To Love and Obey

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To Love and Obey Page 16

by Vera Roberts

  “Much, much worse,” Kieran folded his arms.


  Now I know why I always went to the cleaners. This is just too much work.

  Zerrin was carefully paying attention to Stacey giving a demonstration on how to sew. Stacey used to take care of all of Nick’s household affairs—making sure His laundry was done, His shirts were pressed, and His bed was made. Now Zerrin was taking over Stacey’s duties.

  “From under the shirt, push the needle up through one of the holes in the button and pull the thread all the way through till the knot anchors on the back of the button.” Stacey demonstrated. “Push the needle through the next hole and through the shirt. Just keep repeating until the button is secure. Make sure you tie a double-knot at the bottom, securing the button. It’s really that simple.”

  “It doesn’t look that simple,” Zerrin grimaced.

  “You just have to keep practicing,” Stacey demonstrated on another button. “Practice makes perfect.”

  A small silence passed between the women as Zerrin practiced on one of her shirts. She was afraid of ruining one of her Master’s shirts and facing His disappointment. After a short while, she stopped and presented her work to Stacey. “How is this?”

  Stacey examined Zerrin’s handy work. “That’s perfect! I told you you were a natural!”

  “If it wasn’t for you and Whitney, I don’t know where I would be,” Zerrin set down her shirt and turned to Stacey. “I really appreciate all of the work both of you have done for me. You didn’t have to train me or guide me at all. I really, really appreciate it.”

  “We did because we respect our Master and what He has done for us. We would’ve done anything for Him, no matter what He asked.” Stacey warmly smiled. “He chose a good one in you, and if we didn’t approve of you, He wouldn’t be with you.”

  Zerrin didn’t realize how much influence her submissive sisters had on Nick. “I’m not the first?” she had to ask.

  “No, but you’re definitely the last.” Stacey smiled.

  “So what are you and Whitney going to do now since I’m taking over?”

  “We have our own lives.” Stacey replied. “We’re each finding our own Dom to serve and submit to.”

  “I would like to stay friends with you two, if that’s okay?” Zerrin asked, hoping she wasn’t crossing a line. “I feel so close and connected to the two of you, and I would just feel weird if we were no longer in contact.”

  “Zerrin, we’ll be around,” Stacey promised, “you can’t get rid of us that easily. Besides, Master would be very upset if we stop communication with Him. Just whenever you want to hang out, call us. You’re going to need a break from Him, trust us.” She laughed and Zerrin joined in. “Now let’s get back to the task. I still need to teach you how to press His shirts.”


  Nick arrived at the English department and walked to his office. He just put his messenger bag down when Rosemary appeared at his doorway. “Hey, Nick, do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about something?”

  “Um, sure,” Nick followed Rosemary to her office and closed the door behind him. “What’s going on, Rosemary?”

  Rosemary sat in front of Nick on her desk and crossed her legs. “How’s everything coming this term? Everything’s been good?”

  Nick noticed Rosemary was a little too close for his comfort. He decided not to pay it any attention. “Everything’s been great. No problems with the classes or the students.”

  “That’s good to hear. Real good to hear.” Rosemary smiled. “How’s Zerrin as your TA?”

  “She’s been great,” Nick made direct eye contact with his boss. He wanted to read her eyes and didn’t like the vibes she was giving to him. “How can I help you, Rosemary?”

  “I wanted to thank you for your participation the other day with the English function. It was great to see that you came out.”

  “You’re welcome.” His face remained emotionless. “Is there anything else?”

  “Yes,” a slow smile grew on Rosemary’s face, “I went to look for you and Zerrin and I discovered you two were busy in your office.”

  Nick didn’t want to wonder how long or how much Rosemary heard that night. “Get to the point, Rosemary,” he stated.

  She folded her arms and sighed. “I could fire you for this. This is a violation against the ethics agreement you signed, and I could have you fired.”

  “If you wanted to do that, you would have,” Nick met her challenge. “What’s the real reason why I’m here?”

