Writing Mr. Right

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Writing Mr. Right Page 20

by T. K. Leigh

  Shrugging my dress off my shoulders, I allowed it to pool at my feet, then laboriously turned to face Noah once more. His eyes raked over my body as I stood before him in a white lace bra, matching panties, and a pair of ridiculously expensive black stilettos. I’d never felt so exposed, yet so secure with a man.

  Returning his heated eyes to mine, he ran a finger across my collarbone. “You’re even more breathtaking than I imagined.”

  I raised myself onto my toes. Pressing my lips to his, I murmured, “You imagined?”

  I felt a smile crawl across his mouth. “Since the first day I set eyes on you. I fought it for so long, but I’m done with that. Something draws me to you. I need to taste you, feel you, devour you.” His voice was a growl, so primal and wanton. It reminded me that, when you removed all the sophistication the human race had developed over centuries and centuries, we were still animals driven by one thing only…satisfaction.

  I grasped the back of his neck. He moved his lips against mine with a passion unmatched by any of his previous kisses. I didn’t know how much longer I could survive without feeling him inside me, on top of me, below me. I didn’t care about the logistics, as long as I felt him. I never wanted to stop feeling him. I was intoxicated by his lustful kisses and sensual body pressed against mine. I needed more.

  With incredible ease, he lowered me onto the bed. Kicking my shoes off, I slid away from the edge, our lips remaining attached as if we’d done this a hundred times before. We were able to read each other’s bodies without saying a word, without passing a look. It felt so right, so perfect, so natural. I wrapped my legs around his waist in an attempt to flip him and pin him beneath me, but he wouldn’t budge from his position looming over me.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered in a breathy voice. His mouth roamed from my lips to my collarbone. When he tugged on my earlobe, I threw my head back, unable to focus past the thousands of sensations flowing through me. I couldn’t even tell precisely where his hands were, every inch of my skin on fire.

  His tongue continued its slow, agonizing journey down my neck, stopping to savor my flesh in all the right places. He knew exactly where to kiss me to drive me even more crazy with desire and need. I’d written about contact-less orgasms in my books, thinking they were simply a myth, but Noah was proving me wrong. He wasn’t even touching me below the waist, yet I felt as if I were about to shatter into a million pieces. I didn’t want to think about how quickly I’d fall apart when I finally felt him between my legs.

  With incredible agility, he reached behind me and unclasped my bra, sliding it down my arms and tossing it to the floor.

  “Practice much?”

  A self-confident smirk formed on his lips. “Actually, yes. Like everything, I tend to think practice makes perfect.” He lowered his mouth to my chest, his tongue continuing its tantalizing exploration of my body. “When I was twelve, I stole one of my older sister’s bras and practiced unhooking it for hours. I can now do it blindfolded in some rather awkward positions.”

  I smiled at him before throwing my head back as his tongue traced my nipple, lightly tugging it with his teeth. He knew exactly what to do to set me off. “I’m looking forward to testing your abilities,” I remarked, curious as to how I was able to form words in the state of hyper-arousal I found myself in at the moment.

  My breathing grew more rapid and uneven as he journeyed down my body, taking his time to savor each dip and valley, seducing me at a languid pace. A delicious shiver ran up my spine with each lick, each nip, each nibble. He knew I was on the edge of losing all control, but that didn’t faze him. He’d made it clear from the beginning that he was in charge. I had no problem submitting myself to his talented tongue and hands.

  Finally, his fingers hooked into my panties. I lifted my hips off the bed.

  “Anxious?” He grinned from between my legs.

  “Not anxious, but if you don’t get on with it, I’m going to lose my fucking mind,” I breathed.

  A laugh rumbled in his chest as he slowly lowered my panties down my legs.

  “Nice wax job.” He threw my legs over his shoulders, his mouth just a breath away from the spot I needed it. Synapses fired all over as I struggled not to squirm under his touch.

  “It was for my column,” I explained in a small voice.

  “I know. I read it.”

  “You did?” I raised a brow, craning my neck to meet his eyes.

