Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus (m/m paranormal)

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Seduced By The Son Of A Succubus (m/m paranormal) Page 2

by Jessamy, Violet

  Milo swallowed hard. He couldn’t stop staring.

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  “I know,” Rogue replied simply, which was not exactly helpful when it came to calming Milo’s anxiety. But a moment later, the morbid couple next to them finally came apart. A fine sprinkle of blood droplets accompanied the act. The vampire stood back, and the human stumbled against the wall and slid to the ground like a sack of flour.

  “Pardon me,” the vampire said, still breathing heavily as he glanced at them, and licked blood from his fingers.

  Milo remained speechless. Rogue, however, sighed.

  “Good evening, Marcel.”

  The vampire’s eyes flicked upwards for a brief moment.

  “Oh, it’s you,” he said then. “I should have known. And who’s this?”

  Marcel’s eyes traveled to Milo, who shifted uncomfortably when he saw the open desire in them.

  “Are you going to share?” the vampire demanded to know. There was a slight smirk on his face. “If I recall correctly, you owe me a good time.”

  “Not him.” Rogue’s voice, usually so dark and seductive, had gone ice cold. His arms once more tightened around Milo.

  “Didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to keep your toys all to yourself?” Marcel grinned, then extended his tongue to catch a droplet of blood that was dripping from his wrist. The front of the vampire’s pants was bulging obscenely.

  “Your boyfriend is dying,” Rogue said, voice still emotionless.

  Marcel did not look too bothered by the fact.

  “Oh,” he said. “Right.” He dug in his pocket, produced a syringe and knelt before the motionless man on the floor. Milo looked away just before Marcel gave his victim the drug cocktail that would hopefully stabilize him. He hated needles.

  “Anyway,” Marcel continued, as though nothing at all was wrong, “don’t stop making out on my account. You know I love watching you, and I’m sure he tastes fantastic.”

  Milo felt Rogue’s hands withdrawing from his torso as he clenched them into fists. Then the other man stopped holding him altogether and started to push Milo towards the door instead.

  “Come on,” he said, taking the lead. Milo followed without a word of protest. He had no objections to bringing some distance between himself and the vampire who obviously wanted to jump his bones. The situation, however, was leaving a bad taste in his mouth. As soon as they had turned a corner, he whirled around to face Rogue.

  “What the fuck was that about?” he demanded to know.

  Rogue’s eyes, now back to dark grey, narrowed.

  “What was what about?”

  “How do you know that vampire?”

  The other man looked rather displeased with the turn the conversation had taken.

  “Does it really matter?” Rogue asked, scowling.

  “Yes, it fucking matters!” Milo was shouting now, feeling ridiculously upset. “You tell me to trust you, but you won’t even answer my question. I am not a goddamn toy!”

  Rogue ran his hands through his hair, looking nervous and even a little scared. At least he wasn’t using his powers now to try and stop Milo from thinking.

  “Why are you so upset?” the outsider asked. There was a note of sadness laced with the question. Milo slumped.

  “Because…” He fought to find the right words. “Because last thing I knew, we were playing Nascar on my carpet with toy cars, and now you’re…” He gesticulated wildly. “I don’t even know. What the fuck happened to you?”

  “Like you don’t know,” Rogue growled.

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking.”

  “Damn it Milo, what do you think? I got caught up in the middle of the riots. My mother was killed a week after I last saw you. She never got around to teaching me a damn thing about my powers, and I didn’t know what to do. I had nowhere to go, and I didn’t want to be around humans because I was afraid I would lose control again.”

  Milo’s heart sank. He knew the riots had been bad. His dad had kept him sheltered from the worst of it, but he’d heard the stories.

  “Then what?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Marcel was one of the vampires who gave me shelter,” Rogue explained before lowering his gaze to the floor. “I started needing sex. I can’t kill vampires by draining them, so I just… indulged. I stayed away from others until I learned to control myself.”

  Milo felt sick.

  “That’s fucked up.”

  “It’s who I am.” Rogue’s eyes burned when he looked at Milo again. “I can’t help it. I’ve been surviving, that’s all. A lot happened that I’m not proud of, but I never killed anyone.”