  Rosemary hiked up her skirt and sat on the desk. She wasn’t wearing any panties and made sure Nick had a close-up view of her snatch. The only thing separating her and Nick was air and opportunity. “I heard you were up for tenure. I can speed up that process for you.”

  Rosemary’s scent reminded Nick he needed to introduce her to Summer’s Eve. “How?”

  “I’ve heard about your reputation and what you do with some of your students. I heard you’re…” Rosemary leaned over and caressed Nick’s muscular chest. “…quite the beast.”

  Nick remained emotionless. “Get to the point, Rosemary.”

  “You want tenure, you need to go through me to get it,” she sensually smiled.

  Nick already knew the answer before he asked the question. “And if I don’t go through you?”

  “Consider this to be your final term at NYU.” Rosemary smiled again.

  Nick didn’t have to read too much into what Rosemary said. He was good as fired. The icing on the cake was Rosemary knew about his relationship with Zerrin and didn’t care one way or another about it. “So you’re harassing me to sleep with you?” Nick asked.

  “You’re a grown man. This isn’t kindergarten. You can do whatever and whomever you want,” Rosemary smiled. “But we both know how much you want tenure.”

  Rosemary was right. One of the few reasons Nick had stayed in academia for as long as he did was because of tenure. He wanted the academic freedom to do whatever he wanted, without justifying his actions or courses. “I’ll see.”

  “The deadline to make your decision is by the end of next Thursday before summer break.” She got off the desk to kiss Nick’s lips. They were softer than she imagined. “I suspect you’ll make the right decision. You’re dismissed now, Nicholas.”

  “Vai a farti fottere, troia.” Go fuck yourself, whore. Nick was silently furious and began to plot Rosemary’s demise. She was not going to ruin what he worked his ass the past several years to get. He got out of the chair and began to head out.

  “Oh, and Nick, just one more thing,” Rosemary’s words stopped Nick in his tracks, “I always get what I want.”

  Nick pursed his lips together and turned around. “Funny you say that, because so do I.”


  “You’re disturbed,” Zerrin sensed the tension coming from her boyfriend. When he arrived at her apartment that night for dinner, it seemed like he was in another world and that her mere presence annoyed him. Even when she wanted to submit to him, Nick went through the motions and wasn’t the serious Dom she knew.

  She massaged his nude body, and felt the tight coils in his shoulders. His whole body was stiff and there was negative energy coming from him. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  Nick wish everything was okay. He knew it was a lie. Everything was not okay, far from it. He was stuck between giving up his career and giving up his woman. He always wondered exactly what the phrase “stuck between a rock and a hard place” meant and now he was finding out firsthand. “I just have a lot on my mind,” he answered truthfully.

  “Did you want to talk about it?” Zerrin offered.

  “Not really,” Nick sat up on the bed. He began gathering his clothes and putting them on. “I need to leave tonight.”

  “Leave?” Zerrin carefully watched her boyfriend. His eyes were dark, as if there was no life in them. “Why?”

  “I just need to figure some things out on my own, Zerrin, and it does
n’t involve you.” Nick grabbed his jacket and keys and headed for the front door.

  “What?” Zerrin stood up and followed Nick to the front door. “What’s going on? Nick, talk to me.”

  “Zerrin, I can’t right now, okay?” He waved her good-bye. “I’ll call you when I can.” He then left.

  Zerrin stood in her apartment, facing the front door. What in the hell just happened?


  “So what’s going on, bro?” Eli asked as he dealt cards. “Seems like the only time we ever see anyone is when Kieran comes to town?”

  “Busy,” Nick studied his cards.

  “With?” Kieran asked.

  “Life,” Nick shrugged, “I’ve just been busy.”

  Tony nodded as he studied his cards. “So how long has Zerrin been keeping your dick up?”

  Nick took a sip of beer. “Can somebody please…?”

  Kieran reached over and slapped the back of Tony’s head. “What the hell? That was an honest question!” Tony rubbed his head.

  “It’s not just Zerrin, Nicky. You’ve been a little distant from all of us tonight,” Eli said, “I’m in with two dozen fire and ice roses.”

