Knocked Up by the CEO

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Knocked Up by the CEO Page 8

by Lilian Monroe

  She’s letting out tiny moans as my mouth moves down her stomach towards the hem of her pants. I can feel the heat between her legs even through the fabric. She runs her fingers through my hair and grinds her hips up towards me. I lift my chin and our eyes meet. I can’t help but grin.

  “Don’t stop kissing me,” she breathes as I run my hands over her thighs. My fingers dip under the hem of her pants and I run them across her stomach, feeling just a fraction of an inch closer to her centre.

  Harper shivers and I lower my head down, kissing her pants in that crease between her leg and her hip. Her legs fall open and I can tell she wants me just as much as I want her.

  I thought I’d have her completely naked by now. I thought we’d be at each other like animals. I thought the second she was in my bed my cock would be buried inside her and I could feel her pussy gripping down on me, but all I want to do right now is watch this beautiful woman shiver and moan as I touch her. I want to make her feel the way she makes me feel. I want to take my time and savour every second we have together.

  Never has a woman had this effect on me. Watching her body reacts to my touch, to my lips, to my voice - it makes me almost insane with desire. It feels like our bodies know each other and everything happens by instinct. Her hand runs over my shoulder just as I reach up to trail my hands up her side. Her fingers tangle into my hair just as I dip my head down to kiss her stomach. Her hips tilt upwards just as I reach down to unfasten her pants. She moves, I move. It’s the most erotic dance I’ve ever seen.

  I hook my fingers into her pants and slide them down her thighs. Tossing them aside, my hands fly back to her legs and I run my fingers all the way back up to her panties.

  I can’t help it, I dip my head down and kiss the fabric, right where her clit is underneath it. I feel Harper exhale as she leans into the sensation. I breathe in deeply and I can just smell the sweet saltiness of her desire. My cock throbs and I dip down to kiss her again. She wraps her hands into my hair and tilts her hips up so that my lips meet the thin fabric of her panties again. I grip the sides of her hips and sink my fingers into her flesh. I find that crease between her leg and her hip and I leg my tongue trail along the edge of her panties.

  Harper lets out a soft moan and my cock pulses again. I can feel the heat between her legs and I can’t take it anymore. I rip her panties off in one smooth movement. Harper’s legs fall open and I exhale when I see her slit. It’s pink and glistening and I’m aching to sink my length into her.

  I won’t let myself. I can’t let myself, not now. Not with her like this, lying in my bed with her legs spread. My body is screaming for me to sheathe myself inside but first I have to taste her. I dive down and grip her hips, squeezing her between my fingers. The instant my mouth makes contact with her slit I hear her let out a laboured breath and her back arches.

  Her wetness hits my tongue and I see stars. I’ve never tasted anything like this before. I’m not licking her, I’m devouring her. She’s moaning and I’m moaning and my mouth is claiming her hungrily as her back arches and her fingers sink into my shoulders. Her nails dig into my flesh and the pain only serves to heighten the pleasure coursing through my veins.

  I find her clit and swirl my tongue around it, feeling the hard bud between my lips as her moans get more pitched. There’s a fever between us, a tension, a passion. I can’t stop until I make this woman shudder and moan while my mouth ravages her.

  I’m claiming her. She’s mine.

  Chapter 23 - Harper

  In this moment I’m totally and completely his. I’m under his spell. I’m lost. My body is trembling and I feel like I’m on the edge of consciousness. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the feeling of his lips between my legs and his tongue swirling as my orgasm builds.

  I’ve never had a man touch me like this, taste me like this. He’s doing more than tasting me, he’s claiming my body in its entirety. My legs are shaking as he wraps his arms around my thighs, pushing my legs over his shoulders. His fingers slide down below his mouth and twirl around my opening, teasing me.

  My body aches for him. The emptiness inside me is almost unbearable. His fingers torment me, sliding through my honey slick desire as they tease my opening and I feel my body contract around the nothingness. I need something. I need to be filled. I need him.