  Milo stared at the other man. On the outside, Rogue had barely changed since they had seen each other six years ago, but at the same time he couldn’t have been more different from the quiet, almost shy teenager who had kissed Milo back then.

  Only when Rogue raised his eyebrows questioningly did Milo realize that he had been quiet for some time, contemplating the point.

  “You aren’t who I knew back then,” he explained out loud, and only then realized how cruel it sounded.

  “No,” Rogue agreed sadly, leaning his head against the wall. “I’m a whore and an opportunist and I’m about as far from innocent as you can get.”

  Milo found another truth, and shared that one as well.

  “I still love you.”

  Rogue’s eyes darkened as though someone had poured black ink over them.

  “You do?”

  Milo reached for the outsider, brushed cold skin with his fingertips. Rogue leaned into the touch as though he was starved for it, and Milo kept going, cupping the other man’s cheek, running his thumb across those full, sensual lips.

  “Dance with me,” Rogue said then.

  Milo frowned at the request, but he wasn’t given the opportunity to say no. Rogue simply took his hand and pulled him through the narrow corridor. They re-entered the club proper, ears once more assaulted by music, and threaded their way through the crowd until Rogue stopped in the middle of the dancefloor and threw his arms around Milo’s neck, pulling him close.

  Milo felt the surge of lust at once when their bodies were pressed together. Their foreheads touched, and they swayed to their very own rhythm. Soon, Rogue was grinding on him, the bulge in his pants firm against the top of Milo’s thigh, and it felt like the best thing ever. He was holding on to the smaller taut body for dear life. Their chests rose and sank in unison, more and more hectic as Milo felt himself growing rock hard.

  Rogue seemed so determined, touching him in all the right places, eager hands sliding beneath his shirt and halfway into his jeans. Milo felt the other man’s power flaring up once more, but this time, he didn’t mind. This time, he knew how he felt and what he wanted. So he relaxed and pressed Rogue’s body more precisely against his own. Something utterly lustful exploded behind his eyes as a result. Tension swept through him and gripped him tight.

  Then black, glittering eyes held his gaze.

  “Fuck me,” Rogue demanded bluntly. Milo could barely hear him over the music, but it was clear enough.

  Weakly, he nodded. His hand searched for and found Rogue’s, and he tried to turn away while trying to figure out where they could go.

  Except Rogue didn’t seem to want to go anywhere. The outsider kept holding on to him, full lips finding Milo’s throat and sucking on the skin there. One slim hand caused Milo’s cock to harden to the point of painful.

  Then, suddenly, the music was gone, and nothing but the quickening beat of his own heart rang in Milo’s ears.

  White-hot lust exploded in his belly. With single-minded determination, he tore at Rogue’s clothes, and it took him quite a while before his training kicked in and allowed a small part of his mind to break free of Rogue’s hold.

  It was that small part which reminded him how anxious his father had been in the presence of Rogue’s mother, how much the succubus had affected him - and she hadn’t eve
n been looking to seduce him. Rogue, on the other hand, seemed determined to have sex right here on the dancefloor, and he was, consciously or not, tapping into all the power he had in order to get his way.

  Milo was aware of it, but he couldn’t fight it - not when he was aching to have Rogue of his own free will. So he did the only thing that made sense and gave up on his struggle, fell back into the tempting web Rogue had spun around him.

  The next time he blinked his eyes open, he was back in reality. The music once more pulsated through him, and Rogue was still grinding against him. The outsider’s shirt had vanished. His lean, muscular chest was begging to be licked all over.

  Milo realized that his hands were busy tearing at the other man’s belt. He dropped to his knees and put his lips to Rogue’s lower belly while he finished the task. Miraculously, nobody fell over him while he peeled the outsider’s jeans down bit by bit, kissing his way deeper and deeper. He felt the vibration as Rogue groaned, welcomed the feeling of hands gripping his hair.

  He had only just reached the very top of the base of Rogue’s shaft, nuzzled it, and prepared to reveal the rest of it when Rogue forcefully pulled him back to his feet. Then kissed deeply, tongues intertwining. Milo lost his shirt the second they came apart. Rogue threw it into the crowd in a high arc.