  “Ooh, fire and ice,” Kieran rubbed his chin, “that’s a tough bet.”

  “Bring it or fold it,” Eli challenged.

  “Okay, I got your fire and ice with white peonies that will be imported from Georgia,” Joey placed his bet to amusing looks from his brothers, “that’s right—Georgia. Savannah, to be exact.”

  “What’s going on, man?” Kieran asked his older brother. “Is everything okay? Is it Zerrin? She seems like a nice woman.”

  “That’s the problem,” Nick put his cards down. “She is a nice woman.”

  “Is she boring?” Tony asked.

  Nick thought about their other date, talking about the great works of literature and getting into a friendly debate with each other. Then they made love for hours afterward until they were exhausted. “No, she’s perfect,” Nick replied.

  The brothers looked at each other, confused by what Nick said. “So what’s the problem?” Eli asked.

  “I’m up for tenure. I’ll get to be on more committees, have more academic freedom to teach whatever I want, and will be next in line after a couple of my colleagues to head the department.” Nick commented.

  “So what does this have to do with Zerrin?” Joey asked.

  “In order to get that promotion, I have to sleep with the current department chair, Rosemary. But if I don’t sleep with her, I’ll be fired.” Nick replied.

  “So the chair wants you to sleep with her so you can save your job?” Eli asked.

  “Pretty much,” Nick looked at his cards.

  “Have you reported her to the board?” Kieran asked.

  “Can’t. She’s buddy-buddy with almost all of them. Even if they did believe me, they would rather let me go than her,” Nick placed his bet. “Two weeks of tutoring.”

  “Did you tell Zerrin?” Joey asked.

  “Tell her what?” Nick questioned. “That if I don’t sleep with my boss, I’ll be out of a job? I know how Rosemary can be. It’s not so much I’ll be out of a job at NYU. That puttana will make sure I don’t get hired anywhere else.”

  Tony placed his bet. “A shave, pedicure, and a fade for three months.” He turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. “Why don’t you break up with Zerrin, sleep with Rosemary, and then get back with Zerrin?”

  “Tony’s got a point,” Joey commented.

  “Che cazzo dici?” Eli folded his cards. “You two can’t be serious?”

  “It’s not a bad idea. Zerrin would never know that you’re breaking up with her to save your job.” Joey mentioned.

  “It’s not a bad idea,” Nick slightly nodded.

  “Okay, I know you’re not listening to the ones who don’t have girlfriends on what to do with your relationship?” Kieran asked.

  “I have girlfriends,” Joey replied, “I have plenty of them.”

  Kieran dismissed Joey. “For real, Nicky?”

  “You have a better idea, Kieran?” Nick asked.

  “I’m in with a month of child care. She’ll fly in from L.A. and I’ll cover her room and board,” Kieran placed his bet. “How about you tell Zerrin the truth?”

  “And how do you propose I do that? ‘Hey honey, I have to sleep with my boss to keep my position and risk not being royally fucked throughout the world. I hope you understand.’” Nick glanced over to his brother, “Is that better?”

  “You want to fuck Rosemary,” a slow smile crawled on Eli’s face.

  “Vaffanculo!” Nick dismissed him.

  “Oh?” Joey asked. “Tony came up with that plan—ridiculous, but not that bad—and you’re not even hesitating about it.”

  “You got your dick wet for her?” Tony asked.

  Rosemary was built like a linebacker and smelled of desperation and Jean Naté. “No,” Nick corrected, “not even fucking close.”

  “Until now,” Eli added.

  “Don’t you need to be tucking Nathan in or watching another episode of Dora the Explorer with your kid?” Nick asked.

  “Faye got that covered,” Eli commented.

  “Defensive are we?” Kieran smiled.

  “And your ass,” Nick pointed to him. “Shouldn’t you be attending to your pregnant wife and kid upstairs?”

  “They’re asleep,” Kieran replied.

  “I’m out,” Nick folded his cards, “I’m out.”

  “Out of options or out of time?” Eli asked.