  As if he senses my ache, he plunges his fingers inside me and takes my clit between his lips at the same time. The heat explodes between my legs and I force myself to look down at him. His eyes are closed and he moans as he tastes me again. I can feel his passion and it sends me even deeper into the ocean of pleasure that’s washing over me.

  He’s enjoying this almost as much as I am.

  Zach drags his fingers out of me and then plunges back in and I know that’s a lie. There’s no way he could be enjoying this as much as me. Every time he moves it sends a new wave of fire coursing through my veins.

  He takes me closer and closer until finally the pressure inside me becomes too much. The heat building up between my legs erupts and I’m screaming, moaning, wailing wordlessly as his fingers and his mouth deliver the ultimate pleasure. My body lets go and I feel a flood of bliss crashing over me like a tidal wave.

  It’s not like my other orgasms. Instead of quenching my desire it only heightens it. As soon as the wave of pleasure subsides my eyes fly open and I sit up, pushing Zach off my and turning him over onto his back. He grins and complies without resistance.

  “I was enjoying that,” he reproaches.

  “Why do you get all the fun?” I reply with a smile. Before he can respond, I’m taking his pants and underwear off and wrapping my fingers around his thick cock. It’s hard and hot in my hand and it makes my body ache even more. I want him. I want him more than anything I’ve ever wanted before.

  I know what it feels to have that cock inside me. It’s indescribable, and it’s going to be inside me again. I exhale as I stroke it, slowly at first and then faster. I glance up at him and I see his eyes half-closed in a daze. He’s watching me, his eyes roaming over my breasts, my stomach, the glistening slit between my legs, and finally my hand wrapped around his shaft.

  “That feels so good,” he rasps.

  I have to taste it. I lower my lips and take his cock hungrily into my mouth. Right now, I’m not trying to be sexy. I’m not trying to tease him or wow him with my sensual prowess. Right now, I just want his cock deep in my mouth. I want to feel it hit the back of my throat and I want my eyes to water as he drives it deeper into me. I want to feel his body tense and his cock pulse between my lips. I want to hear his grunts and moans turn primal as his cock enters my mouth over and over and over again.

  I want it all.

  I close my eyes and let my mouth move up and down his shaft. His moans mix with mine as I take him in my mouth from the tip to the hilt. He moves his hip and drives his cock down my throat, just barely making me choke. I love the way it feels to have him between my lips. I can feel my own wetness dripping out of me as his cock pulses and thrusts in and out of my mouth. He curls his fingers into my hair and pushes my head down onto his cock.

  Zach pulls my hair slightly and gasps. “Harper,” he breathes. “Harper I’m going to come, stop.”

  I lift my head slightly and see his face, wide-eyed and open-mouthed staring back at me. His chest is heaving up and down. I grin and lower my head back down. I want him to feel how I just felt. I part my lips and take his cock slowly, inch by inch, into my waiting mouth. He groans and shudders when I start bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. His cock hits the back of my throat and I feel him get even harder.

  When he comes it sends pleasure coursing through my entire body. I run my hands over his chest and stomach as he bucks and convulses, his cock still buried deep down my throat. Zach’s hand squeezes my hair until his body relaxes and I swallow the white seed that’s filled my mouth.

  My own body is vibrating with pleasure. I can feel my centre pulsing
with desire. It’ll have to wait to satisfy it, but I don’t mind.

  Finally, I lift my head and his cock slides out slowly. I crawl back up to lay beside him and he throws his arm across me, his eyes closed as he draws in one ragged breath after another.

  “Jesus,” he sighs as his eyes flutter open. I smile. I’ve never enjoyed giving a man an orgasm quite as much as I enjoyed that.

  Chapter 24 - Harper

  There’s a thin film of sweat all over Zach’s body, and I can feel my hair matted against my head. I don’t care though, not even a little bit. Zach chuckles and shifts onto his side to face me. His pillows are soft and silky and his bed feels like it’s made of clouds.