  He nodded. “I thought I’d read everything you’ve written. I guess I was wrong. I plan on rectifying that soon.” His tongue pressed against my clit, the warmth of that very talented muscle causing my entire body to stiffen. “You’re incredible, Molly,” he murmured, the vibration of his seductive voice against me almost unbearable.

  I had no idea who Molly was. My brain was complete mush, unable to force my mouth to form words. I was motivated solely by the effect the stroke of his tongue, the caress of his hands, the warmth of his body had on me.

  Too soon, my stomach clenched. I knew my undoing was inevitable. I tried every trick I knew to prolong the immense pleasure flowing through me. “Dead puppies,” I breathed. “The Yankees winning the World Series. Closing down Disney World.”

  “What are you doing?” Noah asked with a chuckle.

  I glanced at him, my heart skipping a beat at the adorable comical look on his face. “Trying to not come,” I answered. “I want this to last.” I reached down, running my fingers through his silky hair.

  He grinned a mischievous smile at me. “Oh, don’t worry. It will absolutely last.” He returned his tongue to me. I let out a sigh at the gentleness with which he worshiped me. Then his pace and ferocity increased, catching me completely off guard. My body convulsed, waves of incredible pleasure rolling over me. I struggled to breathe as I arched my back off the bed, wrapping my legs around his neck.

  My heart racing, I slowly returned from planet Orgasm and opened my eyes. I unhooked my legs and allowed them to fall slack on the bed. I had no idea what just happened, other than having a mind-erasing experience, but I wanted more, the ache still building in my core.

  Tugging at his blue tie, I pulled him back up the length of my body, forcing his mouth to mine. “You’re wearing far too much clothing,” I commented, nibbling on his lower lip.

  “I’m in complete agreement with you, Ms. Brinks,” he replied in a sly voice.

  With clumsy fingers, I tugged at the buttons of his shirt, just wanting to cut the damn thing off him. When he loosened the tie, I ripped it off, about to toss it to the corner of the room. He grabbed my hand, preventing me.

  “This may come in handy.” He winked.

  “Oh, Dr. McAllister…” I gave him a coy look. “Do you have a bit of a kinky side?”

  “I prefer to think of it as knowing what I like and being secure in my sexuality.” He narrowed his gaze at me. “Something tells me the same goes for you. Am I right?”

  “Perhaps.” I grabbed the back of his neck, bringing his lips back to mine. “If you’re interested in some real fun, I’ve got a toy chest.” I shot my eyes to the corner of my room where a simple black chest sat. He followed my gaze, then met my eyes once more. “Research,” I explained with a shrug.

  He groaned, kissing me with greed and lust as he slid his pants down his legs without breaking contact. “I think I’m really going to like research,” he murmured against my lips.

  “I think you are, too.”

  “Let’s save that for later, though. I just want to feel you right now. Unless…”

  “That’s what I want, too,” I said quickly. For some reason, I didn’t think I needed any of those bells and whistles I found necessary with all the other men. If the way Dr. Noah McAllister used his tongue on me was any indication, I had a feeling I was in for quite the ride, no pun intended.

  “Good,” he breathed, pulling away. The loss of contact sent a chill through me, but my moment of sadness was soon replaced with unmitigated desire as I took in Noah’s naked form kneeling
on the bed. He didn’t have eight-pack abs, but there was still some tone and definition to his chest and abdomen. He was human, his slight imperfections perfect in my mind.

  Reaching into the pocket of his discarded pants, he pulled out a foil packet. Ripping it open, he slid it on without breaking eye contact. There was something about that moment, neither one of our bodies touching, that was so intimate, so pure, so carnal. He was prolonging the inevitable and I enjoyed every drawn-out second of the anticipation.