  “Both,” Nick said, exasperatedly, “I’m really fucked here, guys. Jokes aside, I really don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “Make a decision that’s best for you, but consider Zerrin’s feelings,” Kieran advised, “and don’t play with her emotions.”

  “That’s the problem,” Nick took a sip of beer. “No matter what I choose, her emotions will be played with.”

  “Something tells me you already made the decision,” Tony suggested.

  Nick’s chest tightened. “I didn’t spend all of those years in academia just so I can leave and become something else when I got tired of it,” he motioned to all of his brothers, “you all are passionate about what you do and how it moves you. That’s how I feel about academics. I’m always searching for that new discovery, that new ideal, that theory that no one has mentioned yet. And I busted the last eighteen years of my life, damn near twenty, to get to where I am.

  “I love Zerrin. I love her very much. I actually see a future with us down the line. But I refuse to have any one make a joke of me and what I do.”

  “What are you saying, bro?” Joey asked.

  Nick took another sip of beer and revealed a cunning smile. The idea popped into his head and he wished he thought of it sooner. He laid out his cards, four aces and a queen. “If you bet against the house, you better be pretty fucking sure you’re going to win.”


  “So Kionna, are you still having extra-credit with Professor Hottie?” her friend, Natalie, asked her.

  Kionna pouted. “No,” she mumbled. “He’s got a girlfriend now.”

  “All that extra credit you’ve been giving him, I’m surprised you didn’t make the final cut on his team,” Natalie snickered.

  “Ha-ha, very funny.” Kionna rolled her eyes. She looked over and saw Nick was sitting in a far corner reading a book and sipping a cup. “Hold that thought. I’m going to ask the professor if he needs help with some research.”

  “Researching condoms don’t count!” Natalie called out.

  Kionna straightened out her outfit and lightly licked her lips as she made her way over to Nick. “That looks like an interesting book, Professor.” She looked at the book cover. How to Make Love Like a Porn Star.

  “It is,” Nick put the book down. “Please, have a seat. I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Oh?” Kionna swore her heart skipped a beat. Maybe the professor wanted to
pick up where they left off. “Yes?”

  “Are you still writing for the college newspaper?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am. You will be happy to know that my writing has improved since taking your classes!” Kionna smiled. “What can I help you with?”

  “I need to use your brains this time around. I need a reporter and a couple of photographers over at the English department in about an hour from now. Could you make that happen for me?” Nick asked.

  “Sure.” Kionna shrugged. “What’s going on?”

  “I rather not get into the details of it,” Nick replied, “but it’s important that they’re there.”

  “Well, anything for you, Professor D’Amato.” Kionna smiled. “Is that all?”

  “Yes, Kionna. That is all. You can go ahead now.”

  Kionna buried the frown on her face and got up from her chair. “I’ll see you later, Professor.”

  “Oh, Kionna?” Nick called after her.


  “If you do this for me, you’ll get an A this semester.” Nick smiled.

  Kionna really began to wonder what was going on. Even in the extra credit sessions she’s had with Nick, he never gave her anything higher than a B. Whatever he was asking of her required that she kept her clothes on and it made her feel wanted, as if she were useful.

  It was at that moment Kionna realized she didn’t have to perform sexual favors to get what she wanted. A new, confident Kionna, one who used her mind, replaced the easy student who used her sex. “You say an hour from now, huh?”


  Today was the day.

  Rosemary made sure her lady parts were completely shaven. She had a feeling that’s what Nick liked. She wore her best perfume, an exotic little number she picked up at the flea market. She wore her best high heels and had her girdle on extra tight.

  Today was the day she was finally going to get what she wanted: Nick.

  It didn’t surprise her that he took as long as he did to make a decision; he always had this methodical vibe about him. He always took academia and sex seriously, she figured. And now she was going to have him be hers, all hers.

  She had heard the rumors about Nick and what he did with the students. The sole reason why she let him get away with it for as long as he did was because she was waiting for the chance to get him into her bed. Or office. Or whatever he wanted.


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