  “I was dreading spending the holidays at the office, but it’s turned out better than expected,” he says, trailing his fingers up my arm and along my collarbone. I shiver at the sensation, my body still buzzing from the orgasm that just rocked through me and the adrenaline of making him come so hard.

  “Between pulling down the tree and then sobbing into your shoulder it’s a wonder you’re interested in me at all,” I laugh.

  Zach laughs and I watch as his face brightens. His teeth are perfectly white and straight, and when he laughs his whole face transforms. I still can’t believe I’m in my boss’s bed. I feel a warmth pass through me and I smile with him.

  “Is it too soon to laugh yet? God, Harper, you pulling down that tree was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.” He’s laughing again and I can’t help but chuckle. I playfully slap his arm.

  “Stop,” I say.

  “You just had to get the biggest tree, didn’t you? Exponential growth of Christmas cheer with every extra foot of height, if I remember correctly?”

  “Well, I wasn’t wrong,” I protest.

  “You want to show me that graph again, I think you missed the part about the tree smashing to the ground.”

  Before I can say any more his lips are crushed against mine and his fingers are tangling into my hair. He smells like musk and the weight of his body presses me down into the plush bed. I feel like I’m dreaming, or floating, or both.

  His body is smooth and hard and I can feel his muscles rippling under his skin. He moves his hand down the side of my body, squeezing my waist and then reaching up to cup my breast. I shiver under his touch.

  I don’t know what it is about him but every time he touches me it’s like it sets my body on fire. His hands are strong and warm, and the way he touches me sends sparks flying off my skin. I wrap my arms around him and curl my fingers into his back, feeling the hardness of his muscles under my touch.

  Zach shifts his weight and sits up on his elbows, framing my face with his arms. His body feels heavy over mine, but in a comfortable way. He strokes the side of my face with a finger and then grins.

  “Just one more question,” he says, his eyes betraying a mischievous gleam. “About the tree. I’ve been wondering this ever since it happened.”

  I pretend to roll my eyes and then laugh. “What?”

  “What were you doing to it? From where I was it looked like you almost pulled it down on top of you on purpose.” He grins and I feel my cheeks get red as the warmth of my embarrassment spreads all the way down my neck. I’ll never live this down.

  “I was just adjusting the decorations,” I explain.

  “The decorations were perfect, you know they were.”

  I sigh, and then laugh. I close my eyes and take a breath, trying not to let myself relive the event. “Truthfully I’d just been trying to avoid this guy. Rosie and I had gone over to the tree to pretend like we had something to do.” I open my eyes and look at him. “I know, I know it’s silly! But you don’t understand Zach, sometimes it can be almost impossible to get away from him. Desperate times, you know?”

  I’m expecting him to laugh or tease me but his face darkens.

  “Who were you avoiding?”

  My heart starts to beat harder as I see the seriousness of his question. Something in the air has shifted from playfulness to concern. I don’t know how to answer. I don’t want to tell him about my troubles last year, or the amount of fear and paranoia that I was living with.

  All I want to do is enjoy this moment, and enjoy our time together. I want to feel this intimacy with him and have a lazy morning tomorrow. I want to have sex again and again and again until I have to go back to my regular job and Zachary Lockwood will go back to being my elusive boss.

  “Harper, answer me.” His voice is hard. “Who were you avoiding?”

  “Greg Chesney. He… I…” my voice trails off. I don’t know what to tell him. “I had to lodge a complaint against him but HR took over. It’s just awkward now, it’s not a big deal.”

  I feel Zach’s body tense on top of me. His eyes are burning brighter than I’ve ever seen them.

  “Greg Chesney from accounts?”

  I’ve never seen him speak like this. His voice is hard and low, almost a growl.

  “Yes,” I reply slowly. “Do you know him?” My heart is still pounding in my chest and I wonder what Zach knows.

  “I do now.” He glances at me and I can see something shift in his eyes. There’s an edge to them that I’ve never seen before and it almost scares me. Suddenly he jumps ups and goes to his closet. He’s rummaging around for a few minutes and I prop myself up onto my elbows to watch.