  He situated himself between my thighs, hovering. He rubbed himself against me, teasing, a coy expression on his handsome face. I couldn’t help but giggle. I was certain most men with whom I had arrangements in the past would grow uneasy, perhaps even upset if I laughed when they were about to fuck my brains out — at least I hoped that was what Noah intended to do. This was different. Our relationship had been built on something other than physical attraction. There was a shared understanding between us, a friendship. Despite only knowing him as Noah, as opposed to Dr. McAllister, for a few months, I felt as if I had an awareness of who he was as a person. And I had a feeling he felt the same about me.

  “Tease,” I muttered.

  He nibbled my earlobe. “Oh, baby, you haven’t seen anything yet. I can do this for hours. Build you up to the point of completely unraveling, then draw back.”

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I didn’t know what I expected from him, but I didn’t anticipate him having such a way with words in the bedroom. Most men I’d been with needed some encouragement and a little direction in that department. Not Noah. He was one of my leading men brought to life. He was everything that made me swoon, that made my knees weak. The truth struck me hard… Perhaps I’d found my fantasy man. My body immediately tensed up.

  Noah leaned back, noticing my reaction.

  “Are you okay?” he asked in a soft voice.

  I searched his eyes, overwhelmed, then pulled him back to me. “Yes.”

  I raised my hips to him, needing to get back to the familiarity of the physical aspect of sex. It was what I was used to. I’d been able to stay detached for so long, knowing real love wasn’t real life. I couldn’t let a few erotic words weaken my resolve in that matter. Love was a temporary insanity, and I wasn’t going to let its illusion trap me.

  Feeling the burn of his eyes on me, he slid into me, filling me. Tension rolled off my body. I needed this, the simple act of using each other to find that moment of bliss that drove all humans to behave as they did. Meeting his body thrust for thrust, nip for nip, grunt for grunt, I could forget everything else. That, in the back of my mind, I knew Noah was so different from all the other men. That I actually cared for him.

  That this wasn’t going to end well.

  Digging my nails into his back, I wrapped my legs around his waist, the feel of him driving inside me with gentle, yet determined thrusts pushing me higher and higher. A low tingling built inside me and my breath caught.

  “Don’t fight it,” he grunted upon noticing my body tighten. He increased his pace. “Let yourself go.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not possible,” I breathed.

  “Don’t think.” He dragged his tongue across my collarbone. “Just feel.” His teeth grazed my skin, then latched onto me, setting me off. An orgasm unlike any I’d ever experienced ravaged through me, my body writhing below Noah as he continued pushing into me, his teeth clamped on my neck.

  “God, Molly…,” he moaned, then his own body rocked and shook on top of me as he found his own release, pleasure rolling over him.

  Finally, his rigid body grew slack. He kissed me sweetly, yet still filled with so much passion. Pulling away, he removed the condom and disposed of it in the garbage. He returned to the bed, taking me in his arms and throwing the duvet over both our bodies.

  “I thought it was a myth,” I breathed, my mind still spinning.

  A low chuckle escaped him. “What?” He peppered kisses across my shoulder blades.

  “Having more than one orgasm. I write about it. Hell, in one of my books, my heroine has, like, four or five orgasms in a row, but I didn’t think it was something that happened in real life.”

  He forced me to my back, hovering over me as he peered into my eyes. “Then you’ve been with the wrong boys, Molly. And that’s precisely what they were. I’m not saying I’m God’s gift to women. I’m sure there’s quite a lot I still don’t know, but I believe having a healthy relationship starts with being open to what we like and what we don’t. And I love watching you come.” A devilish smile tugged at his lips. “So I’m going to do everything I can to see that as much as possible.”

  “Oh really?” I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

  “Really.” He fell beside me and drew me into his arms, my back to his front. “But Sir Braveheart needs a break.”

  I quickly rolled over to face him. “You named your love stick Sir Braveheart?”

  He pulled me against his chest, trailing his finger up and down my side. “He’s quite the warrior, you know.”

  Giggling, I snuggled against him, the steady rhythm of his beating heart lulling me to sleep.


