Home > Romance > PAID FOR > Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  I’ve never had a professional interview before, and I don’t know the rules or etiquette for something like this. His hand comes to mine, the warmth of his fingers wrapping around mine as he engulfs it. I try to give a firm shake back, like my grandfather taught me, but I freeze. I’m locked in some sort of trance as he holds my hand tightly, his dark blue eyes finally meeting mine.

  My mouth opens slightly as I scramble for something to say, but he speaks first.

  “How old are you?” His eyes narrow as he looks at my mouth.

  I try to yank my hand back, but he doesn't let go.

  “Twenty…twenty-two.” I stumble over my words but manage to get the lie past my lips. He keeps looking at me with those deep blue eyes, and I have to avert my gaze and hope he believes me.

  “Liar,” he finally says as the grip on my hand tightens even more. “Are you old enough to even be fucked?”

  I gasp at his crude words, but I know what he’s asking. Am I a legal adult? I nod, my hair falling forward and shielding a little bit of my face. I leave it there, hoping it’ll hide my shock.

  “Say it, Kennedy.”

  “Yes, I’m old enough.” His finger strokes my wrist.

  “All of it.”

  I look back at his face. It’s intense, and I’m wondering if all the anger is because I lied…or if it stems from something else.

  “I’m old enough to be fucked,” I whisper, feeling my face flame.

  He lets go of my wrist, and I stumble away from him. The chair behind me catches me and keeps me from falling. I land in it, sitting down harder than I mean to.

  Mr. Foster stands, coming around his desk like an animal stalking his prey. He stops when he gets to the other side and leans against the glass, staring down at me. I sit up straighter and try to right my skirt that bunched up a little in my fall.

  I can’t believe I said that, and I also can’t believe how handsome this man is. His midnight-black hair looks like he’s been running his fingers through it. It’s a little long on the top, like he needs a trim. As if he’s too busy to have it done.

  His button-up shirt is unbuttoned a little, no trace of a tie anywhere. His slacks mold to his legs perfectly, and I know this is a custom suit from the way it lies against him. I’m so in over my head, but I’ve already come this far. Already got caught in a lie. What do I really have to lose at this point?

  I need to not squirm under his gaze or shy away. I have to make it seem like I belong here, too, no matter how untrue that might be. I sit up a little straighter and see his eyes are on my legs.

  “You’ve already lied to me, Miss Myers. Why shouldn’t I tell you to get the hell out of my office right this second?” he asks, still looking down at me.

  His body is tense, but leaning against the desk, he seems almost casual. I can’t get a read on him at all because I’m wondering the same thing he is. Why hasn’t he thrown me out of his office already?

  “That’s how bad I want this job. I’ll do anything,” I admit. “I know I don’t have a lot of experience, but I’m a fast learner and I’ll show you I can do this. Just give me a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “I’ve gone through a lot of assistants and it’s wearing me thin. I don’t want to do this again in a few weeks’ time. I need to know you can handle my demands, that you won’t go running.”

  “I can, I promise,” I plead, a spark of hoping lighting inside me. This job could solve so many problems for me right now.

  He pushes off his desk and takes a step towards me, until he’s inches from me, leaning forward. His hands go to the armrests of my chair, and suddenly I feel caged in.

  “You’ll handle everything I need,” he challenges as he moves further into my space. His intensity hits me hard. His warm scent fills my lungs. I didn't know a smell could be so sexy. I look up at him through my eyelashes. “My schedules, taking notes, being where I need you to be at a moment's notice.” He pauses for a moment, standing but a breath away from me. He inhales, like he’s breathing me in. “And other needs as well. The needs a man like me will have with a little thing like you running around this office all day.”

  I feel one of his hands on my thighs, pushing them apart as much as my skirt will allow. Then his fingers slide up. I sit there, unsure what to do as my breathing picks up. “But you knew that, didn't you? Came here willing to give me anything I want. Right?” He asks the question, but it doesn’t really sound like he wants an answer.

