To Love and Obey

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To Love and Obey Page 14

by Vera Roberts

  “Are you honestly telling me that had Biggie lived, Jay-Z would still be as successful as he is?” Nick smirked as he took down another braid. “You can’t honestly believe that.”

  “Everyone quotes Jay-Z’s songs. Everyone.” Zerrin pointed out. “When’s the last time you heard anyone quoting Biggie?”

  “Jay-Z bit off Biggie hard!” Nick laughed. “You want to know why everyone quotes Jay-Z’s songs? It’s because they don’t know they’re quoting Biggie’s lyrics! He built his entire career on Biggie’s rhymes. Nas was right and every hip-hop head agreed.”

  “You still didn’t answer my question,” Zerrin smiled through the mirror.

  “All right, let’s go,” Nick cleared his throat, “‘The World is Filled’ laid the foundation for ‘I Just Wanna Love You.’ Jay-Z copied Biggie’s rhymes verbatim. Um, let’s see…Jay’s ‘The Ruler’s Back’ which blatantly steals from ‘Kick in the Door.’ Oh, and let’s not forget ‘D.O.A.’ which he should be ashamed of stealing from ‘You’re Nobody Until Somebody Kills You.’ I can go on but I’ve made my point.”

  Zerrin’s heart felt aflutter. Nick showed a love and respect for the genre she hadn’t seen in ages. He didn’t mention the new cats burning up the airways. He didn’t wax poetic on which hip-hop label was the best. Instead, he made a well-reasoned and—it pained her to admit it—correct argument on two of the greatest hip-hop acts of all time. Was it possible to fall more in love with him? “How do you know so much hip-hop, anyway?”

  “I used to DJ at a hip-hop club when I was in undergrad and on the weekends during grad school. You see, if you’re a Black hip-hop DJ, you get a pass even if you’re horrible.” Nick took down another braid and gently massaged Zerrin’s hair and scalp. “But if you’re a White DJ spinning hip-hop, you better know your stuff.” He looked up and saw they had finish taking out Zerrin’s braids. “It seems like you’re all done.”

  “Great!” Zerrin ran a hand through her hair. “Now it’s time for me to deep condition and wash.”

  “How long will that take?”

  Zerrin thought for a moment. “Hmm, about an hour or so.”

  “Okay,” Nick nodded, “after you’re done deep-conditioning and getting ready to rinse, let me know.”

  Zerrin was a little confused by what her boyfriend was trying to suggest. “Okay…”

  “I want to help you wash your hair,” he clarified, “so go. Do your thing and come get me when you’re done. Use the time to mediate, catch up on your work, and think about the past few months.”

  An hour or so later, Zerrin approached Nick again, who was grading homework in her living room. “I’m ready for a rinse, Master.”

  “Great,” Nick removed his glasses and stood up. He removed his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Fuck, so am I… It seemed each time Zerrin saw Nick shirtless, it was a new experience for her. She felt flushed and her heart raced. Nick was ripped with six-pack abs, equally muscular arms, and a smoldering sensuality that commanded attention. His ebony hair showed silver highlights— a sign of wisdom, Zerrin wanted to believe, and he didn’t try to mask it. Instead, he wore his grey hair like a badge of honor, as if he’d earned those stripes.

  When Nick removed the rest of his clothing, it felt like he revealed a statue that should’ve been in the Smithsonian. Strong, muscular legs accompanied by rich, tawny skin. His cock was what wet dreams were made of, and Zerrin considered herself blessed to feel it on a regular basis.

  She grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and led him to her shower. It wasn’t as big as his and could barely fit the two of them. She felt a little embarrassed for him to see her in such a raw state but Nick was insistent for whatever reason. “I need to undress, baby,” Zerrin pulled down her shorts, “you can go right on in, if you want.”

  Baby. Zerrin didn’t use that pet name often, though Nick wished she would. The way she said it, it rolled off her tongue like sweet, sticky honey on a hot, summer day. She was a quiet sexy, Nick determined. The type of woman who didn’t know how sexy she was until someone brought out of her.

  He was lucky that someone was him.

