If Only We Knew

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If Only We Knew Page 12

by Ancelli

  “She’s at home.”

  Andrew took Matt into the bathroom and helped him get dressed in a T-shirt and jogging pants. “Matthew’s coming with us.” Andrew grabbed Matt’s cane and the wheelchair. Matt, overtired already, sat heavily on the vinyl seat. Even so, he glared at Sherry to let her know he meant business.

  “I’ll walk with you to the car, and get his car seat.” Sherry told Andrew.


  Andrew parked behind Shannon’s vehicle.

  Matt slid his legs out of the car and stood up, grabbing his cane. He was a little weak, but he needed to do this by himself.

  “Do you need help?” Andrew asked with concern.

  “No, I’ll be okay.” When Matt started slowly walking, Matthew began crying. Matt turned back around. “Can you give him to me?”

  “Matt, you’re too weak to carry him,” Andrew said, getting out too.

  “Not if you carry him for me. I can’t leave him like that.”

  “I’ll take him up.” Andrew unbuckled Matthew out of his seat and walked him up the front door, also helping Matt. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” he asked, passing the baby to him.

  “Yes.” Matthew held on to Matt.

  Andrew walked down to his car, watching them.

  Matt was getting weaker, but it wasn’t going to stop him from fighting for his family.

  He leaned down and whispered in Matthew’s little ear, “Say ma-ma.” He knocked on the door.

  “Ma-ma, ma-ma,” he said, helping Matt bang on the door.

  When it opened, Andrew slowly drove off.

  “Sher—Matt. What are you doing here?” She grabbed Matthew out of his arms, placing him on the floor to help Matt. She took his arm and helped him inside, closing the door behind him. “Are you crazy?” She walked him over to her couch. “You’re hurt.” She looked over at him, concerned, then looked over at the baby. “Matthew, come here.” He crawled toward them.

  Matt was sweating. “Shannon, I love you,” he said, staring into her brown eyes. “Please don’t do this.” He looked around at the empty boxes.

  “Matt, you don’t have to feel guilty for going back to your wife. I understand.”

  “You don’t. I can explain the conversation you heard.”

  She put her fingers on his lips. “You don’t have to explain. I’m okay with your decision.”

  He kissed her fingers. “Shannon, look at me.” She stared back at him. “The things I said to Karen were all lies. I need her to come back, to serve her the divorce papers. Why didn’t you just talk to me about what you heard?” he asked, still holding her hand.

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Matt, when I heard you say those things to Karen, my whole world crumbled around me. I couldn’t see or talk to you.” A tear escaped her eye.

  “I would never hurt you like that. You were going to leave without even talking to me.”

  “I thought it was for the best.”

  “It’s not. I finally have a family, and you want to take it away from me. When did you start looking for a job?” he asked, with a questioning look.

  “I applied for a couple of positions before I got the promotion more than a year ago. The company’s president told me he kept my resume on file.” She paused. “Matt, are you okay? You look pale,” Shannon said with concern, feeling his forehead. “You’re burning up.” She got up and picked up Matthew. “We’re going to the hospital now.”

  “No, not until you promise…me, you’re not…going to leave,” Matt said between breaths.

  “Matt, I quit my job, and they’re expecting me in Atlanta in two weeks.”

  “Promise me…if you leave…you’ll leave with me,” he struggled to say.

  “What are you saying?”

  “If you leave…I’m leaving…with you.”

  “You have your job and family here.”

  “You and my son…are more important than…anyone and anything. Wherever you go, that’s where I want to be,” he said, trying to get up.

  “You’ll do that for me?”

  “I’ll do anything for you, Shannon. Don’t you know that by now?”

  “I love you, Matthew Miguel Johnston.” She reached to pull him to her, to kiss him.

  Just out of her grasp, he collapsed.


  “Why did you let him leave the hospital?” Shannon yelled as soon as she saw Andrew.

  “Because you were too much of a coward to face him, that’s why, Shannon. My brother would’ve left regardless of what I did.” He moved closer to her.

  “Andrew, I love him! If anything happens to him….” Shannon broke down crying.

  “I know you do. He loves you too.” He hugged her. “Where’s Matthew?”

  “My mom came and got him.” She pulled away.

  “Shannon, he needed to see you. You were going to take his son and leave without facing him. You know him better than anyone. Did you really believe he would do that to you?”

  “I thought the worst, that she is who he wanted and married.” She sat down.

  “You are the one he’s always wanted, and you knew it, but you pushed him away telling him everything you knew he didn’t want because you were afraid to love. My brother just wanted someone to love him for him, and I know that’s you, Shannon. You’ve been with him when he needed someone the most, not Karen.” He sat next to her.

  “I was leaving because I thought he didn’t want me.”

  “Well, he wants you and only you.”

  Matt’s doctor came out. “Mr. Johnston is going to be. He pushed his body too hard too soon.”

  “Thank God.” Shannon said wiping her eyes.

  He advised them to keep him from leaving the hospital.

  They both walked into his room. “Matt, you have to promise never to scare me like that again.” She got closer to his bed.