  Being skin on skin felt incredibly good. Milo couldn’t stop running his hands all over Rogue’s soft, cool skin, and the outsider seemed just as fixated on Milo’s torso. A small current of electricity seemed to be buzzing between them - whether Milo imagined it, or whether it was Rogue’s power or even a manifestation of the sexual tension, he wasn’t sure.

  Rogue’s hands dipped low, squeezing Milo’s ass through his pants and forcing him close again in order to allow their still-covered erections to press together. Milo could no longer keep from moaning into Rogue’s mouth. The other man was making small noises of lust as well, body moving feverishly against Milo’s.

  “Fuck me,” Rogue begged again.

  There was so much power laced with the words that it made the fine hairs on Milo’s neck stand up. The sexual compulsion washed over him like a tidal wave, and he was not the only one affected by it. From the corner of his eye, he saw the dancers around them pressing closer together, more than one hand suddenly dipping beneath a skirt or into someone’s pants. And when Rogue ripped open Milo’s fly with a massive effort and went on his knees, Milo had absolutely no objections.

  Rogue’s lips may have been cold, but his tongue nearly burned Milo’s skin as it traveled down his shaft. Milo’s belly tightened at once. Then the outsider swallowed his cock in one smooth movement, making Milo’s blood boil. All he could do was to grasp two fistfuls of Rogue’s hair and hold on for dear life.

  It was the best thing he had ever felt. Rogue’s throat massaged him so good, and after several savage thrusts of his hips Milo realized that the outsider seemed to have neither a gag reflex nor a need to come up for air. His vision dwindled as he focused on fucking his lover’s tight, hot mouth like it was all that would ever matter again.

  When Rogue drew back, the suddenness with which Milo crashed back into reality was painful. Disoriented, he stumbled. Surprisingly strong arms caught him just before he pitched forward, and eased him to his knees. Before he had fully figured out where up and down was, Rogue’s tongue was in his mouth again. Milo felt a tiny tugging sensation at his heart before the outsider stopped himself. Instead, his hands finished the task of dragging Milo’s pants down his legs, ripping fabric in the process. Milo hastily returned the favor, once more tried to taste the other man, but Rogue held him in a death grip as they kissed again.

  “Now,” Rogue groaned into his mouth. “Need you now!”

  That was the point when he heard the sound of more fabric ripping. Milo tore his lips from Rogue’s and turned his head, realizing Rogue’s control was slipping rapidly, his power going haywire. He saw a girl’s bare breasts being sucked on by two vampires while she moaned with pleasure, watched a woman lifting her skirt and sink to her knees in order to ride her companion’s face, witnessed a group of three men fighting over the cock of a fourth before they started taking turns in sucking it.

  And in the very center of the sudden sexual mayhem were Rogue and him. The other man had gotten to his feet. He was now completely nude, and the sight would have made Milo fall to his knees if he hadn’t been there already. Rogue was endless legs, unblemished, lustrous skin, lithe and perfect body, and eyes so dark that there was no white left in them at all. The sight was almost frightening to Milo.

  Swollen cock throbbing, Rogue stepped towards him. Finally he allowed Milo to crawl forward and taste him, to wrap hands and lips around the thick, hot shaft and suck as much precum from the tip as Rogue would give him. The outsider had covered Milo’s head with his hands and was holding him close, his body shivering with lust.

  Then Milo was forcefully pushed back, his mouth ripped from Rogue’s cock as he fell backwards.

  “Now,” Rogue gasped again, nearly screaming. He fell to his knees, straddling Milo’s chest with his long legs, grabbing hold of Milo’s hair and kissing him fiercely.

  Milo’s hands groped blindly and desperately before he managed to cup the perfect, round globes of Rogue’s ass. He eased them apart, managed to slip a finger in between, and everything just felt like hot, slick velvet after that when Rogue arched his back eagerly. Then the outsider pushed himself up, breaking Milo’s grip, reached behind his back to wrap his fingers around Milo’s straining cock, and started to fit it into his tight hole.