  She had morphed from quiet, unsure woman to confident diva, assured of her decisions and thoughts. She used to fumble a lot in her speaking, stammering and trying to find the right words without offending anyone. Now she spoke her mind, openly and freely, to whoever chose to listen.

  She was insatiable in the bedroom and during play scenes, wanting to know more about the lifestyle and fulfilling her role as a submissive, catering to His every need. She took her tasks seriously, her discipline even more so—going as far to create a menu for Nick to eat during the week and pressing his clothes for him. She was Whitney and Stacey wrapped into one.

  She was everything Nick wanted and needed in his life.

  Zerrin joined Nick a short time later and wet her body. She tilted her back slightly to get the deep conditioner out. She was surprised to feel Nick’s hands in her hair, helping to rinse the conditioner out. She opened her eyes and was met with Nick’s sparkling blues. “I need to make sure you’re clean.” He smiled.

  For a short while, it was silence between the pair as Nick gently washed Zerrin’s hair. He was gentle with her hair, carefully detangling some ends while getting all of the shampoo and conditioner out.

  It was so sensual to watch Nick in action, applying the same meticulous care to her scalp that he did to her body and spirit. His eyes were serious as he took care of her, soaping her body down with a sponge and thoroughly cleansing her. Zerrin knew it was against the protocol and rules that her Master set forth but she couldn’t help herself. She pulled Nick in for a kiss, gently sucking on his bottom lip. Nick wrapped his arms around Zerrin’s back, deepening the kiss. He met Zerrin’s tongue halfway and she welcomed the opportunity.

  “We need to move to another place, tesoro.” Nick breathed. “We don’t have enough room in here for what I want to do to you.”

  “And what do you want to do to me?” Zerrin sensually smiled.

  “Everything,” Nick smiled.

  They turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping their bodies in towels. Zerrin grabbed Nick’s hand and led him to her bedroom, where she lit some candles. She removed her towel and rejoined her boyfriend in bed, who was already naked.

  They kissed some more, their hands wandering each other’s bodies. An insatiable hunger took over Nick when he took over Zerrin’s lips and rolled on top of her. He stopped kissing for a moment and just admired his girlfriend. Her hair was still damp from the shower, and her eyes again sparkled in the candlelight.

  “What is it?” Zerrin smiled.

  Nick slightly shook his head. “You’re just beautiful, that’s all.”

  Zerrin could’ve melted right then and there. “Baby…”

  “Shh…” He whispered. “I’m not a man of many words so I’m going to keep this brief. Zerrin, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby,” she softly replied back.

  They began to kiss again and Zerrin opened wider to accommodate Nick, who slid inside her. They moved in unison, kissing and holding each other as their bodies became one throughout the night. There was no play session, no BDSM…just two lovers solidifying their bond and love for each other through lovemaking over and over again.


  “So you’re Nicky’s new girlfriend,” Faith D’Amato put the shampoo cape over Zerrin and turned her around to face the mirror. Nick had called in a favor from Faith to do Zerrin’s braids. Faith was booked well into the day but for the opportunity to meet a real-life and breathing girlfriend of her oldest brother-in-law, she couldn’t pass up the chance. “I honestly thought you were a myth. Nick never has a girlfriend.”

  “I’m starting to get that.” Zerrin smiled. “He’s very private.”

  “No, it’s not that he’s private,” Faith put some moisturizer on Zerrin’s head and massaged it. “I honestly thought he just didn’t like
girls. Everyone in the family thought he was gay for the longest time!”

  “Gay?” Zerrin laughed. “That’s a new one.”

  “You need to understand, honey,” Faith cocked her head to the side, “those D’Amato boys aren’t nothing to play around with. Yeah, I got a good one in Eli and so did Tiana in Kieran. But Tony and Joey? Those fools would hump a goat if she looked right.”

  “Faith!” Another stylist laughed at her.

  “Am I right, though?” she asked. “It seems like those two are in a competition on who can bang the most hoes in New York. I told them both they keep that up and they’re going to wake up with their dicks in the freezer because they fucked with the wrong one…”

  “The crazy one,” another hairstylist commented to nods and agreements.