  “If you promise never to leave me again.” He grabbed her hand.

  “I promise.” She leaned down and kissed his lips.

  Andrew cleared his throat. “Guys? I’m in the room.”

  They both smiled.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  One month later.

  Matt had been released from the hospital three weeks earlier, but he still had to get therapy for his leg. Shannon wanted him to stay with her, but he decided it would be better if he stayed at his house until he was one hundred percent, and divorced. Shannon had decided to retract her resignation and stay. Her boss was glad she’d changed her mind; since she’d been made VP, turnover had been cut by fifteen percent.

  As they were leaving the hospital after his therapy, Matt asked, “Where’s my kiss?” He followed behind Shannon with his cane; his limp was slowly disappearing.

  She turned, smiling, getting on her tiptoes, and slowly kissed him on the lips.

  “Mmm,” he said as she moved back. “I can’t wait to make love to you.”

  “I can’t wait, either.” She gave him a mysterious glance, taking his right hand in hers and they walked out to the car.

  She was about to get into the driver’s seat when he stopped her. “Let me drive.” He could tell she wanted to protest, but didn’t. She walked over to the passenger side, where he held the door for her. She stood in front of him, and kissed him again before getting in and sitting. He closed the door and walked over to the driver’s side, got in, started the car, and drove off.

  She caressed the side of his face. “I love you.”

  He glanced at her for a few seconds and looked back at the road. “Mamita, I love you more.”

  “That’s what you think.” She smiled, winking at him, when he glanced her way. She kissed his hand. “Let’s get our son.”


  They pulled up to the daycare to pick up Matthew. Shannon got out of the car and went in to sign him out.

  Briana was behind the counter. “Did she forget something?”

  Shannon looked at her, a little confused. “No, I came to pick up Matthew.”

. Johnston already picked him up.” She showed her the sign-in sheet.

  Shannon panicked internally. “Who?” She took a deep breath.

  “Matthew’s father’s wife. She said it was his weekend with the baby, so she came to pick him up.”

  “Who gave you permission to give her my son?” Shannon asked, raising her voice.

  “Ms. Jones, please calm down. She is one of the persons you put down that can come and pick him up. Is there something wrong?”

  “Yes. She hates him.” Shannon sat down, crying.

  “Ms. Jones, she seemed so good with him.”

  Shannon asked her for the phone. Briana gave it to her and she dialed 911, explaining what happened.


  Matt looked at his watch one more time. She’d been in the daycare for fifteen minutes now, she was usually in and out. He got out of the car and headed in. When he stepped inside, he could see Shannon desperately crying. He rushed over as best he could with his cane. “Shannon, what’s wrong?”

  “She took him,” she said, wiping her tears.

  “Who took him?” But she didn’t answer because she couldn’t stop crying.

  Briana came over. “The police are on their way.”

  “Where’s my son?” Matt asked.

  “Sir, your wife came and got him. She said it was your weekend with him.”

  He just stood, staring at her in disbelief. “Why would you give him to her?” he asked calmly.

  “She’s on our records as a person who can drop him off and pick him up.”

  “Matt, it’s not their fault. I forgot to update the list.”

  Though he was in discomfort, he bent down and hugged her. “She won’t hurt him,” he whispered in her ear, rubbing her back.

  “Are you sure?” She slowly pulled back. “Promise me she won’t hurt him.”

  He cupped her face. “I promise.”

  The police came in and questioned everyone who had been there at the time, but since Karen had the right to pick up the baby, they gave them options. “We can issue an Amber Alert.” The police explained the process to Shannon.

  They were about to radio it in, when Matt’s phone rang.

  He stepped away and answered. “Hello.”

  “Matt, where are you? We’ve been waiting at home for you.”

  Matt could hear Matthew in the background, talking his baby talk. Thank God, he’s okay. He took a deep breath. “Karen, why did you take him?”

  “I wanted to surprise you and show you that I’ve accepted him.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  He hung up and went back to where the police and Shannon were. “I know where he is. Thank you guys for everything. It was just a misunderstanding. My wife and son are waiting for me at home.” Shannon looked at him in anger. The police left.

  They walked out of the building, and he grabbed her arm, turning her around. “Don’t be mad at me.”

  She pulled her arm back. “You’re letting her get away with taking my son.”

  “That’s not true, and you know it. She’s at my house with him. If we send the police, she might panic. I don’t know how she will react. I’m taking you home and I’m going to get our son.”

  “I’m going to get my son,” she said, walking toward the car.

  Matt tried to catch up to her, but the pain of leaning down earlier had gotten to him. “I’m taking you home. She is expecting me.”

  “No, I want to make sure he’s okay!”

  “Shannon!” he yelled to get her attention. “Do you trust me?”

  She whispered, “Yes.”

  “I’m taking you home. He is okay. I heard him in the background.” He opened her car door and waited until she got in, closed it, and walked around the car and got in, placed the key in the ignition, turning it on, and drove off. They remained silent. Shannon didn’t talk all the way to her house. She just sat with tears rolling down her cheeks. He glanced over and tried to wipe her tears, but she slapped his hand away. He pulled up to her driveway, and she opened the door.