  Milo saw stars as his hips lifted from the floor in an effort to meet Rogue’s body. His lover was sinking down onto him with aching slowness, allowing Milo to invade him, to stretch him. Rogue was so tight that they had to fight for every inch they joined. Their bodies shook with the effort. Rogue had thrown back his head, eyes squeezed shut and lips parted in obvious and complete ecstasy.

  Then, finally, Milo felt the other man’s weight descending on him all the way.

  Rogue looked ready to collapse. His eyes were wide open, but he didn’t appear to be seeing Milo at all as he swayed, his arms shaking with the effort of keeping himself upright. Milo tried to reach for him in an effort to steady him, but Rogue shook his head wildly. The tips of his hair flung droplets of sweat in all directions.

  Around them, bodies joined in the most carnal of acts. Nobody was left unaffected, not the outsiders, and certainly not the humans. The girl with the swaying, bare breasts was being taken by three men at once and seemed to be loving every moment of it. One vampire had bent another over a speaker, and a group of six men and three women was fucking wildly in one gigantic pile, fitted together every way they could manage. Milo felt Rogue’s power washing over all of them and suddenly understood why his lover was so exhausted.

  But then the outsider perched on top of him tensed and straightened up. Milo watched as Rogue’s lips formed a serene smile, as the near-translucent skin of his face began to shine with some inner glow. Milo stared, fascinated and confused at once.

  But then he understood. Rogue was soaking in the raw sexual energy around them. It flooded back to him, creating something that dangerously resembled a feedback loop as his power kept radiating out through the entire room.

  With a sudden burst of energy, Rogue started riding him. The rest of the world ceased to be interesting and faded out again as Milo focused on his own thrusting hips. He matched Rogue’s frantic pace as well as he could. The tightness and heat around his cock were almost too much to bear, but he clung to his lover and kept going on regardless, mindlessly. Sweat trickled down all over his body.

  “Yes,” Rogue gasped. His eyes were shining. “Don’t stop, Milo, don’t…”

  Milo was pretty sure he couldn’t have stopped if his life depended on it. But the fact that he could hear Rogue’s voice made him realize that the music had ceased, that the background noise now only consisted of a chorus of moans and groans and the sound of flesh on flesh.
/>   He arched his back and lifted his hips higher in order to be able to penetrate Rogue more fully. He had no idea where he was finding the strength. The moment Rogue’s body once more descended onto him and his cock forcefully thrust even further and deeper than before, Milo’s blood turned to white-hot fire. His vision blanked out as the feeling seared his entire body. He thrashed uselessly. Some part of his mind was aware that Rogue was feeling the same, that the outsider was moments from orgasm.

  Milo’s hips bucked wildly up and into Rogue, and the next moment he felt his lover’s hot cum spilling onto his chest.

  When Rogue came, so did everyone else. Milo lost himself in the sudden torrent of emotions coursing through the room as semen and juices were released, as muscles clenched and released rhythmically. His own eruption was almost an afterthought. His hands had gripped Rogue’s hips, and he shot his huge load deep into his lover’s tight, hot ass before collapsing back onto the ground for good.

  He had no idea how much time passed before his consciousness kicked in again. He was still on the ground, Rogue laying limply on top of him.

  “Love you,” the other man was murmuring into Milo’s ear. “So much. Always did. Love you.”

  “Love you too,” Milo rasped.

  Rogue’ arms tightened around him, but then went limp again.

  “Love you more,” he whispered.


  Rogue laughed freely and rolled off of him. Blinking in the sudden brightness, Milo realized that someone had turned on the overhead lights. It took him at least another couple of minutes until he felt able to sit up and look around.

  It was a sight like none he had ever seen. Every single occupant of the enormous room had collapsed - everyone on the dancefloor, on the stairs, up on the gallery. Few of them were still wearing any clothing, most were covered in sweat and cum and wrapped around each other, and everyone was looking dazed and exhausted. As Milo continued to look around, tired, happy smiles started to appear on more and more faces.

  “Holy fuck,” he croaked. “Has that ever happened before?”


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