  His other hand comes to my hip, and he jerks me down the chair so that my ass is nearly hanging off the edge. The movement allows him to reach my panties. I feel myself lift to the touch, but I’m not sure why I’m doing it. Why, all of a sudden, I crave his touch there. I should say no. I should push him away, but I need this job. At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. But in reality I need him to touch me. Just a little. A small touch.

  One finger slides into my panties, and I gasp. “Oh, God.”

  “Say my name,” he corrects me, eyes locking with mine.

  “Mr. Foster. Sir,” I breathe out, and I feel myself push my chest towards him, unable to stop my body’s reactions to his.

  A deep noise comes from him as his finger slides through my folds. I moan a little.

  “Already wet. You came here to give me this and I’m going to take it,” he says before his lips take mine in a hard kiss. His tongue pushes into my mouth, demanding entry. I open for him, giving him want he wants. His hand between my legs strokes me back and forth, and I feel it coming.

  The small, simple touches send me over the edge, and my orgasm pours from me. I try to moan, but his mouth over mine muffles the sounds. The delicious waves of pleasure wash over me as his tongue slows, giving me sweet little licks as he nibbles on my bottom lip.

  When he pulls back, he tugs at my panties. I lift a little as he pulls them down my legs, removing them. I lazily open my eyes. I hadn’t even noticed they were closed. He’s standing up straight, looking down at me.

  My panties in one hand, his other hand is at his mouth as he licks his fingers clean. He’s tasting me. I blush once again. He places the panties in the pocket of his slacks and returns to the other side of his desk to sit down.

  I sit up and try to straighten myself, suddenly feeling cold in the giant room, maybe even a little lonelier. The silence grows, and I don’t know if I should say something.

  “You start tomorrow,” he finally says, breaking my downward spiral. “I’ll need you to be at my beck and call, so it will be easier if you stay close to me. I’ll either look into a place in my building or have you use one of my spare rooms. Be here first thing in the morning.”

  With that, he starts typing again, clearly dismissing me. I stand, trying to get my bearings, and he doesn't even look away from his screen. I turn and leave the room, wondering what I’ve gotten myself into.

  Chapter Four


  I give up on sleep and throw the blanket off me, sick of staring up at the ceiling. There’s no point in it now. It’s almost four in the morning, and I haven’t so much as closed my eyes.

  Not since I saw her. Felt her cum at my touch.

  The thought has my raw cock throbbing with the need to release once again. He’s acting like I haven’t been jerking off since she walked out of my office yesterday. The first thing I did when her lush body left my office was take my cock out, along with her panties, and proceed to cum all over them. I’ve been doing the same thing all night. They’re a sticky mess, and probably don’t even have her scent on them anymore. I smile, liking the idea of covering her in me.

  When she walked in yesterday, I couldn’t stand up. My dick was too hard, and I didn’t know if my weak knees could hold my weight. But once she sat down and I saw how the tight skirt pulled across her thick thighs, and how the button between her breasts was screaming to break free, I couldn’t help myself. I had to get as close to her as possible.

  I can’t believe she’s a prostitute.

; The words have been running through my mind. She looks young and innocent, so I can’t imagine she’s been at it long. The thought of her with another man makes me irrationally jealous. I’ve only been in a room with her once. Why do I already assume she’s mine?

  As soon as I was able to form a coherent thought, I got her résumé from Helen and began to scour it. I looked up all her credentials and, as I suspected, they weren’t true. She was way too young to have finished college already. The one thing she didn’t lie about was her address.

  I couldn’t control myself. I had to find out as much about her as I could. So as soon as I finished rubbing my cock, I left work and drove by her residence. I was just going to pass by one time and that was all. But then I drove by again. And again. I convinced myself that if I got a small glimpse of her, then I would be okay. I would leave her alone and go home. So I kept driving back and forth for a couple of hours, and finally I spotted her. She walked alone on the streets, and it made me grip the steering wheel fiercely. She looked too innocent to be left alone. Anyone could come up and grab her. I parked my car and waited until she was safely inside before I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding. The curtain moved slightly, and I could see her in her apartment. All I could think about was seeing her again. The small glimpse on the street wasn’t enough. I had to have more.