  “Exactly!” Faith put a shower cap on Zerrin’s hair. “But Nick, though…Nick was always so private about who he dated. He never brought anyone home. Ever. That’s why when Nicola said he was bringing you over for dinner on Sunday, I was like, ‘Is she real or is it Memorex?’”

  “Well, I hope I don’t disappoint anyone,” Zerrin grinned.

  “Girl, please! As long Nick loves you, you’re in with the rest of the family. I do have a tip for tomorrow, though.”


  “Don’t eat before you come over. In fact, don’t eat for about six or seven hours.”

  “That’s a long time,” Zerrin commented, “why the long wait?”

  “Trust me, when you see what Nicola has cooked, you’ll regret even thinking about grabbing a bite to eat.”

  Hours later, Zerrin was freshly braided. Faith admired her through the mirror. “I have to say this is probably one of my best works yet,” Faith nodded.

  “You’re like a miracle worker,” Zerrin couldn’t stop staring at her hair.

  “I’ve been in the game since high school so I got my magic wand down pat!” Faith nodded. “You’re definitely one of the easiest. That deep-conditioning you did last night really helped.”

  Zerrin smiled at the memory of Nick washing her hair. “I’m glad it did.”

  Whistles and stares rose in the salon and Faith turned her attention to see what was causing the commotion. “I’m glad you asked me to do her hair because I wanted to see for myself if she was a real life person.”

  Nick walked over to his sister-in-law and gave her a hug. He then looked at Zerrin’s hair, small black and dark brown braids cascaded down her back, giving her a more youthful look. “I love it already.”

  “Girl, he’s down with the swirl!” a client commented.

  “All them D’Amato boys are!” another hairstylist chimed in.

  “You want to get out of here before we make the ten o’clock evening edition?” Nick whispered to Zerrin.

  “Please…” She stood up from the chair.

  Nick reached into his pocket and took out some money for Faith. “For your services. The rest is for you and Nathan.”

  “And this is why I love my brother-in-law!” Faith gave Nick another hug. “See you tomorrow night, bro. It was a pleasure meeting you, Zerrin,” she offered her a hug as well.

  “Bye, Faith! See you later!” Zerrin waved back at her. She walked with Nick to his car and they got inside before she started up the conversation again. “I can’t wait to meet your family, baby.”

  “They’re crazy, but their hearts are in the right place,” Nick mentioned, “they’re just a little wild sometimes.”

  “You’re wild and crazy, too.” Zerrin smiled.

  “Only with you,” Nick winked, “let’s go back to my place. We have some time to kill before the evening’s events.”

  “And what are we going to do there?” Zerrin prodded.

  Nick stifled a yawn. He was up all night with his girlfriend and despite how much he wanted her at that moment, there was only one thing on his mind. “Sleep.”


  Dear Diary,

  What can I say? It seems each time I’m with Nick, the more I fall in love with him.

  As my Dom, He’s so dominating yet respectful. He doesn’t humiliate me or get some twisted pleasure out of seeing me at my weakest. Instead, Master tries to help me, cultivate me and mold me into the woman I can be.

  As my colleague, Nick is always encouraging me to do my best and not be intimidated by the students or the reputation the school has. He wants me to focus on being a good educator, and encouraging the students to try their best, no matter what.

  As my boyfriend, he’s so romantic. He always surprises me with little things, like a small note in my purse telling me how much he appreciates me or taking me to see a play I’ve wanted to see. But the other night when we conversed about hip-hop while he was taking my down my braids…that was what wet dreams are made of.

  Nick, by far, has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Now I know why he’s called Saint Nick. He was sent by God, I swear.


  Zerrin closed her diary and began to get ready for the evening. Nick chose a long grey pencil skirt and white blouse for her, with high heels. She had grown accustomed to wearing the stilettos, though she still preferred her sneakers and chunky heels. It was easier on the feet at the end of the day.

  “Give me a number,” Nick stated.

  Zerrin applied a light blush to her cheeks. “A number?”

  “Yeah, any number between one and ten,” Nick straightened out his tie.

  “Um, three?” Zerrin shrugged.

  “Three, huh?” Nick smiled. “I think I can work with three.”

