all of them laughing and chattering in another language.

  “Okay, Jenny. Think you can handle this beast? You ready to go?”

  Jenny blushed and gave the thumbs-up signal as her friends cheered.

  Misty started the machine, and Jenny’s eyes grew wide with alarm. She started giggling and covered her mouth with her hand. She began shaking her head but also moving her hips.

  “Okay, Jenny. Your challenge is to draw a naked man and woman before you come. Good luck.” Misty tried to hand her a piece of paper and a pen, but Jenny was using one hand to cover her face, and one hand to hold on to the machine. Every time that Jenny went to take the drawing materials, she’d shudder and jerk her hand back to adjust herself on the vibrating mount. Eventually, she grabbed hold of the drawing materials, and with loud encouragement from her friends, managed to focus long enough to shakily scribble two round circles and a line before she dropped the pen and paper to the floor. She bore down on the machine, curling into herself and hiding her face as high-pitched squeals escaped the hand clamped over her mouth. Her friends lost their minds at the spectacle, and the crowd joined in congratulating her. Misty passed around the pathetic drawing to much collective amusement.

  Riley was squirming in her skin now. There was nowhere to hide and nothing to do but own it. She’d agreed to this. It was better to take it on and go big. Pretend she wasn’t nervous. She swallowed her fear and channeled her most extroverted self.

  “And then there was one…” Misty said dramatically. “What’s your name?”


  “Let’s hear it for Riley, everyone.”

  Quinn rushed forward, grabbing the spotlight. “Excuse me. Pardon me,” she said. “I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I think my girlfriend is wearing far too much clothing for this. Don’t you all agree?”


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