  I exited my car and walked around her building, looking for a way in. It was a shitty neighborhood, and immediately I felt protective of her. I told her she would live on the floor of my building or inside my home. But after seeing this dump and knowing what she did to me, the only place for her is in my bed.

  I rub my eyes, thinking about how I stalked her home and then sat outside until I saw her light go out. After that, I called one of my security guys to keep watch over her and found out everything I could about the place she was staying. Then I went home to get some relief. My cock was becoming unbearably painful, and I couldn’t jerk off in my car. There were too many people around, and I needed to be alone.

  There’s no telling how many times I’ve jerked off since I’ve gotten home, but after I pull myself from my bed and step into the shower, I reach for the body wash and begin again. I’ve never been one to be hung up on a woman. Never really given much thought to being with someone in the future. My plans were to work and make money. But Kennedy walked into my office, and one look has me obsessing over her.

  I’ve got my eyes closed and I’m picturing Kennedy laid back in the chair, eyes closed with flushed cheeks. Her wet cunt displayed to me, and I cum all over my hand.

  “Fuck,” I grit out and press my other hand to the tiled wall, trying to keep from falling over. My legs are weak from all the orgasms, but my dick has yet to get the memo.

  After I clean myself up, I go ahead and get dressed for work. Might as well do something constructive with my time since I can’t sleep. But deep down I feel a voice inside me say that the sooner I get to work, the sooner I can see her.

  When I make it to the office, I’m the first one there. It’s five in the morning, and I sit at my desk with a cup of coffee and watch the sun come up. I try to find things to keep me occupied, but my eyes keep wandering to the clock, hoping it speeds up.

  Eight o’clock hits and I start pacing. Helen comes in and says good morning, then goes over the day’s schedule. I cut her off mid-sentence because I can’t stand the anticipation any longer.

  “Where is Kennedy?” I bark a little harsher than I intend to.

  Helen looks up from her notes unperturbed, almost with the hint of a smile pulling at her lips. “She’ll be here in thirty minutes. I told her when to come in and I would go over things with her.”

  “I’ll do it,” I snap again, trying my best to control my temper. What is wrong with me today?

  How has she so thoroughly taken up my head space? I can’t seem to have a clear thought other than getting her here in my office as soon as possible.

  “Yes, sir,” Helen says and then exits my office and heads to see Finn.

  Normally in the mornings she’ll give me a brief breakdown of what I have going on, but then I’m left to manage the rest of my day on my own. Luckily, I cleared most of my day by coming in three hours early, so I should have plenty of time to spend getting to know Kennedy, finding out exactly how she came to apply for a job like this one. And then maybe I’ll test out some of her skills that weren’t listed on her résumé.

  I’m back to pacing and counting down the seconds until finally I hear a small knock on my door. I turn to see Kennedy standing in the doorway of my office.

  “Good morning, Mr. Foster.”

  I swallow hard and look her up and down. She’s in the same tight skirt as yesterday, with another cream-colored top that’s a size too small. She must have put on weight since she bought the clothes, because she’s nearly spilling out of everything. Her curves are exaggerated by her tight waist, and I can’t help but think she’d look even better with about twenty more pounds added on to her. I’d love to see her a little bit fuller in something that hugs her body just right. Even though she is falling out of the too-tight outfit, she’s still a little small. I could tell she would fill out perfectly. She’d have a body made to be taken by a man of my size.

  “Have you eaten?” I ask her, my voice low and husky.

  “No, sir. I’m, um, on a diet.” She blushes, and I stomp over to my desk to grab my phone.