  THE BRILLIANT SUN BEAMING through the curtains in my bedroom forced my eyes open. Flashes of the previous night came in pieces as I scanned the current state of my bedroom. My stomach knotted. The evidence of my sexual conquest lay on the floor, topped with the piece d’resistance…the ripped condom packet. I didn’t know if I should be relieved or horrified with the knowledge I was sober last night. Well, at least sober enough to know my judgment had not been impaired by liquor. Instead, the cause of the impairment of said judgment lay solely in a pair of crystal blue eyes, a talented tongue, and an erotic voice that had me dropping my panties and spreading my legs faster than the school slut on prom night.

  I remained completely still for several seconds, perhaps even minutes, listening for any breathing coming from my king-sized bed. I didn’t know if I was ready to roll over and stare into Noah’s eyes. It wasn’t that I regretted what happened last night. It was far too enjoyable. He had completely hypnotized me, made me want to bear my soul to him. No man had ever been able to crack through the fortress I’d erected. This was precisely why I needed to keep my distance. I liked intimacy without commitment. I liked sex without the trappings of love. I liked fucking with no expectations. I’d never strayed from my well-established rules in all my twenty-nine-plus-one years. I couldn’t do so now.

  I clenched my legs, my bladder pleading with me to empty it. I gingerly propped myself up with what I believed to be stealth-like movements, but were probably erratic convulsions that made it appear as if I were suffering from a seizure.

  My eyes landed on the opposite side of my bed. I blew out an enormous sigh of relief when I saw it was vacant. I didn’t know if it were possible to do a walk of shame from my own house, but I was sure as hell ready to do so to save myself from having to face Noah in the light of day.

  Rushing to the bathroom, I went about my business, then splashed some water on my face, slowly returning to the land of the living. I stumbled back into my bedroom, threw on a t-shirt and pair of shorts, then padded down the hallway on light feet to see if Noah was still here. Thankfully, my living room and kitchen were just as empty as my bedroom.

  As I prepared my morning coffee, a folded piece of paper on the kitchen peninsula caught my attention, particularly once I saw my name scrawled on the outside.

  Don’t open it. Don’t open it. Don’t open it, a voice in my head teased.

  I was never good at listening. I picked it up.


  As much as I would have loved to stay with you all day, I got called into the hospital. I’ll swing by at seven to take you to dinner. Until then, I’ll be thinking of you and that amazing mouth.

  I sank onto one of the barstools, burying my head in my hands. I couldn’t do this. Noah was everything I’d ever imagined my dream man would be — handsome, smart, funny, sexy,
caring, genuine. But commitment was a losing game. My mother left my father. Carla left Drew. I had no desire to put my heart on the line with anyone, particularly Noah, a man who could decide at any minute to put his career ahead of me, which he should have done anyway.

  As I waited for the kettle to boil, I concocted a new plan. Avoid Noah. Forget about Noah. Hide away so I could focus on finishing my new manuscript. Then, next time I see him, tell him it’s best we go our separate ways and pretend last night never happened.

  But I knew damn well that plans were meant to be broken. I just wondered how long it would take before I again wanted to experience that unparalleled high I felt last night as I fell asleep cocooned in Noah’s warm embrace.


  HAVING FINALLY WASHED MY indiscretions off my body, I grabbed my bag and threw my journal into it. I couldn’t be in my apartment right now. Everywhere I turned, I was faced with another memory of Noah. He’d even infiltrated the one room of my home no one else, other than my brother and Brooklyn, had been allowed into. My office was no longer the safe haven it had once been. Noah’s scent was ingrained in my nostrils. His rough hands were burned on my skin. His kisses were recorded in my memory.

  Needing to talk to someone, I barreled through the glass doors of the café, searching for any sign of Drew. I’d tried to get in touch with Brooklyn earlier, but she was in the field all day, accompanying a few social workers on home visits. It was just my luck. Whenever I actually needed to talk about guy problems, my usual confidantes were nowhere to be found.

  “Good morning, Molly Mae,” Aunt Gigi called out from behind the counter. “How was the date?”

  “It was…” I trailed off, hesitating briefly, “good,” I finished in an unsure voice. “Where’s Drew?”


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