  “You promised me she wouldn’t hurt him. If I don’t hear from you in a half hour, I’m showing up,” she said, then closed the door and walked up to her house.


  Matt rushed up the stairs as fast as he could with his cane and opened his front door. “Karen!”

  “We’re in the family room!” she answered back.

  When Matt walked into the family room, he saw Karen on the floor playing with Matthew. He was crawling around and laughing with her.

  Matthew was the first to see Matt. “Dad-dy, Dad-dy.” He walked toward him.

  Matt bent down and picked him up, kissing and hugging him tight. “Thank God you’re okay.”

  Karen got up and ran up to Matt, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  He stepped back, looking at her in disbelief. “Karen, you’ve been gone for over two months.”

  She stared up at him. “Didn’t you miss me?”

  “You stole from me and cheated on me with my mother’s accountant.”

  “I’m sorry. He made me do it. He threatened me.” She sniffled and looked as though she was about to cry.

  “You were with him for four fucking years. Our marriage was a sham and a lie.”

  “No, it wasn’t. We were good together.” She moved closer to him, trying to touch his face, but he leaned away.

  He walked over to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out some documents. Then he put Matthew in his playpen, turning back to her, and handed the documents to her. “Sign these.”

  She read the first page. “No, I’m not divorcing you. When I called you, you told me you wanted me back, that you missed me.”

  “I lied.”

  “No, I love you. Matt, please don’t do this, baby. Don’t do this. I’ll do anything for you to forgive me,” she begged.

  “I don’t love you, Karen. I’ve never said those words to you. Let’s be honest with each other, for once. I married you because you were pregnant, not because I loved you. You knew that.”

  “In the beginning, but I know you fell in love with me afterward.”

  “I never loved you. I tried everything to make you happy, even when I wasn’t. I was willing to stay in a marriage with no love because of the baby.”

  She shook her head, and chuckled.

  “Was the baby even mine?”

  “There was never a fucking baby!” she screamed at him. “I lied. I was never pregnant.” He just stared at her with anger in his eyes. “There was no miscarriage.” She continued laughing. “You were such a fool. I knew if I told you I was pregnant, you would marry me because of your fucking past. It was so easy to fool you. I can’t have kids because I choose not to.”

  “You fucking bitch, get out of my house!” he yelled.

  “This is my house too, remember?”

  “Karen, get the fuck out of my house before I throw you out. I’ve never hit a woman, but I’m so close to doing it right now. Get out!”


  Shannon opened the door to Matt’s house and ran into the family room, but was brought up short by the sound of yelling from farther in the house. She just stood there in the doorway, not believing the things she was hearing Karen say. “Matt.” She could tell he was angry because his jaw clenched. “Don’t do it.”

  “I told you not to come.” He said taking a deep breath.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Karen asked, walking up to Shannon.

  Shannon took two steps and slapped Karen on the face. “You bitch! Don’t you ever touch my son again.” She was about to walk away when Karen grabbed her by the hair.

  “You bitch, this is entirely your fault, you and that baby!”

  Shannon turned around with her fists in the air and punched Karen in the corner of her mouth. “That one’s for Matt,” she grunted, “and this one is for me.”


  Matt ran over, trying to forget the pain he was in. He picked Shannon up by
the waist and walked over to the other side of the room. Karen came rushing after her, but he tried to keep them separated. “Shannon, stop!” he yelled, staring at her. “He’s crying.”

  He let go of Shannon’s waist, and she ran over to the playpen and picked up the baby. “It’s okay. Everything is okay. Mommy’s here,” she said, kissing him.

  Matt grabbed Karen by her arm, and on the way out the family room, he picked the divorce papers and a pen. “Sign the divorce papers or I’ll press charges.”

  “For what? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Karen touched her mouth and looked at her hand. “I’m bleeding! I’m the one who can press charges.”

  “It would be your word against ours. You stole from me, but I guess that’s not a crime because you were my wife, but you and your boyfriend embezzled money from my mother.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.” He handed her the documents. “Sign.”

  She snatched the pen and paper from him and signed it. “I still get half of everything you own, fool.” She walked down the few steps, and then she turned around and said, “Tom and I will get the last laugh.” She left.

  Matt stared at her and chuckled. “You wish,” he whispered.

  When he turned around, Shannon was right behind him with the baby in her arms. “I’m going home.” She tried to pass him.

  “Shannon, wait.” He said, getting in her way. He took her hand and she snatched it away. That’s when he noticed her hand was swollen. He went to move when he was attacked by pain in his leg. Shannon leaned forward, helping him.

  “You’re hurt.”

  “No, I’m just sore.” He slowly limped into the house, and she followed. “Please don’t leave.” He said, limping into the kitchen, got a Ziploc, filled it with ice, and came back out to the living room. “Sit down. Let me take care of you,” he pleaded.

  Shannon did as he asked her. He held Matthew to reassure him and handed him a toy, and then gently took Shannon’s hand, kissing it, and placed the ice on it. “I’m finally going to be a divorced man.”


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