  “Shut the door,” I say without looking at her. If I turn around, I won’t be able to control myself. I hear the click of the door, and then a voice on the phone answers. “Send up breakfast. Everything on the menu.”

  When I slam the phone down, I turn around to see Kennedy’s still over by the door and looking frightened. That won’t work. I take a breath and try to calm myself. I want her to like me. No, I need her to like me.

  Her dark hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, and her dark eyes are looking anywhere but at me. I clench my fists, trying to keep from reaching for her and explaining myself.

  “Right, let’s go over some rules. You’ll eat three times a day, at minimum. I want to make sure you’re getting enough, so I will need to monitor your food intake. You’ll eat in front of me at each meal.”

  She nods nervously and twists her fingers together.

  “Next, your job includes a wardrobe allowance, so today, after I watch you eat lunch, I’ll take you to pick some things out.”

  Again her cheeks color, but she agrees. “Yes, Mr. Foster.”

  “You can call me Mason when the office door is closed. Or Sir.”

  Her dark eyes come to mine, and I feel the heat flow between us. She’s thinking about yesterday, and I am, too. I’m ready to bend her over and get my dick wet, but she needs to eat first.

  “Your things will be moved to my building today. After yesterday, I decided I will need you throughout the night.”

  I watch as her feet move a centimeter and her thighs press together. I know she’s wet; I can almost smell her cunt from here.

  “Kennedy?” I ask, wanting her agreement.

  “Yes, Mason.”

  My name sounds like caramel on her tongue, and I want her to lick my balls as she says it. The thought has me tenting the front of my slacks obscenely, and I don’t bother to adjust it. Her eyes roam down my suit to where my arousal is showing, and for a second her eyes widen. She looks away quickly, as if to hide that she noticed, and the shy act both irritates and turns me on. It makes me mad because I think about her doing this with other men. Has she done it before? Pretended to be innocent and played a part? But then it also turns me on, because as much as she may be pretending to be innocent, I know she’s mine. And she’s been hired to fulfill all my needs.

  Before I can say another word, there’s a knock on the door. “That will be breakfast. Get the door, Kennedy.”

  I make my way around my desk and sit down to hide my cock. No sense in letting the staff know I’m about to explode in my pants.

  A young guy whee
ls in the large tray stacked high with covered dishes. He pushes it over to the table I have in my office and starts to move the dishes over.

  “Leave it,” I say, holding up a hand. He pauses and sets the plate back down on the tray and nods at me.

  “Yes, Mr. Foster.”

  He glances over at Kennedy, and for a second I want to rip his eyes out. But he only gives her a polite smile before exiting my office and closing the door behind him.

  “Okay, Kennedy,” I begin as I lean back in my chair. “I want you to hike that skirt up, then sit down. Spread your thighs and show me your pussy while you eat.”

  Chapter Five


  Her mouth falls open a little, but she composes herself quickly. The pink staining her face, however, can’t be hidden. God, she’s fucking good at innocence. I didn’t know one could fake a blush.

  “Yes, Mason.”

  Her hands tremble a little as she pulls the way-too-tight skirt over her thighs and hips. She wiggles as she does it, and her tits shake. It gives me more ideas.

  “Unbutton the blouse, too. I want to see your nipples.”

  I watch her every move as she steps over to the chair and sits down.

  “Spread them,” I growl, hating the anticipation.

  She spreads her legs, and I see her panties. Irritation hits me.

  “I said I wanted to see your cunt. Don’t you hide it from me.”

  Quickly, Kennedy stands up and removes the white cotton. I notice her breathing picks up.

  “Bring them to me,” I say, holding my hand out. She steps slowly in front of me, gently placing the soft material in my hand. “Good girl.”

  I reach over and pat her on the bottom as she turns and walks back to the chair. She sits the same way as before, her legs spread wide and her wet pussy on display. She likes this. Being told what to do is turning her on. Her pussy can’t hide that. Even if she is being paid to be here, she still wants this. Her fingers go to the buttons of her shirt, but she fumbles with them.


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