  “What’s that about?” Zerrin caught a glimpse of a mischievous smile forming on Nick’s face. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “Three, tesoro mio…” Nick walked over to Zerrin and caressed her face, trailing his fingers down to the swell of her breasts, “…is the number of times I’m going to make you cum tonight.”

  Zerrin felt her breath stop in the middle of her throat. She finally released it in short, jagged breaths. “You know, we can always stay inside tonight,” she shrugged, “we don’t have to go to that function tonight.”

  “Oh no, we’re going,” Nick smiled. “It’ll be something to look forward to later. Let’s go.”


  The reception was held in one of the conference rooms at the Kimmel Center on the main NYU campus. It already had the setting of a high-society affair. A string quartet played in a corner, while servers passed around hors d'oeuvres and sparkling apple cider to guests. Nick and Zerrin mingled separately, talking with students, some of whom had brought their parents along.

  “Congrats, graduates on your accomplishments!” Rosemary raised a glass of sparking apple cider. “I have seen many of you throughout the years and I am so proud of you. To witness the growth and see you pursue your dreams, it makes my job as an educator that much more rewarding. I encourage you to pursue whatever makes you happy and keep striving. And when you get a famous, please give me a shout-out on television! Cheers!”

  Everyone raised their glasses to toast. “Now, would a few members of our faculty like to address the students?” Rosemary asked to the faculty members. “Nick! What about you? Come up here! You’re full of wisdom!”

  Nick’s raised his eyebrows, questioning why Rosemary singled him out instead of the more talkative professors. He walked to the podium, still holding his champagne flute. He thought quickly about what he wanted to say and then spoke in the microphone. “Kick ass and don’t disappoint me,” he raised his glass to amusing chuckles and cheers.

  After Nick stepped away from the podium, his other colleagues followed his lead, offering humorous antidotes to the graduates. “That was short and sweet,” Zerrin commented as Nick approached her.

  “I was once a college graduate and I know how it feels to listen to speech after speech after speech. No one remembers what was said or who said it. Can you recall what the valedictorian said at your graduation?” Nick asked and Zerrin gave a shrug. “Exactly. No on
e remembers because no one cares. They just want to get the diploma, go out and get drunk, then join the real world like the rest of us.”

  “Some might care,” Zerrin suggested.

  “Oh,” Nick tested her, “do you?”

  “I care about you and what you want,” Zerrin glanced at her boyfriend, “so yes, I do care.”

  Nick took another sip of cider. “I want to test that theory.” His voice lowered and became more authoritative.

  Zerrin noticed the change and knew it was play time. “I’m listening, Sir.”

  “Wait for Me back in the office. You are to be blindfolded and waiting in a comfortable position. You can determine what I mean by comfortable. Go now.” He ordered.

  “At Your will, Sir,” Zerrin finished her cider and took the keys from Nick and headed to His office.

  From a distance, Rosemary watched the interaction between Nick and Zerrin. She briefly wondered what was going on there.


  Zerrin patiently waited for Nick back at his office. She remembered He hadn’t asked her to kneel or bend over; there was no telling how long he was going to be gone and he didn’t want her to hurt herself by waiting on the hard floor for him.

  Instead, she chose to wait on the sofa in a seated, crossed-leg position. Her hands were resting on her lap and she looked poised, as if she was in a modeling shoot. She briefly recalled how nervous she was before when she had to wait for Him, her mind racing and she could never keep still. Months later, she was able to clear her mind and focus on her breathing and mediation. She noticed her entire spirit seemed to have been reborn due to her Master. She was no longer stressed out about work, school, and having some sort of a private life. She fully enjoyed her life now.

  She suddenly heard the door open and assumed it was Nick. She didn’t greet Him nor did she remove the blindfold; she knew her role. Instead, she continued to wait on the sofa in her chosen position, waiting for His next instruction.

  She heard the sound of classical music being played and her heart skipped a beat. She wondered what He was going to do to her, if He was going to spank or flog her again. She had difficulty containing the racing beat of her heart and her erratic mind. She calmed a little when she heard the sound of a drawer opening then closing. She then heard His footsteps toward her direction.


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