  After a few moments he reappears. He’s completely naked, holding something out in front of him. I frown and sit up completely.

  “Is that my ring?!” He hands it to me and my heart starts thumping. “How did you get this?!”

  Zach says nothing, just sits on the edge of the bed and puts his head in his hands. He sits up and turns to me. I look from him to my ring and back to him again before slipping it onto my finger.

  “Zach, answer me,” I say again. “How did you get this?”

  Chapter 25 - Zach

  My voice catches in my throat as Harper stares at me. It’s her ring. The warning was to stay away from her! There’s a deep uneasiness inside me. I can still see the way Greg looked at me with such hatred before his face went blank at the Christmas party. He looked like a psychopath.

  “I got the ring delivered to me in a box with a note.” I uncrumple the note from my hand and hold it out towards her. “What happened, Harper? How do you know Greg?”

  “Greg sent this?? How did he get my ring? He must have gone into my office, looked through my stuff…” I can almost feel Harper’s panic rising as the seconds tick by. Maybe I shouldn’t have shown her the note.

  “I don’t know who sent it. All I know is it was sent to me yesterday.”

  “And he’s disappeared…”. She shakes her head. “No. I’m not going to let fear rule me. I’ve spent too many months looking over the shoulder. It’s in the past now. HR were very clear that they did everything they could, and then I got promoted and I don’t have to see him anymore. They said I had no evidence. And what kind of evidence is this?” She holds up the paper. “It doesn’t have his name on it. It could be from anyone. Anyone could have seen me.”

  “Harper, who else would send it?” I ask gently. I put a hand on her leg and she looks at me, her eyes pleading with me.

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  I nod and lay down beside her, pulling her into my arms. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling as she rests her head on my chest.

  It was her. He was stalking her. Harper, of all people! MY Harper!! A wave of rage starts building inside me. I can feel the heat of my anger gathering in my stomach, constricting my throat as I think about his weasel face. I didn’t even know he existed until a couple days ago! How can I not know what’s going on in my own company!

  “I’m going to get to the bottom of this. That little fucker didn’t even show up to work this week and no one knows where he is. I’m going to find proof and fire him, and then I’m going to the police.”

  “Zach, no!” Harper exclaims. Surprise
d, I turn to face her. Her face is drawn with worry. “If it ever came back on me, if he ever found out that I was the one to lose him his job…” she trails off, staring at me. I can see the fear clouding her green eyes.

  She closes her eyes for a second. “I’m scared,” she whispers. “He knows where I live.”

  A surge of emotion rushes through me. Harper looks so small, so powerless, so scared. I don’t remember the last time I saw real fear in someone’s eyes, and seeing it in hers makes my stomach curdle. I simultaneously want to jump up and smash a window and wrap my arms around her and never let go.

  Harper makes a noise and I look down to see a tear rolling down her cheek. A dagger passes through my chest and then my arms are around her and I’m pulling her into me. I’m cooing and shushing into her ear, saying whatever comes out of my mouth to make her feel safe.

  “Don’t worry,” I say. “I’m here, you’re safe. Don’t worry.” I don’t know how this has happened, how it is that I have Harper in my bed, in my arms right now but I don’t want to let her go.

  She pulls away slightly. “Promise me you won’t do anything rash. You can look into him, but please don’t fire him. Not right away. Not until I figure out the best move. He’s not stable. If we set him off…” She doesn’t finish her sentence but the words hang between us.

  I want to say no. I want to tell her she’s being ridiculous, that if this guy was stalking her to the point that a year later she still feels uncomfortable around her then I CAN and I WILL fire him on the spot and do everything in my power to get him arrested. But she’s looking at me and her eyes are begging me, pleading with me to listen to her.

  I nod, and then place a soft kiss on those intoxicating lips of hers. I can’t pretend to understand, but I can tell she’s serious. She’s shaking, and I pull her in closer to me.


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